223 files
PERD DeathMatch 03
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1 Level, 12 DM Starts, Small 'Arena' type level. That's all you need for some Non-Stop Action...4 downloads
PERD DeathMatch 01
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1 Level, 8 DM Starts, Small 'Arena' type level. That's all you need for some Non-Stop Action... Recommended for 2 players, but up to 8 can go at it, but you may loose your stomachs!3 downloads
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3 Dark 'n Gloomy DM levels for those of us a little sick of Medieval themeing. HARDCORE SCI-FI!! Like you've woken up on the set of HARDWARE. A New face! A rough, rugged Face! Like you've been to Hell 'n Back..... YOU NEED THIS! WARNING: Character hollers F**K when hurt. DOOMers Epitaph of choice! Includes new sounds specific to the Enviroment. NO CARTOON QUIPS!4 downloads
The Pit!
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This is one of favorite DM levels so I thought I'd show it to a wider audience. In some ways it borrows ideas from the excellent Ledges series, and I've put a lot of thought into the design. The difference is that there is only one way out of the central pit: the lift. This makes for a lot of cat and mouse around the central building.3 downloads
Plain and Simple DeathMatch
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A medium sized deathmatch level - nothing tricky, just good, solid DM. Lots of weapons (NO bfg!) with plenty of ammo, armor, and health.2 downloads
RedGore deathmatch.
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A stone mine with lots of metal supports around, has lots of red things in it such as the sky the lights the walls and the floors!3 downloads
The platforms
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A 2-3 player deathmatch level. It's a bit stupid. But I'm in the practice of uploading everything I've made, good or bad.2 downloads
Real DM
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REAL DM pwad contains many innovations not found in other wads that add to the play of DOOM II. The most important of these innovations being the LTS or Light Tracking System. With the LTS you can locate an opponents simply by checking the the blocks that surround the raised circle in the building at the center of the level. When a block is lit it means that someone is in that block's room. Each block is representional of an outside room. On each block there is an arrow. This arrow serves the purpose as the block but it lights up when someone is in the tunnel or underground portion of that room. To make LTS even easier you can just look at the door leading to a room. If that door's light is on then someone is in that room. When someone leaves a room the block's and door's light will be shut off which means that no one is in the room. One of REAL DM's other exciting features is how it simulates 3D. You will notice that as you fall into the lava you will be teleported to an underground sector. These underground sectors have been constructed with the best accuracy possible. Accuracy that includes duplications of sounds and scale. When someone above ground hits an elevator you will hear this below ground. This is done so when you run up those stairs you won't be surprised by your opponent. REAL DM also utilizes a mutual exit system. This is done so that both opponents must agree to exit the level in order to quit. The exit is located in the east room with the hi-tech motif and can be found on the upper platform. One person must stand in the corner while the other runs back and forth over the arrows located in the dark hallway just to the left of the elevator. As you run back and forth the arrow will point you in the right direction. After a while the elevator will reach the top and the other player exits the elevator and proceeds up some stairs. There you will find the exit arches.7 downloads
The Phobos Compound - Beta 0.6
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Your on Phobos. Now dial up your friend and kick is butt!!3 downloads
I'd rather not say... If you don't mind.
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OK, it is so damn hard to explain. Sort of like a building with some interlinking winding routes around it... or something.
All you need to know is it plays like a biatch. Frantic, fast, savage.
Teleport to super vulnerable ass postion to slide onto BFG. Dangerous.4 downloads
Pillars of Doom (2)
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A rockin' level (I included a boss area for those who are disappointed by the lack of big fights! :) Comes with it's own Deathmatch rules for the overcomplicated people out there and a cool ending for those who love that sort of thing.6 downloads
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This is my first serious attempt at a wad. My first attempt never was finished. This is a multi-purpose wad mainly aimed at deathmatch but can be played single or multiplayer. The centerpiece of my level is the upside down room. To my knowledge, this has never been done before. (If I'm mistaken, please let me know!) The entry room is interesting in cooperative (or single player) mode. P.S. This may be bad form, but there is no red key. The locked red doors are used to make the level more circular in deathmatch.2 downloads
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For DOOM 2 A dm level with lots of lifts, long dropoffs, and every weapon but the BFG3 downloads
The Reactor
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Game play takes place underground in a large, rundown reactor complex. The level contains some secret areas of great use, so be watchful. A lot of the computer panels textures are switches.4 downloads
The Ring
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A deathmatch level that has been tested in 2 player and works great! It should be pretty good for 3 or 4 player as well, but if someone gets 3 or 4 player going send me a demo. Thanks. In the middle of the ring, there's a special effect that I don't think has ever been used before: a reflective marble floor! Check it out. Not much emphasis on the BFG here - as I'm not very big on that weapon.3 downloads
The Plethoric Universe (Release 5A) (June 1996)
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This is a collection of 7 new levels for Doom 2. They vary from being simple to highly complex. The order of these levels was indended for deathmatch play. These same levels are rearranged in two other WADS for single and cooperative play. Check out "Merlin's Universe" (MERLIN5.WAD) and "The Universe of Sin" (UNISIN.WAD).2 downloads
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This is a small level based entirely on rockets. It is a series of small rooms connected by low ceiling hallways barely big enough to get through. A lot of multi kills(you and oponent[s]) and self kills. Great fun!2 downloads
Fun With Radiation
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A deadly deathmatch Toxic Waist Refinery. Plenty of pits anf barrels to help the fun never end! There's also a huge ledge all the way around it for some great sneak shots.3 downloads
Pit O Death.wad or podeath.wad for Dos.
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Another pure Deathmatch level in my attempt to create the perfect Wad.As you will see it's kind of big,with lots of things to aquire,and things to avoid.And has been fully tested,with Four players,over a certain network.Thanx Stu. (Ever had your butt kicked all over your own wad? I did.Once again, thanx Stu!)5 downloads
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IF you play single (thatús hard!) try to complete the level in the 5 SettinS of difficuLty! .NOt necessary 100% kill ,just run to the final door and drop into the well!...I beg you canút do iT in NigHTmaRE ;D
If you play DEaTHMatCH (i recommended) ,use 2.0 RuLeSs ,and beware of difficulty level and enemies ,there must so much of them & a Lot oF FirE- PoweR! ð|D ,So -> blood everywhere ...
PlaYing CoopErativE...I donúT MinD at aLL. JusT Keep Your TeaM Alive.
Iúm tryinú to make a WaD for DM _beautiful_ and addictive. Iúve worked with the easy circle-battle-zone ,thats mean everytime hear your enemies or seeinú them .ThatS good for play. There is some rooms and elevated areas where sight the others ,Iúve DeaThMactHed with other players and the overall opinion was GooD (yo! GreaT) .Play it and you see Iúm not a lizard!
I think ROAR.WAD is good for single play ,but not as BedLAm ,in BedLAm there was an argument and a plot to feel it ,in RoAR there is only WAR!. TRy to cross the circle and reach the pinnacle ,the first and the second levels of difficulty must be easy for a good player ,but...I canút do it in level 4 and 5!! |@. Iúve spent good times tryinú to end it (I know Iúm the autor ,but...)
ProBLeMS-> SLoW CPU .Yes a real problem. TOo Much enemies roaring every- where .This is a semi-medussa effect ;D ,but you can resolve buying a overdrive ;D .Play without enemies! (Iúve eliminated some barrels and decorations in level 5 to speed up de whole thing ,but in my Dx266+8Mb there is no problemo!.7 downloads
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Two NeW LeVELS 4 DeaTHMaTCh... ;)
No MeRiT.The Easier Way to make a WaD iS onE 4 DeaTHMatCH,but IùM Sorry GuyS I C_A_N_T MaKE any single player wad úCoS I SaW The QuaKE TeST...
PLeaSE CheCK ThiS: -> www.idsoftware.com <- ThaTùS HeaVEN! ThaTS the OLymPuS Where the GoDS Live...
I Wanna make this couple of MapS just 4 xpress The PainFuL feelinù and The Agony of every MortaL. We SaW "ThE PriCE" But the QuaKeNinG iS NEaR The TiME haS CoME aND We R E 4 ThEXPeRieNCe!
I BougHT a DX266+8Mb about 2 years ago.
I got the marvellous program of ToM HuDSoN: 3DStudio ;) and I DreaMt of MakinG ViRTuaL Enviroments something magical and amazing.But with only 8Mb and just 540HD I canùT Spend 24 hourS a Day renderin! I allwayS looking 4 a few number of sides,the less number of lights and the best textures. It was hard,Sad and very very ungrateful.I hade a pair of good animations one about 35Mb,th other 20Mb...and...and nothing.
I cant send them to my friends,I cant show them...just more space in my HD and a lot of hours workinù 4 nothing!.
Then I DiscovereD DooM,the inCredible xperience! IT was too much 4 me.IT was the best game Iùve EveR Seen.I KNew WoLFSTein,IùVe PLaYeD The Share VerSion...but ThiS Time,the "touch" of the game waS perfect,the plot great and the playability suberb! 9 over 10...
The Second step was Deu,and all the editors that are everywhere ;) but I discover than the engine of DooM doesnùT really 3D.iTS a pseudo-3D real good but not excellent! I have to battle with the linedefs and the sectors 4 make looking-real building and rip of "ViSPLaNES oVErFLoW" and all the error message that DeSTroy my work! I had to use SECToRS to simulate ShaDoWS I haD To USe SeCTorS to SiMulate Carpets...
BuT...Q u A K E...floor over floor...light sources.ThaTS ThaTS...i have no worDS,ITS like 3DStudio but in real-time with creatures,with an argument and with fun! ThaTS QuaKE...
IùVe PLAyeD QuaKE in DeaTHMATCH and iTS better than DooM and DuKe NuKeM Iùve SeeN a lot of PiCS of QuaKE and ItS the MosT AmaZiNG ReaL SiMuLAtioN that I Can OVeRWheLM my Computer... >;) iTS the Future!
.ùú> .ùú-J-o-N-Hùú.ùúR-o-M-E-R-oúù.úùi-Sùú.úù-A-ùú.úù-G-o-D-úù.,úù> 'ù.ú'
WeLL Here U R 2 MapS with the original QuaKE SouNDS! Xcept one that I get from "ArMY oF DaRKNeSS" The MaSTer PieCE oF CiNEma HiSToRY! I hope u like it...altough if U diDnùT Play The QuaKE TeST...it would be a little bit Xtrange ;)
The first map with StairWayS to HeaVeN itS a olD-FoRGeT-CoMpleX i wanna make some new than the SquaRE levels that u saw in other wads of áäëLM. There R WiNdoWS,Stairs,CorneRS PLaSMa guN a good place 4 DeaTHMaTCH... ;) The SeCoND MaP iTS a KiND oF "A_SaCo.WAD" the FreNZieST Map That iùVe EVeR trieD! buT iTS CooL! well IùM The KreaTor And UùLL ThinK IùM noT FaiR. ...ThiS WaD WaS MaDE 4 PäNtiuM PoWäR AnD AWe oR GVS XPeRieNCE...
I hope u LikE it aND HaVE GooD DeaTHMaTCH TiME oN iT!4 downloads