223 files
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Terror is afoot. Often you will find that you won't live long enough to frag the other player. Peace be with you all.80 downloads
Quake DOOM
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A replica of Quake Test 1, built completely from scratch as close as possible with a 2.5D engine. Holes in the floor are replaced by teleporters and I stuck in an Exit, otherwise it's as close as possible. Have fun!
This WAD is for all of you out there who A) don't have the machine to run Quake Test, B) don't have a network to play it on, or C) just can't be bothered to download it. This lets you see at least the general feel of Quake, if not the impressive engine with light sourcing, full 3D levels, and grenades (drool).84 downloads
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Started out as using the first level of s/w Rise of the Triad as a (very) rough base. actuly built most of it from memory, but ends up to be quite different than the original. Even has the music thrown in too.
Designed for DeathMatch realy, but has quite a few monsters bunged in too, if you need 'em.41 downloads
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Room.wad is a large room with long tunnels around it. It is also filled with plenty of human sargents and a cyber-demon, and is pretty fun on deathmatch because each life is about 10 seconds long.86 downloads
R.I.P Toke
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This is a FFA or 1on1 (a bit big for it) that is completely dedicated to Dylan McIntosh, other wise known as Toke who passed away in a care crash.15 downloads
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Two NeW LeVELS 4 DeaTHMaTCh... ;)
No MeRiT.The Easier Way to make a WaD iS onE 4 DeaTHMatCH,but IùM Sorry GuyS I C_A_N_T MaKE any single player wad úCoS I SaW The QuaKE TeST...
PLeaSE CheCK ThiS: -> www.idsoftware.com <- ThaTùS HeaVEN! ThaTS the OLymPuS Where the GoDS Live...
I Wanna make this couple of MapS just 4 xpress The PainFuL feelinù and The Agony of every MortaL. We SaW "ThE PriCE" But the QuaKeNinG iS NEaR The TiME haS CoME aND We R E 4 ThEXPeRieNCe!
I BougHT a DX266+8Mb about 2 years ago.
I got the marvellous program of ToM HuDSoN: 3DStudio ;) and I DreaMt of MakinG ViRTuaL Enviroments something magical and amazing.But with only 8Mb and just 540HD I canùT Spend 24 hourS a Day renderin! I allwayS looking 4 a few number of sides,the less number of lights and the best textures. It was hard,Sad and very very ungrateful.I hade a pair of good animations one about 35Mb,th other 20Mb...and...and nothing.
I cant send them to my friends,I cant show them...just more space in my HD and a lot of hours workinù 4 nothing!.
Then I DiscovereD DooM,the inCredible xperience! IT was too much 4 me.IT was the best game Iùve EveR Seen.I KNew WoLFSTein,IùVe PLaYeD The Share VerSion...but ThiS Time,the "touch" of the game waS perfect,the plot great and the playability suberb! 9 over 10...
The Second step was Deu,and all the editors that are everywhere ;) but I discover than the engine of DooM doesnùT really 3D.iTS a pseudo-3D real good but not excellent! I have to battle with the linedefs and the sectors 4 make looking-real building and rip of "ViSPLaNES oVErFLoW" and all the error message that DeSTroy my work! I had to use SECToRS to simulate ShaDoWS I haD To USe SeCTorS to SiMulate Carpets...
BuT...Q u A K E...floor over floor...light sources.ThaTS ThaTS...i have no worDS,ITS like 3DStudio but in real-time with creatures,with an argument and with fun! ThaTS QuaKE...
IùVe PLAyeD QuaKE in DeaTHMATCH and iTS better than DooM and DuKe NuKeM Iùve SeeN a lot of PiCS of QuaKE and ItS the MosT AmaZiNG ReaL SiMuLAtioN that I Can OVeRWheLM my Computer... >;) iTS the Future!
.ùú> .ùú-J-o-N-Hùú.ùúR-o-M-E-R-oúù.úùi-Sùú.úù-A-ùú.úù-G-o-D-úù.,úù> 'ù.ú'
WeLL Here U R 2 MapS with the original QuaKE SouNDS! Xcept one that I get from "ArMY oF DaRKNeSS" The MaSTer PieCE oF CiNEma HiSToRY! I hope u like it...altough if U diDnùT Play The QuaKE TeST...it would be a little bit Xtrange ;)
The first map with StairWayS to HeaVeN itS a olD-FoRGeT-CoMpleX i wanna make some new than the SquaRE levels that u saw in other wads of áäëLM. There R WiNdoWS,Stairs,CorneRS PLaSMa guN a good place 4 DeaTHMaTCH... ;) The SeCoND MaP iTS a KiND oF "A_SaCo.WAD" the FreNZieST Map That iùVe EVeR trieD! buT iTS CooL! well IùM The KreaTor And UùLL ThinK IùM noT FaiR. ...ThiS WaD WaS MaDE 4 PäNtiuM PoWäR AnD AWe oR GVS XPeRieNCE...
I hope u LikE it aND HaVE GooD DeaTHMaTCH TiME oN iT!4 downloads
I'd rather not say... If you don't mind.
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OK, it is so damn hard to explain. Sort of like a building with some interlinking winding routes around it... or something.
All you need to know is it plays like a biatch. Frantic, fast, savage.
Teleport to super vulnerable ass postion to slide onto BFG. Dangerous.4 downloads
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A compact, fast-paced map specifically designed for oldschool 1-on-1 gameplay.11 downloads
Pillars of Doom (2)
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A rockin' level (I included a boss area for those who are disappointed by the lack of big fights! :) Comes with it's own Deathmatch rules for the overcomplicated people out there and a cool ending for those who love that sort of thing.6 downloads
Waste Disposal Inc.
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This being my first DM map, I think it's actually pretty good. I use props such as trees and drain pipes to spruce up the look a bit. The BFG is also a bit harder to find than usual in this DM map. Enjoy!6 downloads
Brick DM
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an unreleased DM level. Fixed some stuff. A brick & metal themed level.5 downloads
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You are in a prison with no hope of escape, the only thing you can do is kill other people, i.e. Denny.3 downloads
If we lost an eye we would be sad so the mother to is sad and she'll end and the world ends.
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This is going to prove to be an insane multi-player wad. Inside you will find a large wall holding a very large amount of water. Below all of this is the lower level which is surrounded on both sides by staircases and two elevators- one is an instant lift and the other leads to the plasma rifle.. here is where the real fun starts. The plasma rifle is on a tall column inside the slow elevator. Once the elevator has risen high enough to get on the column, you must get the plasma gun and get off the elevator before your buddies lock you in the cage and score a very unfair (but fair still) frag on you. It's a lot of fun.. try it!4 downloads
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This wad is designed as an RPG strategy for DOOM II. Its basically a team/base game. One team plays the LORDS who control the castle. The other team plays the REBELS who live on the outskirts of the castle, in a nearby cave.8 downloads
Red Section
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Single deathmatch level with a tech/gunk feel. Great for up to 8 players.6 downloads
P H A N N Y S --- for DOOM ][ Deathmatch<br><br> 9 NEW LEVELS FINISHED APRIL 2001
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mostly small arena type maps, urban/sci-fi style, lots of metal walls. I have added monsters for single player fun and frustration.4 downloads
PARANOID Deathmatch level #4 'Showdown'
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small quality deathmatch level (alligned, difficulty settings etc)3 downloads
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Yeah, Yeah, I know what you're thinkin "Its just another shameless rip off of J_ROOM4.WAD!" But, I accually didn't just switch the wepons, I opened the wall's so you wouldn't keep Fragin youself. (By the way this is rockets only) :)5 downloads
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BouT CirCLe CONStrUCTioNS! WhaT HappeN? ANy PRoBLEM?
I SaW 1.000 WaDs 4 DeaTMATCH aND just a 5% There were GooD 4 PLAy!
ThiS iS 4 PLAy via ModEN not 4 NET witH 8 PLaYeRS! I WaNNA MakE SoMETHinG FuNNy no SoMEThiNG BorEd OR a MaZE iF I WaNNa BorED MySeLF,SLeeP anD BREaK DOwN my CoMPuteR i PLaY The WoRST 3D GaME IùVe EveR PLaYeD: RiSe oF ThE TRiaD!!! WoLFSTeiN iS MoST BeTTeR ThaN RoTT!
TRy to PLay the WAd in SiNGLE pLAyer :) The aim iT: There caN Be ONLy ONe And THaT "OnE" iS U! So...FiGHt AGainST PuREviL FoRCeS! AnD Be PRePaRe 4 A HeLL WheRe oNLy ThE BraVESùLL SuRViVe!
ProBLeMS-> SLoW CPU .SLoW MaChiNE. SLoW RaM .SLoW Everythinù :? WeLL,What R U Waitinù 4? CHritCXMaXXX! R u wAiTinù 4 QuaKE? U NeeD SomEThinG Better than a 386DX40 >;D
SLoW HaNDS? U CAn'T KiLL EveRYMONSteR? U R A loser-man a poor IMP a real MicroSCopiCuS MoLEcuLuS...so pLeaSE tell your mother to GiVE u KeLLoGS!
A MoTheR? PLEaSE TeLL YoUR MuM To Be QuiET! oR KiLL Her >;D
þ> AbOuT SEXXX.WAD -> ThiS iS A ReaL ProJEcT 4 QuaKE...
IT WaS BeeinG 4 DooM ][...but I saw the ALPha of QuaKE and IùVe ChaNGeD my MiND...No more WADs 4 single player!! Iùm gonna wait 4 QuaKE I Have to wait4 QuaKE! iTS gonna be the 1st real 3D...What Bout NuKE DuKEm 3D? jojojo KiddiNù? good effects! good SpeeCH! good DuKeMActh! But ainT DooM! no play inside.Enemies R DiffiCuLT and they R StupidS! Sorry boyS I PRefeR iD!
DarK FOrCeS? CooL GaME reaL GooD! but JusT 4 StaR WaRS,no SeX,no VioLeNCe BuT GreaT! no DeaTHMaTCH ThaT's a PRoBLeM!
SysTeM ShoCK! AMaZiNg! 9.9 go 4 ORiGiN!13 downloads
Perplexd: The Ultimate Deathmatch.
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This DOOM II wad was inspired by my desire for new and creative levels for DOOM II.2 downloads