241 files
CONGO (Congo collection #1)
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This is the first installment of the ... "JAZZ DEATHMATCH SERIES" and also the first PWAD I've ever created. I put a great amount of time and thought into this piece of work... so I hope you DOOMers out there won't be disappointed...
This level is small/medium in size and intended for DEATHMATCHES... All the weapons are mostly in plain sight (some work is needed to get to them)... except for the BFG... (which is hidden and takes some fancy footwork to get to...)
I've also included monsters for SINGLE and COOP play... and the EXIT takes some figuring out to reveal... (HINT: there are no keys) This WAD can also be played at different skill levels.12 downloads
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It was designed mostly for Deathmatch but can be challenging for a single player. All the weapons are available plus berzerk. Health is limited to a soul sphere and a few stimpacks, but ammo is plentiful --although you can only get each type of ammo at one place, which should make players have to visit the entire level for one thing or another. Most rooms have two or more exits for easy movement/escape. Hope you like barrels! There's tons of em! Reference help.doc for hints that may not seem obvious.9 downloads
By Guest
Two level house with basement set up primarily for deathmatch, but works on cooperative and single player.10 downloads
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This is a new and improved cochrans.wad. Not only have I added some awesome music to the level, but, I have made quite a few modifications to it. I took out the plasma and the mega sphere. Now, the level is TRUELY balanced. For all of you who have not played cochrans.wad your in for a treat. This level will eliminate the saying, "You only fragged me because I didn't have a weapon. You can domi- nate all the weapons." If you die you start in a seperate room with 3 weapons (chaingun, rocket, and shotgun). You then have your choice of teleporters that take you to different parts of the actual level. Pretty cool huh? Wait till you play it. Also, the only way to get the double barrel shotgun is to flick the switch and lower the lifts. All your opponents know exactly where you are because that is the only switch! So move fast. Also, it is possible to make it to the 2nd lift after flicking the switch. Have fun and enjoy one of the BEST deathmatch levels ever made.10 downloads
libofdis.WAD: The Library of Dis
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As Hell has taken over the earth, much of the urban areas have been compiled as part of Dis, the fabled city of the damned. This is the first part in a series of levels taking you on a tour of Dis. The library of Dis is set on an island in the river of Acheron, and is top-heavy with administrative personnel in need of 'retirement'. The other levels in the series will be posted when completed. This level looks large, but it should still be small enough for deathmatch purposes, probably best played with 3 or 4 players.9 downloads
By Guest
Basically a fairly straight forward level with lots of killing to be done- especially on the harder levels. So get that trigger finger primed and start monster mashing (oh, and try not to get lost in the maze).13 downloads
Lord Roberts Doom 1.0
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Shaped exactly like my school. LORD ROBERTS HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY DEMONS FROM HELL!! Has got a nice ring to it.14 downloads
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This Wad is a straight-forward you-against-them commando sort of thing. This wad is fast action and it will take speed and intelligence to complete it... ...well, maybe just speed.
I also included a *.LMP recording of this wad so you could clearly see that this wad is indeed an action- packed mini-adventure. Also, in this recording is a golden mistake caught on film near the end...as you watch, you could imagine my panic (judging by my moves) when I found that I couldn't kill a demon no matter how hard I tried!!!!! So, finding the exit and simply getting the hell out of the game was of paramount importantance to me!
Anyway, give it a go and tell me what you think.14 downloads
By Guest
This is my second attempt at wad construction. This wadfile is pretty straight forward...find the redkey and get the hell out of dodge!!!!!
This file is no fun if played in god-mode so, try to play it without all of the cheat codes...I did put in enough weapons for you to get the job done so, good luck and may the force be with you.
I also included a *.LMP recording of this wad and I was doing ok for awhile but I made a stupid mistake and got nailed...see if you can do better!!!
Anyway, give it a go and tell me what you think.10 downloads
By Guest
This is the original LOSTLEVL made for DOOM early in 94. I have had several requests to convert the level to DOOM2, so here it is. A few of the new monsters and the SSG have been added. Textures from DOOM have been replaced with DOOM2 textures.9 downloads
"Untitled" DOOM ][ WAD
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A relatively tiny PWAD... the first I made that seemed good enough to share. Contains a few good tricks and traps, but mostly just straight, simple carnage. Watch your back! ;-)15 downloads
KNOB's Carnage! (for Doom ][ Only!)
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This level is the first of more of it's type. It is pure carnage! I encourage the use of cheat-codes, in fact, I don't know if the level is possible without them. I love shooting things, and to me, that's the greatest thing about Doom ][. I took special care to make many monsters fight amongst themselves, as this adds to the "entertainment". Watch your back (as well as the next in the KNOB series.)!13 downloads
KNOB's Carnage! (for Doom ][ Only!) Part III
By Guest
This level is better than my first attempts at levels. I think you'll like the secrets in this one. Watch your back (as well as the next in the KNOB series.)!10 downloads
KNOB's Carnage! (part II) (for Doom ][ Only!)
By Guest
This level is the second of more of it's type. It is pure carnage! This one is better than the first, I promise!9 downloads