80 files
Don't Be A Bitch Last Man Standing 3
By Guest
32 maps suitable for Team/Last Man Standing28 downloads
By Guest
Fradm is a NS deathmatch wad, with 8-map compilation. It's a very old project, certainly my first serious project (began in 2006). This wad has its own style, a gothic (dark metal/orange stone) architecture which sometimes meet futuristic and modern looks. On the gameplay, maps are often set up around a courtyard where the BFG is easy to reach. Some others are more classical, symetrically organized.13 downloads
Zero Tolerance
By Guest
An small mapset containing 7 maps in total I made for Lutrov's 1024 contest. All maps are playable from pistol start, or play through them in one go its up to you. Ive really enjoyed making these maps and I hope you will enjoy playing them. UV is pretty tough so you might want to choose an lower skill level first its very easy on skill 1/2. I hope you will like map07 on UV from pistol start :) its hard but you can beat it.28 downloads
DoomServ Deathmatch I v1.0
By Guest
This five level deathmatch set, named after DoomServ and done in the style of the classic DWANGO wads, contains a highly diverse set of levels, making this a wad bound to please just about everyone. From well-designed levels to arenas made for brainless frag- fests, this wad has it all. DoomServ can be downloaded at: http://www.doomworld.com/zm14 downloads
By Guest
A small and extremely fast-paced 1on1 arena with a few tricks up its sleeve.13 downloads
Doomkid's Deathmatch 4! [Quick n' Dirty speedmaps]
By Doomkid
Hello again DM lovers! Here I have 12 maps I whipped up fairly quickly that are sure to please. Serious matches can be had with 2-4 players, but it goes insane with 8+! I have made the BFG optional, because I know a lot of people don't like it (see: whining). Select Skill 1/2 for Soulsphere, 3 for Invisibility sphere, and 4/5 for the BFG - It's the best option, of course!12 downloads
By Guest
Psychedelic Doom wad for Deathmatch. You're running around in a gray space in which moving white lines betray the layout of the map.13 downloads
By Guest
A small and extremely fast-paced 1on1 arena with a few tricks up its sleeve, second try.5 downloads
By Guest
Four brand new oldschool duel maps made for original deathmatch skill 5.11 downloads
By Guest
a series of 3 dm maps, all of which are reasonably dated. i have no idea how well these play because all i can test with are bots that can't figure out how to use super shotguns for some reason.
level design inspired by popular ffa maps on zdaemon and probably best suited for those purposes. suggest 4-8 players.5 downloads
Frigid Frag
By Guest
Winter is coming!
This is a winter-themed deathmatch arena inspired by Brit10. Ideal for duels or 1-4 players.6 downloads
By Guest
Downward is DM level, heavily inspired by DM maps from other games like Unreal Tournament and Quake.
A simple level design yet very versatile and flexible.20 downloads
fubdm 2
By Guest
an updated version of "fubdm.wad," pending inclusion in a megawad. could be alright for ffa, 3+ players advisable.9 downloads
By Guest
A remake of the Unreal Tounament 99 deathmatch map, Tempest. Can be played Single or Multiplayer, although its main purpose is deathmatch.4 downloads
Foul Play
By Guest
An oldschool deathmatch map. The map is a blend of a traditional base melded into a rock cavern.5 downloads
Descent into The Absolute
By Guest
A UAC base gone haywire. You will fight in Hell eventually. A few base levels are distorted by the influence of Hell.3 downloads
DOOM2Forever Deathmatch beta v.5
By Guest
Contains a total of nine DM maps and six duel maps, maps 1-11 are Deathmatch based while maps 20-25 are duel based.20 downloads
By Guest
Experimental DM Level for Zdoom, which contains two 3D bridges passing over each other. All weapons are present and 8 DM starts are included. Other Zdoom effects include the ocean effect, and 3D pass over walls, etc. Main Courtyard is 1024x1024.6 downloads
Deathmatch: (OutDoors)
By Guest
A deathmatch wad that is set in outdoors, there are alotsa place to hide:5 downloads
Ugh DM 1 Underground Base
By Guest
This is a small deathmatch level for ZDoom, making use of slopes and a fancy little script for a central event in the map. This is my first DM level as well as the first level in which I use slopes. Well, the slopes are not a very active part of the level, they are only decorative. For this level, I created a set of new textures... which took me maybe an hour. I really wanted to build a level that used no Doom 2 textures at all. I do use a few computers from Doom 2, but anyway, it's mostly new. Looking at the map, it's a fast-paced level with few places to camp or hide. This means that you can play it against a single opponent as well as against 7, and get action all the time. The plasma gun is very tricky to get... you'll find out why. Waiting for it is not always the best thing to do since the other players can come from any direction =)7 downloads