460 files
Arena of Death 2
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An awesome deathmatch PWAD for Doom 2 made by Jeremie Rossignol.10 downloads
Blake Wad
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The ultimate deathmatch! And I mean ultimate!. This wad has has everything a deathmatch should. It has a chainsaw room(where players use just chainsaws!) A rocket room (I think you know where I'm coming from) Plasma room, rifle room, barrel room, chaingun room, bfg! room!, powerups room, and a death pit filled with cyberdemons and a boss shooter(you know at the last stage)I will tell you right now! THERE IS NO EXIT FROM THE DEATH PIT!!! Once you're in your in for death!NO WAY OUT!There is also a boss shooter in the pit, so you won't last long.7 downloads
Blood Thirst
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Welcome to Blood Thirst, a gore-spattered arena of senseless violence and death. Grab your SSG and get fragging!
This is a medium-sized deathmatch map ideal for 4+ players.15 downloads
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This level is designed to be a fast paced deathmatch level with a Doom ][ feel. The level is very smooth flowing. You'll find yourself covering all of the level. The weapon layout was well thought out, so that certain weapons are more desirable to obtain than others. For instance every one will know were you are when getting the Plasma. Since the Super Shotgun has become such a favorite weapon in deathmatch, that also has a slight degree of consequence, but is located so that every one will be going for it. Ammo and health were also major factors. I felt that the super health was just a little to much, so in the exit I put 60 health potions (don't you hate when your screen stays white for a while). And you'll only find the green armor. Loaded up you'll survive a rocket in the face with maybe 20% heatlth (where was that health again). The level has at least 50 hours 2 player deathmatch testing, so everything was debated, from sound (certain sound, certain area), lighting, warp in spots, starting points, weapon layout, health layout, and even graghics. So if your not satisfied with this level, you just don't know what deathmatch is! This level is best played with -altdeath and deathmatch 2.0. One hint is to keep the Super shotgun away from the other guy as much as possible. Also when exiting the plasma room launch a BFG, it'll at least even the score!4 downloads
BLOW_A.wad (Pardon the pun)
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This is a great small, multi-frag level with a few spots to hide (don't stay too long though or KERSPLAT!). Great for two player... haven't tried multi.... let me know! Make sure you use the altdeath parameter for this level (-altdeath) and make sure you warp to level 17 (-warp 17).7 downloads
Boner's Birthday Wad
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A birthday tribute to a Deathmatch buddy of mine. It's not very fancy, so it's not slowed down by unnecessary graphics. Just a good deathmatch level. Lots of powerups and weapons, and more than one way into every room and area. Several teleporters for that best of frags, the telefrag!!!
Please e-mail me with any comments or suggestions. This is my first distributed WAD attempt.... You like it? You hate it? Let me know!!!6 downloads
bricks deathmatch
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a deathmatch wad. It has all of the weapons except the BFG, and as you can probably guess, most of the textures are bricks.It also has NO health, to make it as fast as possible.5 downloads
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It's a duel map frag the other player. I also remembered to add in an exit to this one, so it definitely is vanilla compatible this time.6 downloads
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Battle it out in the center arena or fight mono y mono in the tight corridors along the side. Either way you can take out your anger or just have some fun on this intense level of action.5 downloads
Cloverleaf - WAD for DOOM II
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A Cloverleaf structure that has better stuff as you go along. A nice fighting arena as well. Designed for Deathmatch only, best for 3 to 4 players. Deathmatch2 (altdeath) is great for a total fragfest, lots of weapons and health. DM1 (Old Deathmatch) makes it bit easier to survive against a good opponent.4 downloads
Attack Wad (C) 1996 Attack Industries
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A collection of deathmatch, single player and co-op levels made in Christchurch. This collection features many new graphics.
Most of these levels are good on deathmatch 2.0.8 downloads
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This wad really isn' a big deal. I pretty much just made it for fun. Dont expect alot of replay value from this one. (sorry) But I do hope you enjoy it all the same! OK heres the description, This is a Deathmatch boxing game (please no guns allowed) You can either duke it out or have a chainsaw match! And please don't disturbe the spectators, as they have only come to see the match and you could instigate a riot!
BOXING.WAD has only fists and chainsaws BOXINGC.WAD has some additional weapons20 downloads
The Iron Cross
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This is a small intense deathmatch level. It contains all of the weapons but the BFG, little health, and no armor.
Named "The Iron Cross" for its shape, this level features fast action in close quarters and an elegant design.
A great break from those levels where your frag counter isn't a blur.6 downloads
Addictive Deathmatch Series for Doom ][, parts 1-8
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Kill your friends, laughing sadistically on their hopeless efforts when they try to escape you. Oh, almost forgot: These places look good, too!
There's three demos we recorded after 4am, when the fragfest had been going on for 8 hours or so... There's some misreacting, but who cares? :)
All you guys who read this online in the net: this is the best looking deathmatch wad you'll ever find there. I used plenty of cool 3-d effects which make these levels look more like Quake than ordinary Doom2 levels...
Yes, I HAVE Quake. Uh, well, I think some of these levels are more detailed than Quake levels, so they don't look too much like Quake after all. :)11 downloads
After Life - no rest for the wicked
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Rest in peace? Hah! Not here... >=)
Small layout that absolutely goes off in a 4 player game. 2 player is just as cool.
Stay on your toes and dont go deaf or you may miss that vital welp of pain from the lava.
If you run out of ammo then your doing great!9 downloads
The Agora, center of Latrobe University Australia. A Deathmatch WAD Series designed for 4 player. (D
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Really just a map of LTU, includes: the Library, ELT (lecture theatre), SRC and of course the agora. Alot of the tricks are like those in the vort series. Just a damn good fun 4 player WAD, lotsa fun to be had!11 downloads
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It's a duel map frag the other player. I also remembered to add in an exit to this one, so it definitely is vanilla compatible this time.8 downloads
Thee Amber Series Amber MAP06 for DOOM2 DeathMatch.
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The first, last and only map created for Gothic3.WAD. Built for and tested with the stock DOOM2 executable.20 downloads
Aftermath Oldschool Duel
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A map pack containing 11 highly polished and thoroughly tested duel maps, made for the original "vanilla" doom2.exe.
This WAD strives to create an oldschool dueling experience while pushing the vanilla engine to its limit. The end result is a map pack that runs on any and all ports of DOOM II (including the original DOS doom2.exe), but looks and plays like something much more contemporary.
There should be something here for everybody to enjoy. That is to say, everyone should be able to find at least one map in this WAD that they like to duel on. There is quite a bit of visual and gameplay variety between all eleven of these maps.27 downloads
Amber Extreme (for DOOM2 DeathMatch)
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Small, fast, and furious DeathMatch PWAD, featuring five levels of nonstop, chaotic action. Support for both DeathMatch and AltDeath. Excellent weapons balance and play flow. Realistic designs and lighting effects. Custom graphics, music, and sound. Beautiful architecture. Ambient sound effects. Consistent theme.7 downloads
AMBUSHDM.WAD (Ambush Deathmatch)
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This level was designed to be used in deathmatch mode mainly, but I did throw a few monsters in to allow a user to lump up someone other then a human opponent. This WAD has some real nice defense features that I have not seen in any other WAD to date.7 downloads