241 files
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OK, I think I got what I wanted in the first kbrick.WAD. Skill 1 is real easy, health and ammo. The rest are hard, a noticable change from 1 to 3 to 4. This WAD should run nice on slower comps.15 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_11 is a tough one, not quite as much small details, an attempt to put more in only revealed the limits of Wauthor.I thought I lost this one a few times. The rooms are mostly large.10 downloads
The World of Helgor
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The first level is an extremely detailed kingdom. My aim for this level was to basically make areas look realistic and nice to look at. To ensure this I have added many decorative sectors in this level. Many people say that the Kingdom level is my best!
The second level is a huge spaceport surrounded by water. Bridges, high places and long corridors are all strong features of this level.
With the third level, the aim was to create a small level based around two main features. The features being a large pyramid and the lair of 'Helgor'. A fair amount of thought was spared into the construction of Helgor's lair.
The last level had only one major purpose. It is pretty easy to spot, once you start playing! This four level series is not too hard and is quite enjoyable. The levels apart from maybe the first, don't take too long to finish.11 downloads
One Mean Castle
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This one turned out different than I intended. The scenery is better than the fights. I tried to compensate, but I think some areas are too big for my style, and I can't fill in the gaps between fights. Some spots have very high monster counts. I just wanted to do something different from what my other WADS look like. Please send me comments, good or bad.19 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_10 is a Super-Shotgun/Chaingun/Rockets level.This one should have been #11, but I tried some new stuff, and poof, three weeks work wasted!I put the origional flats list in, trying to put in my own. I wanted to skip the install crap.Well, the copywrite laws won't allow that. When I tried to take them out, something went wrong. So I did a normal WAD instead!!!15 downloads
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Well, I'm 5'9", heavy build, brown eyes...oh, you mean the level! I have a terrible tendency to start building a level and then leave bits of it sitting around for ages. I discovered part of this level still waiting to be completed, and I had a sudden burst of inspiration, so here it is. The level is quite tricky - ammo is limited and there is much switch-pressing, hence the name. Let me know what you think!18 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_9 is a Shotgun/Chaingun/Rockets level. Yes, you do NEED the Rockets!89 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_8 is a back-stabbing, Shotgun/Chaingun level, with just a few Rockets for......20 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_7 is a tough one!! It may run slow without at least a 486 local bus (what I have).15 downloads
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This is my first wad i thought was good enough to put out on the net. There is no big tricks just a good shoot'em up. I got some ideas from all of you who put out wads on the web, so thinks you'all.10 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_5 carries on the Kmetl Series.This is a very large level compared to the others I've done.14 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_4 just carries on the Kmetl Series. Save Frequently!!This is THE toughest one yet!! Additional Credits to id-software12 downloads
The Fortress (Lev 9 in the Series)
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The evil Hordes have invaded the emporer's castle destroying the emporer's precious gardens and fortifying it for their own use. The leader of the Hordes is using this fortress to train an undead army of enslaved souls which he then intends to lead against this fair land, your homeland. As a member of the imperial guards you remeber your pledge to your emperor and vow to destroy these evil hordes in his name and retake his castle. Dare you step into the The Fortress and try your skill (Ultra Violence of course) against the evil hordes..... Nah! better go home and hide under the bed again like you did last time....16 downloads
Kmetl Series
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Kmetl_3 just carries on the Kmetl Series, but, this ones a bit less cramped.12 downloads
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-Although the placement of the keys and the monsters will create a challenge for single-player or co-op games, this map was intended for Deathmatch play. It has a compact design, with 3 fighting arenas arranged in a circle; each joined to a center area (like the hub of a wheel). There are lots of lifts and ledges, and a wide range of height differences in the open areas. Deathmatch players should have no trouble spotting their opponents.8 downloads
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This level was inspired by the recent digs in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. It is bassed on the layout of KV5 which is currently being escivated.13 downloads
The Underworld Base for Doom v1.9
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The base theme all the way!!It's good, so play and send me your comments!!14 downloads
KTA Demo
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You were on a mission. Your task was to get some information about what is happening on secret fortress somewhere in Nevada. You had 20 mens with you, but most of them are dead. Maybe all (I don't know are you playing Co-op :) ). Seems like gates of hell are opened again. 'How many times I must kill them before they are gone!' you think and grab your shotgun. 'Fuck I kill you!'.15 downloads
The Keep
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A new level for Doom 2. I tried to go for form AND substance with this new WAD. e-mail me and tell me what you think.28 downloads
DOOM2 Leprechaun patch v1.2
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replace the plain ole boring marines with teeny - weeny - Leprechauns! It's the BEST graphics + sound patch ever made for doom! Don't miss this opportunity to have a real laugh. Visit the official Leprechaun doom web site at: HTTP://student.ulb.ac.be/~bpereira/leprech14 downloads