349 files
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Here are some stereoscopic pictures made from screen shots of Doom. You may have to cross your eyes a ways to see them, but the 3d effect is worth the headache :)34 downloads
DOOMII demo screenshots
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These are the .PCX files from John Romero's DOOMII demo during the Austin Virtual Gaming Tournament on June 18th. There are about 25 .PCX files that span about 4 different levels. Be sure to check out the new monsters, new levels, and different bit maps...can't wait for the release.37 downloads
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This is a graphic patch file to alter the status bar. It is in a PWAD so that the 10 meg file won't be altered. It changes your standard status bar to one with LED readouts on a circuit board type of display. The patches altered are the status bar itself, the numbers that are displayed on it, and the small numbers in the ammo area to prevent multicolor effect.
I spent a bit of time ensuring that all graphics were inserted correctly to ensure a good match. If you wish to use this new status bar in YOUR wad, please contact me. I'll be happy to let you do it, I just would like to know what wads its in so I can grab them. ;)55 downloads
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This file was produced for those of you who may be a little tired of the normal deathmatch games, and when new levels just aren't as fun. This file will alter the player pictures. For even more fun, try changing things around, such as the candleabra's to look like players, so that you will not know whether your shooting the other player, or just wasting ammo and giving away your position.(I prefer to change the med kits, and stim packs to look like a player). For even more fun, and not to mention difficulty, change the player to something small, such as the little candle, etc...10 downloads
Adrian's Ego-Masochistical DOOM Adventure
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I couldn't resist this one! Here's me in DOOM. For those of you who want to shoot yourself (or someone else), scan a photo at 72 dpi, edit yourself for the only thing on a 100% blue/ 100% green background, then use dmgraph to import it in. See the batch file to get an idea of what needs to be changed.11 downloads
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1 of These 2 gif's replace one of those hanging legs in DOOM with a MUCH more fleshy one... :) The other gif replaces the skull on a stick with a beautiful, run-through body. This one's a bit big, tho. Unfortunately, since they are both bigger than their regular counterparts in Doom, if you try to run DEU and look at them via the sprite editor, DEU will crash. :(10 downloads
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This little addition to DOOM is a WAD file which has a modified COLORMAP resource that I made which changes the palette of all levels of brightness to the brightest level. In other words, if you run DOOM with this WAD, it'll be like you've got permanent light amplification visors. Just run with 'doom -file bright.wad'. Have fun!!34 downloads
DOOM Mac Barrels v1.0
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The wound from that demon scrape is killing you!! You try to look around at the scenery to divert your attention for a bit. All around you is barren wasteland. There is some- thing that catches your attention, however. To your right is an old Macintosh Classic, the UAC's general-purpose torture device which also, ironically, doubles as a poor excuse for an abacus... er, computer. It was invented in the late twentieth century, but the Apple corporation that made it apparently couldn't stand up to the competition of the other superpowerful PC companies, so their technology never progressed. AAACH! Suddenly, an Imp comes out of the shadows, roaring its Satanic battle-cry as it sees you. Thinking quickly, you let out a blast from your shotgun, but because of your terrible aim, the shell hits the old Mac. The thing rattles, the screen cracks, and the damn thing EXPLODES into a ball of red fire with a distant system beep in the background, killing the Imp!! Holy shit! Maybe these things CAN be useful...!14 downloads
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This zip file gives your seargants wings. I took special care to make the wings look as though they are flapping, It's a pretty cool effect. :) even though the seargants still don't fly.23 downloads
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Well, here are some new graphics to replace the imp death animation. Its just a little more gory 8^).26 downloads
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Preview Screen Shots of the upcoming ALL NEW Doom Editor, featuring full 3 Dimensional level preview! You've got to see to believe! Screen Shots are of Level 1, Knee Deep/Dead.33 downloads
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This file is a set of ppm pictures that modify the death sequence of the former soldiers, sargeants, imps and demons in DOOM. A new wound has been added to each of the monsters so that they die in a more bloody fashion (the imp for example has his right arm taken off just below the elbow). The sequence for death is as a result of being hit by a non-rocket weapon (the rocket death sequence is too good to improve upon).9 downloads
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This is a background that I made using Doom paneling and scenery. It makes a neat Windows background (then again, doesn't everything? :-) It's a tall corridor and through the 'windows' you can see outside (which is cloudy with the mountains down below).11 downloads
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You want to make Windows look like DOOM? Then this is the right thing for you!!!21 downloads
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A 256 color, 640x480 bitmap image of the title screen. Don't worry about pixelization, I converted it to true color first then smoothed it out wile resizing it.8 downloads
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A one page color postscript file of all the floor and ceiling textures. Depending on the printer the textures may not look correct. I brightened up each pixel a little since in general the textures are a bit dark.13 downloads
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Aaaargghhhhh!!!! That bastard bunny is everywhere, and now he's invaded Doom! This little guy replaces all the sargeants with the Energizer Bunny. He's back, and this time he's out for blood!
Blow the little bastard away with the goriest explosion sequences in the game! You thought that regular sargeants were gruesome to watch explode? They're nothing compared to the gut-o-rama you will see when you take out one of the little bunnies with a rocket launcher (and don't worry all that gore is reduced to one little pile in the end so you don't get any of those always following you piles of red stuff).60 downloads
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Well, my efforts have paid off... DOOMMORF.FLI looks *nice*. This .FLI file is a ~160 frame animation of your favorite monsters melting into each other using morphing technology a la "Terminator 2". Ok, so I'm not Industrial Light and Magic Inc., but I think that the effect is very good considering all the 'tween images were rendered on a 486dx-50 using DMORF 1.1.2; the BEST shareware morphing program available for the PC. I used WT100 to get the images from the .WAD file onto the screen. I used VGACAP81 to capture them from the screen, and VGAFIL.EXE to convert them from .RAWs and .PLTs to .GIFs. After morphing, I used Alchemy to convert the images from .TGAs back to .GIFs, and Autodesk Animator to thread the images into a single .FLI, and optimize the colors such that the morph should be fairly smooth, even on '286 computers. Of course, if you use a '286, you probably won't recognize the characters. :)19 downloads
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Supplementary graphics for doom with dmgraph.exe and a batch file to replace the pinkies with a black knight (knight has upside down cross as his coat of arms).18 downloads