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  1. RaGä_666

    BouT CirCLe CONStrUCTioNS! WhaT HappeN? ANy PRoBLEM?
    I SaW 1.000 WaDs 4 DeaTMATCH aND just a 5% There were GooD 4 PLAy!
    ThiS iS 4 PLAy via ModEN not 4 NET witH 8 PLaYeRS! I WaNNA MakE SoMETHinG FuNNy no SoMEThiNG BorEd OR a MaZE iF I WaNNa BorED MySeLF,SLeeP anD BREaK DOwN my CoMPuteR i PLaY The WoRST 3D GaME IùVe EveR PLaYeD: RiSe oF ThE TRiaD!!! WoLFSTeiN iS MoST BeTTeR ThaN RoTT!
    TRy to PLay the WAd in SiNGLE pLAyer :) The aim iT: There caN Be ONLy ONe And THaT "OnE" iS U! So...FiGHt AGainST PuREviL FoRCeS! AnD Be PRePaRe 4 A HeLL WheRe oNLy ThE BraVESùLL SuRViVe!

    ProBLeMS-> SLoW CPU .SLoW MaChiNE. SLoW RaM .SLoW Everythinù :? WeLL,What R U Waitinù 4? CHritCXMaXXX! R u wAiTinù 4 QuaKE? U NeeD SomEThinG Better than a 386DX40 >;D
    SLoW HaNDS? U CAn'T KiLL EveRYMONSteR? U R A loser-man a poor IMP a real MicroSCopiCuS MoLEcuLuS...so pLeaSE tell your mother to GiVE u KeLLoGS!
    A MoTheR? PLEaSE TeLL YoUR MuM To Be QuiET! oR KiLL Her >;D

    þ> AbOuT SEXXX.WAD -> ThiS iS A ReaL ProJEcT 4 QuaKE...
    IT WaS BeeinG 4 DooM ][...but I saw the ALPha of QuaKE and IùVe ChaNGeD my MiND...No more WADs 4 single player!! Iùm gonna wait 4 QuaKE I Have to wait4 QuaKE! iTS gonna be the 1st real 3D...What Bout NuKE DuKEm 3D? jojojo KiddiNù? good effects! good SpeeCH! good DuKeMActh! But ainT DooM! no play inside.Enemies R DiffiCuLT and they R StupidS! Sorry boyS I PRefeR iD!
    DarK FOrCeS? CooL GaME reaL GooD! but JusT 4 StaR WaRS,no SeX,no VioLeNCe BuT GreaT! no DeaTHMaTCH ThaT's a PRoBLeM!
    SysTeM ShoCK! AMaZiNg! 9.9 go 4 ORiGiN!


       (3 reviews)


  2. Railway Track (Russian edition)

    Deathmatch wad for Doom 2.


       (0 reviews)


  3. Cute Puppy Deathmatch

    A Deathmatch level for Doom 2. e-mail me and tell me what you think.


       (2 reviews)


  4. REMMY01.WAD for DOOM2

    A deathmatch only, dweller-like wad. Everything was build and placed with caution and thinking of playability.


       (0 reviews)


  5. Point Blank 6

    Number six of the Point Blank DM level series. This one is hard on the limit, but I do hope you won't get any HOM. I once did and fixed it. The level is one big open area with 2 teleporters, a tricky BFG place in the middle and two other buildings to get Rocket & Plasma (in the appropriate skill).

    Please note: the skill (=weapon) settings have changed - the Rocket Launcher is now available in skill 3 too!

    THIS IS NO CRAP! TiC stands for quality. Remember that.


       (0 reviews)


  6. Point Blank 5

    Not just another DeathMatch WAD. This one is a bit larger than the other PoBla-Levels, because it was designed with 4 player DM in mind. POBLA5 was originally made for a DeathMatch Tournament in germany - here it is for your enjoyment. The pobla5 ZIP also contains a GIF showing a raw sketch on paper and the final map of this level.

    Well designed and great fun, just like all of the PoBla-series. :)

    THIS IS NO CRAP! TiC stands for quality. Remember that.

    A word to the guys that changed POBLA3: The positions of the weapons and the number of items is intended - the height of the weapon-platforms was tested over and over again - the current setting is the RIGHT one. :)

    Btw, nice WAD-filesize eh? ;)


       (2 reviews)


  7. Q-ZONE TeamDM Arena

    4 player team deathmatch level with a lasertag concept (Q-zar, UltraZone). See *Rules* below.


       (1 review)


  8. The PMS Deathmatch #1

    This is my complete level from scratch! I'd say it's pretty good!

    I have put monsters in for you to have some fun with when you check it out in single player mode.

    -Doom 2, level 01 replacement

    -No real secrets; I tagged the sector with the plasma gun in it as a secret so it would not say 0% when you finish it as a single player.

    -Violent (of course) -Dangerous (of course) -Fun! (hopefully)


       (0 reviews)


  9. Present (why? I don't know.)

    There is no story here. Just play it. This is about the fifth map that I have made, but the first one I have uploaded. This wad is actually two maps. The first map took a little while to create. The second map took about four hours (I just felt like making another map). The two maps are not related in any way.

    Both were designed to be deathmatch levels, but can be played any way you like. I like to use transparent textures with hidden rooms behind them so look out for them. Also keep an eye on the lights on the first board. There are four lights that will turn on and off when a player enters and leaves (respectively) an area.


       (0 reviews)


  10. Death Mirror

    Inspired by Drdtemple, this wad is an air-fragger's blood dream.. set inside an inner courtyard with sloping stairs and high ceilings.


       (2 reviews)


  11. Round Death at the Roadhouse

    After a hard days work, there is nothing more relaxing than to stop by the "Roadhouse", go out back, have a brewski, and feed a few hundred rockets to your friends !!!!


       (0 reviews)



    P-32 is 3 levels of non-stop, bust-ya in the face deathmatch! The levels are very futuristic with some interesting graffix special effects. Have you ever been in a deathmatch, and some fool *accidently* hits the exit? Well, all three level exits are totally idiot proof. Level one is a space complex with a big beutiful BFG jump..... right into the middle of the action! You might get in the cross-fire and DIE! Its very fun... Level two is a double arena, with BFG and plasma amory rooms north and south, but if you go in there in a 3 or 4 way deathmatch...you might get REEAAL paranoid. Snipers will love this area, and so will energy lover haters. One hint...the walls have eyes...and sometimes double barrel shotguns. Level three is a cyber remake of my pretty popular "Roman.wad". This level is nothing but intense 3 or 4-way deathmatch chaos! Its a main mid-sized arena with the double barrel in the middle on top of a lift. Multiply pigion holes in the arena add to the fear of being attack at ANY angle, for in this arena...there is NOWHERE to hide. There are poles in the arena that hold diverse weapons and powerups to fight with in the arena. You have a constent pick of plasma, rocket launcher, or a brief megaball. That is...IF you can get to it before it goes back up. The BFG is set to come down periodically. I have hand picked some of the best doom sounds out there and put them into the wad. New music includes White Zombie's 1965, Metallica's Orion, and a revved up clasical type song. These levels are a scream in 2-way or up. P-32, THE FUTURE OF DEATHMATCH IS HERE...


       (1 review)


  13. Rock on Wad


       (1 review)


  14. Prophet4

    It's 12 noon (yeah that's right rp) :) in an area circling a large canopy of rock which I took from my single player wad called 2drkprk.wad (sometimes found as prophet.zip). I like this one a lot and I think it rivals Prophet2. Once again, If you must have the BFG it won't be at no cost. :)


       (1 review)


  15. Quake DOOM

    A replica of Quake Test 1, built completely from scratch as close as possible with a 2.5D engine. Holes in the floor are replaced by teleporters and I stuck in an Exit, otherwise it's as close as possible. Have fun!

    This WAD is for all of you out there who A) don't have the machine to run Quake Test, B) don't have a network to play it on, or C) just can't be bothered to download it. This lets you see at least the general feel of Quake, if not the impressive engine with light sourcing, full 3D levels, and grenades (drool).


       (3 reviews)


  16. Pud Whacker!!


       (1 review)


  17. RUN

    Your outside..RUNing from building to building. Looking for an oppenent to kill..There's the oppenent ! you shoot..miss..shoot.miss.shoot.. .. .. YOU GOT HIM!!!!! OK Back to reality. This is a good DEATHMATCH level. There is no end but this level will keep you on your feet. Lots of weapons and some pretty wicked buildings. One more important thing..There is a big window with blue behind it..If you face oppisite of this window you will see a big brown building.Go in the side with the computer walls and right beside the door is a computer terminal picture on the wall. Push it..it is sort of a hidden switch.you will hear a hidden door open. Go outside and see what you have done. HEHEHEH.


       (0 reviews)



    This level like the original level, (RUN.WAD) is set outdoors in HELL!! It Is meant for Deathmatch ONLY! It is well constructed and has some pretty cool things you can do to get away from your opponent(s) like jumping off ledges on top of the building, Jumping windows and some other wicked stuff!! WARNING!!! THIS LEVEL IS GOOD FOR DEATHMATCH AND SHOULD NOT BE PLAYED IF YOU ARE TAKING ANY KIND OF HEART MEDICATION. IF AT ANY TIME DURING PLAYING THIS WAD YOU EXPERIENCE AND SYMPTOMS OF DROUSINESS,FEVER,AND OR VOMITING BECAUSE OF ALL THE ACTION,DISCONTINUE USE IMMIDIATLY AND CONCULT YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR FOR THIS WAD CAN CAUSE LONG LASTING EFFECTS THAT CAN PERMINANTLY HARM YOU!! HAHHAHAHHHAHAAHHAH JUST GO AND PLAY IT :) Again I would appriciate any comments, good or bad, concerning this or any of my other levels,or any cool ideas for my next WAD. Oh ya.. try the "COOL" Batch file to start this wad. JUST TYPE "Run" and it will automatically start up the wad. It will also tell you if you dont have this wad in your doom2 DIR just incase you dont have the slightest idea what you are doing... :) Hey.. It happens..to some people believe me.... L8r



       (1 review)


  19. If we lost an eye we would be sad so the mother to is sad and she'll end and the world ends.

    This is going to prove to be an insane multi-player wad. Inside you will find a large wall holding a very large amount of water. Below all of this is the lower level which is surrounded on both sides by staircases and two elevators- one is an instant lift and the other leads to the plasma rifle.. here is where the real fun starts. The plasma rifle is on a tall column inside the slow elevator. Once the elevator has risen high enough to get on the column, you must get the plasma gun and get off the elevator before your buddies lock you in the cage and score a very unfair (but fair still) frag on you. It's a lot of fun.. try it!


       (1 review)



    This is an experimental deathmatch WAD that has some unusual tricks in level architecture. For example, there's "multiple floors" and a "bullet-proof" window. However, this is not _absolutely_ best DEATHMATCH LEVEL I have made... The level works a bit slowly on slower machines (like 486dx2/50 or worse) because of its complexity.

    (But of course, there's thousands of wads that are worse than anything I have made...)


       (1 review)


  21. Polly

    The Best Wad Ever =) Great Arena Wad with Double Barreled Shotguns Chainguns and Rocketlaunchers!!!!!! None of that plasma or bfg crap only guns that take skill It has a nice arena setup with some power ups that, if you try to get them, everyone on the level will know


       (0 reviews)


  22. QUAD.WAD (possibly final)

    Similar to level 7 in size and purpose, but architecturally more complex. Gameplay should be more chaotic too. :)


       (1 review)


  23. Rumpus

    This WAD was made for practice. It's my first so it's not very elaborate. Just gettin' mah feet wet, you might say. It was made for use in a deathmatch, or maybe alt-deathmatch since it's so small. There's a decent number of bad guys to give you something to do when your buddy's hiding out somewhere. The exit is hidden because people I play with often like to make a bee-line for the switch (usually accidentally, but annoying all the same). The exit switch is the only switch in the level, and isn't marked as an exit.


       (0 reviews)


  24. Perplexd: The Ultimate Deathmatch.

    This DOOM II wad was inspired by my desire for new and creative levels for DOOM II.


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  25. Red.WAD

    Terror is afoot. Often you will find that you won't live long enough to frag the other player. Peace be with you all.


       (0 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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