55 files
No One Lives Forever!
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Consists of a building and an outside area. Inside the building is a 4 story killing ground that makes use of slopes and 3D floors. Run outside to get some health and prepare to get back in the action.
Contains all weapons excpet the BFG.
As stated elsewhere this map requires GZDoom and while it might run on other engines it will not play correctly without the bridges, ramps or the ability to jump.3 downloads
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This Wad is one of my best Wads! A great looking level, really fun to play it with friends. I hope you like & enjoy it!4 downloads
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A great looking level, really fun to play it with friends. I hope you like & enjoy it!2 downloads
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---> RUNS WITH CC4 TEXTURES (id=16911)
A quick Boom compatible duel map. It's another little techbase built into a cavern.10 downloads
Odamex Nitro Deathmatch
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A set of maps made specifically for an Odamex Saturday Nitro session. The first of many such compilation wads.8 downloads
No Man's Land
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Journey into the center of the earth, into No Man's Land, a.k.a. Hell, a.k.a No Man's Land. First level and quite linear..but what the Hell!! :)9 downloads
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Ok it's not really a DEMO per-say, it's 3 maps, Deathmatch onlys.. A taste of what's to come of Mega5 so stay tuned for that. ;)8 downloads
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1-5 player a single "3D FLOORS" map for DM or co-op play "preferably DM", USING THE LATEST VERSION OF DOOM2.WAD and DOOMLEGACY with SOFTWARE ,3DFX or GL modes..3 downloads
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While doing my second match on Judas23 during the first season of the STDL, I decided all of a sudden (more like after I lost rofl) that I wanted to create a Judas-inspired duel map. So that's what I did. The layout took me 30 minutes and the rest (texturing, adding items, etc) took about an hour. The textures came from a Quake pack that I'm currently converting for use in Doom (note orginal textures are not mine, I'm just compiling them). Anyways, I guess it plays ok. It's got somewhat similar gameplay to Judas, but it does have its own quirks of course. Could also be played with 4-6 in Deathmatch and variants.1 download
MancerXX v1.0
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In short: Having recently rediscovered how great Doom 2 DM still is I've decided to remake some of my ooold Doom 2 maps from 1995/1996 for the fun of it. They stay fairly true to the original layouts while adding plenty of new elements and gameplay opportunities.
These maps are intended primarily for 1-on-1 play. However, MAP05 is somewhat larger than the norm so that one plays better in FFA.
MAP01 - MancerX MAP01 revamped MAP02 - MancerX MAP02 revamped MAP03 - MancerX3 MAP13 revamped MAP04 - MancerX3 MAP11 revamped MAP05 - An err.. Mostly new map. Larger than the others.
For more stuff and plenty of useless info go to http://www.doomworld.com/manzer/ and look for the MancerXX section.17 downloads
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After years of building, this megawad comes to show the encounter of these two great games: Doom e Super Mario. This conversion includes lots of new sprites, textures, musics, sounds and everything else(You will need zdoom). These maps were designed for multiplayer deathmatch games. There is some unused monster sprites in this wad(I tried to make cooperative maps, but they wasn't so cool) I need some cooperation to make some coop maps(I can't do good coop maps)291 downloads
Manly Confrontation
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The world's most manly and virile, battleworthy Doom marines decide to sort it out man-2-man in a specially constructed UAC arena.26 downloads
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This is my first map in about 6 months. This is also my first deathmatch map. It is simple. I put it together for a LAN party. A main building in the middle with platforms and ramps surrounding an outside area. No BFG. Plasma rifle and Rocket Launcher are hidden. Enjoy.1 download
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It's just a tourney-style level, with some curves, and very quickly done. It is nice for tourneys, 1-on-1's and it's paraphernalia. Enjoy.5 downloads
Onslaught Reborn Teaser
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First test level from a new upcoming deathmatch megawad from Team Onslaught. Version 0.92 downloads
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This is what is believed to be the first HQ ever made for a ZDaemon clan. The idea of just having fun on a map without killing was the initial inspiration. A clan evolved and the HQ was born. It was basically our version of a doom paradise for the clan to hang around and have meetings. Eventually that got out of control and most of the clan wanted to do nothing but hang around at the HQ. This led to the eventual demise of the MAG clan. MAG is still in existence (as of 4/14/05) but has very few members. At the time of this HQ's limited release (December '04) the clan had over 40 members. None of the creators of this wad are still in MAG clan. However, seeing as how we made the wad, we have the rights to it. It is not being presented for serious review (or play), merely as a curiousity. So here it is, the MagnaMarines Official HQ. Enjoy =p36 downloads
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Well, after not working on moddm3 in a LONG freaking time, I looked at it and decided that out of 3.2349 maps, I only liked 1. I kept map02, scrapped map04, but I liked map01 and map03 so much I decided to release them standalone. Please do not take this as a moddm3 demo version. Anyways,
MAP01 - 11Arena I strongly suggest this map be used in 1on1 play ONLY. A map11 style map I whipped up, with insane gameplay. MAP02 - The River And here was moddm3 map03. Basically a river in a canyon, with a new weapon.(See DEHACKED) Should be playable with 2-4 players.6 downloads