393 files
Stoneman's Joint
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DEATHMATCH !!!! This is designed for deathmatch only . There are monsters in the wad but they are also placed with deathmatch in mind . It can be played single player but there would be no purpose other than for firing practice. I tried to make an evil cross between levels one and seven3 downloads
By Guest
This is a new level i made specificaly for deathmatch. If u like Super Shot Gun you will love this level because thats all there is. I have changed the music to fit the fast pace action. Metallica's Master of Puppets song has been added to make this wad ROCK!! I have also added new sounds. I hope u like it.5 downloads
The Ultimate Deathmatch Arena
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This wad is from the maker of SpaceSta.wad and TheArena.wad. This one, however, is the best of the three. Lots of tricks a few traps, and plenty of fraggin' to go around. Here is the Ultimate!!! **Enjoy**5 downloads
By Guest
This Wad is built for DEATHMATCH games, but you can play it also single. generally for DEATHMATCH it's the BEST ! The WAD include big space area for fight's And all the other stuff Deathmatch need's !!!3 downloads
The Purge
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The purge trilogy is three levels of co-op fun (don't say poo! - co-op can be fun!). A short scenario is provided for your enjoyment.4 downloads
By Guest
Doom 2 Deathmatch wad. The fun part is fragging each other in the dark room with the hanging guys. This wad is mainly for 2 player deathmatch.5 downloads
A Small Deathmatch Level
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This level is designed only for deathmatch, and primarily for two people. I made it small and simple so that it would be fast via modem play. This level is way too small for four player deathmatch, but if you want total mayhem, go ahead and try it. It's a fun level for two people, and it is FAIR; something which many deathmatch levels lack. The only way to win in this level is by skill alone, not by knowing where secrets or powerups are (as it is with most deathmatch levels). There are no secrets in this level, BTW. If you like the super shotgun, then play this level on skill 1-2. If you are a veteran Doom player like me, then put it on skill 3-4. This changes the super shotguns to regular shotguns (The super shotgun is MUCH too powerful for deathmatch, IMHO). I recommend playing this level with Deathmatch 2.0.3 downloads
TELEFRAG.wad, a DeathMatch wad for DOOM2
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This is a wad designed for deathmatch 2 (-Altdeath)
direct conervsion of coloseum.wad for DOOM 1, with slight modifications for more enjoyment. One large room with 4 warps at center to 4 rooms with 4 warps each going back and forth. TELEFRAGS 'R' US !!!!!!!!!!! Frag every 30 seconds!!! Hidden and obvious avaiable weapons. Uses full power of DOOM2!!! NO AMBUSHING POINTS!!!!!! TOTALLY ADDICTING!!!!!!25 downloads
DeathMatch at The Arena!!
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A new DeathMatch arena based around one central area. Every player starts off in an isolated place. Many secrets and traps exist throughout the level. Teleporters in that central area take the players about the level looking for powerups, weapons, and yes quality fragging! *Enjoy*3 downloads
DeathMatch at the Space Station
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Having cruised thourgh Hell, taken a couple of planets, etc., it's now time to show where your friends' bodies belong. Let the CARNAGE begin! This DeathMatch ONLY level, gives you the chance to make them end up like one of those bodies on a stick! The level features a space-station like evironment. It's complete with a POW jail, a landing pad, and service station.2 downloads
By Guest
This wad is for deathmatch for up to 4 players. This wad always has a second way out, and has an even amount of ammo. This wad also contains a nifty secret in which you may lurk to kill an opponent.3 downloads
Ultimate Frags
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An INCREDIBLE 2 Player Deathmatch Wad! An INCREDIBLE 3 Player Deathmatch Wad! An INCREDIBLE 4 Player Deathmatch Wad! An IMPOSSIBLE Multi-Player Co-Op Wad! No End Level Switch! No Player Starts, Only Deathmatch! No Monster Starts - No Monsters!3 downloads
By Guest
This DOOM II WAD was designed with the idea that Deathmatch play should be fast, fun, and competetive. I got ideas from several places. For single play, try out the included patch file. It modifies the enemies and makes them very similar to playing against a human opponenent. For deathmatch I feel I have balanced the number of bonuses, with the size of the level. I also tried to balance the layout of teleporters, barriers, weapons, and lifts to make play fun and difficult.
Additional Credits to Anyone who wants it3 downloads
Tiefron Outpost
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This is a small Deathmatch level where i used a similiar theme to level 7 on Doom2. I promise many frags here guys. 4 way is the best on here!!!2 downloads
Timegate (Damn! I'm in here AGAIN!!!!!)
By Guest
Purely deathmatch! Has nearly every weapon, except for the regular shotgun and pistols which bite anyway. Explore this level, learn where to step, and where NOT to step... This is my second wad I have made that doesn't really SUCK. There is one place in the level where you can obtain an invulnerability, a BFG, map, some energy cells, an invisibility, and a Megasphere, but the question is can you get there without DYING?!?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!! There is an exit, for people such as Daniel who lie about FRAG COUNTS!!!!5 downloads