230 files
Octogon of Death
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The octogon shaped main room has a themed offshoot on each side. The themes allow you to know where you are in the wad at all times. (It's hard to get turned around.) This wad is EXCELLENT because it combines long-range battles with close encounters.3 downloads
Offices of Death
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This is a floor plan of the office I work in. There are 2 FULL FLOORS of cubicles, offices, libraries, reception areas, etc. AND there is the roof! The elevators and staircases all work as you would expect them to.4 downloads
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Totally 100 percent DEATHMATCH level!!! For those people who like's lots of room and tons of SuperShotGun's4 downloads
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This is my third DOOM wad and I named it NITEFRAG because of the dark courtyard and the new night sky. This is a small to medium-sized wad consisting of a big building, a small building, two platforms and a courtyard with a ledge around it. I took a hell of a long time aligning the textures. This wad has a good visual appeal and I am a firm believer that if you don't at least try to align the damn textures then you should stop sending out wads! It costs people time and money to download this stuff so spend the extra time and make your Pwad look good before uploading it!3 downloads
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Average life expectancy? Oh about 15 seconds :)
This level was produced for the DOOMSDAYIII deathmatch tournament - December 1st 2nd and 3rd, 1995
Two things were considered for this level:
Make the action non-stop and, seperate the men from the boys
The better players will simply win...
There will be few, if any, lucky victories.
One thing I noticed while testing this level is that it is exceptional for two-player games. It is impossible to lurk in it (well almost) and, while all the weapons are available, the better the weapon, the more likely you are going to die trying to get it.
I am very interested in seeing lmp's of better players in this. If you and your victims...er I mean friends are pretty good. Record a few demos and email them to me.3 downloads
Temple of the Massassi
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Got the idea from the Star Wars Jedi Academy triliogy series. The Mass- assi temples where focusing points for the powers of the Dark Side of the Force. The first Dark Lord of the Sith enslaved the Massassi people and forced them to build the temples which were named after them. Thought it would be fun to design a deathmatch level based on some the descriptions in the novels.4 downloads
Mentzer7.WAD (For Doom 2) Deathmatch
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A.K.A. Its about Time!
Mentzer 7 (finally) Well, Folks here is the 7th in the Mentzer series. I know it took a while, but its here and it Kicks ASS!! Without a doubt this is the best of the series. Smaller more compact maps has been the battle cry (Mentzer3, 4 and 5 are quite spacious for 2 person deathmatch). This wad Jams in both solo play and deathmatch. This wad has great replay value - so many different possibilities. Have fun - HAHAHA!
Fiction.wad series Mentzer7 will be released along with an update of Mentzer6 in a 2 level wad called Fiction1.wad. Also, Mentzer8 will be release with a revamped Mentzer5 in a wad called Fiction2.wad. The modifications to Mentzer5 and 6, will be to improve the playabililty. I gurantee they will ROCK.
TNT: Evilution At this time our team is negotiating with ID software for the sale of our 32 level wad pack for Doom 2. It looks as if ID will buy our levels and release it in Februray '96. All the levels are excellent - you have to play this!!! Map01 is the BEST Deathmatch level I have ever played - Hands down. The rest of TNT:Evilution is super; simply some of the highest quality solo play and co-op wads you will ever see. Also Look for TNT2, which will be freeware released on the internet. It will be 32 new deathmatch levels created by the best Doom editors around: Team TNT.4 downloads
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It's name explains exactly what it is. It is set in a mine theme. I made corridors with support beams and lanterns that flicker. I made a staircase that leads into it from the outside. I made the textures seem right instead of just throwing them in. It's a kick ass level.8 downloads
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These two levels have been over 12 months in the making. They've been designed, changed, playtested and perfected. All of my beta testers loved them - I hope you will to.24 downloads
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Evil. Pure Evil. Not Evil as in 'Satanic' Evil, but still Evil. Try a run throu. You will soon find out what I mean. It's dark and twisted.4 downloads
McCram 1 (or the castle)
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A large deathmatch level. It's a castle of sorts and although it's large you still run in to each other. You also have to use a bit more strategy than a frag a second wad.4 downloads
McCram 2 (or Gladiators)
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Deathmatch level a tiny bit bigger than frag a second, but don't stop running ever!!4 downloads
Manes1 for DOOM ][ Deathmatch
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This is my first videly published level. So before you think that I'm this newbie with a copy of deu who stacks 10 cyberdemons and a bfg in a room and thinks that is fun, let me tell you that this is a GREAT level. there are no HOM's, Tutti- frutti, or other bugs in this level. Offcourse you may disagree with me on a couple of textures, but then again, we each have our own taste. But I've used a lot of time on the textures part and the result should be very good. I've tried not to use some of the camouflage colours so that each player in a D-match will have the same options. This is one of those levels that you earn a lot from studying the level before you play it. I've made it complex, but in a way that always gives you tons of playability. In fact, you could play this level without ever looking at it with an editor, I'm just saying that you could get an advantage from it.5 downloads
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This level was designed to be used as a Deathmatch level for Doom2. Basically you have a castle on an island. This castle is surrounded by a moat. The castle has a courtyard, and there are lots of rooms inside the castle. These rooms even come with furniture. Every weapon is available. You just have to find them. There are lots of secret rooms with one way walls and plenty of good shooting points. There is no exit on this level. There are no monsters on this level.7 downloads
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Totally 100 percent DEATHMATCH level!!! For those people who like's lots of room and tons of rockets!!3 downloads
The Mirror (v0.99)
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DooM ][ level 1 Go to my homepage for screenshots at: http://www.xs4all.nl/hoogveld/maarten4 downloads
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Midiwads.wad is a compilation of all 14 of my deathmatch wads for doom2.All are strictly death match.Works great with dwango......=D
PURE DEATH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8 downloads
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Maze.wad is just a series of conected tunnels and is no fun when used for single player because there are NO MONSTERS! It is strictly a deathmatch level! There are plenty of weapons to blow the crap out of your opponent2 downloads
Odashee's Get the Flag
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- Designed for Doom II CO-OP mode.
- This level is an edited version of FLAG.WAD. Two facing castles each have a "key" in the foyer. The RED TEAM (red and brown) has to cross to the other castle and get the "blue key". Then return, open the RED TEAM door, and run down the hallway for the score.
- The BLUE TEAM (green and indigo) are attempting the same thing.
- Both team members can participate in both the attack and the defense of the castles, depending the scoring situation.
- After each of the first four scores the "scorer" is teleported to a pedestal in the center of the level to "show off" and then die in the acid on the pedestal. Hey, you can't keep that key you know.
- After the fifth score the "scorer" will be allowed to trigger the exit.
- Each score is marked by a skull of the team's color rising out of the ground at the front of each castle.2 downloads
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here is oct-dm4.wad the last and final version.. the others were test/betas..... look at it and tell me what u think... this is there death match version of octagon..2 downloads