103 files
Beyond The Hell
By Guest
Megawad created by four Czech Doomers
See the original textfile (!AA_BTH.TXT) for further descriptions and information.231 downloads
Grim Ripper
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A set of 15 maps designed to be played as an episode (i.e. not a pistol start for each). The author suggests skipping the first three levels and considers 06-15 to be his best work. See the original text-file (included here as !grimripper_eng.TXT) for more information.
Note that the batch files referred to in the original text-file are not included here, as their purpose was to load 15 separate wads simultaneously. For the user's convenience, I have combined these 15 maps and 1 demo (all unaltered) into a single wad using Wintex.130 downloads
Scientist 2
By Guest
Made for "vanilla" doom2.exe and includes: -20 single player maps (map01 upto 20 = all 11 maps from sci.wad + 9 new maps), -10 bonus deathmatch maps (map21-30) -some new textures and sprites including some weapons and a renewed scientist sprite.325 downloads
32 Hours in Pain
By Guest
This is the second episode of the " 20 Days in Hell " trilogy. Send me feedback, please. Requires TNT Evilution.166 downloads
Kama Sutra
By Guest
Heh..we made 32 maps, finally, so you all "HR-skilled" players let's go and beat them :-)909 downloads
Daniel Level Serie 02
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This is a 30 level wad with small maps, made for use with ZDoom bots, on cooperative or deathmatch modes. The ZDoom bots are a little "stupid", so some pickups were placed strategically on the maps. Note: you can play it on any source port.86 downloads
Garrulismo (spanish slang that I can't translate to english)
By Guest
A complete episode for Doom2, with all 32 maps replaced... I think that these are quality levels: cool architecture, good light effects, studied use of textures... And I hope, with a exciting gameplay! The two guys that appears in the main screen are Chiquito de la Calzada -"Child of the Road" (!!!), spanish humorist-, and El Fary -"The Fary", matchless spanish singer, like Frank Sinatra, Bob Dylan or other international stars (!!!)-.244 downloads
Big Crappy Shit Megawad
By Guest
After Defeating The Big Mother Fucker Brain Thing On Map 30 You see a Warp portal and it all dark when you warp then you see a wrong textures and switch all over the walls you see a sign call crap world you before you open the door you get club on the head by who knows who. You wake up after a 3 day coma "wow that fucker can sleep" you see a bunch gray and brown panel textures. You Say: WTF when does these crappy levels ever end i'm gonna fucking kill that fucker who made this stupid shit , Oh Well i can get thru this like i did in high school. Now your Off.227 downloads
By Erik
A 32 level megawad for doom2. This megawad doesn't have perfect texture alignment, insane detail and fantasticly hard gameplay. Instead it focuses on small fun maps to blast through without much thought about defense. The difficulty rises steadily as you go through the maps and the last few should challenge even the best.13291 downloads
By Guest
REVOLUTION! is an unofficial add-on for id Softwares DOOM2 It offers 32 NEW levels with lots of new textures, sprites and flats.1766 downloads
Alien Vendetta
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Alien Vendetta offers 32 all new levels, ranging from small fast-paced tech-styled ones, to complex medieval- and hellish-themed maps. Variety was to be expected considering several authors had a hand in the making of these maps and as no specific criteria were given to them. AV originated in '96 as a one-man project, but saw many transitions and was eventually made a team effort in August 1999. What started out as a pure "Hell Revealed" follower balanced out to be something in-between that and a more classic looking megawad. We decided to put more emphasize on detailed architecture while trying to keep the at times ultra hard gameplay in focus. Admittedly recreating the intensity of "Hell Revealed" while trying to create more commonly scaled maps turned out to be quite a challenge. As a result the hardness was tuned down a bit, and fun gameplay became more important than making it as hard as possible. When that's said, AV still holds a somewhat harder skill setting than any serious megawad with the exception of "Hell Revealed" and its sequal. In the tougher maps it will indeed challenge the best players on Ultraviolence, and would probably be more frustrating than fun for the common Doomer. Fortunately we put effort into all levels of difficulty, and would advise anyone who is not looking for hordes of monsters (and the need for planning in order to survive) to play skill 2 or 3. AV skill 3 plays much like "The Plutonia Experiment" does on its skill 4. Skill 2 would be the favourable pick for anyone who wants to have a more relaxed journey through the levels (be warned tho, even on skill 2 AV holds a few surprises =) Altho map continuity exists between a few levels we decided to go for variation instead of a one-themed 32 level scenario. This difference in scenery from map to map hopefully contributes to less redundant gameplay. Each level is completable from scratch, but when approached this way it should be noted that secret areas become vital for health and ammo supply. The first episode consists of a variety of "earthly" themed maps/bases and a few tech facilities. Difficulty here leans more towards easy even on skill 4, and primarily functions as a warm-up. Episode 2 starts out with a series of techbases and ends up in a more brick styled fashion. The first really hard scenes for the average player will occur in this episode. The final chapter is mainly hell themed and holds the most extreme levels in terms of hardness. A few of these are up to "Hell Revealed" difficulty. If you're looking for a challenge combined with atmospheric levels, Alien Vendetta should be right up your alley. Enjoy :)3563 downloads
The NEW DOOM v1.0
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HI!! after about 34 months of hard work and late nights up at the computer, our levels for THE NEW DOOM! are finally finished! We have named it THE NEW DOOM because we replaced all of the OLD DOOM! We hope you like these levels, because I have had to get a thicker glasses perscription twice this year from all the late nights with no rest. Our grades have also dropped approximately two letters each class because of the work we put into this. Anyway, let's not use this whole thing for our personal live. On with the TEXT FILE!!!887 downloads
ARCADE ( A TributE To ArcadE GameS )
By Guest
30 levels of pure carnage. No mazes. Play it!203 downloads
ChrisWAD v6.1
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30 levels for Doom II v1.9 - 20 levels support all play modes, and there's 10 Deathmatch-only levels as well.
ChrisWAD also includes new sounds, music, graphics, a new monster (The Blob), and several changes to the existing monsters.95 downloads
By Guest
At last I am done with my first and last MegaWad. After years of building. But I admit I haven't dedicated my entire life to Doom.....:) If I had I would probably had launched the wad much earlier in my dooming career.
By the way I havn't introduced myself. My name is Morten Stromsvold. Also known as The Big One among friends. (TBO for shortening). Ok...enough of the chit-chat. Her is some information about The World Of Deth.
The World Of Death is an original Doom 2 MegaWad. There is no new textures, weapons or new monsters. But there are 32 new levels. Some of them are actually pretty good, if I may say so. Not that I am braggart.
The World Of Deth is played best on Ultra violent single player mode.There is also oppertunity for Deathmatch and Coop.
When I started building this MegaWad, it was originally intended for Ultimate Doom. And I was using DEU. But everything changed when I got DETH. The quality of the levels increased, and I decided to convert to Doom 2. ( After fixing them a fucking lot). The fixing took more time time then the actual building, that was the easy part.196 downloads
The SpawnSQwad 2000
By Guest
32 smallish levels of DOOM2 mayhem, each with one of those41 downloads
The Darkening Episode 2
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After a hard nights driving about in the galaxy, your trusted space vessel "Margie" runs out of fuel and you crash on some ugly planet.
Uhm... thats it I think.
Oh yeah; You have to kill stuff too.
(If you depserately need a storyline, go play something else or think of one yourself.)650 downloads
By Guest
This WAD replaces all 32 levels of Doom2. All levels are playable solo, co-op or DM, to give you maximum playing opportunity!
Short descriptions of each level are included in DFEARLVL.TXT (included with DMONFEAR.ZIP), but the basic ethic behind the design is simple: I aimed to provide 32 short, sharp shocks for Doom 2 that were both highly playable and visually impressive. I hope I've succeeded.602 downloads
Requiem Help demoset
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It's finished! (already :) This collection took me nine days to do from the tenth of January, and on the eighteenth, I really pushed the gas pedal on 'em, as I did them from 15 to 26 on that day (I don't have much to do in general, just editing, playing Requiem and STRAIN and before the 20th, these demos :)
These demos are recorded with skill 5, no monsters. They basically show the quickest way to complete the various levels in Requiem with 100% secrets. Note that these should be played with my Requiem patch WAD, available at Without it, the Map12 demo and others will desynch.
There is no Map07 or Map30 demo in this pack for a reason; the completion of these maps requires monsters to be killed - IWC Map07 is impossible to make a demo for, as it has 666 and 667 tags in it, and Map30 I originially though of recording and I did, but it was no help really as it is a very easy map and what's more I procrastinated on it. In Map15, I leave through the secret exit.
To run these demos, type REQHELP followed by the map number (01-32). This will run DooM2.exe in the current path. This needs my patch, BTW. The patch is too large for a reasonably-sized archive.
For those who have batchfilephobia, this command is required to run the demos:
where ?? is the level number.
Check the batch file if you want, there's no danger in it. I am not a fantastic player, so I sometimes snag on things like bars or rails around the maps. I am never stuck for long though, so that's alright really.24 downloads
Realm of Chaos
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This 32-level Doom2 WAD is the first (and only) Mac-made conversion WAD.487 downloads