460 files
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The goal is to get your opponent to fall off his pillar and into the cesspool below. This is a fairly fun level to deathmatch in, but not much else. I thought of this while watching the Joust on American Gladiators.5 downloads
BLOW_A.wad (Pardon the pun)
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This is a great small, multi-frag level with a few spots to hide (don't stay too long though or KERSPLAT!). Great for two player... haven't tried multi.... let me know! Make sure you use the altdeath parameter for this level (-altdeath) and make sure you warp to level 17 (-warp 17).7 downloads
Capture the Flag
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A level designed specifically for emulating a game of capture the flag.5 downloads
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Great Deathmatch wad 2-4 player. Better played with music volume down and SFX volume up in your options setup screen.3 downloads
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-DeathMatch: This level consists of three main areas linked with a pair of tunnels between each. All of the areas are easily accesible from all other areas via theese refueling tunnels and an intricate teleporter system (I know teleporters suck, but read on!). The two outermost areas are complete with a bailout chute at the bottom in the middle leading to the "multifaceted" tele-porters (and goodies). Before you get there you either fall or walk through a texture so the other (chasing) player will have a small chance of seeing which one you took. Even if he does each line on the multifacected teleport sector takes you to a different location so he will most likely wind up somewhere else. Good flowthrough. Run! and DIE! In this level there are extra items for multi play. There is also a death macth only teleporter in the single player start room. If you love to Deathmatch but you're sick of those tiny little levels with nowhere to hide, then this one is for you (and you and you and you!).
-Single Player: Arch Viles guard the blue keycard you need to open the exit but to find them you must journey through three domains. Those of Man, mature, and (last but not least) The Devil. Lots of secrets that you will probly need to find in order to LIVE! This level is ROUGH! Remeber the skill levels work if you are lame and I give you the map early! Lock yourself in the secret room and blast them all INVULNERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6 downloads
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Very cool looking deathmatch for Doom 2. You don't see many that look this good. :)6 downloads
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This level is made for primarily deathmatch only, seeing how there is no monsters and all those weapons.6 downloads
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This patch file is for Doom2, 1st level, for only deathmatch play. It works best with 4 players but can be played with 2 or 3 players.4 downloads
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This patch file is for Doom2, 1st level, for only deathmatch play. It works best with 4 players but can be played with 2 or 3 players.4 downloads
Badmans for Doom II
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This level was made specifically for DEATHMATCH. There are several (Hiding Places). If you see marks on the wall or somethin on the floor, its a good chance you can walk thru it. All weapons are in this level with plenty of ammo. There is one green and one blue armor. There is also one blue sphere, see if you can find it.3 downloads
Cross Fire
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This is a new Doom2 wad built from scratch primarly for Deathmatch. Allthough it has several monsters I feel these are integral to the level. If you don't like monsters in your Deathmatch wads use the no monsters option. All the weapons are hidden on the level along with secret rooms, and a secret exit.3 downloads
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This is your standard castle-type WAD with a MAJOR twist. The major twist I'm talking about is the reason I named this wad "CLIPPER".
One more thing: the walls and floors are GREEN everywhere to help out the green player a little. (Brown and Grey are hard enough to see already!)
Oh yeah, I used a lot of doors that open only when you cross a line def, so watch for them.
Also: I like secret walls, so there are lots of those as well.5 downloads
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This is my 1st WAD that I have made from scratch, it is map 1. There are a couple of secrets, see if you can find them.7 downloads
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Chainguns, Chainsaws, barrels and a dark room. Deathmatch doesn't get any better than this!4 downloads
CAPTIVE, another Doom ][ Deathmatch Level
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Most deathmatch starts are in a single room filled with columns. This is a Deathmatch level. No monsters or anything else that would steal a frag from another player. Has one exit (not hidden) so that you can see the frag stats. Oh yeah, you might want to slow down when you try to get the BFG. If you don't, you'll find out why it's called captive.wad.6 downloads
Colors II
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A Deathmatch only wad for Doom2. holes for each player to start in. Each person gets Nice, tight wad, high frag count, balanced weapon load at start points.. Wide open, color coded teleporters, best with 3 or 4 players....5 downloads
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14 brand NEW doom 2 levels, never been released I made them primarily for deathmatch with my buds and have never had the oppurtunity to release them to the general public until now, these levels are all original, every texture is aligned :)11 downloads
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I found this wad in my DooM I directory....some friends and I used play it. It's lot's of fun! Good for two players even....but better with more. I spent several hours fixing the wad, for some reason, after I converted it for play with DooM ][, it had all kinds of mirror stuff happening. It was very frustrating (Grrrr), the origional creator had some pretty whacky ideas about sectors and such.......5 downloads
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Cemetery is a simple, fairly fast Deathmatch level designed for 2 or 3 players. There is a Cyber in the middle to liven things up (if you like more excitement). The name is in reference to all the bodies that should be spread around after you (and the Cyber) are done.6 downloads
Big and Dumb
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A big room filled with Cyberdemons. There are a few Imps and Pain Elementals and halls around the 'arena'. There are a few secrets, such as hidden walls, teleporters, and elevators. Exit is readily available in the middle. I added two new sounds to make things at least a little less boring.7 downloads