Best DM Level Nimrod: Project Doom
- Team Future
 Three years ago, Nimrod was released to resounding praise, even garnering
a spot on the 2002 "best of" compilation. Now kristus and Team Future bring
the exciting gameplay of Nimrod to ZDoom and Skulltag in one of the best deathmatch sets
this year. Best Deathmatch is always difficult for me to gauge, and I always have to
defer to the deathmatch community for insight. This year, the best I was told were Submerge's DM Pack, the Skulltag Last Man Standing
set, and of course, Nimrod DM. In the end, it was the gorgeous new artwork, unique
weapons, and phenomenal mapping that pushed Nimrod over the top. I should mention
that no matter how good Nimrod: Project Doom is, nobody in the deathmatch community will
stop playing DWANGO5 anyways.
Worst Wad
1994 Wads - Too Many to Name
When a category is "Worst Wad" that seems to imply that there is
a single, outstanding level that is worse than all the rest. This is often a hard
case to prove since so many bad levels are made, and as the community dwindles, all that
remain are authors who are skilled in the mapping
craft (but the crappy mappers still manage to surface time and again). This year the
most outstanding new addition to the community for bottom of the barrel crap, filth you
would never let your Doom loving friends see for their own safety, has been an influx of
bad levels from 1994 and 1995. "But Steve, the community had to start
somewhere", and this is true; many of the most important and infamous levels were made
early on. Now, ten years later, we look back on many of those years with
embarassment, like digging through your childhood works thinking "Jesus christ,
that's terrible!"
With old wads, the fact that they're old isn't the problem.
After all, idgames IS an archive, and strives to do just that, preserve levels like some
kind of Doom Library of Congress. But just like the Library of Congress, we need
standards. Levels that were terrible in 1994/95 are all the more painful 10 years
later; where is the quality control? Slime trails, 20 foot doors, tutti fruity, vast
wooden rooms with nothing but 40 barrels and a plethora of BFGs and cell packs leading to
a room with 30 invulnerability spheres face to face with an AASHITTY textured room full of
Cyberdemons and Arch Viles. We all made them (Doom jr), but we like to pretend we
didn't... and let's keep it that way.
Mordeth Award - Released project with the longest
development time
Jägermörder 02 : Terra Nova - Afterglow
Another year, another no show for Mordeth... yet I, nay WE, still
hold out. Some day I expect to fill this space about Mordeth, but not 2005 I'm
afraid. Fortunately, Afterglow's Jagermorder 2 is almost as ancient, and a worthy
Started in 1999 just after the release of Jagermorder 1, six years later Afterglow felt
it was finally time to give us the sequel... which had resided
on his hard drive all that time. With six years worth of time to develop one single
level (that amount of time is usually reserved for megawads), it's only fitting that the
level be great. Which I am glad to say it is, a fantastic map capable of running on
all ports Boom compatible. Jagermorder 02: Terra Nova, despite taking over half a
decade to complete, is a worthy map to any collection. Who knows, if we're lucky, we
may only have to wait until 2010 to play Jagermorder 03: The sequel to Jagermorder 2.
Mockaward - Best comedy wad of the year
Kama Sutra - Adolf "Gusta" Vojta and Jakub
"_Method_" Razak
year, there were no real "Comedy" wads released, but that doesn't mean there
were no comedic ideas. It just so happens that one of the best wads released this
past year also had one of the most hilarious moments in Doom.
With a name like Kama Sutra comes a heavy burden of
expectation, something a mildly pornographic title screen just won't provide.
Fortunately, the authors knew this as well, and created Kama Sutra Map 30, which will no
doubt be the only thing people remember from this wad in years to come. There is only
one wad in the history of Doom where the player must fire rockets wildly into a giant
vagina in hopes of defeating the final "boss". While most vaginas (that
I'm aware of) don't fire demonic cubes that summon demons from the foulest depths of Hell,
you will encounter that here for the first, and only, time. All of this in vanilla
glory, boobs and all.
Mapper of the Year
Is it
really any surprise? Spork began by releasing Temple of Chaos 2, and then proceeded
to release a new level every week for about 8 weeks until they became condensed into
Simplicity, and is hard at work on another map. Off the top of my head, only one
other mapper recently has been that ambitious: Sitters; however, he was unable to deliver
the consistency of greatness that Spork did.
Map after map, AgentSpork demonstrates a unique mapmaking
style which sets her work apart from many others, and the ability to adapt well to
criticism. When the community asked for less linearity in her maps, she responded
with several offerings (which were later integrated into Simplicity) which displayed a
robust map with variable directions. Her architecture is very unique, using
transparency to great effect and a powerful grasp of ACS scripting which is used to
generate creative traps and visuals. Few ZDoom mappers have Spork's ability to meld
port specific abilities and classic Doom gameplay as well as she does. Mapper of the
year indeed.
2005 Cacowards
Did You Know...
July 3rd marked the 1 year anniversary of Action Doom.
Did You Know...
Mordeth and Millennium were still not released in 2005 despite almost eight
years of development?
Did You Know...
2005 saw the release of the long awaited Doom Movie. Fans have
anticipated the transition to the silver screen for almost 10 years. How was it?
Without spoiling too much, the demons from hell are genetic mutations. It was the
worst movie released in 2005.