642 files
The Daemonic Colony
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Masterpiece ? Rubbish ? E-mail me with your opinion.
It is big, very detailed, realistic and it took me so long I do like to think that it is a good level. If maybe too hard monsterwise - but you all know the cheats anyway. . . (!)
Yes I know it looks a lot it should be called "Mines" but if I'd have called it that you wouldn't have downloaded it would you ? (!)23 downloads
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Your death sentence could win you freedom if you can make it out of the maximum security holding facility. It's many labyrinthine passageways will keep you checking your map often. Ammo stores abound, you just need find them.23 downloads
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Yadda yadda mountain base yadda yadda experiments yadda mutants yadda yadda lone soldier yadda yadda reactor core yadda yadda three switches badda boom32 downloads
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This is Map 07 of a Megawad I'm building. After finishing Maps 01-06 I put them into a forum for play-testing. I recieved some comments and tips and tried to follow them with this sequel. So, don't hesitate to tell me your opinion about this map! The story will go on. Maps 01 to 06 contain your trip, starting in a convent, through a church, a big valley, where you find a ship. With the ship you make your way over the ocean to an unknown island. On this island you come to a big castle, which is: this Map! (see "The Story")
After testing the first 6 Maps, many players said, that these maps were too easy to play. Well, I'm not of the ultra-violent kind. But in this map, I also put a hard skill-level, but I never played it myself. So, I'm very interested in your opinion if you like it the rough way :-)21 downloads
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A castle wad that actually looks like a castle, complete with moat, battlements, and (of course) many, many secret passages. No new graphics, but creative use of the defaults. Quite challenging at ultra-violent. No cheating required.24 downloads
Breeze ( As in " It's a breeze ! " )
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An initial HERETIC wad I ported this over to DOOM2 in about 3 days, changing textures and trying to get the over all feel about the same, but somehow it turned out even harder in DOOM2 than HERETIC so its only for advanced players in skill 4 and good players in skill 3. ENJOY.18 downloads
Anvil 1 - Rendezvous Zone
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You have just landed at the same point were U.A.C. scientists and elite units of the military rendezvous-ed before entering the alien complex.31 downloads
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Ok, we don't have a story, but it is one heck of a level. We went with a high-tech futuristic motif, instead of a "Neat Mansion Motif" like our last level.16 downloads
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Complete reconstruction of main Atari Corporate offices. Includes .BMP legends so you can find the offices of your favorite (or not so favorite) Atari employees and Executives. Try for a perfect score -- I DARE YA!47 downloads
Choke On Your Guts As They Spill From Your Mouth
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Suitable for all type of Doom play. There are lots of secrets! So if you think you're stuck, check walls and shit!21 downloads
Beach Ball Castle v2.0! 11/24/95 (Okay, so I never released v1.0...so what? <Grin> This has been in
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Most people really like medieval castles, right?
Most people also really really hate vile evil rotten pinko commie scum-sucking demon bastards that all deserve to die, right?
And I'll bet you've always dreamed of the chance to go right out and mix the two ... right?
Of *COURSE* you have! Well, this is your golden opportunity RIGHT HERE IN THIS VERY PWAD to relax, breathe the fresh air, and explore a wondrous piece of ancient architecture whilst blowing the brains out of bounteous bevies of bellowing bloodthirsty baddies.
...And you get to play with beach balls. :-)
Hints: Beginners, don't play this one, ok? Or if you do, don't be surprised at what happens.
Standing around is NOT (repeat NOT) recommended.
For the rest of you, there's a lot of "openness" in this PWAD which lets (overly) curious beach balls float around, and there are a few invisible critters outside the castle to add a little bit of variety. Don't panic. Pay no attention to the noises you think you hear. I can assure you that the castle and its surrounding grounds are perfectly safe... :-)
Also, this level was workable (if a bit slow) on my old 486DX/33 and and really plays smoothly on my new DX4/100 and on a Pentium/90, but it might be far too slow on 386 machines due to the largish amount of critter "activity" going on. This can be good or bad; I'm not sure that I completely *MINDED* some slowdown, myself.
In deathmatch, you MIGHT want to avoid the lake area, although suicide there is easy .23 downloads
By Guest
This one is good!!! Too many monsters!!! Oh, Yeah!! But you have only a super shotgun, a chaingun, and a BFG (in a secret area); but you have a good weaponry.33 downloads
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My first publicly released level. I made this map simply to get used to doombuilder and doom editing in general so expect plenty of lowering walls, tripwires and oddness. It's fairly small with not many monster "repeats" and set in a demonic temple. It's basically marble and stone with some good old hellfire and flesh worked in in places.32 downloads
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This wad contain redefined Sprites like Arch-vile and other ordinaries Sprites, new textures (80%), new graphics, new music, and all new sounds. I've created this single WAD with the aim that it can be enjoyed not only playing it (WAD's complexity - 8200 sidedefs, a lot of TAG's numbers -almost 140- ), but listening it (Music & Sounds) and watching it (new textures, redefined Sprites, etc.)180 downloads
Blitz 2
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At the beginning, when I started working on this level, I thought to create a "small" level, where I would have focused my attention more on gameplay and difficulty than on graphics, architecture and detail, as I usually do in my levels. But as I went on working on my level, I focused my attention more and more on graphics, without disregarding gameplay and difficulty. So expect for a good-looking level and also for a nice and fast-paced challenge! The level isn't to difficult, but the last areas and challenges are very hard... you are warned! The two new fast weapons make the level more fast-paced, just because of their high fire-rate. As I did in its prequel, I inserted the starts for 3 players and I tried to create a level suited for the cooperative mode... and I think that this map is really nice to play it with the cooperative mode (though I couldn't test it!). Weapons, ammo, health (and also monsters) are balanced and suited for a cooperative game! The .WAD doesn't contain any ZDoom effects and it should work with vanilla Doom 2; but I tested my level only with ZDoom (2.0 beta 38). If you find home-effects or if visplane errors occur, just try to play the level with a good source- port (I suggest ZDoom: it's the best!).22 downloads
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This island is so hot even the troops are in shorts. And these damn seagulls are everywhere. They learned to eat by following the troops and scavenging among the dead. If ya hear the seagulls then ya can bet there's a troublemaker nearby. The only way to keep cool is stay near the big blocks dry ice but even that can be dangerous. I thought I had this place to myself but son of a.............38 downloads