241 files
Killer Day at the UAC Archology
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Even after your heroic defeat of the HellSpawn, UAC still17 downloads
Lankhmar 1.0
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A rather large level with lotsa everything. It is my first wad but don't be fooled. I have put many long hours into it. So much so that I decided that I would upload it now in fear that it would never be released. Don't get me wrong. I know of NO ERRORS or any sort. Anyway, you have three of keys/doors present each is different. One level is an exact duplicate of a level from Under World II. The others your have have to find out for yourself. Almost every hidden door/etc. has been indicated by an odd colour something or other or an offset brick/whatever.12 downloads
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Very large in terms of area, lawnboy is based on the scenario of a yard, i.e., mostly open area. There are some twists, of course. This is the latest (final?) version.9 downloads
Lucifer's Hole of Despair
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Nice big wad. Has a meat locker about 3/4 of the way through. (Big place with blood, hanging bodies)10 downloads
The Lower World
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This one's pretty narrow and clastrophobic, but hey, aren't all my levels? A great level for shotgun lovers and the quick reflexed. You'll have to watch the start, though, precise moves needed here, and watch your ammo supply! This level is more inconnecting than most of mine. In the end, I don't think it makes much difference. From now one, I'll keep them resonably linear. If you're having trouble finishing this, think before you press those buttons. What do they do? Do you need to press them? Some more sneaky secrets in this one, find them and it'll get you that much closer to the end.10 downloads
waste of time
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just a single player level setup to be a deathmatch level too, though not tested.13 downloads
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Pretty tough level, have a look at it and play it with skill 4 and NO CHEATS at all (no turbo!). Not too tough, but it makes you work!9 downloads
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Number Three of the JAX'S SERIES The wad you're about to play was strictly designed for the "TYPE-A" PERSONALITY so, if your one one those "normal" people please don't bother playing this wad because you will pretty much get your butt kicked in so bad that you might just go into shock and end up in the "fetal position". . .then (of course) I'll get sued and possibly, end up in jail.
The wad you're about to play is, well...evil, no fair and, full of traps and surprises which you will learn quickly hate but, take my advice. If you ARE a TYPE-A person then, this wad is right stuff for you.
I designed this wad when I was pent-up and full of anger after yet another nice and patronizing day at my job, which I hate but must go to. So, trust me...you're in for a war.
I also included a *.LMP recording of this wad so you could clearly see that this wad is indeed a CYBER- DEMON nightmare of the highest order but, you can beat them! Lock & load.
And try NOT to use codes. If I can make it through the game, than you should be able too!
Anyway, give it a go and tell me what you think.12 downloads
By Guest
This wadfile is pretty tough to beat but, it is possible. . .to win if you've got what it takes and also, once again as always the wad you're about to play is, totally . . . evil, and absolutely without mercy for the weak.
I designed this wad when I was pent-up and full of anger after yet another nice and patronizing day at my job, which I hate but must go to because I'm stupid So, trust me, you're in for a fight you'll remember for the rest of your life.
I also included a *.LMP recording of this wad so you could clearly see that this wad is indeed a nightmare come true so, lock and load.
And try NOT to use codes. If I can make it through the game, than you should be able too!
Anyway, give it a go and tell me what you think.13 downloads
By Guest
Another pointless battle in the world of DOOM!! This WAD will convince you that sometimes it's just better to throw in the towel while you have the chance. Please don't play this wad if you have a good life, this wad is for people who have a chip on their shoulder and need something to shoot at just for the the sake of it!
The wad you're about to play was strictly designed for the "ANGRY PERSON" so, if your one one those "normal" people please don't even bother playing this wad because you will pretty much get your butt kicked in so bad that you might just go into shock and end up in the "fetal position". . .then (of course) I'll get sued and possibly, end up in jail.
The wad you're about to play is, well...evil, no fair and, full of traps and surprises which you will learn quickly hate but, take my advice. If you ARE a TYPE-A person then, this wad is right stuff for you.
I designed this wad when I was pent-up and full of anger after yet another nice and patronizing day at my job, which I hate but must go to. So, trust me...you're in for a war.
I also included a *.LMP recording of this wad so you could clearly see that this wad is indeed a nightmare come true so, lock and load.
And try NOT to use codes. If I can make it through the game, than you should be able too! Anyway, give it a go and tell me what you think.8 downloads
Kill 'em All
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This is version 2.0 of lvl1.wad. I did all the textures in it and changed some stuff so now it looks good. The level itself has several big rooms and then it turns into a maze. It keeps you on your toes, so if your not very good at doom it will be nearly impossible.12 downloads
The Lost City (lostcit.zip)
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This release is like a mini game with its own storyline. A journal is included that should be read before playing. It explains your mission's goals (which isn't to just exit!) and history.13 downloads
JAVI PIG (you'll see why when you play it).
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You are playing Doom 2 at night in your home, and suddenly appears Javi annoying you. Then you go to sleep, and you dream that you are in DOOM.15 downloads
The Laboratory
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New level for DOOM2. Ran fine on Version 1.666 It's a big and detailed level. It is a very challenging level. Although it is meant for single player play, it also supports DM and Cooperative play. Lab.wad also supports all of the difficulty settings.16 downloads
Cooperative Wad
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This is a DOOM2 cooperative level for you and your buddies. (if you have any)8 downloads
Jason 1
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You start out on a dock and must head deep (and I mean REALLY deep) underground, kill the baddies, grab the keys, and head back upstairs to your awaiting submarine. I tried to make things look as realistic as possible because, to me, that's the most fun.
You are dropped off at a dock of an underground toxic waste treatment plant/marine training ground. You must find all three keys in order to exit the level. You don't really need to go every place on the map to win. I threw a lot in for some good D.M. play.13 downloads
JAX FOLLY (jfolly.wad)
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Pretty standard fare- find the keys, kill the bad guys, try and stay in one piece. This is a fair sized single player level. It's too large for death matches. Tried to keep an eye on texture alignments and I think it looks good and plays well. Hope you enjoy it.10 downloads
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Your missions code name is "KEBTOC"! (Kick Enemys Butt and Turn On Computer) You will be transported to the cities main computer building. There you need to find the computer and turn it back on. Then you need to get back out..:) -This level is great for Single and Co-op. (Try Ultra Violence in Co-op. "What a Rush"!)12 downloads
Total KARNAGE!(v1.1)
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large level with lots of lighting fx, excellent design. General theme with LOTS of puzzles, traps, Deathmatch features and other cool stuff. Because of the levels layout D-Match might be a bit of a pain, but there's lots of transporters around the place so it should be to much of a problem to do some serious fraggin'.
I've spent untold hours trying to get things perfect (texture alinement, lighting, traps) and the resulting level looks and plays execellently, I hope you'll agree.19 downloads