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  1. Earlier
  2. Greetings mr beloko, I'm making a project using the quake engine and I want to run it on android. Is there any way I can get access to the source for quakespasm and darkplaces for android? Would really appreciate it, A lot of users are requesting for a android version of the game I'm making. Thanks.

  3. I don't use GZDoom Builder

    1. Gothic


      Good, because it's outdated. You should use Ultimate Doom Builder instead.

    2. yeasertag


      I DO, I keep getting tips for GZDoom builder

    3. Misty


      Those tips still work in newer gen builder.

  4. hop hop bunny bun


    (still thinking about "doom is manly. playing doom raises my testosterone high" and all it entails)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yakfak


      imo replace doomguy with sabrina the skunk from early webcomics she resonates way more with me


      the gore stuff really turns me off lol i still think the chaingunner's animation is too much and i hate brutal doom, i play doom to indulge in what mappers wanna show me and am not into anyone's guro stuff

      that's hypocritical cos if anyone put other off-putting things into their work like pixel porn or horrible venting i would be so there

    3. plums


      haha I'm not personally into furry stuff at all, but I'd still play it.


      13 year old me thought the gore was cool, but for a long time now I would be fine without it. Chaingunner death is pretty extreme if you pay attention to it but I've seen it so many times that it doesn't really register as much other than a visual indicator of the thing not being a threat.

      Horrible venting sounds like a great idea for a wad lol. Push the sidedef count to the limit with letters as sector art.

    4. Fonze


      Doom resonates best with me when I'm struggling to not die horribly; I like feeling desperate over powerful. So agreed 100% with the above posts.


      As plums said, I think there is an inherent "guns and shooting things = macho" theme to be considered, although that's more from our raisings in societies that hold these antiquated beliefs than in the game itself. Idk that there is a way to remove the appeal to "manliness" in that regard without addressing the societal attitudes around it, but that's all well above my head. Instead I'll +1 to replacing doomguy with a magical anime girl protagonist and giving daisy the bun general more of a leadership role 😊 

  5. 4 of 9 completed of a project....

  6. I've got a fun idea for a deathmatch community project!


    It will be for mappers who have never published a deathmatch map before!


    This will be a speedmapping session, essentially - mappers will be given 3 hours to complete a DM map from beginning to end.


    This will be very free-form, in the sense that only one major rule, (other than the time limit) is to be followed:


    Maps that are perfectly symmetrical arenas will not be accepted. Everything else will be fair game - this is a speedmapping session after all.


    I've been experimenting w/ speedmapping in my recent mapping streams on Twitch. My most recent deathmatch map was completed in 2 hours 26 minutes.


    Here's a VOD of the stream - I'll likely include this as the first map in the project - mapping begins at 0:3:50 and ends at 2:30:08.    :




    I'll make a full project thread some point soon, once I've got things fully figured out, was thinking of 'Accelerated Arenas' as a potential name  - but yeah, that's the gist of it!


    The project will be organized on my personal Discord server, - here's an invite link if anyone is interested:




    Thanks to @Ludi for encouraging me to do such a project!

    1. Endless


      That's a badass title name.

  7. Interestingly; not all Doom Wads are technically Megawads, map packs, or super massive map sets. Sometimes, wads are single-mapped experiences by hobbyists, I think this is the norm based on no data, just a gut feel. 


    I made a map once, and I'd love to again, 

    But, until then, I'm playing through some of my friend's work. 

    Hell's Archies by @Mad Dal and Bloody Catacombs by @DoomRevolver

    Hope you can join me for my live stream of these groovy maps: 


  8. There is some thread to post memes?

    1. Gothic


      reddit is the other way

  9. It bugs me to an unreasonable extent when Doomworld's forum software claims I'm online when I just logged out, usually due to my internet connection shitting out when I'm logged in. It doesn't matter at all and it fixes itself after like 10 minutes, but it messes with my brain.

    1. Plerb


      Also when it says a post I made 5 minutes ago was posted "Just Now", and when it doesn't show up at all when I'm not logged in for a few minutes, etc, etc. Forum software designed in a lab to mildly infuriate me.

  10. I am not related to Johnny Cruelty's leader. because i don't need help. i'm sorry Johnny Cruelty. -Unmaker23

  11. IDK if anyone will see this, but if so, here's a sneak peek of a small 9 level WAD I'm making:



  12. Madame boner... Lady boner...


  13. First attempt at drawing clouds, and... thats a penis. ive drawn a penis. dammit




    1. wallabra


      It's a coffee machine, with a beaker that has a curious L-shaped handle!

    2. Fonze




      Ah yes, I see it n-- I mean... yeah, it was of course always a coffee machine! Definitely just a coffee machine with a broken handle... it still kinda works if you just don't make too much at a time, but you may want an oven mit or a towel to support it from the bottom.

  14. why and how did it take me almost 5 months to manage to create an account

  15. I came across this video once before. But I no longer remember what it was about, and after rewatching it, I want to agree with its author. Really useful tips or creating maps. You should avoid:
    - Ultra thin halls (with mosters)
    - Excessive symmetry
    - Inescapable traps (yes, I can’t stand them, since I rarely save)
    - Only implementing UV
    - Ugly, repetitive texture use


  16. I played several megawads made by just one person, not a community, and I'm becoming more and more convinced that I shouldn't do this. Since the author’s handwriting is preserved throughout the entire WAD, and you simply get tired of it.


  18. Keep going lil buddy, you'll get her eventually.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The BMFG

      The BMFG

      Evil Returns, 32 map megawad.


    3. DoomGuy999


      Thanks, but what level?


      Sorry for seeming pushy I just wanna check it out.

    4. The BMFG

      The BMFG

      I don't remember.

  19. jesus christ its been a while since ive been on here

  20. Hey, I don't know if you're already aware of this, but all users who have made enough posts can now change their member rank name independently, instead of having to send a request to a moderator for such a permission. Maybe you'd like something else other than the good ole "Registered just to bump a seven year old thread" title. ;)

    1. lunarmeadow


      I'll get around to it.

  21. 🎵 Oompa loompa doompa de do, please forget about Dark Mode too! 🎵

  22. Hola, estoy teniendo problemas para jugar Doom y sus mods debido a que sin querer ahora todos los archivos .WAD se abren predeterminadamente con GZDOOM. ¿Alguien me puede ayudar?


    1. Drywtler


      Clic derecho en el archivo, propiedades, y en la parte donde dice "se abre con" hay un botón que dice cambiar y ahí podes elegir con qué programa se ejecutan esos archivos. Tambien podrías tomarte la molestia de eliminar la asociacion de extension a traves del registro de Windows pero puede llegar a ser algo confuso...

      De preferencia, para que esto no vuelva a ocurrir, podrías usar launchers para elegir que juego jugar y preparar listas de mods en orden: ZDL es sencillo de usar y su interfaz es bien minimalista, DoomLauncher es mucho mas completo en características, ya que ademas de ser un launcher, es una base de datos para tus wads y partidas.

      Para descargar el ultimo debes ir a la derecha donde dice Releases y bajas lo que dice DoomLauncher_3.7.5.0 (que es la ultima versión). La diferencia entre el zip común y el installer es que uno es la carpeta del programa suelta, la cual solamente descomprimes, y la otra tiene un instalador convencional.

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