264 files
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Yet another wad in the GSXR series. Only for DEATHMATCH! The more players the merrier. WARNING: Do not attempt to "view" this wad using single player or cooperative--you will be punished! Use only with DEATHMATCH 1.0 or 2.04 downloads
HawkEye's Fragfest
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Similar to hawkff.wad: small level, not a whole lot of room to move around...makes for tons of frags! Teleport to Hell to get the BFG.4 downloads
Hanslumbik's Fighting Arena!
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This is a UNIQUE level that allows two peo ple to play one on one while the others in the game watch while waiting their turn. When someone dies another person meets the winner in the Arena! When you are stuck, just watch the game and wait for your chance to battle it out!
THERE ARE 2 RULES WHICH MUST BE FOLLOWED! 1. Strictly NO shooting until you enter Arena. 2. The first person to leave the hallway at the stasrt MUST go right, the others MUST go left. * Please follow these rules for maximum enjoyment.3 downloads
GeNiUs02 -- YoU WiLL BeLieVe
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GeNiUs02 -- YoU WiLL BeLieVe is the #2 in a run-down park.4 downloads
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Doom I AND Doom ][ DeathMatch only level. Because it's compatible with both games it doesn't matter which game everyone uses. (fe: you could deathmatch with someone using doom 1 while you use doom 2)
Designed with dm 1.0 in mind, there are no power ups, all weapons are in interesting places, there are NO power weapons (BFG, Plasma, SuperShotgun) and some thought actually went into the design, it was NOT just thrown together.
There are NO monsters, if ya want 'em add your own...4 downloads
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Listed below is complete author information on this wad compilation... Map 1 - Crypt - Author - Smight Map 2 - CES - Author - Smight Map 3 - Connect2 - Author - Smight Map 4 - Why? - Author - Smight Map 5 - Special 2 - Author - Smight Map 6 - Penix - Author - Adrian Newman Map 7 - Square - Author - Smight Map 8 - Abnorm - Author - Unknown Map 9 - Swirl - Author - Carl Killough Map10 - Fry - Author - Adrian Newman
Email Addresses for the authors are as follows Smight - Smight@nol.net Adrian Newman - st450@jetson.uh.edu Carl Killough - bchs3m@jetson.uh.edu9 downloads
IC DooM II Series The Deathmatch Levels.
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A 5 level Deathmatch only wad. See below for level by level descriptions.4 downloads
Classical Carnage
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You are a team of archaeologists, cruising the Aegean islands. You sail into a group of uncharted archipelagos, evidently colonized by ancient Greeks. While they have disappeared, their buildings remain unravaged by time. You find a debating chamber and government assembly for the nobles on one island; another is dedicated to physical recreation with a stadium, gymnasium, and areas for javelin-throwing and archery; a third is an agora for the islands, with an ampitheatre, house of baths and temple to the god of weaponry. Two peninsulas enclosing a wide bay hold two light-houses warning ships off the sharp rocks which hole your dinghy; on the coast of the bay is a small palace of one of the minor nobles of the islands. You also find that some unknown previous visitor has carelessly left behind their weapons and equipment scattered through the complexes and, since archaeology gets a bit boring, you decide to wile away the afternoon blowing the shit out of each other.4 downloads
Godless 4: Kingdom Come
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DooM 3 was almost upon us, and with only one more set of eight levels to go before having enough to make a Godless megawad, the Berry Creek Deathmatch Team kicked into high gear! These are the last levels. The megawad featuring them should be out shortly.6 downloads
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This is a 4 level collection from Doomer's House of Carnage. They are octoplex.wad, nyosix.wad, nyoface.wad, and peer.wad I've added some tunes from John Carpenter's movie "Halloween", "BeetleJuice", & "The Addams Family", as well as some sounds I grabbed from Quake. It was put together to reap some Halloween Havoc.5 downloads
The Hourglass of Death!!!!!!!!!!
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This is an interesting "experimental" level I cooked up to try out a few new ideas I felt needed a little exploration, the most significant of which invloves a very clever use of teleporters to keep deathmatch opponents in constant contact with one another. The big room with the trees and the blackwall texture contains a ring of teleporters blocked from direct access by these little partitions. When a player in another section of the level walks over a lindef, one of these partitions falls and allows the oponnent access to the teleporter, which, in turn, teleports them to the other player's location. I've tried it out a little in deathmatch play and it has proved very exciting. Another theme I tried to explore in this one was the use of linedef triggered hiding places where players can wait in ambush. If you have any constructive criticism concerning this wad, e-mail.3 downloads
Euphoria In Green
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This is the updated final version of my first map....feel free to e-mail me with any thoughts or suggestions12 downloads
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The first incarnation of Gigakill, was in the form of 5 consec- utive deathmatch suitable levels. These I titled PALADIUM. After testing them thouroughly and revamping existing levels (and even adding 2 new ones) it has reached it's present and final form, the awesome GIGAKIL2!5 downloads
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I built this level to satisfy my need for a INTENSE Sounding Level and for DeathMatch play. However it does support Co-Op and Single Play mode. Many of the Sound Effects have been replaced for a more realistic and intense sounding game play ! Designed around the BIG Arena it also includes a Indoor Football Field, a Outdoor Park with trees, Walk on Skulls thru the Blood Falls to get the Plasma Gun, and walk the Plank over a Radiation Pit to get the BFG, and dont forget the Computer Room with the Strobing Lights! Sounds effects from ALIENS and PREDITOR included, xtracted from the Aliens-X and Preditor patches along with some of my own !5 downloads
H I P A F R A G --- for DOOM ][ Deathmatch
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Little map, hi-tech design like Doom2 map01, corridors, rooms, but still lots of openings... makes it very high-frag! Ok from 2 to 4 players.6 downloads
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of the Wad * Homicide is a medium-sized, well designed Deathmatch level with new sound and textures. It was laid out on paper 3 times before I even picked up the mouse, and it is chock FULL of cool places to murder people. There are features you won't find in ANY other wad!!! Just look:
*** Visit the Hall of Weapons, where you get a -different- weapon each and every time you go there!!!
*** Search out and find the secret door leading to Waddboy's patented LOCK-N-CRUSH control panel!!! Lock your enemies up and then taunt the hell out of them before you smash them to pulp!!! Watch it all happen through the cool police-style one-way mirror! Your friends will HATE you!!!
*** Go up top, where you get a glimpse of Waddboy himself!
*** Find the FREE CAN OF SPAM hidden in each of Waddboy's wads!!!
There is other stuff too. In all modesty, the level REALLY is great for Deathmatch. Lots of great windows, sniper pads and murder holes - but not enough that it gets annoying. It's small enough to rack up the frags and sadistic in it's simplicity.7 downloads
H2H Czech Series 1 (H2HCZEK1.WAD)
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This is the first pwad that I made for deathmatch tournaments held by H2H in San Diego (619-426-0073). As you can see, it is not a deathmatch specific wad because the original idea was to design something similair to Id's shareware episode.7 downloads
Yesterday's Brownies
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A medium-sized Doom2 DM level (2-4 players).
The layout and style was influenced by my Q3A map "Future Brownie", which was a derivative of my Q2-turned-Q1 level "Farewell to Fudge Brownies".
This is very likely my last Doom2 level ever. I only did it because I felt like it. Please don't ask me to join your wad project ;-P11 downloads
Goff's Deathmatch Floor
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Another Doom2 Deathmatch floor. I hate long intros. I like to kill people in doom2 and thats what I designed this floor for.5 downloads
Giznad for DOOM ][ Deathmatch
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Giznad08.wad is a small-sized level designed for two- or fast three- or four-player DOOM ][ Deathmatch. Supports 2 modes of play (see below) and monsters (use respawn). YOU LIKE DANZIG ? SO YOU WILL LOVE GIZNAD.4 downloads
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This Wad is for DOOM ][ only. Eventually, this will be part of a 10 level DM only Wad. Deathmatch level for Doom 1.666. This level is fast and furious fun for 2 people. With more than 2 people, up goes the frag counts! Feedback is always welcome.8 downloads
GYM_96 (gym_96.wad, gym_96.txt)
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This is the third installment to the Gym series. I wanted to keep the "run & gun" action of the first two, but I wanted to change the look. Its shaped like a big wheel, with a Main central room surrounded by a circular corridor that is attached by several stairways. There are also many smaller corridors that contain weapons and health.21 downloads