At DMcon1 there was a Map1 and a Dwango5 map1 tournament. This zipfile contains all surviving recordings of all of the matches. There appears to be a Map1 round1 with sslasher missing, and a Map1 round1 with yerac missing, in which the other players were eliminated. The tournament progressed as follows: Map1: Round 1: (canadian) Dasa vs. "bli" (Blitz?) ---> Dasa Burnout vs. "alz" ---> Burnout Krusty vs. "pho" ---> Krusty Ismail vs. Spaminatr ---> Ismail Galiu vs. "max" ---> Galiu Ronbob vs. "ban" ---> Ronbob (yerac vs ? missing) ---> Yerac (sslasher vs ? missing) ---> Sslasher Map1 Round 2: Ismail vs. Ronbob ---> Ismail Dasa vs. Yerac ---> Yerac Krusty vs. Sslasher ---> Sslasher Galiu vs. Burnout ---> Galiu Map1 Round3: Yerac vs. Galiu ---> Galiu Ismail vs. Sslasher ---> Sslasher Map1 Round 4 Sslasher vs. Galiu ---> Sslasher Dwango5 Map1 Round 1: Ismail vs. Spaminator ---> Ismail Yerac vs. "max" ---> Yerac Krusty vs. "bl" (Blitz?) ---> Krusty Galiu vs. "al" ---> Galiu Burnout vs. "ban" ---> Burnout (Ronbob vs ? missing) ---> Ronbob Dwango5 Map1 Round 2 Yerac vs. Burnout ---> Burnout Krusty vs. Sslasher ---> Sslasher Ismail vs. Galiu ---> Ismail Dwango5 Map1 Round 3 Burnout vs. Ismail ---> Ismail Sslasher vs. Ronbob --> Ronbob Ismail vs. Ronbob (I don't know what this is) Dwango5 Map1 Round 4 Ismail vs. Ronbob ---> ? LMP is damaged and not viewable.