230 files
Menace Deathmatch
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A Deathmatch level for Doom 2. e-mail me and tell me what you think.3 downloads
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The mother of all deathmatch levels....lots of detail, killer layout etc..better than what most WAD authors consider good :)6 downloads
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defies it...no, it's a tight level good for any number of players in deathmatch. original and altdeath are supported, and if you enjoy large rocket-launcher-wielding beasts in your way you can play with monsters [just a cyber- demon and a sizzle-crack].2 downloads
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These levels have all kinds of battle fields from big & open areas to small rooms for shotgun fighting.3 downloads
Maproom.wad Version 1.0
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This is a level that has a new concept idea. In the center of the level is a "Maproom" which indicates where the other opponents are durring deathmatch.9 downloads
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This has undergone many changes until it reached its present form, I think it is now at its peak ...2 downloads
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Great DeathMatch castle with some awesome slime traps. Good Weapons are in hard to get places so you can shoot your enemy as he clumsily goes for the weapon! I've seen a lot of levels, as the Gamer's Alliance DOOM maintainer, and this one is good!369 downloads
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This is a wonderful WAD, made for all modes of play. The thing that makes this WAD special is that you will always have enemies to blast. And the longer you're living, the harder the level will get. It's an odd-looking temple that is a square shape. There's weapons and items scattered around the whole place, one of every kind except for a chainsaw.2 downloads
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This is mainly for deathmatch. I have the weapons available immediately upon startup. No pistols aginst plasma guns here... Everybody is on an even keel. Come to life get the weapons & KILL or be KILLED!!!!! If you want fewer monsters in the way, use -skill 1 on the command line. If you want more, use medium or hard. It can be played single & there are PLENTY of baddies w/skill level 3+. The weps will be scattered around in different places on single play.There are different ways to play this level to produce enjoyable results...Enjoy...:-*)# (My preferred method is w/4 people netDOOM...)2 downloads
The Mote 1.0
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The Mote In the deepest pits of Hell stands The Mote. A tower of evil, a castle dedicated to all that is base and low. There is only one way out of The Mote... And that's in a coffin.4 downloads
The Nest 1.0
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The Nest Digging in an old Pictish burial mound in the north of Scotland, archaeologists uncovered a strange underground cavern containing a technology unknown to man...3 downloads
MaNCeRX3.wad (released on 4/21/96)
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I noticed a lot of platforms in MancerX2 so I took a different approach on building MancerX3... The file sized stayed small :)
MaNCeRX3.WAD continues the classic MancerX tradition containing 5 levels with new music, sounds, and graphics! I do intend to continue making WADs until Quake comes out! I'll also be making a Duke3D level every here and there.
MAP11 - A very fast paced map. The BFG9000 is a great weapon to have here but be careful! You probally will just miss unless you are real good, the pillars usually block shots... 2 - 4 player recommended.
MAP12 - A remake of one of my older levels. The level came from one of the levels in my old Smokepak.WAD. I remade it and now it looks and plays a lot better. 2 - 4 player is recommended.
MAP13 - This is one of my favorites! This level is fast paced with any ammount of players and usually involves a lot of startegy. The BFG9000 can be powerful on this level. Watch your back! 2 - 4 players recommended.
MAP14 - You may reconize this as Mancer02.WAD at first. Don't be fooled! One you turn around from the start position. You'll able to see the massive outside! Look out for anyone who goes and trys to get the plasma, it can be *VERY* deadly! 2 - 4 players recommended.
MAP15 - My newest WAD. This level is fast paced and flows much like Mancer13 (MAP13).. There is a BFG9000 but you'll have to go through some pain as usuall.. (40%) 2 - 4 players recommended.2 downloads
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Doom II Deathmatch wad for 2-4 players. Plays ok as a single. It's my first effort and I would appreciate any feedback. (I built it about a year and a half ago for Doom I but never released it)2 downloads
Moonbase v. 4.1
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Moonbase and Biosphere deathmatch level. Kick-ass HIGHLY well-balanced wad; better than Boothill or Danzig (but it's only 1 level)2 downloads
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It has all the weapons in this cool deathmatch wad. There is a main outdoor arena with mazes in it, surronded by a walkway above it. There are also many hidden see-through walls and cool tricks.2 downloads
MerDoom II
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(read this!): To play this level the correct way you must use DooM2. Actually any version of DooM2 will work (1.666-1.9) but to view the demo that has been added you must use DooM2 version 1.9.6 downloads
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Nappy wad for Deathmatch. Small, quick & fast, what else do you need to know? Threw monsters in for those who insist on being able to play co-op.3 downloads
M-SWIRL (Micro-Swirl)
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Fighting arena with crossing channels, surrounding rooms containing safe startpositions, 4-fold- symmetric layout, perfectly aligned textures. Only one weapon at the start, later you find the Chaingun. Pick one out of four maps, the only difference is the weaponry.
D-SWIRL: Double-Shotgun + Bluesphere + Green Armor R-SWIRL: Rocketlauncher + Megasphere B-SWIRL: BfG + Megasphere P-SWIRL: Plasmagun + Bluesphere
Due to the fact that the original SWIRL was to big for fast paced deathmatch, I created this series of smaller maps. The frag quotas (frag/min) are much higher now. Obviously the Plasmagun is most effective, Bfg shortly behind (>3.2). DSG is in the midfield (2.6) while the Rocketlauncher is a bit unsuitable for this layout (1.6). These scores are for 2 player deathmatch. Maybe more than two players will have other results.2 downloads
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GamesNet's 2nd official WAD. As far as i know this is the first, and only, wad to have reflective floors. Also includes: real fluttering flag, jelly walls, fish swimming UNDER water, invisable steps, rain, and..AND..Elle McFearSome.34 downloads
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This Wad is my best ever. It contains 2 (yes count them 2) excellent deathmatch wads. One was created by one of my friends and I a while back and one was created totally by me. This wad contains 8 new sounds, 3 new songs, and 1 new graphic.8 downloads
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Welcome to my house! It is in Elkhorn, WI. It took about 15 hours to build.4 downloads