The Eternity Engine v3.33.33 Console Reference -- 04/02/06
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This reference contains information on useful console commands and variables that work with
the Eternity console, as well as pointers on console command syntax.
- Table of Contents
- Notes on Special Command Syntax
- Notes on Notation
- Console Commands
- Core Commands
flood, delay, alias, cmdlist, quote, echo, dumplog, openlog, closelog, dir
- Menus
mn_clearmenus, mn_newgame, mn_quit, mn_episode,
mn_prevmenu, newgame,
mn_weaponkeys, mn_keybindings, mn_demos,
mn_weapons, mn_loadwad, mn_status, mn_hud, mn_mouse, mn_sound,
mn_vidmode, mn_particle, mn_video, mn_endgame, mn_options,
mn_savegame, mn_load, mn_player, mn_envkeys,
credits, help, mn_enemies, mn_compat, mn_automap,
quickload, quicksave, mn_joymenu, mn_hnewgame, mn_hepis,
skinviewer, mn_dynamenu, mn_selectwad, mn_search, mn_menus
- Keybindings
listactions, bind, unbindall, unbind, listkeys, bindings
- Networking
disconnect, playerinfo, frags, kick, say
- Cheats
god, noclip, nuke, infammo
- Video Options
v_modelist, animshot, screenshot
- Player Options
listskins, listwads
- Demos
timedemo, playdemo, stopdemo
- Gameplay
pause, i_error, spawn, endgame, starttitle, quit, map, kill,
addfile, exitlevel, defdmflags, summon, give, whistle
- EDF- and ExtraData-Related Commands
e_dumpthings, e_thingtype, e_dumpitems, e_listmapthings, e_mapthing,
e_listlinedefs, e_linedef
- Small Scripting Engine
a_running, a_execv, a_execi
- Console Variables
- Console
c_speed, c_height, textmode_startup
- Networking variables
- Gametype / Deathmatch
skill, nomonsters, respawn, fraglimit, bfgtype, gametype,
weapspeed, timelimit, fast, turbo, startlevel, dmflags
- Demo options
cooldemo, demo_insurance
- Player variables
name, skin, colour, walkcam, chasecam, chasecam_height, chasecam_dist,
chasecam_speed, numhelpers
- Input options
alwaysmlook, invertmouse, sens_horiz, sens_vert, smooth_turning,
use_joystick, use_mouse, joysens_x, joysens_y
- Environment / Physics variables
autoaim, allowmlook, bobbing, pushers, nukage, varfriction,
recoil, bfglook
- AI variables
mon_infight, mon_avoid, mon_climb, mon_friction, mon_remember,
mon_backing, mon_helpfriends, mon_distfriend
- Heads-up System variables
hu_overlay, hu_hidesecrets, hu_obituaries, hu_obitcolor, hu_crosshair,
hu_crosshair_hilite, hu_showvpo, hu_vpo_threshold, hu_messages,
hu_messagecolor, hu_messagelines, hu_messagescroll, hu_messagetime,
hu_showtime, hu_showcoords, hu_timecolor, hu_levelnamecolor,
hu_coordscolor, show_scores, map_coords
- Automap variables
mapcolor_rkey, mapcolor_bkey, mapcolor_ykey, mapcolor_rdor,
mapcolor_bdor, mapcolor_ydor, mapcolor_frnd, mapcolor_wall,
mapcolor_clsd, mapcolor_tele, mapcolor_secr, mapcolor_exit,
mapcolor_unsn, mapcolor_sprt, mapcolor_hair, mapcolor_sngl,
mapcolor_back, mapcolor_fchg
- Status Bar variables
ammo_red, ammo_yellow, health_red, health_yellow, health_green,
armor_red, armor_yellow, armor_green, st_rednum, st_singlekey,
- Menu variables
use_traditional_menu, wad_directory, mn_toggleisback, mn_searchstr, mn_start_mapname
- Rendering variables
r_showgun, r_showhom, r_blockmap, r_homflash, r_planeview, r_zoom,
r_stretchsky, r_precache, r_trans, r_tranpct, r_swirl, gamma,
draw_particles, bloodsplattype, bulletpufftype, rocket_trails,
grenade_trails, lefthanded, r_ptcltrans, bfg_cloud
- Particle Events
pevt_rexpl, pevt_bfgexpl
- Video variables
v_diskicon, v_retrace, v_mode, v_ticker, shot_type, shot_gamma, screensize
- Sound options
detect_voices, snd_card, mus_card, sfx_volume, music_volume,
s_flippan, s_precache, s_pitched, snd_channels
- Chat Macros
chatmacro0, chatmacro1, chatmacro2, chatmacro3, chatmacro4,
chatmacro5, chatmacro6, chatmacro7, chatmacro8, chatmacro9
- Weapon Preferences
weappref_0, weappref_1, weappref_2, weappref_3, weappref_4,
weappref_5, weappref_6, weappref_7, weappref_8
- DOOM Compatibility Vector
comp_telefrag, comp_dropoff, comp_vile, comp_pain, comp_skull,
comp_blazing, comp_doorlight, comp_model, comp_god, comp_falloff,
comp_floors, comp_skymap, comp_pursuit, comp_doorstuck,
comp_staylift, comp_zombie, comp_stairs, comp_infcheat,
comp_zerotags, comp_terrain, comp_respawnfix, comp_fallingdmg,
comp_soul, comp_overunder
- Misc. Configuration
use_startmap, i_gamespeed, i_ledsoff, startonnewmap, i_waitatexit,
i_showendoom, i_endoomdelay, i_grabmouse
- Constants
rngseed, creator, version, ver_date, ver_name, ver_time
Notes on Special Command Syntax
Commands which take parameters may accept numbers, strings, or members
of a predefined set of values.
$ delay 50
$ spawn 249 1
$ name Quasar
$ hu_overlay distributed
If string arguments contain whitespace, they must be in quotations. Quotations
around strings are otherwise optional.
$ echo "This has to be in quotes"
$ i_error "R_FindVisplane: no more visplanes!"
Multiple commands can be run from one prompt by separating them with a
$ delay; kill
Variables of type integer, named-value, on / off, and yes / no can be
affected by the following operators:
- +
Affixed to the end of the variable, it will increment it to the next
valid value, but no higher than the maximum allowed.
$ screensize +
- -
Affixed to the end of the variable, it will decrement it to the next
lower valid value, but no lower than the minimum allowed.
$ screensize -
- /
Toggles through the variable values from minimum to maximum, wrapping
around to the minimum value again when it is maxed out. This is most
useful with two-state yes/no and on/off variables.
$ hu_overlay /
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Notes on Notation
In the list below, command arguments enclosed in brackets are optional.
Commands typically have some default behavior when the arguments they
expect are not provided, although this is often to simply print usage
An ellipsis (...) signifies that the command will accept any number of
arguments and will amalgamate them into one continuous string.
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Console Commands
Console commands carry out a particular action when sent to the
Core Commands
These commands are for manipulating the console itself.
Synopsis of Commands:
* flood * echo
* delay * dumplog
* alias * openlog
* cmdlist * closelog
* quote * dir
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These commands display and affect various aspects of the menu system.
Synopsis of Commands:
- mn_clearmenus
- mn_newgame
- mn_quit
- mn_episode
- mn_prevmenu
- newgame
- mn_weaponkeys
- mn_keybindings
- mn_demos
- mn_weapons
- mn_loadwad
- mn_status
- mn_hud
- mn_mouse
- mn_sound
- mn_vidmode
- mn_particle
- mn_video
- mn_endgame
- mn_options
- mn_savegame
- mn_load
- mn_player
- mn_envkeys
- credits
- help
- mn_enemies
- mn_compat
- mn_automap
- quickload
- quicksave
- mn_joymenu
- mn_hnewgame
- mn_hepis
- skinviewer
- mn_dynamenu
- mn_selectwad
- mn_search
- mn_menus
- mn_clearmenus
Deactivates any active menu and returns to the game
- mn_newgame
Displays the New Game menu or takes the player to the start map,
depending on their configuration.
- mn_quit
Displays a prompt asking the user if they want to quit.
- mn_episode
Displays the episode selection screen for Ultimate DOOM.
Flags: not in network games
- mn_prevmenu
Returns user to the last menu they viewed, or to the game if the present
menu is the highest-most in that chain.
- newgame
Clears any active menus and starts a new game.
Flags: not in network games
- mn_weaponkeys
Displays the weapon keybinding menu.
- mn_keybindings
Displays primary keybindings menu.
- mn_demos
Displays the Demos menu
Flags: not in a network game
- mn_weapons
Displays the weapons preferences menu
- mn_loadwad
Displays the wad/file options menu.
- mn_status
Displays the status bar options menu.
- mn_hud
Displays the heads-up display options menu.
- mn_mouse
Displays the mouse options menu.
- mn_sound
Displays the sound options menu.
- mn_vidmode
Displays the video mode options menu.
- mn_particle
Displays the particle effects options menu.
- mn_video
Displays the video options menu.
- mn_endgame
Prompts the user to end the current game and return to the title screen.
- mn_options
Displays the main options menu.
- mn_savegame
Displays the save game menu. Will not display if not in a level.
- mn_load slotnum
Loads the save game from save slot slotnum.
- mn_loadgame
Displays the load game menu.
- mn_player
Displays the player setup menu.
- mn_envkeys
Displays the environment keybindings menu.
- credits
Displays game engine / game credits.
- help
Displays built-in and user-provided help screens. See the BOOM editing
reference on how to provide up to 99 custom help screens.
- mn_enemies
Displays enemy AI options menu.
- mn_compat
Displays the DOOM compatibility options menu.
- mn_automap
Displays the automap options menu.
- quickload
Quickloads a game from a previously chosen quicksave slot.
NOTE: does nothing in network games or demos
- quicksave
Quicksaves a game. First time command is used, a slot must
be chosen normally. Subsequent uses will overwrite the save in
that slot.
NOTE: does nothing in network games or demos
- mn_joymenu
Brings up the SDL joystick configuration menu.
NOTE: This command does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity.
- mn_hnewgame
Brings up the Heretic new game menu.
- mn_hepis
Brings up the Heretic episode selection menu.
- skinviewer
Brings up the skin viewer menu widget.
- mn_dmflags
Brings up the deathmatch flags configuration menu.
- mn_dynamenu menuname
Brings up the EDF dynamic menu with the given mnemonic. If no such
menu exists, an error message will appear in the console.
- mn_selectwad
Brings up the wad selection dialog box. The selected wad cannot be loaded
if the current gamemode is a shareware game.
Flags: not in a netgame
- mn_search
Begins or continues a menu search operation. This command uses the value
of the "mn_searchstr" console variable to carry out its search.
- mn_menus
Brings up the menu options menu.
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These commands allow manipulation of the dynamic keybinding system.
Synopsis of Commands:
* listactions * bindings
* bind
* unbindall
* unbind
* listkeys
- listactions
Displays a list of all bindable actions, aside from console
- bind keyname <actionname>
Binds the specified action to the specified key. actionname is
a string and should be enclosed in quotes if it contains
whitespace. actionname may specify any valid action or console
command. If "actionname" is not provided, the current binding
status of the specified key will be displayed.
- unbindall
Releases *all* dynamic keybindings. Use with caution!
- unbind keyname <bindingclass>
Unbinds the specified key from any action, or from only the action in
the specified class if the bindingclass parameter is specified. As of
Eternity Engine v3.31 Delta, keys may have one binding from each separate
binding class. Binding class numbers are displayed next to action names
when using the "bind keyname" command.
- listkeys
Displays a list of all bindable key names. Not all bindable key codes
correspond to pressable keys, however. Most pressable keys have obvious
names which correspond to those on the keyboard.
- bindings
Dumps a list of all active keybindings to the console.
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Synopsis of Commands:
* disconnect
* playerinfo
* frags
* kick
* say
- disconnect
Disconnects from any ongoing network game and sets full-screen
console mode.
Flags: only in network games
- playerinfo
Displays name information for all connected players.
- frags
Displays the current frag count for all players.
- kick playernum
Kicks the player with the specified player number from the game.
Player numbers can be retrieved with playerinfo.
Flags: server-only
- say ...
Sends all arguments as a single message to all players in a network
Flags: net command
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These commands provide an alternative method of entering some cheat
Synopsis of Commands:
* god
* noclip
* nuke
* infammo
- god
Toggles god mode (IDDQD) on or off.
Flags: not in network games, only in levels
- noclip
Toggles no clipping (IDCLIP) on or off.
Flags: not in network games, only in levels
- nuke
Kills all enemies on the level, and if there are no enemies, kills
all friends on the level (equivalent to KILLEM).
Flags: server-only, only in level, net command
- infammo
Toggles infinite ammo (INFSHOTS) on or off.
Flags: not in network games, only in levels
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Video Options
Synopsis of Commands:
* v_modelist
* animshot
* screenshot
- v_modelist
Prints a list of available video modes to the console.
- animshot numframes
Takes the given number of consecutive screenshots for the purpose
of making a crude animation. Would be useful for animated GIFs
or AVI movies. This command will make the game run very slow,
however, and will eat up disk space quickly, so use it with
- screenshot
Takes a single screenshot. Bind this command to a key in order
to take a shot without the console in the way.
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Player Options
Synopsis of Commands:
* listskins
* listwads
- listskins
Lists names of all available player skins.
- listwads
Lists all currently loaded WAD files.
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These commands are related to playing / recording demos.
For all of these commands, the demo specified by demoname must have
been added in either a WAD or on the command-line with the -file
option. Demos cannot be played directly from a file name.
Synopsis of Commands:
* timedemo
* playdemo
* stopdemo
- timedemo demoname showmenu
Starts the given demo as a time demo, in which the framerate of the
game can be measured. If showmenu is set to 1, a meter comparing
the framerate against that of a "fast" machine will be displayed after
the demo is complete. Otherwise, the framerate will be printed to the
console as a number.
Flags: not in a network game
- playdemo demoname
Plays the given demo normally.
Flags: not in a network game
- stopdemo
Stops any currently playing demo and drops to console.
Flags: not in a network game
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These commands directly affect gameplay in various ways.
Synopsis of Commands:
* pause * quit * defdmflags
* i_error * map * summon
* spawn * kill * give
* endgame * addfile
* starttitle * exitlevel
- pause
Pauses or unpauses the game.
Flags: server-only
- i_error ...
Simulates an internal game engine error. Prints any arguments provided
as a single string when the game exits.
- spawn objecttype <friend>
Spawns a map object of the given internal type (DeHackEd number minus 1)
in front of the player. If is provided and is a non-zero number,
the object will be friendly. This command is for developers.
Flags: not in a network game, only in levels, hidden
- endgame
Drops to console mode.
Flags: not in a network game
- starttitle
Returns the game to the title screen / demo / credits loop.
Flags: not in a network game
- quit
Plays a random monster sound and exits the game normally, with no prompt.
- map mapname
Transfers game play to the given map. mapname may be the name of a WAD
file to load, as well as the name of a map header itself.
map E1M1
map w00t.wad
Flags: server-only, net command, buffered command
- kill
Causes the player to commit suiceide.
Flags: only in level, net command
- addfile wadfilename
Adds the specified wad file at run-time. Some features will not
function completely as expected when WADs are loaded at run-time, so
for maximum compatibility always use the command line to load files.
Flags: not in network games, buffered command
- exitlevel
Exits the current level. Starting with EE v3.31 beta 1, this
command will not allow an exit if the player is dead unless the
comp_zombie variable is set to allow zombie exits.
Flags: only in level, server-only, net command, buffered command
- defdmflags <mode>
Sets the deathmatch flags variable to its default settings. If no
argument is provided, dmflags is set to the default for the current
game type. Otherwise, the "mode" parameter indicates what game mode's
defaults to set, with the following values:
0 = Single-player mode
1 = Cooperative mode
2 = Deathmatch mode
3 = Altdeath mode (deathmatch 2.0, items respawn)
4 = Trideath mode (DM 3, barrels respawn, players drop backpacks)
Flags: server-only, net command
- summon thingtypename <num>
Allows spawning of things via their EDF thing type name. "num" is an
optional parameter which has the same meanings as the third parameter
to the spawn console command above.
Flags: not in a network game, only in levels, hidden
- give thingtypename <num>
Spawns 1, or "num" if provided, of the object with this EDF thing
type name on the player and causes the player to collect it/them. If the requested
thing type is not collectable, it will not be spawned. In addition, if a
collectable item is not picked up by the player, it will be removed immediately.
Flags: not in a network game, only in levels, hidden
- whistle thingtypename
If there is a live, friendly thing of the given EDF type, the first such thing
found on the map will be teleported in front of the player. If the thing doesn't
fit where the player is trying to teleport it, it will not be teleported. It will
also not be teleported across blocking lines.
Flags: not in a network game, only in levels
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EDF- and ExtraData-Related Commands
These commands are related to the Eternity Definition Files (EDF) system. They
expose information which may be useful for editing or for use with other console
Synopsis of Commands:
* e_dumpthings * e_listlinedefs
* e_thingtype * e_linedef
* e_dumpitems
* e_listmapthings
* e_mapthing
- e_dumpthings
Lists all EDF thing type mnemonics along with the DeHackEd numbers and
doomednums of the corresponding types.
- e_thingtype thingtypename
Lists verbose information on an EDF thingtype with the given mnemonic. If
no such thingtype is defined, an error message will be given.
- e_dumpitems
Lists all EDF thing type mnemonics and DeHackEd/doomed numbers for thing
types which are collectable items. Useful in conjunction with the give
- e_listmapthings
Lists all mapthing definitions from the current map's ExtraData. If no
mapthings are defined or no ExtraData exists for the current map, an
appropriate error message will be given.
- e_mapthing recordnum
Lists verbose information on an ExtraData mapthing record with the given
numeric record number. If no such mapthing is defined or no ExtraData
exists for the current map, an appropriate error message will be given.
- e_listlinedefs
Lists all linedef definitions from the current map's ExtraData. If no
linedefs are defined or no ExtraData exists for the current map, an
appropriate error message will be given.
- e_linedef recordnum
Lists verbose information on an ExtraData linedef record with the given
numeric record number. If no such linedef is defined or no ExtraData
exists for the current map, an appropriate error message will be given.
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Small Scripting Engine
These commands are related to the Small scripting engine.
Synopsis of Commands:
* a_running
* a_execv
* a_execi
- a_running
Prints debug information about the currently running script callbacks.
The data listed is as follows: internal script number, internal
callback type number, and callback data (wait time or sector tag).
- a_execv vm scriptname
Executes a public Small script, passing no parameters (use this for
scripts declared with an empty parameter list). The "vm" parameter
should be 0 to indicate the Gamescript VM, or 1 to indicate the
Levelscript VM. If the indicated VM isn't valid, an error message
will be displayed. The indicated script will run under the
INVOKE_CCMD invocation model.
- a_execi vm scriptname ...
Executes a public Small script, passing one or more integer parameters
provided to this command. You cannot pass string values to Small functions
using this command. The number of parameters passed should match the
prototype of the Small function being invoked, or an error may occur.
The "vm" parameter should be 0 to indicate the Gamescript VM, or 1 to
indicate the Levelscript VM. If the indicated VM isn't valid, an error
message will be displayed. The indicated script will run under the
INVOKE_CCMD invocation model.
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Console Variables
Variables differ from commands in that they are assigned values rather
than performing actions directly.
* c_speed
* c_height
* textmode_startup
- c_speed
type: integer
value range: 1 - 200
value = speed at which console descends/recedes
- c_height
type: integer
value range: 20 - 200
value = normal height of the console in pixels
- textmode_startup
type: on / off
on = game starts in text mode like the original DOOM
off = game starts in console mode with graphics
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Networking variables
* com
- com
type: integer
value range: 1 - 4
value = com port to use for serial connections
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Game type / Deathmatch options
* skill * gametype * startlevel
* nomonsters * weapspeed * dmflags
* respawn * timelimit
* fraglimit * fast
* bfgtype * turbo
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Demo options
* cooldemo
* demo_insurance
- cooldemo
type: on / off
on = if the level has intermission cameras, the view will move
between them randomly during the demo
off = demos are normal even in levels with intermission cameras
- demo_insurance
type: named values
values: off, on, "when recording"
value = determines whether or not extra steps should be taken to
ensure that demos will remain in sync
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Player variables
* name * chasecam_height
* skin * chasecam_dist
* colour * chasecam_speed
* walkcam * numhelpers
* chasecam
- name
type: string
value = name of console player
Flags: netvar
- skin
type: string
value = console player's current skin
Flags: netvar
-> skin names can be retrieved with the listskins command
- colour
type: named values
values: green, indigo, brown, red, tomato, dirt, blue, gold, sea,
black, purple, vomit, pink, cream, white
value = consoleplayer's clothing color
Flags: netvar
- walkcam
type: on / off
on = the player controls a walkcam
off = the player has a normal viewpoint
Flags: not in network games
- chasecam
type: on / off
on = the player views himself from a following camera
off = the player has a normal viewpoint
- chasecam_height
type: integer
value range: -31 - 100
value = preferred height of the chasecam above the player's viewheight
- chasecam_dist
type: integer
value range: 10 - 1024
value = preferred distance from chasecam to player
- chasecam_speed
type: integer
value range: 1 - 100
value = percentage of distance to target chasecam moves per gametic
- numhelpers
type: integer
value range: 0 - 3
value = number of helper creatures that spawn with the player
Flags: not in network game
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Input options
* alwaysmlook * use_joystick
* invertmouse * use_mouse
* sens_horiz * joysens_x
* sens_vert * joysens_y
* smooth_turning * grabmouse
- alwaysmlook
type: on / off
on = mouse movements are always interpreted as mlook
off = mouse movements may be interpreted as player movement
- invertmouse
type: on / off
on = mlook mouse movements are reversed -- "arcade style"
off = mlook mouse movements correspond to physical mouse movement
- sens_horiz
type: integer
value range: 0 - 64
value = relative horizontal sensitivity of the mouse
- sens_vert
type: integer
value range: 0 - 48
value = relative vertical sensitivity of the mouse
- smooth_turning
type: on / off
on = mouse turning is smoothed by the game
off = raw mouse turning is used
- use_joystick
type: yes / no
yes = enables use of joystick/gamepad cross pad and buttons
no = joystick/gamepad is disabled
* NOTE: In DOS, the joystick must be calibrated through the
Allegro configuration program.
- use_mouse
type: yes / no
yes = enables use of mouse tracking and buttons
no = mouse is disabled
- joysens_x
type: integer
value range: -32768, 32767
value = horizontal axis sensitivity for SDL joystick
NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity
- joysens_y
type: integer
value range: -32768, 32767
value = vertical axis sensitivity for SDL joystick
NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity
- grab_mouse
type: yes / no
yes = the mouse is restricted to Eternity's graphics window
no = the mouse can move freely
NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity
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Environment / Physics variables
* autoaim * varfriction
* allowmlook * recoil
* bobbing * bfglook
* pushers
* nukage
- autoaim
type: on / off
on = the game engine assists players with aiming automatically
off = players must aim precisely
Flags: netvar, server-only
- allowmlook
type: on / off
on = players may use mlook
off = players may not use mlook
Flags: netvar, server-only
- bobbing
type: on / off
on = players see themselves bob about like chickens
off = players see themselves scoot around like robots on wheels
Flags: netvar, server-only
- pushers
type: on / off
on = objects are affected by wind, current, conveyors
off = objects are not affected by wind, current, conveyors
Flags: netvar, server-only
- nukage
type: on / off
on = damaging sectors hurt players as normal
off = damaging sectors are harmless
Flags: netvar, server-only
- varfriction
type: on / off
on = players experience variable friction
off = players always experience normal friction
Flags: netvar, server-only
- recoil
type: on / off
on = players experience recoil when firing weapons
off = players do not experience recoil
Flags: netvar, server-only
- bfglook
type: named values
values: off, on, fixedgun
value = ability to mlook with BFG -- fixedgun allows mlook to occur,
but will not allow the unfair effects of BFG mlooking
Flags: netvar, server-only
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AI variables
* mon_infight * mon_backing
* mon_avoid * mon_helpfriends
* mon_climb * mon_distfriend
* mon_friction
* mon_remember
- mon_infight
type: on / off
on = monsters will fight with each other when provoked
off = monsters will fight only with players and friends
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_avoid
type: on / off
on = monsters will avoid damaging sectors if possible
off = monsters are naive about damaging sectors
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_climb
type: on / off
on = monsters can climb tall stairs
off = monsters cannot navigate tall stairs
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_friction
type: on / off
on = monsters are affected by sector friction attributes
off = monsters always experience normal friction
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_remember
type: on / off
on = monsters remember their last enemy after making a kill
off = monsters track only one enemy and may fall asleep if it is killed
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_backing
type: on / off
on = monsters may intelligently back out of a fight if hurt
off = monsters savagely fight to the death
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_helpfriends
type: on / off
on = friends may help other friends with low health
off = friends will pursue their own targets without regard to others
Flags: netvar, server-only
- mon_distfriend
type: integer
value range: 0 - 1024
value = average distance friends attempt to remain from players
Flags: netvar, server-only
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Heads-up system variables
- hu_overlay
- hu_hidesecrets
- hu_obituaries
- hu_obitcolor
- hu_crosshair
- hu_crosshair_hilite
- hu_showvpo
- hu_vpo_threshold
- hu_messages
- hu_messagecolor
- hu_messagelines
- hu_messagescroll
- hu_messagetime
- hu_showtime
- hu_showcoords
- hu_timecolor
- hu_levelnamecolor
- hu_coordscolor
- show_scores
- map_coords
- hu_overlay
type: named values
values: off, "boom style", flat, distributed, graphical
value = style / activation state of HUD
- hu_hidesecrets
type: yes / no
yes = kills/items/secrets statistics are not displayed on the HUD
no = kills/items/secrets statistics are displayed on the HUD
- hu_obituaries
type: on / off
on = obituaries are shown when a player dies
off = no obituaries are shown
- hu_obitcolor
type: named values
values: brick, tan, gray, green, brown, gold, red, blue, orange, yellow
value = color of obituary messages
- hu_crosshair
type: named values
values: none, cross, angle
value = shape / presence of the aiming crosshairs
- hu_crosshair_hilite
type: on / off
on = crosshair will highlight when player is aiming at a monster or friend
off = crosshair remains the default color at all times
- hu_showvpo
type: yes / no
yes = a VPO indicator will be displayed when the number of visplanes
is at or above the level set in the 'hu_vpo_threshold' variable.
no = no VPO indicator will be shown
* NOTE: Due to a more efficient visplane splitting algorithm
developed in BOOM, Eternity uses fewer visplanes than DOOM
did. Due to this discrepancy, Eternity uses a customizable
number to set the level at which a VPO warning is issued. The
default value of 85 is reasonable, but is not perfect. The
appearance of the VPO indicator is only to be taken as a
warning that the threshold may be near, and not that a VPO
will occur at an exact location.
- hu_vpo_threshold
type: integer
value range: 1 - 128
value = number of visplanes required for the VPO indicator to be displayed.
- hu_messages
type: on / off
on = HUD messages will be displayed in the upper left corner
off = HUD messages are not displayed
- hu_messagecolor
type: named values
values: brick, tan, gray, green, brown, gold, red, blue, orange, yellow
value = color of normal HUD messages
- hu_messagelines
type: integer
value range: 0 - 14
value = number of lines in the HUD message widget
- hu_messagescroll
type: yes / no
yes = the HUD message widget can be scrolled to see previous messages
no = the HUD message widget cannot be scrolled
- hu_messagetime
type: integer
value range: 0 - 100000
value = length of time messages appear
- hu_showtime
type: yes / no
yes = level timer is displayed on the automap
no = level timer is not displayed
- hu_showcoords
type: yes / no
yes = player/pointer coordinates are displayed on the automap
no = player/pointer coordinates are not displayed
- hu_timecolor
type: named values
values: brick, tan, gray, green, brown, gold, red, blue, orange, yellow
value = color of automap level time HUD widget text
- hu_levelnamecolor
type: named values
values: brick, tan, gray, green, brown, gold, red, blue, orange, yellow
value = color of automap level name HUD widget text
- hu_coordscolor
type: named values
values: brick, tan, gray, green, brown, gold, red, blue, orange, yellow
value = color of automap player/pointer coordinates HUD widget text
- show_scores
type: on / off
on = a player frags chart will be shown when you die
off = no frags chart is displayed
- map_coords
type: on / off
on = automap coordinates follow the pointer in non-follow mode
off = automap coordinates always show player coordinates
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Automap variables
* mapcolor_rkey * mapcolor_ydor * mapcolor_secr * mapcolor_sngl
* mapcolor_bkey * mapcolor_frnd * mapcolor_exit * mapcolor_back
* mapcolor_ykey * mapcolor_wall * mapcolor_unsn * mapcolor_fchg
* mapcolor_rdor * mapcolor_clsd * mapcolor_sprt * map_coords
* mapcolor_bdor * mapcolor_tele * mapcolor_hair
- mapcolor_rkey
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of red key objects on map
- mapcolor_bkey
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of blue key objects on map
- mapcolor_ykey
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of yellow key objects on map
- mapcolor_rdor
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of red key doors on map
- mapcolor_bdor
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of blue key doors on map
- mapcolor_ydor
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of yellow key doors on map
- mapcolor_frnd
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of friends when in IDDTx2 mode
- mapcolor_wall
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of normal walls
- mapcolor_clsd
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of closed doors / areas
- mapcolor_tele
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of teleportal lines
- mapcolor_secr
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of secret sector boundaries
- mapcolor_exit
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of exit lines
- mapcolor_unsn
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of computer map unseen lines
- mapcolor_sprt
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of normal map objects
- mapcolor_hair
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of map pointer
- mapcolor_sngl
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of player arrow in single-player game
- mapcolor_back
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of automap background
- mapcolor_fchg
type: integer
value range: 0 - 255
value = color of lines at floor height changes
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Status Bar variables
* ammo_red * armor_red * st_graypct
* ammo_yellow * armor_yellow
* health_red * armor_green
* health_yellow * st_rednum
* health_green * st_singlekey
- ammo_red
type: integer
value range: 0 - 100
value = ammo amount at which status bar numbers turn red
- ammo_yellow
type: integer
value range: 0 - 100
value = ammo amount at which status bar numbers turn yellow
- health_red
type: integer
value range: 0 - 200
value = health amount at which status bar numbers turn red
- health_yellow
type: integer
value range: 0 - 200
value = health amount at which status bar numbers turn yellow
- health_green
type: integer
value range: 0 - 200
value = health amount at which status bar number turn green
- armor_red
type: integer
value range: 0 - 200
value = armor amount at which status bar number turn red
- armor_yellow
type: integer
value range: 0 - 200
value = armor amount at which status bar numbers turn yellow
- armor_green
type: integer
value range: 0 - 200
value = armor amount at which status bar numbers turn green
- st_rednum
type: yes / no
yes = status bar numbers are always red
no = status bar numbers change color to reflect condition
- st_singlekey
type: yes / no
yes = status bar key icons show only one key type even if both
are possessed (skull vs key)
no = status bar key icons display a double key icon if both
keys are possessed
- st_graypct
type: yes / no
yes = if status bar numbers change colors, the percent sign will
be gray rather than changing along with the numbers
no = if status bar numbers change colors, the percent sign will
change colors as well -- otherwise it will be red as normal
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Menu variables
* use_traditional_menu
* wad_directory
* mn_toggleisback
* mn_searchstr
* mn_start_mapname
- use_traditional_menu
type: yes / no
yes = DOOM / DOOM II original main menu will be emulated
no = Eternity's main menu behavior is used
* NOTE: This variable has no effect on game modes other than DOOM or DOOM II.
- wad_directory
type: string
value = user's wad directory, which will be listed in the wad loading dialog.
- mn_toggleisback
type: yes / no
yes = "menu_toggle" keybinding action goes back one menu instead of exiting
no = "menu_toggle" keybinding action exits the menu system
- mn_searchstr
type: string
value = string to search for in menus via mn_search command
- mn_start_mapname
type: string
value = Exact map header name of a map at which a new game started from the menus
should begin at. If invoked from the menus, this command will immediately
invoke the gamemode-dependent skill selection menu when its value is set.
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Rendering variables
* r_showgun * r_zoom * r_swirl * rocket_trails
* r_showhom * r_stretchsky * gamma * grenade_trails
* r_blockmap * r_precache * draw_particles * lefthanded
* r_homflash * r_trans * bloodsplattype * bfg_cloud
* r_planeview * r_tranpct * bulletpufftype
- r_showgun
type: yes / no
yes = weapon sprites are drawn as normal
no = no weapon sprites are drawn
- r_showhom
type: yes / no
yes = HOM will appear as a red or flashing red area on the screen
no = HOM will appear as a simple lack of screen-redraw
- r_blockmap
type: on / off
on = the game engine will rebuild blockmaps at run-time
off = the game engine will use prebuilt blockmaps when available
- r_homflash
type: on / off
on = when HOM detection is enabled, it will flash between red
and black
off = HOM detection appears as solid red
** This option is important if the user may have an epileptic
condition triggered by flashing solid color patterns. It is
recommended of course that such persons do not play video
games at any rate.
- r_planeview
type: on / off
on = visplanes are separated by thin black lines
off = visplanes are not visible to the user
This option is just for technical interest.
- r_zoom
type: integer
value range: 0 - 8192
value = zoom level of the game camera
- r_stretchsky
type: on / off
on = short skies will be stretched to accomidate up/down look
off = short skies are tiled (very ugly!)
- r_precache
type: on / off
on = various graphics will be precached at the start of the level
off = graphics are loaded as needed (shorter start up time, but
can result in loss of framerate)
- r_trans
type: on / off
on = general translucency is enabled
off = general translucency is disabled (can improve framerate)
- r_tranpct
type: integer
value range: 0 - 100
value = general global translucency percentage
- r_swirl
type: on / off
on = all animated flats use a swirling effect
off = animated flats behave normally
* NOTE: this option is just for testing / fun -- swirling can be
achieved for individual flats through the ANIMATED lump.
- gamma
type: integer
value range: 0 - 4
value = gamma correction level
- draw_particles
type: on / off
on = individually enabled particle effects are drawn
off = no particle effects are drawn
- bloodsplattype
type: named values
values: sprites, particles, both
value = effect used for blood splats
- bulletpufftype
type: named values
values: sprites, particles, both
value = effect used for bullet puffs
- rocket_trails
type: on / off
on = rockets have a smoke trail effect
off = rockets are normal
- grenade_trails
type: on / off
on = grenades have a smoke trail effect
off = grenades are normal
- lefthanded
type: named values
values: right, left
value = handedness of player -- left causes weapon sprites to be
* NOTE: due to discrepancies in the original weapon graphics,
left vs right handedness is illy-defined and is a popular
subject of debate on forums, channels, and sites. This
feature is just for fun.
- r_ptcltrans
type: named values
values: none, smooth, general
value = translucency type used by particle effects -- smooth is zdoom-style
smooth fading, and general is static, BOOM-style translucency as
used in Eternity v3.29 Gamma and earlier.
- bfg_cloud
type: on / off
on = BFG projectiles have a particle cloud
off = BFG projectiles are normal
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Particle events
* pevt_rexpl
* pevt_bfgexpl
- pevt_rexpl
type: on / off
on = Particle event #1, explosion particle burst, is enabled
off = Particle event #1 is disabled
- pevt_bfgexpl
type: on / off
on = Particle event #2, bfg particle burst, is enabled
off = Particle event #2 is disabled
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Video variables
* v_diskicon
* v_retrace
* v_mode
* v_ticker
* shot_type
* shot_gamma
* screensize
- v_diskicon
type: on / off
on = flashing disk icon is used to indicate disk access
off = disk access is silent
- v_retrace
type: yes / no
yes = drawing waits for vertical retrace (vsynch)
no = drawing does not wait for vsynch (may cause display tearing)
- v_mode
type: named values
values: use v_modelist command to view available modes
value = video mode
- v_ticker
type: named values
values: off, chart, classic, text
value = presence / appearance of an FPS ticker
classic is the original FPS ticker enabled through -devparm
- shot_type
type: named values
values: bmp, pcx
value = file type written when screenshots are taken
- shot_gamma
type: yes / no
yes = gamma correction will be applied to screenshots.
no = no gamma correction will be applied to screenshots.
- screensize
type: integer
value range: 0 - 8
value = size of game screen
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Sound options
* detect_voices * s_flippan
* snd_card * s_precache
* mus_card * s_pitched
* sfx_volume * snd_channels
* music_volume
- detect_voices
type: yes / no
yes = Allegro will attempt to autodetect the number of hardware voices available
no = Allegro will use a specified default number of voices
* NOTE: this setting only works in the DOS version of Eternity.
- snd_card
type: named values
- DOS: autodetect, none, SB, "SB 1.0", "SB 1.5", "SB 2.0", "SB Pro", SB16, GUS
- Windows: SDL_mixer, none
value = type of sound driver to be used by Allegro/SDL
- autodetect = Allegro will attempt to autodetect the card type (DOS only)
- none = digital sound will be disabled
- mus_card
type: named values
- DOS: autodetect, none, adlib, OPL2, 2xOPL2, OPL3, "SB MIDI", MPU-401, GUS, DIGMID, AWE32
- Windows: SDL_mixer, none
value = type of MIDI driver to be used by Allegro/SDL
- autodetect = Allegro will attempt to autodetect the synthesizer (DOS only)
- none = MIDI output will be disabled
- sfx_volume
type: integer
value range = 0 - 15
value = base volume for digital sound effects
- music_volume
type: integer
value range: 0 - 15
value = base volume for MIDI synthesis
- s_flippan
type: on / off
on = forces reversal of stereo sound channels
off = stereo sound will be normal for the card/driver/other settings
* NOTE: on and off for this variable do not equate to flipped or
non-flipped in the same way for every combination of
sound card and/or Allego configuration. If your sound is
right, turning on s_flippan will make it wrong. If your sound
is wrong, try this to make it right.
- s_precache
type: on / off
on = sounds will be precached at the beginning of the game
off = sounds will be loaded as they are used
* NOTE: off will make load times shorter, but may degrade
performance. on may require more system memory.
- s_pitched
type: on / off
on = emulates crappy DOOM v1.1 variable-pitched sound effects
off = sounds always play at real pitch
- snd_channels
type: integer
value range: 0 - 128
value = number of software channels to maintain
* NOTE: this has nothing to do with the number of available
hardware channels, which, unless you are very rich, is
probably nowhere near 128 :P
This value affects the number of sounds the game will
*attempt* to play at one time. If set too low, you will
lose sound unnecessarily. Setting it too high will use
more memory and take more time to process.
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Chat Macros
Chat macros are stored in variables "chatmacro0" through "chatmacro9"
All are of type string and reflect the chat macros usable in multiplayer.
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Weapon Preferences
Weapon preferences are stored in variables "weappref_0" through
Weapon preferences are named-value variables and use the following values:
fist, pistol, shotgun, chaingun, "rocket launcher", "plasma gun",
bfg, chainsaw, "double shotgun"
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DOOM Compatibility Vector
The compatibility vector can be accessed with the following variables.
All variables are of the on / off type and are server-only net commands.
* comp_telefrag * comp_blazing * comp_floors * comp_zombie
* comp_dropoff * comp_doorlight * comp_skymap * comp_stairs
* comp_vile * comp_model * comp_pursuit * comp_infcheat
* comp_pain * comp_god * comp_doorstuck * comp_zerotags
* comp_skull * comp_falloff * comp_staylift * comp_terrain
* comp_respawnfix
* comp_fallingdmg
* comp_soul
* comp_overunder
- comp_telefrag
Determines whether enemies telefrag players on MAP30
- comp_dropoff
Determines whether enemies get stuck over tall dropoffs
- comp_vile
Determines whether Archviles can resurrect ghosts
- comp_pain
Toggles Pain Elemental's limit of 21 lost souls on the map
- comp_skull
Determines whether Pain Elementals may spawn lost souls past blocking lines
- comp_blazing
Toggles double closing sound from blazing doors
- comp_doorlight
Turns on/off tagged sector light fading for DR door line types
- comp_model
Toggles use of DOOM's linedef trigger model
- comp_god
Determines whether damage greater than 9999 can kill players in god mode
- comp_falloff
Toggles MBF torque simulation physics
- comp_floors
Toggles use of DOOM's floor movement model
NOTE: This setting is incompatible with extended 3D object clipping. If this
variable is set to on, comp_overunder will be forced on as well.
- comp_skymap
Determines whether invulnerability affects drawing of sky textures
- comp_pursuit
Determines whether enemies remember their last target
- comp_doorstuck
Determines whether enemies may get stuck on door tracks
- comp_zerotags
Determines whether linedef actions with a zero tag will be applied.
- comp_terrain
Toggles Eternity TerrainTypes effects
- comp_respawnfix
Determines whether spawned things respawn at the point (0, 0) or at their
point of death
- comp_fallingdmg
Toggles Eternity falling damage
- comp_soul
Determines lost soul floor/ceiling bouncing behavior.
- comp_overunder
Toggles Eternity extended 3D object clipping.
NOTE: If comp_floors is on, this variable will be forced on. To use 3D object clipping,
make sure comp_floors is off first. This variable supercedes comp_scratch.
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Misc. Configuration
* use_startmap
* i_gamespeed
* i_ledsoff
* startonnewmap
* i_waitatexit
* i_showendoom
* i_endoomdelay
* i_grabmouse
- use_startmap
type: named values
values: ask, no, yes
value = determines whether the game should use the menu or the
start map to start new games. "ask" is used to indicate
that the user has not chosen a value. The game will prompt
the player to decide the next time the game is started.
* NOTE: if new wads are added and none of them contain their own
start map, the start map will not be used.
- i_gamespeed
type: integer
value range: 0 - 500
value = percentage of real time at which the game clock runs
- i_ledsoff
type: yes / no
yes = keyboard LEDs will remain off regardless of lock states
no = keyboard LEDs will toggle on/off with presses of lock keys
* NOTE: this variable only works in the DOS version of Eternity.
- startonnewmap
type: yes / no
yes = new game starts on first new map, if any
no = new game starts at MAP01 or on selected episode
- i_waitatexit
type: yes / no
yes = game will wait for input after exiting
no = console window will shut immediately on exit
* NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity.
- i_showendoom
type: yes / no
yes = ENDOOM will be displayed in a textmode emulator window on exit
no = ENDOOM is not displayed
* NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity.
- i_endoomdelay
type: integer
value range: 35 - 3500
value = time in gametics to display the ENDOOM in the textmode emulator
* NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity.
- i_grabmouse
type: yes / no
yes = window grabs mouse input
no = window does not grab mouse input
* NOTE: this variable does not exist in the DOS version of Eternity.
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These variables are read-only and cannot be set to a new value.
* rngseed * ver_time
* creator
* version
* ver_date
* ver_name
- rngseed
type: integer
value = current random number generator seed
- creator
type: string
value = author of current map as specified via MapInfo
- version
type: integer
value = whole-number version of this Eternity Engine build
- ver_date
type: string
value = date on which this Eternity Engine executable was compiled
- ver_name
type: string
value = special name of this Eternity Engine version
- ver_time
type: string
value = time at which this Eternity Engine executable was compiled
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