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  1. TheHole2.wad a DOOM II wadfile

    A large fortress with hall's, tower's, a gun room, a map room and even an Island in a lake of blood. touch the wall's here and there, there's a lot of lift's in the strangest place's.

    This wad was intended for 4 player deathmatch but works great at 2 player also. I like a lot or room and a lot of quick duckout's when your getting chased or when your running someone down.


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  2. The Dark

    Dark (Real dark) PWAD for Deathmatch


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  3. The Threat

    The Threat is placed in an open courtyard where the mass destruction begins


       (1 review)


  4. Reactor 's room

    A big room with 5 cylinder who raise from the floor.


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    Not sure why I called it Smegger, I suppose I just like the word (it's a favourite from the Red Dwarf TV series, by the way). I don't think I could bear to see another WAD with the words "FRAG" or "DEATH" in the title - at least I'm original in my plagiarism. This is a deathmatch only WAD (no monsters or keys). I had some ideas for some rooms and objects, so I put them together. Then I just couldn't help myself but spend far too long messing around with the minor details - it didn't seem right to align the textures in only one spot. I hope that most of the areas in the map are fairly original, at least I haven't seen them before. You will notice that there are no doors in this map - I think they just get in the way in deathmatches, and to keep the game fluid there is a lot of interconnection between the areas (ie more than one way in and/or out). There is also a fair bit of scenery in the level to make it more interesting - lights, trees, and even a waterfall and stream. Very pretty, but don't go bathing ...


       (1 review)


  6. DeathWorld II: Fragland

    Another highly addictive deathmatch level :>

    DeathWorld II! Created in honor of the new four-way network we are now enjoying at Casa Rico Suave. Fantasy-land theme: ledges, pools, waterfalls, dank tunnels, quake-style teleports. Good mix of wide-open spaces and tight squeezes. Many escape routes.

    Single-barrel at (almost) all starts. Access to better weapons always with its penalties...

    Watch your back... I didn't call it FRAGland for nothin'!


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    Deathmatch wad. Its quite small with limited weapons so play it on alt death .


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  8. Sickpack.wad

    totally sick and fraggin' 7 level-episode. not more than 2 seconds to live in these crazy wads, well, it's a fragfest, SLAUGHTER!!!!!


       (4 reviews)


  9. Spartz

    My latest monstrosity! A deathmatch level in which I've implemented three of my best traps:

    Acid Trap - high in an overlooking cave reside two buttons that instantaneously raise and lower the outer edge of a pool of acid.. In which is floating the only soul sphere...
    Lights Trap - for those skilled enough to "drive" to it, there is a switch that turns out most of the lights.. In front of which is a light amp visor.. To turn the lights back on, the other guy has to grab the soul sphere... Which is out in the middle of the Acid Trap!!
    Happy Button - sick and twisted individuals that like to cause their opponents a LOT of grief will enjoy the second set of control switches... The "Happy Button" will allow repawning monsters to enter the scene.. And the "unHappy Button" will prevent them from coming back...


       (1 review)


  10. thebase.zip

    You step into some sort of port, and realize your there for different reasons other than to kill... Your sent to fiend of whatever comes across your face... You don't exactly want to do this, but you know what you have to do.... GET YOUR BUTT TO THE OTHER SIDE!!!! You find yourself in the main supply base, containing all the supplies you could ever want... you collect what you need for now and head out... you look out at what seems the longest distance in the world... You know you have to get to the other side.. You want this to end... The forces against you are also out there. There looking for only one thing ... The OTHER SIDE... You step into the darkest place yet... They have what you have, but do you have the strategy? If you don't I suggest you don't try this....

    The main piont of this level is for a COOP + Deathmatch Kinda game... Players 1 & 2 are placed in a secret base... While players 3 & 4 are placed in another secret base... Players 1 & 2 have the better end only players 3 & 4 have an advantage... THE DARK. You get the dark too, but they get more places to go behind, and " Snoop " This level is fairly darkened, but gives off the feeling of " Why did I do this? " The point of the game is to get to the OTHER SIDE of the battle feild to the opponents BASE...

    You could easily switch it at your own base, but that would suck.... Have fun with this... Use strategy!!! The one thing that's annoying is you have to FIND the base before you can flip the switch.. Meaning your gonna have to run around.. Dark forces ( The other players ) are looking for you, or gaurding thier base ( BAD IDEA... It gives it away! ). The main thing I suggest, since it's dark in there, is to get possessed at let your feelings GUIDE you. If your lucky you'll be able to find the bases. I, of course, know where they are, but I will leave that up for you to find out where they are for yourself. This is pretty interesting, in fact you can think of it as WWIII WARNING!... Use Strategy!!!! Go back to your base every once and awhile to plan attacks... As far as you know they don't know where your base is!!! remember places and what they look like, so you can describe them to your teammate... I hid the BASES for the reason of getting to pause, and snatch a breather! Also, the BASES are supplied well with health and extra stuff, so in case you get into a serious battle!!! Another thing... To make it really fun... Say that you can only die twice, or once.. It makes it pretty interesting... Your more pushed to plan attacks instead of flying in there and demolishing everything...

    It is kinda fun to play it only two player Deatchmatch, but it gets kinda stupid, becuase you don't start in the last base you had before, and that could stop the game easily... I hid A couple of secret bunkers for the people to benefit from... If you can find them you'll life will be made easy! I had some Node problems, because of it's size in the battle feild. I realized I couldn't just keep placing borin walls in there so I added some trees and crap to make it more realistic. I had to take out the river that ran down the border lines, because it started causing problems. Even though your about to play this so called Finished level, I'm still improving it.. This is just version 1.99 the next version, 4.99 will be tweaked to perfection! Plus some things will be remodeled.


       (1 review)


  11. Sniper!!

    This is the fourth wad I have made, and this one is for DEATHMATCH only. There are only a couple of monsters. Your main goal is to hide in the many small sniper areas and battle it out in the turrets!


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    You are surrounded by buildings, and more buildings, the only thing that can stop you is your enemy! You must find him before he finds you. It won't be that easy, there are many places that you and your enemy can hide at, so always watch your back. This was is full of SURPRISES!



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  13. Tool

    Tool.wad is a great wad for Deathmatch, co-op, and single play


       (3 reviews)


  14. TriMate!

    I killer DOOM ][ level built with deatmatch in mind. Heaps of hiding spots and 'table turners' (you'll see).


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    Just another PWAD for DOOM 2


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    Futuristic textures, inside, semi-two-story, relatively small for 2 - 4 players, TASTEful blend of various textures, 6 transporters.


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  17. These horrendous erratic hairy orgies of mammoth everlastingness or T.h.e H.o.m.e. for short

    This is a DOOM II pwad. Deathmatch or Cooperative

    - Deathmatch Blast each other through and around my house. Hide and seek is different when you carry shotguns.

    There are a few monsters to kill before the real fraggin' can begin. Once you get warmed up, start hunting.

    - Cooperative You've been hired to get rid of the hell spawn. But this is a nice house, where could they all be coming from?

    I think we've found the problem, the son is a devil worshipper and he has already opened the gate to the other side. Jump into the fray!


       (1 review)



    Designed for DEATMATCH. This level is alot of fun for 2, 3 or 4


       (1 review)


  19. Symmetry

    Four level deathmatch wad. I put alot of thought into the choices of symmetric sets of lifts and stairs to maximize visual contact and dynamic play. Be sure to play with the difficulty settings changed..

    You will remember this set of levels by the 'ring' of cyberdemons that are in the expanse outside the normal playing area.


       (1 review)


  20. To Die For

    Awesome Deathmatch pwad with some cool visual effects never before seen in a game of doom (to our knowledge) created within the existing Doom II architecture. Watch the demo!


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    2 DM-levels for DooM II, with a new set of player-graphics ("Evil Trooper" graphics from TTP) and a new status bar (taken from TTP as well)


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  22. The Slime Falls

    A large house with many beautiful details and some nukage around it... Anyway, a great environment for fragging your friends in deathmatch!


       (2 reviews)


  23. Soy Sauce

    This wad is wonderful. It has 8 new sounds, new music, and is NEW!!! It has a nice arena setup with an open middle and a outside ring. It contains all weapons but the plasma is hard to get and the bfg harder. -=)They're in the different textured pilars(=-.


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  24. The Cage II

    This is the sequel of "The Cage". This time, you won't have any difficulty in getting out of the cage. Again, it was built for deathmatch games; there are secrets for you to find and monsters for you to kill. Let's see if you can finish it with the "nightmare" skill level when playing alone! I did. Enjoy!


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    .A deathmatch only map which looks pretty cool. An open castle with four towers and a medium sized courtyard. Also several separate areas off of the main courtyard. Good sniping. Some tough puzzles in order to get all of the power ups. All weapons are available. Some of the pillars in the courtyard are lifts activated by remote switches, some are imobile. The NW and SE towers can only be accessed by teleporting in or by rematerializing there after you've been fragged. The teleport puzzle is a little tricky to figure out, its almost impossible to utilize with four players. I hope you all like it. It's my best effort yet, I believe.


       (0 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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