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642 files

  1. The Crush

    A fast-paced deathmatch level for Doom ][ with plenty of ways to nail your buddies. Last one through the "catwalk" is toast, so be a man and run like hell. There are some secrets in this level so look out for them.


       (0 reviews)


  2. The Catacombs

    This is a DOOM II-only deathmatch wad. It's got a whole bunch of cool stuff in it. Like An entire sector with 30 columns that can be used for dodging bullets, trapping opponents, or just hanging around in. If you hate to get blown away by BFG's, rocket launchers, and other non-existent weapons this WAD is the WAD for you. All natural weapons baby!!! No sniper spots either you gotta keep movin'. It has a very compact map so you don't have to go searching for the other players.


       (3 reviews)


  3. Animatronia vs Deathtrack 1-4

    I have created 4 new levels for Doom 2 for my first time, but I put a LOT of time into it. I started simple and just really had some fun. I added to it a WHOLE new theme. Now you're a cheetah from a different planet instead of the marine (who the "deathtrk.txt" explains died in the explosion). I also added new sounds, like new weapon sounds, a few new misc. sounds, and even made it fit the character by growls, snarls, etc... when you're hit, fall, die, or power up with something. I went all out. I even added new graphics on the menu to fit the theme, and changed the bar at the bottom of the screen, again...all to fit the theme. For a first time, I think you will like it...so have fun, and just start the new game. Read the 'deathtrk.txt' first though...it gives the plot...and it makes it much more enjoyable to know about it.


       (2 reviews)


  4. Path of a Fallen Angel

    After the fall of the big bad-asses in Doom and Doom2, you make your way back home and pitch in a hand in rebuilding Earth. After years of hard work, Earth has had a rebirth in technology that was so necessary for the recovery. This new technology also spilled over into the armed forces, especially the Marines who are, after your escapades, at the head of protecting Earth from any outside evil force. Mankind had just begun to enjoy a new peaceful life when a radio beam comes down to the UAC COT (Communications to Outer Territories dept.) from Saturn. Your were on call when the distress message came down, and it shot streams of horror down your spine as you heard the screams. It sounded so much like the call you got when you were stationed on Mars. You recalled a budy yelling in total terror, "There's something fraging evil coming through those gates!" Arrangements are made immediatly to transfer the remaining Marines down to Earth. When they arrive, they tell the grusome story of a new strain of pure evil coming through a sort of portal onto the surface of Saturn. Apparently as the technology of the Marines grew on Earth, somebody, or something was watching their every move, and copying their every weapon. The new P950 plasma gun has been stolen, the new phase 2 rockets and launcher have been stolen. They know of our technology, and have weilded it. Now it is up to you to use the new technology to bash this new evil. You grab your stuff and head out!


       (9 reviews)


  5. The Forest Cave

    MAJORMUD lovers ATTENTION!! This WAD is a Doom-ized creation of the forest cave in MajorMud! It is possible to play co-op, but there isn't much to the level (the cave is small..), so I reccomend playing it deathmatch , altdeath and nomonsters. This would have been ALOT more realistic as a Heretic or Hexen level, but as of yet no editor for Hexen is where I've checked, (Hexen isn't even out of beta form yet :) ), and for some weird reason HEU decided to quit working on my comp, even if I d/l another copy it won't work! Any suggestions?!? Email me!!


       (1 review)


  6. hell5

    This is my first wad, so don't expect something special, but I think it's not bad for the first wad.


       (14 reviews)


  7. Arena Of Destruction *3*

    This is the third Level in the world-famous episode called "Arena Of Destruction". After my first level was so successful, I built another one and now I have reached the point of no return: Arena Of Destruction 3 !!! The scheme hasn't changed much: A big Arena for tremendous fighting and some smaller rooms out- side for collecting interesting stuff. But, this time, I added more atmosphere. Note that you don't start in the real Arena! BTW, there IS a secret armory! Where? Find it out or ask me!


       (3 reviews)


  8. Cuchillo

    Wad for DOOM2 built for being played #single#, #cooperative# and #deathmatch#. No levels.


       (5 reviews)


  9. The Halls of Cain

    'sa biblical reference, innit? First murderer and all that. Seemed a bit of a laugh to call it that I 'spose. Prob'ly a defmatch level, then. 'Course, if it gots monsters, ya could have a go at it solo, too, I 'xpect.


       (2 reviews)


  10. The Big Stairs Experiment

    This was how I learned to use DEEP. There's not a lot that's special here: one big room, one tricky staircase, some troublesome Imps, and if you don't get your butt in gear the Lost Souls just keep multiplying. But, as it turns out, the level can provide a quick and simple challenge for that first level.


       (3 reviews)


  11. Pardon Me, My Soup is Cold, Could You Please Die In It

    Wait a minute... I'm playing Doom2, right? So Why am I stuck in Wolfenstein? Oh, look. AHHHHH I'm in Hell!!! Try out Ultra- Violence. Other wise, you have no right playing Doom, and I never want to see you again. We integrated loser skill levels for those not worthy of such a well thought out WAD. E-mail me and tell us what you think.


       (4 reviews)


  12. Cape Moss Ablaze (v1.20)

    This if my first PWAD. The game area of MAP01 is my house and MAP02 is the surroundings. I think you can figure out the level shift yourself (I intended to make only one level, but it was rather heavy-duty one so it had to splitted just to make it playable). The area of these levels is called Sammalniemi, Cape Moss in English, located in Korpilahti, Middle-Finland.


       (2 reviews)


  13. Adieu

    I don't want to give away to much of the wad, but I do want you to try it so I'll tell the wad has a few tricks and ambushes that will keep you thinking and pumping lead into enemies. I also made sure it was beatable. It might be a little harder for other people because I couldn't find anyone to playtest for me and I had to do it myself. So without further ado try it out for yourself.


       (3 reviews)


  14. Curtin Computer Science

    My first Wad. Based on the computer science building at Curtin University of Technology. Certain alterations have taken place as the rooms on the 3rd floor are normally quite boring.


       (3 reviews)


  15. COOL Level

    Kewl level for Doom 2.


       (5 reviews)


  16. CUE2 MAZE

    My second huge effort. This one has many stairways and lifts for a more 3-D feel. Also, alot of puzzles to figure out. Good for Deathmatch as you can get thru all areas in both directions. Hint- To git the Rocket Launcher you must do a "U"-Turn. Dedicated to Computer Users of Erie so don't forget to look at the auto-map before ending the level. This DooM 2 wad was converted from a DooM 1 wad with DooM 2 monsters added for more blasting enjoyment.


       (2 reviews)


  17. bigmaps.WAD

    Uh... , after earth was cleaned out it was discoverd that there was just one last hold out of monsters from hell. They had to do a longjump to get you there so the only gun you could bring is that old handgun! Here we go again!

    These are ten levels all writen by me, all for this wadpak. Level ten is a end level, with the end game badguys. Just play it already!


       (4 reviews)


  18. ALLEYS.WAD (v1.1)

    My very first DOOM2 .WAD (-ish).

    The end of the Callisto campaign (see below) should have meant well-earnt retirement for you, marine.

    Now that the Callisto anomaly has been brought back to earth, someone else can mop up the remains..after all, we now have the measure of the monsters, and are starting to clear them out of most of earth.

    But there is a problem...one of the spooks at the military academy came up to you in the camp laboratory last night with a bunch of old books and things in a time-stasis case.

    He said there were quite a few of them in a military store in deepest Iowa (thats right, the one where the Ark of the Covenant is stored) - and told you that this was a CLASS 1 secret. Even the president was never told about these, and up until now, no-one has known how to interpret them. They are in a variety of hands, some ancient (one even seems to be a papyrus scroll with hieroglyphics, although the spook will only mutter darkly about plagues and darknesses when you ask about it) and some more modern.

    The upshot of it is that all describe foul beings that have haunted some troubled spots of earth. The spook produces a marbled edged ledger, its pages spotted with blood, and edges burnt.

    You read the copperplate with a sinking feeling.. "The ledger of William Jago, butcher, at the sign of the Red Deaths Head, Solomons End, Whitechapel, London, in the year 1858...I know the things were out in the alleyways in Whitechapel again last night..I know it is not a dream, and I saw the two watch men all burnt up by the fire from the evil brown things hands..all the people hid behind their doorways, and even the night-walkers fled..there was a great beast of some kind that made a blasphemous noise in which I could hear no words spoken..noises as of engines came from the site where the new buildings are to be made by Cut-Throat Alley..I heard terrible deep laughter, vile laughter..some arch-fiend is hiding in the alleyways, and I fear for my soul.."

    "All we know, Blazkowicz, is that Jago and his shop and all the area around it were destroyed in a huge fire, and they never recovered any bodies" says the spook "but theres a problem... the British government psychics say that the bastards have come back twice..once during the 1880s and again during the first world war... at least one of the Jack the Ripper sightings was of a brown thing the size of a man with thorns growing from its legs and arms, and fire around it..they put the man who reported it in Bedlam, but we think we know the truth now...and they say that the problem may emerge again..soon"

    The spook tells you about the experiments with the Callisto anomaly, and the attempts to use it to see the heart of Victorian London.

    "Unfortunately, we lost a few men attempting to get through, Blazkowicz...keep an eye out for them, some may be rescuable..We think that most of the ammunition and stores we sent through has reached the target area, but we aren't sure.. we are not even sure if we can bring you home.. keep a sharp eye for anything that looks like a switch..if the creatures are there, it'll be heavily guarded."

    "Some of our people have a theory that the Callisto anomaly will transport you to the nearest brood of the hellspawn..the nearest to here is London 1858, but there may not be a way straight back. There's another..well, that can wait! It looks like your tour of duty, marine..if you don't make it straight back, read the update on your belt computer - it's updated automatically, and it should give you some idea of what you're up against..good luck!"

    You strap on your military revolver, walk up to the Anomaly Lab. "OK, lets rock.." and you step into the machine. Night settles... ================================================================


       (11 reviews)


  19. The Castle : Map 28

    This level is NOT YET COMPLETE ! I am just waiting for DEU5.3 to be able to complete it ( out of base memory in DEU2 v1.00 ).


       (4 reviews)


  20. Planet Altair1 Base

    You are sent to do battle for the humans to the Doom2 (tm) base on the planet Altair1. You will not fail! This is the first level in the Altair series of PWADS. It was designed to be the first level and takes a little longer than ID's first level. It was also designed with fast play action ultra violence in mind, but there are two easier difficulty settings. I don't and have never played deathmatch, so it isn't supported. The level does include player positions but no ammo or weapons for deathmatch. It does include ammo and weapons for single player and cooperative play.

    You start out in a lower portion of the base. Play proceeds through winding corridors and rooms. Along the way you battle imps, chaingunners, shotgunners and troopers. Sorry NO Cyberdemons! (This is meant to be level one you know.) There are many secret doors which are identified by their different textures. The secret doors do NOT show up as doors on the map. The level has the usual items, and many surprises. (Well... the guys at work liked it! :-) )


       (11 reviews)


  21. CW's Sweet WAD

    A cool WAD for all types of play! if you're going to play DM though, make sure you turn OFF monsters...


       (2 reviews)


  22. Carnage

    Two simple yet challenging new levels for DOOM 2. The first level is a medium sized level. The first level very much looks like a Wolf3d level, that has a little Doom2 in it. It has alot of long long hallways that are littered with Nazis. The second level is a good sized level. This level will keep your finger on the trigger. There are some tricks to this level that will keep you wondering, confused and lost for hours. Cooperative and DeathMatch play are NOT supported, nor are the difficulty settings. Most Doomers should find these levels to be a challenge.

    Copy CARNAGE.WAD and CARNAGE.BAT into your Doom2 directory, then enter CARNAGE to play.


       (1 review)


  23. Certain Death

    True, quality, level (not the usual crap) set in a stone motif. THIS IS NOT EASY! Don't try this if you can't beat all of original doom2 on Ultra- violence.


       (7 reviews)


  24. bludbrf2.wad or BLUDBARF 2 - "Down to the Bile"

    2nd in the Bludbarf series Fast moving action packed single player doom2. Don't Hurl.

    *** [coming soon] Throw your ring with Bludbarf 3 *** *** + hurl some more with Bludbarf 4 ***


       (5 reviews)


  25. Arena Of Destruction 2 Light

    My friend Schorsch complained that my first level, AR_DEST1.WAD hadn't enough Arch-Viles. So I got the idea to make a level where you won't run out of Arch-Viles and other Critters... In Arena Of Destruction Light, YOU can decide how many Arch-Viles, Cyber Demons and others appear... Just press the right button! A lot of other Deathmatch-levels are boring, because they are too big, and once you have played them, you get bored (I made one like this, too! But it was my first one) The storage can also be emptied at once, but I don't recommend it... How? Find it out! There is a second set of switches awaiting to be discovered...


       (2 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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