The Eternity Engine Definitive Code Pointer Reference -- 04/01/06
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This is a reference that should be of value to DeHackEd patch authors.
It exposes full information on all the code pointers available in
the Eternity Engine, including both those from DOOM and those added in
later ports. This reference attempts to expose all issues related to
their use, as well as common pitfalls that lead to nasty crashes.
- Table of Contents
- Changes
- General Pitfall and Note on the Type Information
- Note on Damage Formulae
- Player Gun Frame Code Pointers
- Weapon Maintenance Pointers
Light0, Light1, Light2, WeaponReady, Lower, Raise, ReFire, CheckReload, GunFlash
- Player Attack Pointers
Punch, FirePistol, FireShotgun, FireShotgun2, FireCGun, FireMissile, Saw,
FirePlasma, FireBFG
- Miscellaneous Weapon Pointers
BFGsound, OpenShotgun2, LoadShotgun2, CloseShotgun2
- Parameterized Player Attack Pointers
FireCustomBullets, FirePlayerMissile, CustomPlayerMelee, PlayerThunk
- Weapon Frame Scripting Pointers
WeaponCtrJump, WeaponCtrSwitch, WeaponSetCtr, WeaponCtrOp, WeaponCopyCtr
- General Codepointers
- Miscellaneous Pointers
BFGSpray, BFG11KHit, BouncingBFG, BFGBurst, Mushroom, Nailbomb, SetFlags,
UnSetFlags, Fall, Die, BrainScream, BrainExplode, SpawnFly, Fire, Spawn,
Turn, LineEffect, Stop
- Heretic Miscellaneous Pointers
SpawnGlitter, AccelGlitter, SpawnAbove, MummySoul, BlueSpark, GenWizard,
Sor2DthInit, Sor2DthLoop, PodPain, RemovePod, MakePod, DripBlood
- Miscellaneous / Sound Pointers
StartFire, FireCrackle, SkelWhoosh, FatRaise, SpawnSound
- Heretic Misc / Sound Pointers
- Object Sound Pointers
PlaySound, Pain, Scream, XScream, PlayerScream, BrainPain, BrainAwake,
- AI Pointers
Look, Chase, VileChase, FaceTarget, KeepChasing, RandomWalk
- Heretic AI Pointers
- AI Pointers with Walking Sounds
Metal, BabyMetal, Hoof
- Blast Radius Attack Pointers
Explode, Detonate
- Heretic Blast Radius Attack Pointers
- Monster Attack Pointers
PosAttack, SPosAttack, VileTarget, VileAttack, SkelFist, SkelMissile, FatAttack1,
FatAttack2, FatAttack3, CPosAttack, TroopAttack, SargAttack, HeadAttack, BruisAttack,
SkullAttack, BspiAttack, CyberAttack, PainAttack, BrainSpit
- Parameterized Monster Attacks
BetaSkullAttack, Scratch, MissileAttack, MissileSpread, BulletAttack, ThingSummon
- Heretic Monster Attack Pointers
MummyAttack, MummyAttack2, ClinkAttack, WizardAtk1, WizardAtk2, WizardAtk3,
Srcr2Decide, Srcr2Attack, KnightAttack, BeastAttack, BeastPuff, SnakeAttack,
SnakeAttack2, Srcr1Attack, VolcanoBlast, VolcBallImpact, MinotaurAtk1,
MinotaurDecide, MinotaurAtk2, MinotaurAtk3, MinotaurCharge, MntrFloorFire,
LichFire, LichWhirlwind, LichAttack, LichIceImpact, LichFireGrow, ImpChargeAtk,
ImpMeleeAtk, ImpMissileAtk
- Homing Missile Maintenance Pointers
Tracer, GenTracer
- Heretic Homing Missile Maintenance Pointers
HticTracer, WhirlwindSeek
- Line of Sight Checking Pointers
CPosRefire, SpidRefire
- Special Monster Death Effects
PainDie, KeenDie, BossDeath, BrainDie, KillChildren
- Heretic Special Monster Death Effects
HticBossDeath, SorcererRise, ImpDeath, ImpXDeath1, ImpXDeath2, ImpExplode
- Massacre Cheat Specials
PainNukeSpec, SorcNukeSpec
- Frame Scripting Pointers
RandomJump, HealthJump, TargetJump, CounterJump, CounterSwitch, SetCounter, CounterOp, CopyCounter,
SetTics, AproxDistance
- Small Scripting System
StartScript, PlayerStartScript
- EDF-Related Pointers
- 03/31/06: Put thunk info into the pointers themselves and removed HticDrop,
which is now deprecated and will be removed in the near future in preference
of full specification of item drop behavior via EDF. Added ThingSummon and
KillChildren. Added new weapon frame scripting pointers.
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General Pitfall and Note on the Type Information:
General code pointers can be used in any frame that is not a player gun frame.
Player Gun Frame code pointers cannot be used anywhere except in player gun
frames. If a code pointer is used in the wrong type of frame, the internal
function call stack will be corrupted, a "Segmentation Violation" error will
most likely occur, and Cyberdemons will come to get you in the night. This
isn't an Eternity bug or limitation. This problem would eventually manifest
itself even in the original doom.exe, as a sudden, unexplained Venetian Blinds
crash. There is additionally no way to type-check codepointers at run-time,
so the user must accept this responsibility.
Note that as of Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 3, there is a special
codepointer called PlayerThunk, usable via EDF, which allows player gun frames
to call a select set of monster codepointers by proxy.
Parameterized pointers take parameters via fields on the frame in which they
are used. The code pointer parameter information will indicate what fields are
used as parameters, and what parameter values mean.
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Note on Damage Formulae:
Most damage in DOOM uses a random number, a modulus value, and a multiplier.
In general, damage formulae will appear like this:
(rnd%modulus + 1) * multiplier
where rnd is a random number between 0 and 255, unless otherwise noted.
(rnd%modulus) + 1 results in a range of numbers from 1 to modulus, so
if the following formula is shown:
(rnd%8 + 1) * 3
then the range of damage values is multiples of 3 from 3 to 24, since
1*3 = 3 and 8*3 = 24. Where damage values involve the summation of several
random "dice" throws or other, more complicated formulae, the damage range
will be shown explicitly for convenience.
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Player Gun Frame Code Pointers
Weapon Maintenance Pointers
- Light0
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Turns off any lighting flashes caused by firing a weapon.
- Light1
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Causes a first-level light flash to occur for the player
shooting the weapon.
Notes: Weapon flashes do not function on levels that use special
global colormaps. Light must be subsequently returned to
normal by using the Light0 code pointer above.
- Light2
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Causes a second-level light flash to occur for the player
shooting the weapon.
Notes: Weapon flashes do not function on levels that use special
global colormaps. Light must be subsequently returned to
normal by using the Light0 code pointer above.
- WeaponReady
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Readies a weapon for firing or change, should be used after
the weapon's raise sequence and fire sequence.
- Lower
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Lowers the current weapon and changes to a newly selected one,
unless the player is dead. Should be called from the weapon's
lowering sequence.
- Raise
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Raises a new weapon to normal position. Should be called from
a weapon's raise sequence.
- ReFire
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Allows a weapon to restart its firing sequence without returning
to its ready sequence. If the player does not have enough ammo
to fire again, the weapon will be lowered and replaced.
- CheckReload
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Checks the ammo for a weapon to see if a weapon change should
occur before the reload frames are entered. Used in particular
by the super shotgun.
Notes: This code pointer does not function properly in BOOM, MBF, or
SMMU, and will fail to make the weapon lower before completing
its reload frames. This problem has been repaired in Eternity.
- GunFlash
Type: Weapon maintenance, normal
Purpose: Allows weapon kickback to be synchronized with the gun's firing
frames as opposed to when the player presses the trigger. This
code pointer is new as of BOOM, and is used by the BFG so that
kickback does not occur until after BFG delay. It would work
for any weapon with a similar firing delay. Should be called
from one of the weapon's firing frames.
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Player Attack Pointers
- Punch
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Performs the standard player punch attack. Hits for damage with
the formula (rnd%10 + 1) * 2 when the player is normal. If the
player is berserk, this value is multiplied by 10. The player can
only hit when within melee range (64 units). If a hit is successful,
the player will turn to directly face the target and will emit the
"punch" sound effect.
- FirePistol
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires a single bullet for standard player tracer damage --
(rnd%3 + 1) * 5 -- Accuracy will be perfect on the first shot, but
will use "never" accuracy if the gun is fired repeatedly. The player
object will transfer to its second attack frame when this pointer is
used. The player will emit the "pistol" sound effect.
- FireShotgun
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires player shotgun attack. Seven tracers are fired using "never"
accuracy (a moderate horizontal spread with no vertical error), each
doing standard bullet damage of (rnd%3 + 1) * 5. The player object
will transfer to its second attack frame when this pointer is used.
The player will emit the "shotgn" sound effect.
- FireShotgun2
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires player super shotgun attack. Twenty tracers are fired using
"ssg" accuracy (wide horizontal spread combined with moderate
vertical error), each tracer doing standard bullet damage of
(rnd%3 + 1) * 5. The player object will transfer to its second
attack state, and will emit the "dshtgn" sound effect.
- FireCGun
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires player chaingun attack. Fires one tracer for standard bullet
damage of (rnd%3 + 1) * 5. Accuracy will be perfect on the first
shot, but will use "never" accuracy on subsequent shots. The player
object will transfer to its second attack state, and will emit the
"chgun" sound effect.
Notes: If no DSCHGUN sound lump is present amongst all WAD files, the "chgun"
sound effect will be dynamically remapped to DSPISTOL. This behavior
is new as of SMMU.
- FireMissile
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires a single RocketShot projectile.
- Saw
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Performs a player chainsaw attack. Hits for (rnd%10 + 1) * 2 damage
once per call. Player must be within melee range + 1 unit (65 units)
in order to hit with this attack. If the attack misses, the player
will emit the "sawful" sound effect. If the attack hits, the player
will emit the "sawhit" sound effect, and his/her current angle will
be set directly toward the target, and then will be randomly
deflected 4.5 degrees to the right or left. The JUSTATTACKED flag
will be set for the player object, causing slight forward movement.
- FirePlasma
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires a single PlasmaShot projectile. Has a 50% chance of causing
the weapon to stall by entering its reload state after firing.
- FireBFG
Type: Player attack, normal
Purpose: Fires a single BFGShot projectile.
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Miscellaneous Weapon Pointers
- BFGsound
Type: Weapon miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Player object will emit the "bfg" sound.
- OpenShotgun2
Type: Weapon miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Player object will emit the "dbopn" sound effect.
- LoadShotgun2
Type: Weapon miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Player object will emit the "dbload" sound effect.
- CloseShotgun2
Type: Weapon miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Player object will emit the "dbcls" sound effect, and then control
will transfer to the ReFire code pointer, which will check for
weapon refire.
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Parameterized Player Attack Pointers
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Weapon Frame Scripting Pointers
General Notes for Weapon Frame Scripting Codepointers:
These pointers allow a degree of programmatic control over an weapon's behavior,
and are therefore termed "frame scripting" codepointers.
Counter fields may have values from -32768 to 32767. Values above or below this
range will wrap around.
- WeaponCtrJump
Type: Weapon frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Frame DeHackEd number to which weapon may jump
(default of 0 = frame 0)
- Args2 = Type of comparison to perform on counter
(default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Jump if counter < Args3
- 1 = Jump if counter <= Args3
- 2 = Jump if counter > Args3
- 3 = Jump if counter >= Args3
- 4 = Jump if counter equals Args3
- 5 = Jump if counter does not equal Args3
- 6 = Jump if counter & Args3 (bitwise AND operation)
- 7 - 13 = The value in Args3 will be interpreted as a counter
number (0 - 2). The resulting operation is the counter in Args3
compared against the value of the counter in Args4, subtracting
7 from the operation number (ie. operation 7 is
"Jump if counter1 < counter2").
- Args3 = Value to compare against counter / Counter number holding value (default of 0 = 0)
- Args4 = Counter number on the current weapon to use (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args5 = PSprite to affect (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Main Weapon
- 1 = Gun Flash
Purpose: Causes the indicated psprite to transfer to the indicated frame if
the value in the indicated internal counter field compares as
requested to the provided value. This allows "frame
scripting" of actions which vary depending on the current value
of a weapon's counters. If the jump does not occur, the object
will fall through to the next frame. If the current frame's
tics are set to -1, fall-through will not occur.
New to Eternity Engine v3.33.33.
- WeaponCtrSwitch
Type: Weapon frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Counter number to use (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Frame DeHackEd number of first state in set
(default of 0 = frame 0)
- Args3 = Number of states in set
(No default, must be valid)
- Args4 = PSprite to affect (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Main Weapon
- 1 = Gun Flash
Purpose: This powerful codepointer implements an N-way branch where
the value of the indicated counter determines to which frame
the jump will occur. The frames to be jumped to must be
defined in a consecutive block in EDF. The first frame in
this set is deemed to be frame #0, and the last frame in
the set is frame #Args3 - 1. The value of the counter is
considered to be zero-based, so that if it is equal to zero,
the object will jump to frame #0 (the frame you provided in
Args2). The entire range of frames must be valid, and if it
is not, no jump will occur. If the counter value is not in the
range from 0 to Args3 - 1, no jump will occur. Finally, if the
counter number in Args1 is invalid, no jump will occur.
New to Eternity Engine v3.33.33.
- WeaponSetCtr
Type: Weapon frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Counter number to set (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Value to utilize (default of 0 = 0)
- Args3 = Operation to perform (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 : Args1 = Args2 (direct assignment)
- 1 : Args1 += Args2 (addition)
- 2 : Args1 -= Args2 (subtraction)
- 3 : Args1 *= Args2 (multiplication)
- 4 : Args1 /= Args2 (division)
- 5 : Args1 %= Args2 (modulus)
- 6 : Args1 &= Args2 (bitwise AND)
- 7 : Args1 &= ~Args2 (compound bitwise AND / bitwise NOT)
- 8 : Args1 |= Args2 (bitwise OR)
- 9 : Args1 ^= Args2 (bitwise XOR)
- 10 : Args1 = rnd (random value, Args2 is not used)
- 11 : Args1 = rnd % Args2 (random value modulus)
- 13 : Args1 <<= Args2 (bitshift left)
- 14 : Args1 >>= Args2 (bitshift right)
Purpose: Sets the indicated counter on this weapon to a value resulting
from an operation with the current counter value and the value
provided in Args2. New to Eternity Engine v3.33.33.
Notes: For operation 4, division, Args2 may not be equal to zero, and
no operation will occur if it is. For operations 5 and 11, modulus
and random modulus, Args2 must be greater than zero. No operation
will occur if it is less than or equal to zero. Operation 7 inverts
the bits in Args2 before bitwise-ANDing it with the value in the
counter. For operation 10, the value of Args2 is not used, and may
simply be allowed to default. All random numbers are between 0 and
255 inclusive. Operations 12 and 15-18 are not defined for this
codepointer and will do nothing.
- WeaponCtrOp
Type: Weapon frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Counter number to use for operand 1 (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Counter number to use for operand 2 (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args3 = Counter number to set (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args4 = Operation to perform (no default)
- 1 : Args3 = Args1 + Args2 (addition)
- 2 : Args3 = Args1 - Args2 (subtraction)
- 3 : Args3 = Args1 * Args2 (multiplication)
- 4 : Args3 = Args1 / Args2 (division)
- 5 : Args3 = Args1 % Args2 (modulus)
- 6 : Args3 = Args1 & Args2 (bitwise AND)
- 8 : Args3 = Args1 | Args2 (bitwise OR)
- 9 : Args3 = Args1 ^ Args2 (bitwise XOR)
- 12 : Args3 = Args1 * ((rnd % Args2) + 1) (HITDICE calculation)
- 13 : Args3 = Args1 << Args2 (bitshift left)
- 14 : Args3 = Args1 >> Args2 (bitshift right)
- 15 : Args3 = |Args1| (absolute value)
- 16 : Args3 = -Args1 (negate)
- 17 : Args3 = !Args1 (logical NOT)
- 18 : Args3 = ~Args1 (bitwise invert)
Purpose: Sets the indicated counter on this weapon to a value resulting
from an operation with one or two provided counter values. The
operand and destination counters may be the same counter number.
New to Eternity Engine v3.33.33.
Notes: For operation 4, division, Args2 may not be equal to zero, and
no operation will occur if it is. For operations 5 and 12, modulus
and HITDICE calculation, Args2 must be greater than zero. No
operation will occur if it is less than or equal to zero.
Operation 12, HITDICE, is the operation used to calculate standard
damage values in DOOM, where Args1 acts as a multiplier and Args2
acts as the modulus. All random numbers are between 0 and 255
inclusive. Operations 0, 7, 10, and 11 are not defined for this
codepointer and will do nothing. Operations 15 through 18 are
unary and do not use the Args2 parameter, but it must still be
a valid counter number. You may allow it to default to zero.
- WeaponCopyCtr
Type: Weapon frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Source counter number (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Destination counter number (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
Purpose: Copies a weapon's counter value to another one of its counters.
New to Eternity Engine v3.33.33.
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General Code Pointers
Miscellaneous Pointers
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Heretic Miscellaneous Pointers
- SpawnGlitter
Type: Miscellaneous, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = DeHackEd number of object type to spawn (must be valid, no default)
- Args2 = Fixed-point amount of z momentum to apply to object
(default of 0 = +1/4 unit)
- Args3 = Mode select: (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Normal (spawn at floor z, apply z momentum)
- 1 = Spawn at floor z, do not apply z momentum
- 2 = Spawn at random z within thing's height, apply z momentum
- 3 = Spawn at random z within thing's height, do not apply z momentum
- Args4 = Optional radius of effect (default of 0 = 32 units)
Purpose: Teleport glitter spawning function. Can be used to make a fountain
of any type of object. One object will be spawned at a randomized
coordinate within a square around the source object, and will be
given z momentum specified in Args2. If the thing type given
in Args1 is invalid, this codepointer will do nothing.
Parameters 3 and 4 are new to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- AccelGlitter
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Accelerates the object upward by increasing its z momentum by 50%.
New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- SpawnAbove
Type: Miscellaneous, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = DeHackEd number of thing type to spawn (must be valid, no default)
- Args2 = Frame DeHackEd number to which thing will transfer
(default of 0 = 0, negative values = no frame transfer)
- Args3 = Integer amount to add to thing's z coordinate
(default of 0 = 0 units)
Purpose: Special spawning function to spawn an object above the source
object. The object will be spawned at precisely the source's (x,y)
position, and at the object's z coordinate plus the amount provided
in Args3. It will then be set to the frame specified by Args2, if
any. If the thing type in Args1 or the frame number in Args2 are
invalid, the pointer will do nothing. Note that a negative value can
be provided for the frame number to indicate that no frame
transition is to take place. New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- MummySoul
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Spawns a GolemSoul object 10 units above the object and gives it
upward momentum of 1 unit. New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- BlueSpark
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Spawns D'Sparil's blue projectile spark trail. Two DsparilSpark
objects are spawned at the object's location and are given
randomized x, y, and z momenta. New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- GenWizard
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: DsparilShot2 Disciple spawning pointer. The pointer will attempt to
spawn a Disciple object at its (x,y) location and at its z minus 1/2
the height of a Disciple object. If after spawning, the object does
not fit or cannot move, it will be removed from the level immediate-
ly. Otherwise, the MBF friendliness flag will be transferred from the
source object to the new object, the source object will be stopped
and set to its death state, a HereticTeleFog object will be spawned
at its location, and the Heretic TELEPT sound effect will be played.
New to Eternity.
- Sor2DthInit
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Part of D'Sparil (2nd form) death sequence. The object's Counter 0
field will be set to 7 so that the death frame sequence loops 7
times, and all living entities with the same friendliness as the
dying object will be massacred (that is, if a friendly D'Sparil
dies, all friends die, and if an enemy D'Sparil dies, all enemies
die). New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- Sor2DthLoop
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Part of D'Sparil (2nd form) death sequence. Each call to this
codepointer decrements Counter 0 field set by Sor2DthInit by
one. If the field is still greater than zero, nothing will happen.
Otherwise, the object will be transferred to the S_SOR2_DIE4
frame and the death loop ends. New to Eternity.
- PodPain
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Called when pods are damaged. There is a 50% chance that this
codepointer will do nothing. Provided it takes action, there is
a 16/256 chance that the codepointer will perform its action
twice rather than once. Depending upon whether it chooses once
or twice, it will spawn one or two PodGoo objects at the source
object's (x,y) location and its z + 48 units. The objects will
be given randomized momenta away from the pod. New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- RemovePod
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Part of pod generator code, called when a pod is destroyed. This
codepointer uses an internal field of the object to find the pod
generator which spawned this pod. If that field is valid, it will
decrement the PodGenerator's Counter 0 field so that the generator
will be able to spawn more pods in the future.
New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- MakePod
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: Part of pod generator code, called by pod generators to spawn pods.
The object's Counter 0 field is used to track the number of pods
currently owned by this generator. If that number is higher than 16,
no more pods will be spawned (this limit is necessary to avoid
overcrowding of areas with pods). Provided that there are not too
many pods, the generator will attempt to create a new Pod object
at its location. If the generator's location is blocked by a solid
object, the pod will be removed immediately. Otherwise, the pod
object will transfer to the S_POD_GROW1 frame and will emit the
Heretic NEWPOD sound effect. It will then be given random momenta,
and one of its internal fields will be set to point back to the
pod generator so that the generator can later be notified of the
pod's destruction. New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
- DripBlood
Type: Miscellaneous, normal
Purpose: A HereticBlood object will be spawned at a random location within a
small distance of the source object, will be given randomized x and
y momenta, and will be given the LOGRAV Bits2 flag. New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
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Miscellaneous / Sound Pointers
- StartFire
Type: Miscellaneous / sound, normal
Purpose: Plays the "flamst" sound and calls the Fire codepointer on the
object. Part of the Archvile flame attack sequence.
- FireCrackle
Type: Miscellaneous / sound, normal
Purpose: Plays the "flame" sound and calls the Fire codepointer on the
object. Part of the Archvile flame attack sequence.
- SkelWhoosh
Type: Miscellaneous / sound, normal
Purpose: Causes the object to face its target and play the "skeswg" sound
Thunk: Yes.
- FatRaise
Type: Miscellaneous / sound, normal
Purpose: Causes the object to face its target and play the "manatk" sound
Thunk: Yes.
- SpawnSound
Type: Miscellaneous / sound, normal
Purpose: The object will emit the "boscub" sound effect, and then control
will transfer to the SpawnFly codepointer.
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Heretic Misc / Sound Pointers
- Sor1Pain
Type: Miscellaneous / sound, normal
Purpose: The object's Counter 0 field will be set to 20, so that it will
walk faster when using the Sor1Chase codepointer. Control will then
transfer to the Pain codepointer for normal pain sound playing.
New to Eternity.
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Object Sound Pointers
- PlaySound
Type: Object sound pointer, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Unknown 1 = Sound DeHackEd number to play (must be valid, no default)
- Unknown 2 = Select sound volume
- 0 = normal (default)
- 1 = full volume
Purpose: Causes the object to emit the sound indicated by the provided
sound DeHackEd number, at the indicated volume level. New to MBF.
Notes: As of Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 3, this codepointer will
no longer crash the game if an invalid sound number is provided.
If the sound number is invalid, nothing will happen.
Thunk: Yes.
- Pain
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays the object's pain sound, if it has one.
Thunk: Yes.
- Scream
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays the object's death sound, if it has one. If the object uses
certain sounds as its death sound, it may play one of a set of
random sounds as documented here:
- If the object uses any of the "podth1", "podth2", or "podth3"
sounds, it will play one of the three sounds at random.
- If the object uses either of the "bgdth1" or "bgdth2" sounds,
it will play one of the two sounds at random.
If the object has the BOSS flag in its Bits2 field, it will play
its death sound at full volume. This is used by most DOOM and
Heretic bosses.
Thunk: Yes.
- XScream
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays the "slop" sound. If the object is a player, falling damage
is active, and the player has died from falling, the "fallht"
sound will be played (this sound is subject to remapping by
player skins).
Thunk: Yes.
- PlayerScream
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays player death sounds. Normally plays "pldeth" sound. However,
in games other than the shareware game, if the player dies with
-50 or less health, it will play the "pdiehi" sound. If Eternity's
falling damage effect is active, and the player has died from
falling, the "fallht" sound will be played. Note that all of these
sounds are subject to remapping by player skins.
Thunk: Yes.
- BrainPain
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays the "bospn" sound effect at full volume.
Thunk: Yes.
- BrainAwake
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays the "bossit" sound effect at full volume.
Notes: In DOOM, this codepointer was also responsible for initializing the
internal list of Boss Spawn Spot objects. If the number of objects
was incorrect, this code pointer could crash the game. However, this
behavior has been moved, as of BOOM, to an internal level init
function, and the limit on spawn spots has also been removed.
Thunk: Yes.
- VileStart
Type: Object sound pointer, normal
Purpose: Plays the "vilatk" sound effect.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
AI Pointers
- Look
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: Causes the object to look for targets. Various gameplay elements
have an effect on acquiring a target. Friendly monsters will look
for enemies first, but if they find none, will look for a player to
follow. Enemies will look for players first, then friendly monsters.
If none are found, they will remain asleep. Upon waking, a monster
will play its alert sound. Use of certain alert sounds by a monster
will cause it to randomly use one of a set of sounds, as documented
- If object uses the "posit1", "posit2", or "posit3" sounds, it
will use any one of these three sounds at random.
- If object uses the "bgsit1" or "bgsit2" sounds, it will use one
of these two sounds at random.
If the object has the BOSS flag in its Bits2 field, it will play its
alert sound at full-volume. This is used by most DOOM and Heretic
bosses by default. After playing the sound, the object will transfer
to its "first walking" state.
Notes: This codepointer should only be called from an object's initial
spawn state. Calling it from a walking state can cause an infinite
state cycle, which will cause an error message to appear.
- Chase
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: Causes an object to pursue its target.
- If the object has lost its target (ie. it has died or been
removed), the object will look for a new target (possibly
remembering a prior one). If no targets are found, the object will
return to its initial spawn state.
- If the object has a target, it may attempt to attack:
- If an object has just attacked prior to this, it will not attack
again, unless the game skill is at "Nightmare!" level or is in
"fast" mode. Instead, the enemy will choose a new direction to
walk in.
- If the object has a melee attack and is within 64 units of its
target, it will transfer to its melee attack state.
- If the object does not have a melee attack or is not close
enough to use it, is within normal missile range (2048 units),
and timing or skill level permitting, it will transfer to its
missile attack state.
- Depending on the actor's internal "threshold" value, which
decrements slowly as it chases a target, it may choose a new
target to attack when it cannot attack its current one.
- Friendly objects may choose a new player to follow, or may
look for other friendly objects who are in critical condition
(low health). If a friendly object finds a friend in trouble,
it may adopt that friend's target as its own.
- Enemies will look for new players first, and then friendly
monsters. If advanced strafing logic is active, and the monster
is moving, it may decide to strafe away from its target.
- Once all moving and attack logic has been passed, the object has a
3/256 (1.17%) chance of playing its active (roaming) sound, if it
has one.
- If an object has the ACTSEESOUND flag in its Bits3 field, it has
a 50% chance of playing its alert sound instead of its active
- If an object has the LOUDACTIVE flag in its Bits3 field, it will
play which ever sound it chooses at full volume.
Notes: This codepointer should only be called from the walking frames of a
sentient object. There may be undesired effects or undefined
behavior in other circumstances.
As of Eternity Engine v3.33.01, this codepointer will not crash the
game if used in an object's spawn state or attack states. However, an
error message may be printed until the object leaves the offending state(s),
as using the pointer in this context is NOT appropriate.
- VileChase
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: Causes an object to look for monster corpses as it walks. When a
corpse is encountered which has a resurrection state, is currently
in a frame with a -1 tics value, and is not currently blocked by
any other creature, the object will stop beside it and transfer to
frame #266 (S_VILE_HEAL). The object being resurrected will emit the
DSSLOP sound and will be placed into its first resurrection frame.
The resurrected object's normal height, radius, health, and flags
information will be restored. Friendliness of the object performing
the resurrection will be transferred to the resurrected object
(friendly objects resurrect friends, and vice versa). If no corpses
are found to resurrect, control transfers to the Chase codepointer
for normal attack and walking logic.
Notes: If comp_vile is set, crushed creatures will not have their height
or radius information restored, and will become "ghosts."
- FaceTarget
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: Makes an object face its target, if it has one. If the object's
target is partially invisible (Bits field SHADOW), totally
invisible (Bits2 field DONTDRAW), or a Heretic ghost (Bits3 field
GHOST), the object will face toward the target, and then have a
random amount between -45 and 45 degrees added to its angle.
Thunk: Yes.
- KeepChasing
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: Allows a monster to keep walking during its attack frames. Chase cannot
be used in this context because it may cause the monster to acquire a
new target while trying to attack its current one. Note the monster's
attack frames will need to have a short duration for the motion to seem
smooth. New to Eternity.
- RandomWalk
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: Causes an object to walk around in randomly chosen directions, whether it
has no target or has acquired a target via being damaged. Neither friends
nor enemies using this pointer will follow the player at any time. This
pointer has a 24/256 chance of setting the object back to its spawn state
once movement in one direction has stopped. If the spawn state doesn't
call RandomWalk, this allows the object to periodically stop movement. It
is possible for a thing using RandomWalk to transfer to use of normal AI
via Look and Chase, but note that if a thing using RandomWalk walks into
a sector where alerting sound has occurred at any time during gameplay, it
would awaken instantly if the Look pointer was then used. Things using this
pointer will not continue to walk into obstructions, but will choose a
different random direction in which to walk. Things using this pointer
never attack while walking, though it is possible to set up retaliatory
attacks from a thing's other states, such as the pain state, in concert
with the TargetJump codepointer.
New to Eternity Engine v3.33.01
Return to Table of Contents
Heretic AI Pointers
- Sor1Chase
Type: AI pointer, normal
Purpose: D'Sparil first form walking logic. If the object's Counter 0 field
has been set to a positive value by the Sor1Pain codepointer, the
object will subtract 3 from its current tics value, causing it to
walk faster (its tics value will not be set less than 1, to avoid
state cycles). The Counter 0 field will be decremented by 1. Control
then transfers to the Chase codepointer for normal walking logic.
New to Eternity.
Return to Table of Contents
AI Pointers with Walking Sounds
- Metal
Type: AI pointer / Walking sound, normal
Purpose: The object will emit the "metal" sound effect, and then control
will transfer to the Chase codepointer for normal walking and
attack logic.
- BabyMetal
Type: AI pointer / Walking sound, normal
Purpose: The object will emit the "bspwlk" sound effect, and then control
will transfer to the Chase codepointer for normal walking and
attack logic.
- Hoof
Type: AI pointer / Walking sound, normal
Purpose: The object will emit the "hoof" sound effect, and then control
will transfer to the Chase codepointer for normal walking and
attack logic.
Return to Table of Contents
Blast Radius Attack Pointers
- Explode
Type: Blast radius attack, normal
Purpose: Spawns a blast radius at the object's location 128 units in radius,
with maximum damage of 128, decreasing linearly with distance from
the blast point. If the blast radius is 128 units or closer to the
floor, a TerrainTypes hit will occur.
Thunk: Yes.
- Detonate
Type: Blast radius attack, normal
Purpose: Spawns a blast radius at the object's location with a radius
and maximum damage value equal to the object's missile damage
value. Other effects are the same as Explode. New to MBF.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
Heretic Blast Radius Attack Pointers
- HticExplode
Type: Blast radius attack, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Select special explosion effect (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Blast with radius and max damage of 128
- 1 = D'Sparil blue spark effect
Radius and max damage = 80 + (rnd % 32)
- 2 = Maulotaur floor fire effect
Radius and max damage = 24
- 3 = Timebomb of the Ancients effect
Object z increases 32 units; object translucency
is disabled; Radius and max damage = 128
Purpose: Performs various Heretic explosion effects, selected by Args1.
Higher argument values are reserved for addition of more effects
and should not be used. If the blast radius is damage units or
less above the floor, a TerrainTypes hit will occur. Special
effects 2 and 3 are new to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
New to Eternity.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
Monster Attack Pointers
- PosAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Causes a Zombieman pistol attack. If the object's target is valid,
it will turn to face it, play the "pistol" sound effect, and fire
a single tracer with "monster" accuracy (very wide horizontal
spread) for standard monster tracer damage of (rnd%5 + 1) * 3.
Thunk: Yes.
- SPosAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Causes a Sergeant shotgun attack. If the object's target is valid,
it will turn to face it, play the "shotgn" sound effect, and fire
3 tracers with "monster" accuracy for standard monster tracer
damage of (rnd%5 + 1) * 3.
Thunk: Yes.
- VileTarget
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Causes the object to face its target, and spawns a VileFire
object at the target's location. The Fire codepointer will be called
on the VileFire object after it is spawned.
- VileAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: If the object's target is valid and can currently be seen by the
object, an Archvile explosion attack will occur. The object will
face its target, emit the "barexp" sound, and damage the object
directly for 20 points of damage. This attack will also impart
an upward velocity to the target of (1000 / mass) units per tic.
If the object has a currently spawned VileFire object, that object
will emit a blast radius of 70 units, with maximum damage of 70 at
the center of the explosion. This explosion can damage the attacking
object if it is not immune to blast radius damage.
Thunk: Yes.
- SkelFist
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: If the object's target is valid and is within melee range
(64 units) of the object, it will face its target, emit the
DSSKEPCH sound and damage its target directly for
(rnd%10 + 1) * 6 damage.
Thunk: Yes.
- SkelMissile
Type: Monster attack, Homing missile firing pointer, normal
Purpose: If the object's target is valid, it will face toward it and fire
a TracerShot missile at it. The missile's tracer target will be set
the to the object it was fired at.
Notes: Missiles fired by this pointer will be fired 16 units higher than
the normal default of 32 units.
Thunk: Yes.
- FatAttack1
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: If the object's target is valid, it will face it, and then turn an
additional +11.25 degrees. It will fire two MancubusShot missiles,
one directly at the target, and another at +11.25 degrees.
Thunk: Yes.
- FatAttack2
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: If the object's target is valid, it will face it, and then turn an
additional -11.25 degrees. It will fire two MancubusShot missiles,
one directly at the target, and another at -11.25 degrees.
Thunk: Yes.
- FatAttack3
Type: Monster attack normal
Purpose: If the object's target is valid, it will face it and fire two
MancubusShot missiles, one at its angle plus 5.625 degrees, and
the other at its angle minus 5.625 degrees.
Thunk: Yes.
- CPosAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Causes a Chaingunner chaingun attack. If the object's target is
valid, it will turn to face it, play the "chgun" sound effect, and
fire a single tracer with "monster" accuracy (very wide horizontal
spread) for standard monster tracer damage of (rnd%5 + 1) * 3.
Thunk: Yes.
- TroopAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Imp attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid, it will
face toward it. If the target is within melee range (64 units) of
the object, the object will emit the "claw" sound effect and damage
the target directly for (rnd%8 + 1) * 3 damage. Otherwise, the
object will fire a DoomImpShot projectile at the target.
Thunk: Yes.
- SargAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Demon attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid and is
within melee range (64 units) of the target, it will face the
target and damage it directly for (rnd%10 + 1) * 4 damage.
Thunk: Yes.
- HeadAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Cacodemon attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid, it
will face toward it. If the target is within melee range (64 units)
of the object, the object will damage the target directly for
(rnd%6 + 1) * 10 damage. Otherwise, the object will fire a
CacodemonShot projectile at the target.
Thunk: Yes.
- BruisAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Baron attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid, it will
face toward it. If the target is within melee range (64 units) of
the object, the object will emit the "claw" sound effect, and will
damage the target directly for (rnd%8 + 1) * 10 damage. Otherwise,
the object will fire a BaronShot projectile at the target.
Thunk: Yes.
- SkullAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Lost soul attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid, it
will face toward it and, if it has an attack sound, will emit it.
The object's SKULLFLY Bits flag will be set, and it will hurdle
toward its target at a speed of 20 units per second.
Notes: Eternity will not crash if an object with no attack sound uses
this codepointer. This was a common problem in earlier ports.
Thunk: Yes.
- BspiAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Arachnotron attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid,
it will face toward it and fire one ArachnotronShot projectile.
Thunk: Yes.
- CyberAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Cyberdemon attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid,
it will face toward it and fire one RocketShot projectile.
Thunk: Yes.
- PainAttack
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Pain Elemental attack codepointer. If the object's target is valid,
it will face toward it. If the comp_pain variable is asserted, the
monster will check the number of lost souls on the level. If that
number is higher than 20, no attack will occur. If the flag is not
set, there is no limitation. The monster will then spawn one lost
soul immediately in front of it and face it toward its own target.
If the comp_skull variable is off, the lost soul will be destroyed
immediately if it is spawned over a blocking line. The lost soul's
target will be set equal to the monster's, and then the SkullAttack
codepointer will be called on it such that it performs a lost soul
Notes: The MBF friendliness flag's state is transferred to the spawned
lost soul. Friendly Pain Elementals shoot friendly lost souls;
enemy PE's fire enemies.
Thunk: Yes.
- BrainSpit
Type: Monster attack, normal
Purpose: Boss brain spawn cube attack. If there are no boss spawn spots on
the level, this function will do nothing. If the game is on the
an easy skill level, this function will do nothing on every other
call. Otherwise, a boss spawn spot will be selected by its map
spawning order, and a BossSpawnCube object will be fired at it like
a missile. The object will then emit the "bospit" sound effect.
Notes: The MBF friendliness flag will be transferred to the spawn cube
from the firing object. This is so that the cube will later
spawn either an enemy or friendly monster, depending on the
friendliness of its originating boss brain.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
Parameterized Monster Attacks
- BetaSkullAttack
Type: Monster attack, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Object's damage field = damage multiplier
Purpose: If the object's target is invalid or is of the same type as this
object, no attack will occur. Otherwise, the object will play its
attack sound if it has one, and will face its target and damage it
directly for (rnd%8 + 1) multiplied by its missile damage field.
This is basically a long-range scratch. New to MBF.
Notes: As of Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 3, this codepointer will
not cause an error if the object does not have an attack sound.
Thunk: Yes.
- Scratch
Type: Monster attack, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Unknown 1 = Amount of damage to inflict (default of 0 = 0)
- Unknown 2 = DeHackEd number of sound to play (default of 0 = no sound will be played)
- Args1 = Special mode toggle (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Compatibility mode (Use value in "Unknown 1" as normal)
- 1 = Use object damage field
- 2 = Use counter specified in Args2
- Args2 = Counter field number for special mode 2 (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
Purpose: If the object's target is valid and is within melee range
(64 units), it will damage the target for the indicated amount.
If the Unknown 2 parameter is non-zero and is a valid sound
DeHacked number, the indicated sound will played along with the
attack. New to MBF.
Notes: As of Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 3, this codepointer will
no longer crash the game if an invalid sound number is provided.
No sound will be played if the number is invalid.
Parameters Args1 and Args2 are new to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta,
and allow getting a damage value from other sources. If Args1 is
1, the object's damage value will be used. If Args1 is 2, the
value of the counter specified in Args2 will be used. When combined
with SetCounter or CounterOp, this allows you to perform your own
custom damage calculations. This change does not break
compatibility, as the Args1 default value is 0.
Thunk: Yes.
- MissileAttack
Type: Monster attack, Homing missile firing pointer, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = DeHackEd number of thing type to fire (no default, must be valid)
- Args2 = Select homing property (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = will not home
- 1 = may home
- Args3 = Amount to add to standard z missile firing height (32 units)
(default of 0 = 0, can be negative)
- Args4 = Amount to add to actor angle in degrees
(default of 0 = 0, can be negative)
- Args5 = DeHackEd number of state to enter for optional melee attack
(default of 0 = 0, negative values = no melee attack)
Purpose: Very powerful parameterized monster projectile attack pointer. Can
be used to create standard attacks or angular spreads, with or
without homing. Can fire missiles at a customized height, and can
optionally chain to another state when the object is within melee
range of its target, allowing situational attacks like those used
by the Imp, Baron, and Cacodemon. The Args5 parameter should be
set to -1 unless a valid frame DeHackEd number is provided.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 4.
Notes: Missiles must have a homing maintenance pointer in their frames in
order to home.
Thunk: Yes.
- MissileSpread
Type: Monster attack, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = DeHackEd number of thing type to fire (no default, must be valid)
- Args2 = Number of missiles to fire (MUST be greater than or equal to 2)
- Args3 = Amount to add to standard z missile firing height (32 units)
(default of 0 = 0, can be negative)
- Args4 = Total angular sweep of attack in degrees
(default of 0 = 0)
- Args5 = DeHackEd number of state to enter for optional melee attack
(default of 0 = 0, negative values = no melee attack)
Purpose: Convenience codepointer for firing a barrage of missiles in an
angular sweep. The object will face its target and begin firing
missiles at its angle minus half the Args4 sweep value. It will
then step Args4 / (Args2 - 1) degrees for each additional missile,
spreading them out evenly, centered on the actor's angle. Thus, the
angular sweep is the total separation between the first and last
missiles in degrees. This codepointer can only be used to fire 2 or
more missiles. Providing a value of 0 or 1 will cause it to stop
without attacking. The Args5 parameter can be used to specify a
frame to use for an optional melee attack, used when the object is
within melee range of its target. This parameter should be set to
-1 unless a valid frame DeHackEd number is provided.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 6.
Thunk: Yes.
- BulletAttack
Type: Monster attack, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = DeHackEd number of sound to play (default of 0 = no sound)
- Args2 = Select accuracy (default of 0 = 1)
- 1 = Always accurate
- 2 = Never accurate
(moderate horizontal spread with no vertical error)
- 3 = Super Shotgun accuracy
(wide horizontal spread with moderate vertical error)
- 4 = Monster accuracy (very wide horizontal spread)
- Args3 = Number of bullet tracers to fire (default of 0 = 0)
- Args4 = Damage factor (Damage formula is: dmgfactor * ((rnd%dmgmod) + 1))
- Args5 = Damage modulus
(Forced into range of 1 to 256)
Purpose: Powerful codepointer which allows construction of custom monster
bullet attacks. This pointer is capable of emulating any of the
built-in player or monster bullet attacks, as well creating many
completely new ones (including a super shotgun attack for
monsters). New to Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 6.
Notes: The Args2 parameter for this pointer differs slightly from the
Args2 parameter to the FireCustomBullets player codepointer. The
value which allows "first fire only" accuracy is not available
for monsters.
Thunk: Yes.
- ThingSummon
Type: Monster attack, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = DeHackEd num of thing type to summon (default of 0 = thing 0)
- Args2 = Prestep distance (added to distance between thing and summoner)
- Args3 = Z distance of object above summoner's z coordinate.
- Args4 = One of the following values:
- 0: If the object can't fit, it will be killed.
- 1: If the object can't fit, it will be removed.
- Args5 = One of the following values:
- 0: The object is normal.
- 1: The object is made a child of the summoner.
Purpose: Powerful codepointer which allows custom Pain Elemental style
attacks. Objects will not be spawned in locations where they are
stuck, or across blocking lines. There is no limit on the number
of objects spawned when using this pointer. New to
Eternity Engine v3.33.33.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
Heretic Monster Attack Pointers
Return to Table of Contents
Homing Missile Maintenance Pointers
- Tracer
Type: Homing missile maintenance pointer, normal
Purpose: Performs homing maintenance for Revenant missiles. If the missile
was fired by a homing-missile-firing codepointer, it may home on its
target. However, this pointer will cause the missile to fail to
home depending upon the gametic at which it is called. If the
gametic is not divisible by 3, no actions will occur. Otherwise, one
BulletPuff and one TracerSmoke object will be spawned behind the
missile, the TracerSmoke object will be given upward momentum, and
the missile will home on its target.
Notes: As mentioned above, missiles do not always home when using this
codepointer. Also, missiles must be fired by a homing-missile-
firing codepointer or else no homing will take place.
- GenTracer
Type: Homing missile maintenance pointer, normal
Purpose: Performs generic homing maintenance. If a missile was fired by a
homing-missile-firing codepointer, it will home on its target. No
other special effects will occur. New to Eternity.
Return to Table of Contents
Heretic Homing Missile Maintenance Pointers
- HticTracer
Type: Homing missile maintenance pointer, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Threshold angle, integer
- Args2 = Max turn angle, integer
Purpose: Performs Heretic-style homing missile maintenance. The threshold
and max turn parameters affect when the missile will home and how
far at maximum that it can turn, respectively. Different monsters
use different values for these, and they can feasibly be set to
any value from 0 to 359 degrees. Vertical adjustment of Heretic-
style homing missiles is very conservative. Vertical momentum will
only be adjusted if the missile is outside the height range of its
target. As a result, the missile can hit the ground easily.
New to Eternity.
- WhirlwindSeek
Type: Homing missile maintenance pointer, normal
Purpose: Performs homing and movement logic maintenance for Iron Lich
The object's Counter 0 value is decremented by 3. If the resulting
value is less than zero, the object's momenta are set to zero, the
object is set to its deathstate, and the MISSILE flag is removed
from the object.
The object's Counter 1 value is decremented by three. If the
resulting value is less than 0, the object's Counter 1 value is
set to 58 + (rnd % 32). The object will emit the ht_hedat3 sound
when this occurs.
If the object's tracer target has died or has acquired the Bits3
GHOST flag, it will check its originator for a new target. If its
originator has a new target which is alive and, if the originator
is friendly, is not also a friend, this object will acquire the
originator's target as its new tracer target.
If the tracer target is valid, it will be homed on via the effects
of HticTracer using a threshold value of 10 degrees and a maxturn
value of 30 degrees.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
Return to Table of Contents
Line of Sight Checking Pointers
- CPosRefire
Type: Line of sight checking pointer, normal
Purpose: Checks the line of sight between the attacking object and its
target. If the line has been blocked, the object will transfer back
to its first walking frame. If the object is friendly and has hit a
friend by accident, it may stop firing. If the object is friendly
and is retaliating against a friend's attack, it will fire only a
small, random number of shots before stopping.
Thunk: Yes.
- SpidRefire
Type: Line of sight checking pointer, normal
Purpose: Checks the line of sight between the attacking object and its
target. If the line has been blocked, the object will transfer back
to its first walking frame. If the object is friendly and has hit a
friend by accident, it may stop firing. If the object is friendly
and is retaliating against a friend's attack, it will fire only a
small, random number of shots before stopping.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
Special Monster Death Effects
Return to Table of Contents
Heretic Special Monster Death Effects
Return to Table of Contents
Massacre Cheat Specials
- PainNukeSpec
Type: Massacre cheat special, normal
Purpose: Special action taken for Pain Elementals when the "killem" cheat is
activated by the player. The PainDie codepointer is called on the
object, so that Lost Souls will be spawned while the cheat is still
killing monsters, and then the object will be transfered to state
S_PAIN_DIE6. Specified via EDF only. New to Eternity.
- SorcNukeSpec
Type: Massacre cheat special, normal
Purpose: Special action taken for D'Sparil's first form when the "killem"
cheat is activated by the player. The Fall codepointer is called on
the object, and then it is set to state S_SRCR1_DIE17 using an
internal function which causes the codepointer for that state to
not be called. This prevents spawning of D'Sparil's second form.
Specified via EDF only. New to Eternity.
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Frame Scripting Pointers
General Notes for Frame Scripting Codepointers:
These pointers allow a degree of programmatic control over an object's behavior,
and are therefore termed "frame scripting" codepointers. Note that some other
codepointers utilize the Counter fields of a thing, and so using those pointers
along with these will cause interference. Codepointer descriptions now make
note of which Counter fields they utilize, so be sure to check for conflicts.
Counter fields may have values from -32768 to 32767. Values above or below this
range will wrap around.
- RandomJump
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Unknown 1 = Frame DeHackEd number to which object may jump
(default of 0 = frame 0)
- Unknown 2 = Chance out of 256 that jump will occur (default of 0 = 0%)
Purpose: Causes the object to transfer to the indicated frame with the
indicated probability. If the jump does not occur, the object
will fall through to the next frame. If the current frame's
tics are set to -1, fall-through will not occur. New to MBF.
Notes: As of Eternity Engine v3.31 public beta 3, this codepointer
will no longer crash the game if an invalid frame number is
supplied. If the frame number is invalid, no jump will occur.
- HealthJump
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Frame DeHackEd number to which object may jump
(default of 0 = frame 0)
- Args2 = Type of comparison to perform on object's health
(default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Jump if health < Args3
- 1 = Jump if health <= Args3
- 2 = Jump if health > Args3
- 3 = Jump if health >= Args3
- 4 = Jump if health equals Args3
- 5 = Jump if health does not equal Args3
- 6 = Jump if health & Args3 (bitwise AND operation)
- 7 - 13 = The value in Args3 will be interpreted as a counter
number (0 - 2). The resulting operation is the health compared
against the value of the requested counter, subtracting 6
from the operation number (ie. operation 7 is
"Jump if health < counter").
- Args3 = Value to compare health against / Counter number holding value
(default of 0 = 0)
Purpose: Causes the object to transfer to the indicated frame if the
value in Args3 (or the given counter, for operations 7 through
13) compares as requested to the object's current health. This
allows "frame scripting" of actions which vary depending on how
much damage an enemy or other object has received. If the jump does
not occur, the object will fall through to the next frame. If the
current frame's tics are set to -1, fall-through will not occur.
New to Eternity v3.31 public beta 7.
Notes: Options 6 and 13, "bitwise and", are most useful for performing an
action only if the object's health is even or odd. To perform an
action if the health value is odd, set Args3 to 1, and to perform an
action if it is even, set Args3 to 2. Use of other values will
result in periodic chances for an action, and will require
- TargetJump
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Frame DeHackEd number to which object may jump
(default of 0 = frame 0)
Purpose: Causes the object to transfer to the indicated frame if the object's
target meets the following criteria:
- The target must be valid.
- The target must be alive (health > 0).
- If this object has the Bits3 flag "SUPERFRIEND" set, its target
must not be a friend.
If the jump does not occur, the object will fall through to the next
frame. If the current frame's tics are set to -1, fall-through will
not occur.
New to Eternity v3.33.01
- CounterJump
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Frame DeHackEd number to which object may jump
(default of 0 = frame 0)
- Args2 = Type of comparison to perform on counter
(default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Jump if counter < Args3
- 1 = Jump if counter <= Args3
- 2 = Jump if counter > Args3
- 3 = Jump if counter >= Args3
- 4 = Jump if counter equals Args3
- 5 = Jump if counter does not equal Args3
- 6 = Jump if counter & Args3 (bitwise AND operation)
- 7 - 13 = The value in Args3 will be interpreted as a counter
number (0 - 2). The resulting operation is the counter in Args3
compared against the value of the counter in Args4, subtracting
7 from the operation number (ie. operation 7 is
"Jump if counter1 < counter2").
- Args3 = Value to compare against counter / Counter number holding value (default of 0 = 0)
- Args4 = Counter number to use (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
Purpose: Causes the object to transfer to the indicated frame if the
value in the indicated internal counter field compares as
requested to the provided value. This allows "frame
scripting" of actions which vary depending on the current value
of a thing's counters. If the jump does not occur, the object
will fall through to the next frame. If the current frame's
tics are set to -1, fall-through will not occur.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
- CounterSwitch
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Counter number to use (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Frame DeHackEd number of first state in set
(default of 0 = frame 0)
- Args3 = Number of states in set
(No default, must be valid)
Purpose: This powerful codepointer implements an N-way branch where
the value of the indicated counter determines to which frame
the jump will occur. The frames to be jumped to must be
defined in a consecutive block in EDF. The first frame in
this set is deemed to be frame #0, and the last frame in
the set is frame #Args3 - 1. The value of the counter is
considered to be zero-based, so that if it is equal to zero,
the object will jump to frame #0 (the frame you provided in
Args2). The entire range of frames must be valid, and if it
is not, no jump will occur. If the counter value is not in the
range from 0 to Args3 - 1, no jump will occur. Finally, if the
counter number in Args1 is invalid, no jump will occur.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
- SetCounter
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Counter number to set (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Value to utilize (default of 0 = 0)
- Args3 = Operation to perform (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 : Args1 = Args2 (direct assignment)
- 1 : Args1 += Args2 (addition)
- 2 : Args1 -= Args2 (subtraction)
- 3 : Args1 *= Args2 (multiplication)
- 4 : Args1 /= Args2 (division)
- 5 : Args1 %= Args2 (modulus)
- 6 : Args1 &= Args2 (bitwise AND)
- 7 : Args1 &= ~Args2 (compound bitwise AND / bitwise NOT)
- 8 : Args1 |= Args2 (bitwise OR)
- 9 : Args1 ^= Args2 (bitwise XOR)
- 10 : Args1 = rnd (random value, Args2 is not used)
- 11 : Args1 = rnd % Args2 (random value modulus)
- 13 : Args1 <<= Args2 (bitshift left)
- 14 : Args1 >>= Args2 (bitshift right)
Purpose: Sets the indicated counter on this thing to a value resulting
from an operation with the current counter value and the value
provided in Args2. New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
Notes: For operation 4, division, Args2 may not be equal to zero, and
no operation will occur if it is. For operations 5 and 11, modulus
and random modulus, Args2 must be greater than zero. No operation
will occur if it is less than or equal to zero. Operation 7 inverts
the bits in Args2 before bitwise-ANDing it with the value in the
counter. For operation 10, the value of Args2 is not used, and may
simply be allowed to default. All random numbers are between 0 and
255 inclusive. Operations 12 and 15-18 are not defined for this
codepointer and will do nothing.
Thunk: Yes.
- CounterOp
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Counter number to use for operand 1 (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Counter number to use for operand 2 (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args3 = Counter number to set (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args4 = Operation to perform (no default)
- 1 : Args3 = Args1 + Args2 (addition)
- 2 : Args3 = Args1 - Args2 (subtraction)
- 3 : Args3 = Args1 * Args2 (multiplication)
- 4 : Args3 = Args1 / Args2 (division)
- 5 : Args3 = Args1 % Args2 (modulus)
- 6 : Args3 = Args1 & Args2 (bitwise AND)
- 8 : Args3 = Args1 | Args2 (bitwise OR)
- 9 : Args3 = Args1 ^ Args2 (bitwise XOR)
- 12 : Args3 = Args1 * ((rnd % Args2) + 1) (HITDICE calculation)
- 13 : Args3 = Args1 << Args2 (bitshift left)
- 14 : Args3 = Args1 >> Args2 (bitshift right)
- 15 : Args3 = |Args1| (absolute value)
- 16 : Args3 = -Args1 (negate)
- 17 : Args3 = !Args1 (logical NOT)
- 18 : Args3 = ~Args1 (bitwise invert)
Purpose: Sets the indicated counter on this thing to a value resulting
from an operation with one or two provided counter values. The
operand and destination counters may be the same counter number.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
Notes: For operation 4, division, Args2 may not be equal to zero, and
no operation will occur if it is. For operations 5 and 12, modulus
and HITDICE calculation, Args2 must be greater than zero. No
operation will occur if it is less than or equal to zero.
Operation 12, HITDICE, is the operation used to calculate standard
damage values in DOOM, where Args1 acts as a multiplier and Args2
acts as the modulus. All random numbers are between 0 and 255
inclusive. Operations 0, 7, 10, and 11 are not defined for this
codepointer and will do nothing. Operations 15 through 18 are
unary and do not use the Args2 parameter, but it must still be
a valid counter number. You may allow it to default to zero.
Thunk: Yes.
- CopyCounter
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Source counter number (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
- Args2 = Destination counter number (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
Purpose: Copies a thing's counter value to another one of its counters.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
Thunk: Yes.
- SetTics
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Base tics amount (35 tics per second) (default of 0 = 0)
Counter number (default of 0 = 0)
- Args2 = Randomizer modulus value (default of 0 = no randomization)
- Args3 = Counter toggle (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = value in Args1 is a constant tics amount
- 1 = value in Args1 is a counter number
Purpose: Allows setting a thing's current tics value to a counter,
constant, or optionally randomized amount. If the randomizer
modulus in Args2 is greater than zero, a random amount of time
between 0 and Args2 - 1 tics will be added to the base amount.
If the counter toggle parameter is 1, the Args1 parameter must
be a valid counter number, or no action will occur.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
Thunk: Yes.
- AproxDistance
Type: Frame scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Destination counter number (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Counter 0
- 1 = Counter 1
- 2 = Counter 2
Purpose: Returns an approximate distance measurement between the object and
its current target in the indicated counter. If the object does not
have a valid target, the value returned is -1. Combined with
CounterJump, this can be used to branch to different attacks
depending on a monster's distance to its target.
New to Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta.
Thunk: Yes.
Return to Table of Contents
Small Scripting System
General Notes for Small Scripting Codepointers:
These codepointers allow execution of Small functions in either of the Gamescript
or Levelscript VMs. See the Small Usage Documentation and the
Small Function Reference for full information.
- StartScript
Type: Small scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Number of public Script function to execute (default of 0 = "Script0")
- Args2 = Select VM (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Gamescript
- 1 = Levelscript
- Args3 = Parameter to script function #1
- Args4 = Parameter to script function #2
- Args5 = Parameter to script function #3
Purpose: Calls an appropriately named public Small function in the indicated VM,
passing Args3 - Args5 as integer parameters. To be invoked via this function,
a Small function must be declared as public, and must be named using the
"Script#" syntax, where # is the integer provided in Args1. The function should
accept 3 integer parameters, although you are not required to use them inside
the function.
Notes: If the indicated VM is not loaded, nothing will happen. If the VM is loaded but
the indicated function does not exist, an error message will be printed to the
- PlayerStartScript
Type: Small scripting, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = Number of public Script function to execute (default of 0 = "Script0")
- Args2 = Select VM (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Gamescript
- 1 = Levelscript
- Args3 = Parameter to script function #1
- Args4 = Parameter to script function #2
- Args5 = Parameter to script function #3
Purpose: Calls an appropriately named public Small function in the indicated VM,
passing Args3 - Args5 as integer parameters. To be invoked via this function,
a Small function must be declared as public, and must be named using the
"Script#" syntax, where # is the integer provided in Args1. The function should
accept 3 integer parameters, although you are not required to use them inside
the function.
Notes: If the indicated VM is not loaded, nothing will happen. If the VM is loaded but
the indicated function does not exist, an error message will be printed to the
WARNING: This codepointer is a Player Gun Frame codepointer, and
CANNOT be used by monsters. Use the above StartScript pointer for monster
frames instead.
EDF-Related Pointers
These pointers interact directly with parts of the EDF system. For more information on EDF,
see the EDF Documentation.
- ShowMessage
Type: EDF utility, parameterized
Parameter Information:
- Args1 = ID number of EDF string to display as a message (default of 0 = 0)
- Args2 = Message display method (default of 0 = 0)
- 0 = Console
- 1 = Normal message
- 2 = Center message
Purpose: Displays a text message defined as an EDF string to all players.
New to Eternity Engine v3.33.00.
Notes: If an EDF string with the indicated ID does not exist, nothing will happen.
Thunk: Yes.
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