455 files
Energize.wad (Doom 2 only)
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This is a fast playing Deathmatch wad. It is suitable for all playing levels. There are no safe spots in this level, you can be attacked from behind, infront, overhead, or underneith.6 downloads
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DoomBall is, first and foremost, an excellent deathmatch level. For most of you that's all you need to justify down loading it. But wait, there's more.
When played using the included .deh file it becomes an entirely new Doom experience. DoomBall is played like soccer only your opponent may kill you to keep you from scoring.
Rules: 1.) There are no rules in DoomBall. 2.) Refer to rule 1. Suggestions: do not allow scoring while the opponent is respawning. If no one else is there to witness it did it really happen? If the ball hits the rail it sticks and can be considered out of bounds. The last player who touched it should run around to other side of the rail and punch the ball back in play. There is a "feature" in the doom engine that causes the ball to fail to trigger the teleport in the goal about 10% of the time. If the ball gets stuck in the goal, open the door in the back and punch the ball back in play.9 downloads
No title - just fun!
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Each Player begins alone in a little room with some Bonus-Items. Choose one, and let the game begin! If You die, You restart in one of the 4 rooms. (It's the only way to reach them...) And then... (You'll see!!) Have fun, and send me a mail how You liked it...3 downloads
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Anyone in 503 wanna DeathMatch?
Imagine being stuck all by yourslef in the cold elevator shaft of a high-rise building infested with alien terrorists. With ony your double barrell at your side you must navigate the labyrinthine corridors of hell to gather keys and open doors so that you may make it to the roof where a helicopter is to meet you, only to be surprised to see the roof has been taken over by Barons, and the helicopter destroyed! You must find a new way out, but getting through the lobby gates is gonna be tough!10 downloads
Frag Me One More Time
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This DOOM II pwad was designed specifically with 2-player Deathmatch 2.0 in mind and is the sequel to FRAGME.WAD and FRGMEAGN.WAD Skill levels are fully implemented for those with different deathmatch tastes. This level has a cooperative exit. If you like this wad, LET ME KNOW!5 downloads
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This is a small deathmatch level with a starwars theme. It wasn't designed from any starwars blueprints, just designed for a good blast!3 downloads
Fragpit: DeathMatch Wad
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A Doom II Death Match level, with a pit in the middle that could muss you up, if you are not careful.11 downloads
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This is a DOOM II pwad that was designed specifically with 2-player Deathmatch 2.0 in mind. Works pretty well with 4 players too. It is very difficult to get to the exit in a one player game. It took me a lot of times to finally pass it. If you like this wad, LET ME KNOW!5 downloads
Deathmatch Prison II (DPRISON2.WAD)<br><br> Author Justin Powell<br><br> Email Address <none><br><br
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As I only have five living brain cells left, anything I type here as a description will make absolutly no sense.
See, I told you.
Points of Interest LOCKOUT HALLWAY
The very large hallway which starts at the west and east of the main room can be operated in such a way as to lock out other players while you are inside. There is a bank of switches located just inside each of the entery points which are used to close the bars to both entry points, locking yourself into the hallway. The two switches in the very south portion of the hallway are used to repoen one or both of the gates.
If you've already run DOOM with this level to check it out, you will have noticed that all the player and deathmatch starts are located on raised platforms. This is done for a reason. Any time someone dies and restarts on a platform, walking off the platform will reopen both gates of the lockout hallway. This is done to insure that the hallway cannot become locked out forever.
In the control room (the room with the Baron of Hell behind the desk) there is a row of switches and a row of silver poles. Any time a cell door is opened, the pole representing that cell will lower to reveal a red bar. You can then hit the related switch and lock the other player into the cell. The cell alerts were originally set up so that when someone was actually in a cell they would activate, but I encountered resistance from DOOM to the way in which I tried to do this, so I changed it.
That's right, someone must be executed to end this level, and it takes two players to achieve. To end the level, have one player stand outside of the west door in the room just north of the cell block. The second player will then go through the eastern door, and hit the switch which will open the western door. When the first player steps into the gas chamber, he will suffer down to 10% health and the level will end. This was originally an electric chair, but I had problems making doom raise a floor and match it's type to the required type.5 downloads
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Outdoor Deathmatch with plenty of sniper holes, birdseye views and space to hide for the coward. Chainguns only and plenty of ammo.4 downloads
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An excellent deathmatch level for Doom II. We think it offers the best gameplay around - try it and see !5 downloads
D9-2-2.WAD for DOOM II!
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D9-2-2! Well its finally here, the last 3 levels of the D9 series for Doom2! If I do say so myself these 3 levels are the finest of the series, and complete the 10 level mini episode I have been working on! A must have for any D9 fan! I have included two handy batch files to load all 10 exciting levels when you play. I decided not to group them to save you download time and money. These replace levels 8 through 10, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them. Have fun!!4 downloads
Frags For All! A Deathmatch WAD Series designed specifically for four player deathmatch play. (DOOM
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"Lock the target Bait the line Spread the net and FRAG the man!" (To paraphrase Front 242's "HeadHunter")7 downloads
Death Duel
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Hopefully this'll be a rad deathmatch level. It's my first level made in EdMap, an awesome level editor! I haven't even played anyone on it yet, so let me know how it is.5 downloads
Foxholes 'R' Us
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3 big rooms connected like a cloverleaf. Most of the items of value are located in various "foxholes" (that you can't just run past...you gotta slow down) or on top of or behind pillars that lower when players cross certain areas (kind of an interesting way to find out where people are...hint) There are a few side tunnels, and a pair of teleports.
This is one level you may wish to play WITH monsters. The pillar in the middle (between the 2 bigger rooms) will have a single CYBERDEMON on it, who will act as a sniper whilst the players try to duck and dodge. He's the only monster, and he's not that hard to kill (if'n ya know how...)4 downloads
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The classic Doom Deathmatch wad remade for Doom2. No monsters..just ultimate frag action !3 downloads
FRAGEM.WAD, a DeathMatch wad for DOOM II
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This is a wad designed for deathmatch 24 downloads
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An arena with several pillars in the center with enemies on them as turrets and sevaral other structures for cover. There are also several teleporters leading to miscelaneous treasures. NO EXIT. DESIGNED WITH ALT-DEATHMATCH 2.0 IN MIND(+ENEMIES COMING BACK). This is a battle of either pure geurilla tactics of of brute force.4 downloads
Frag Me Again
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This DOOM II pwad was designed specifically with 2-player Deathmatch 2.0 in mind and is the sequel to FRAGME.WAD. It should play pretty well in single player mode also (ultraviolence). Skill levels are fully implemented for those with different deathmatch tastes. This level has a cooperative exit, so you must cheat in single player mode to finish.5 downloads
DM2GM2.ZIP (dm2gm2.wad + .txt)
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A DOOM II combo hunt'em deathmatch / single player wad. Rather spread out, lots of open areas with little obstruction. Take a while and explore this wad, think you may find it interesting. Contains 6 teleporter dest's. Hmm...what else, oh yeah a Cyberdeamon and Spider Demon together, should not be too tough though, as the area has good vantage points/ sniper locations. There are no nasty tricks or unsolvable traps. This wad designed for use with DOOM II and replaces map01 (level 1).
Hope you like it, if not please tell me why, so I can improve on design. ANY and ALL Feedback Welcome!9 downloads
Frag Me
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This DOOM II pwad was designed specifically with 2-player Deathmatch 2.0 in mind. It features MANY different sector heights, good sniper spots, and some dark corners to hide in. All weapons are present except the BFG (I don't like it in deathmatch). There are just enough monsters to keep things interesting. If you don't like the number of weapons available (or the number/type of monsters) try a different difficulty setting. Plays great with -respawn!! This level has a cooperative exit.5 downloads
DM2GM1.ZIP (dm2gm1.wad + .txt)
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A DOOM II combo deathmatch / single player wad, designed (deathmatch) to allow for mad dashes into the open under threat of sniper fire, as well as dark ambush sites. Small enough to allow for all-out slugfests as well. Requires 2 switches be thrown to exit (not cooperatively) There are no nasty tricks or unsolvable traps. This wad designed for use with DOOM II and replaces map01 (level 1).
Hope you like it, if not please tell me why, so I can improve my pwad designs. ================================================================9 downloads
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This is a NEW DEATHMATCH Only Level for Doom ][ Having received high praise for DOOM2DM1.WAD (and also hving played it for hours and hours) I decided to get to work on the next in the series. This level is a bit bigger than DOOM2DM1 but it is so interconnected that the frag count will be high. All weapons are present as is the MEGASPHERE but to get it, you'll be easy meat for your enemies..5 downloads