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223 files

  1. plutonia wad

    2 single player maps for plutonia I found


       (25 reviews)


  2. Room.wad

    Room.wad is a large room with long tunnels around it. It is also filled with plenty of human sargents and a cyber-demon, and is pretty fun on deathmatch because each life is about 10 seconds long.


       (0 reviews)


  3. Quake DOOM

    A replica of Quake Test 1, built completely from scratch as close as possible with a 2.5D engine. Holes in the floor are replaced by teleporters and I stuck in an Exit, otherwise it's as close as possible. Have fun!

    This WAD is for all of you out there who A) don't have the machine to run Quake Test, B) don't have a network to play it on, or C) just can't be bothered to download it. This lets you see at least the general feel of Quake, if not the impressive engine with light sourcing, full 3D levels, and grenades (drool).


       (3 reviews)


  4. Red.WAD

    Terror is afoot. Often you will find that you won't live long enough to frag the other player. Peace be with you all.


       (0 reviews)



    Started out as using the first level of s/w Rise of the Triad as a (very) rough base. actuly built most of it from memory, but ends up to be quite different than the original. Even has the music thrown in too.

    Designed for DeathMatch realy, but has quite a few monsters bunged in too, if you need 'em.


       (7 reviews)



    A doom deathmatch level over the summer and i have just gotten around to uploading it. Its based on the resident evil mansion, and i believe to be a pretty close replica of it. Its a little big for 2 players but more than that is a real blast.


       (3 reviews)


  7. Prancing Pony Deathmatch

    A Deathmatch level for Doom 2. e-mail me and tell me what you think.


       (10 reviews)


  8. R.I.P Toke

    This is a FFA or 1on1 (a bit big for it) that is completely dedicated to Dylan McIntosh, other wise known as Toke who passed away in a care crash.


       (12 reviews)


  9. QUAKE! for DOOM II

    5 excellent deathmatch levels for DOOM II.

    Me and my friends use nothing else when

    we run a deathmatch-weekend.

    There were supposed to be one more level

    but a major bug was discoverd during

    playtesting. Perhaps I'll include it in

    the sequel to QUAKE!, if I ever make one.


       (2 reviews)



    This is the add on to the already successful PURGATOR.WAD. This version has those little bugs fixed. Ya'll know which one's. A teleport has been added to the pit. "Since everyone who fell in it seemed to die :)". Along with alot more inhancements, for better game play. "Watch out for telefrags people. " This wad runs well on a 486dx-50,and was meant to be played with Deathmatch 2.0."Due to the fact that this wad gets very dark."


       (1 review)


  11. Placeholder


       (0 reviews)


  12. RaGä_666

    BouT CirCLe CONStrUCTioNS! WhaT HappeN? ANy PRoBLEM?
    I SaW 1.000 WaDs 4 DeaTMATCH aND just a 5% There were GooD 4 PLAy!
    ThiS iS 4 PLAy via ModEN not 4 NET witH 8 PLaYeRS! I WaNNA MakE SoMETHinG FuNNy no SoMEThiNG BorEd OR a MaZE iF I WaNNa BorED MySeLF,SLeeP anD BREaK DOwN my CoMPuteR i PLaY The WoRST 3D GaME IùVe EveR PLaYeD: RiSe oF ThE TRiaD!!! WoLFSTeiN iS MoST BeTTeR ThaN RoTT!
    TRy to PLay the WAd in SiNGLE pLAyer :) The aim iT: There caN Be ONLy ONe And THaT "OnE" iS U! So...FiGHt AGainST PuREviL FoRCeS! AnD Be PRePaRe 4 A HeLL WheRe oNLy ThE BraVESùLL SuRViVe!

    ProBLeMS-> SLoW CPU .SLoW MaChiNE. SLoW RaM .SLoW Everythinù :? WeLL,What R U Waitinù 4? CHritCXMaXXX! R u wAiTinù 4 QuaKE? U NeeD SomEThinG Better than a 386DX40 >;D
    SLoW HaNDS? U CAn'T KiLL EveRYMONSteR? U R A loser-man a poor IMP a real MicroSCopiCuS MoLEcuLuS...so pLeaSE tell your mother to GiVE u KeLLoGS!
    A MoTheR? PLEaSE TeLL YoUR MuM To Be QuiET! oR KiLL Her >;D

    þ> AbOuT SEXXX.WAD -> ThiS iS A ReaL ProJEcT 4 QuaKE...
    IT WaS BeeinG 4 DooM ][...but I saw the ALPha of QuaKE and IùVe ChaNGeD my MiND...No more WADs 4 single player!! Iùm gonna wait 4 QuaKE I Have to wait4 QuaKE! iTS gonna be the 1st real 3D...What Bout NuKE DuKEm 3D? jojojo KiddiNù? good effects! good SpeeCH! good DuKeMActh! But ainT DooM! no play inside.Enemies R DiffiCuLT and they R StupidS! Sorry boyS I PRefeR iD!
    DarK FOrCeS? CooL GaME reaL GooD! but JusT 4 StaR WaRS,no SeX,no VioLeNCe BuT GreaT! no DeaTHMaTCH ThaT's a PRoBLeM!
    SysTeM ShoCK! AMaZiNg! 9.9 go 4 ORiGiN!


       (3 reviews)


  13. WolfDM

    A group of 4 DM maps with a special theme. Most of these maps are simple made. Since the maps of Wolf are just plain, I wanted to show the same, but with some detail. If you want wolf like skins, look below...way below...


       (8 reviews)


  14. Point Blank (1)

    My brother made some cool DM-levels so I wanted too. The level is especially for 2 Player DM, DM 2.0 Skill 4 is my favourite :)


       (5 reviews)


  15. Tower of Pazuzu

    Map1 deathmatch only replacement for DOOM ][


       (10 reviews)


  16. Paradox 2

    Tom's very last Doom2 level: it's a deathmatch fragfest with a cool double bridge in the middle.


       (8 reviews)


  17. Plastic

    A compact, fast-paced map specifically designed for oldschool 1-on-1 gameplay.


       (8 reviews)


  18. PILLBOX: Team Deathmatch for DooM ][

    /Rules A wad with a twist. The arena is broken down into two areas, "inside" and "outside". Players on the "inside" must cooperate against those "outside", using the tools at their disposal. Get it? You will!!


       (0 reviews)



    Arena type wad. Made for four player deathmatch. Hidden spots and sniper holes. Mazes and open areas it has a bit of it all.


       (6 reviews)


  20. Extended Domination

    a fast brick and metal deathmatch level.


       (4 reviews)


  21. Point Blank 2

    Here is another fine Deathmatch-Level. Made for DM 2.0 and 2 players, we did not try to play it with more than 2. It's a very fast level, no place to hide, a lot of ledges. And very well designed of course.

    THIS IS NO CRAP! TiC stands for quality. Remember that.


       (4 reviews)


  22. ROCK1

    This is my first multi level wad ,it has 21 maps each has its own exit i think i only ripped like 2 or 3 maps straight from other wads but thats ok!! I added new mus and sounds uhhhh i added some new textures but not much mostly for name patches. OH YEAH ALL U PEOPLE READING THIS uhhhhh Phm added all the sprites for me !!!!!! :)


       (3 reviews)


  23. Round we go!!


       (2 reviews)


  24. castle.wad

    This wad is designed as an RPG strategy for DOOM II. Its basically a team/base game. One team plays the LORDS who control the castle. The other team plays the REBELS who live on the outskirts of the castle, in a nearby cave.


       (1 review)


  25. PIMP.WAD

    This is a collection of 27 Doom1 wads which have been converted to Doom2 format usind WadCat and Wad1to2. They are deathmatch wads specifically designed for 2-player DMing. They are, in my opinion, the very best doom1 wads, both in terms of playability and design. The conversion process changed some things that could not be helped, and the various doom2 editors out do not seem to let me correct the problems with ease, so some levels, such as ledgesi, may be a little different than you may remember. Nevertheless, these wads are the very best out there. When I converted them I changed all the shotguns to super-shotguns. Make sure when you play them to use the -timer option; otherwise you will not be able to exit some levels.

    They are, in order: madmax bigempty jhldth1 par-002c pueblo house myhouse tnplhome usqe1m1 kill church tourney hitmeinf ledgesi subway11 area8 joi-cm1 blob slapme butt trideath peace markroom phucked ledges4i markrm3 october

    These wads look excellent as well as play well. Manyof the top ranked wads on the DM Wads ranking sheet play well but are designed poorly; not so with these wads. I have played hundreds of different wads, and when these wads were converted to Doom2, a very important and beautiful change took place on many. You first see it in the 4th wad, but you get the full extent of it in Pueblo wad. Im sure the author had this in mind when he made it. Some notes on each wad: Madmax: this is a new wad, but an excellent start- ing wad. The music is fitting; it is a pleasant surprise, seeing as how the sounds and music come from blob.wad. You will see what I mean. Bigempty:I made some minor changes to this, but it still remains an excellent shotguns-only wad. Jhldth1: This is my all time favorite wad. Its fun to play in, fun to wander around in, and any style of fighting can be used. Par-002c: I think this was named something else originally but Im not sure what. I got it out of another wad collection as I could not find it on the various sites. The background fits the theme well, but not as well as in... Pueblo: absolutely beautiful. Well designed, originally made for a pro tourney, but never used. Unfortunately the oven texture gets pasted onto the wall of the BFG secret room in ledgesi for some reason during conversion, and other places too, but its no big problem. House: A classic wad. Nothing but fun. Well made, with weapons placed strategically. myhouse: A very recent wad, but lots of fun. Goes after house perfectly. tnplhome: Another home, wad, I made minor changes to it to make more weapons. Check out the toilet and the stove. usqe1m1: This is a college Student Union I think, and its a lot of fun to run around in, although not quite in the same vein as with myhouse. kill: Another college building wad. church: I tried to add a missle launcher to this, but for some reason the editing program wouldnt let me. But I did add deathmatch starts (which it did not previously have) and some shotguns and other weapons. Remember, God does not like BFGs on Holy Ground. Tourney: A wad created for a tournament. hitmeinf: a good arena wad, lots of fun. ledgesi: The conversion process made minor changes to make this wad not as fun (it removed the missle launcher for some reason) but it is still the all- time classic wad. subway11:Like church, this wad was not originally for deathmatch play, but the minor changes I made make it a lot of fun. You will see why when you meet up with a guy in a tunnel. area8: This wad looks neat, and is fun to play, although the strategy level is not quite to the level its design would lead you to believe. joi-cm1: Oh Joi! A small castle wad blob: This wad is the largest in the collection, but you can still find frags pretty easily. Its a good hunting wad. This is where the funky sounds come from. slapme: Another tournament wad. butt: This one has lots of secrets, another classic wad. Trideath: a good set of arenas. The dark is fun. Peace: another classic. There is a secret here which will hand you the match if you find it. Watch the lmp for clues. markroom: the classic arena wad phucked: an interestingly designed wad, annoyingly fun to play in. ledges4i: ledges's big brother. markrm3: transporters can be annoying but also fun. October: another small castle wad, well designed.

    When you play this wad, I suggest you put in a -timer 5 or 3 or 7 limit in it so you can go through all of them. Our floor will be using this for a tournament. Thanks to all the guys on my floor who helped with the selection process; you don't know how long it took me to weed through all the wads out there and combine them in the proper way.


       (2 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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