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61 files

  1. 5 Minute Map Collection

    33 speedmaps, mostly made within a 5 minute, though there are a few that went past anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes. Also included is a megawad filled with 5 minute speedmaps strictly by TrueDude for more bite-sized fun!


       (25 reviews)


  2. 3 Steps From The Hell

    What, stupit name?!

    Ok, so this is my first Doom wad.

    So there are some things I want to say: 1) It doesn't have secrets. 2) Architecture is on level of original Doom (or lower). Just what I like. 3) You will have only shotgun and rocket launcher for all 7 levels. 4) You will have medikits only in the end of levels. So you better make sure to not get any damage. 5) You will have very limited amount of ammo. Don't miss and make a right choise between shotgun and rocket launcher. And don't forget that pistol isn't that bad. 6) Be careful in level 6. There are lost souls wandering above. 7) Want to have fun - don't quicksave. Level are short. 8) I tried myself in music. Not very proud of it. 9) And I tried myself at drawing. Credit pic turned out awful.


       (5 reviews)


  3. The Support Relay


       (15 reviews)


  4. 5 years

    A small megawad consists of 3 maps in Limit Removing format. The Hell invades in our reality, so, get ready your shotgun and kill them all. I have created the wad to the 5-year anniversary of my mapping, started in april, 12, 2005.


       (25 reviews)


  5. 8-bit Binary Addition

    A voodoo doll powered 8-bit binary calculator. It only supports addition.


       (16 reviews)


  6. Four Maps

    My first four maps I put together over two weeks or so. The main intent was to have some fun, though not very challenging, gameplay.

    School's started back up, and I WAS going to do a major revamp of this, but don't have the time right now and would rather move on to new maps altogether. So, here they are in their final form. VERY slight tweaks.


       (16 reviews)


  7. To Fight (2x2 series)

    One level for any limit removing port.

    The idea for this PWAD came from iddqd.ru. The main concept is: you should create a level using only two IWAD textures and two IWAD flats. Thanks Shadowman for inspiration.

    Note: This level is hard. Do not try to play it without saves.


       (27 reviews)


  8. Object "32"

    This wad (or, to be more precise,level) has been made originally for the project named Grid32.wad, but, because of circumstances, has not taken part in it. However, later I have decided to complete this level and to release it separately, as well as it was with 32 inch nails.wad, created by Eternal. Later, this level will enter into mine megawad. The level does not have any serious storyline - but the sense here is not the story. Everything that you need to know is: contact with Object "32" has been lost. You have been sent to find out why. Having arrived into place, you find out that there are demons which partially had altered that base. This level is difficult enough (or it may be so), so I advise to think over what difficulty you will choose before starting game.


       (31 reviews)


  9. Diet 32in24

    High-detail playtested non-buggy single-player maps in a nice, half-sized package. Now you, too, can experience the 32in24 diet!

    map01 - Labs of Torture layout by Impboy detailing by kuchikitaichou map02 - On Two Sides layout by The Green Herring detailing by Impboy and daimon map03 - Ronald Reagan Memorial Mini-Hall layout by Goatface detailing by kuchikitaichou map04 - Some Crappy Theatre layout by ClonedPickle detailing by kuchikitaichou map05 - The Birdman of Texas layout by Shaikoten detailing by Butts map06 - Some Crappy Mall layout by ClonedPickle detailing by RottKing map07 - The Barons' Hideout layout by Dr. Zin detailing by Impboy map08 - Theme Unknown layout by Shaikoten detailing by ClonedPickle map09 - A Walk in the Park layout by kuchikitaichou detailing by Impboy map10 - Satanic Base layout by Ajapted detailing by Impboy map11 - Tetris Revenge layout by mid detailing by esselfortium map12 - City of Tarnation layout by Kassman detailing by Macro11_1 map13 - McDonald's Grease Processing Plant layout by RottKing detailing by brinks map14 - The Hellevator layout by Impboy detailing by daimon map15 - Pest Control layout by kuchikitaichou detailing by Impboy map16 - The Million Dollar Pyramid layout by The Green Herring detailing by Kassman


       (41 reviews)


  10. 32 Inch Nails

    Seven levels for any limit removing port.

    All the levels are built in grid with the 32x32 dimensions. It means all vertexes lay on knots of a grid 32 in editor, but this rule does not extend on things. New textures and flats were not allowed.

    All the maps except map05 can be run in Doom2-Plus after adding sprites (deutex -as 32innail.wad) and applying the deh (except first section with high quality sound replacement for ports). PrBoom-Plus or GZDoom are recommended.


       (81 reviews)


  11. One Sector Tag Concept Map

    I made this a while ago, showed it to a few people, and then promptly did nothing else with the idea. But, considering the lack of interest in NewDoom's latest contest, I figured that it's time to show it to the world.

    This is a small proof-of-concept map, made to show that you can make some interesting maps while only using the sector tags 0 and 1, and no others. This strikes me as a good premise for a mapping challenge - what do you think?

    Everything done in this wad should have a vanilla workaround, but this would work better as a Boom contest for the extra capability.

    Reviewers: try not to judge this as an actual level. I tried to make it fun for 1-2 minutes' worth of play, but it ain't pretty. It's really just a quickly-assembled technical example, along the lines of counter.wad or slidoor.wad - I can do better, honest!


       (5 reviews)


  12. 1024-4: Directors Cut Version 2

    Remember 1024-4: Directors Cut? It's back! This time i made sure it has no compat problems on prboom+, replaced all crappy maps with awesome ones (7,13,14,15,16,31,32), in short i removed ALL crappy stuff from the wad :D


       (22 reviews)


  13. 4 Hour

    This is a dinky map made within a 4 hour time limit. Meh.


       (8 reviews)


  14. 13 years of Doom

    13 years of Doom doesn't have a consistent theme. It was just a project to get some of the mappers together to make a tribute to Doom style map. The map is built inside and around the letters "13 YEARS OF DOOM", with each letter made by different author. No, I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean "late"? Anyhow, I'm not 100% sure of the credits, as the development cycle was rather long. Apologies to those who I may have forgotten. Have fun! It's never too late to celebrate Doom's 13th birthday!


       (21 reviews)


  15. 1024-4 Directors Cut

    Better version of 1024-4 this time it's a megawad! Now let's complain, if you think this


       (25 reviews)


  16. FORTRESS 1024

    Finally, I've decided to get back to some serious Dooming and I know you were all dissapointed with Into Sandy's City.

    FORTRESS 1024 is a gothic like map set inside a fortress. The playing area is mostly built within a 1024x1024 scale and the majority of the level is set outdoors. I've tried my hardest to make the gameplay good and challenging. Plenty of teleporting surprises so watch your back. The exit is located in the middle of the map around a nukage moat, you must raise a bridge to get out of this level.


       (23 reviews)


  17. 1024-2

    It's my second attempt at making real 1024 wad heh this time it's MAP13-style map :)


       (16 reviews)


  18. 1024-3:Marine goes to hell

    This is third attempt to make 1024 map this time the theme is hell! heh it's little harder than previous my 1024 maps


       (16 reviews)


  19. The ArchVile Temple ( 102.WAD )

    Pwad for Boom compatible Ports!


       (42 reviews)


  20. 1024

    This was my first real attempt to make 1024 map :) i think map was good for a first 1024 so enjoy it :D


       (13 reviews)


  21. 666 Hell

    A map 30 replacement which see's you battling an array of new and powerful bosses rather than the Icon of Sin. Based loosely on the PSX Doom final level "Redemption Denied". This was supposed to be created and released on 06/06/06, but was not even started until 6:00, so didnt get done in time as i had work the next day. Then illness, social life, work, TV and cousins getting married delayed it further. At least its being released in the same month!


       (11 reviews)


  22. 787.wad

    kill the zombies


       (15 reviews)


  23. 1024x1024 & 2 sectors contest wad

    This is a compilation of all the contest wads which were sent to the contest held in Newdoom. Read the contestinfo.txt before playing!


       (21 reviews)


  24. "Real" elevator demo

    These are demonstration wads that have a real 3d elevator in them. The elevator is real, in that it has an actual shaft, a cable (sort of, it's a static sector that's right up next to the car so it dosen't look like the car is just hovering in the shaft) a car that you can go into, *above and under*, and like most real evelators, you can see the shaft through the spaces in the doorway. I had a real bad habit of doing that when I was a kid that still continues today :)

    There are two wads in this pack. "elnormal.wad" is a regular building, while "elflood.wad" features a flooded building with an elevator that is "malfunctioning". Try it and see what happens when you try to go "down" in that one. :)

    Note: The "buttons" inside the car and across the room from the shaft's doorway are marked with arrows drawn as sectors, but you can't see them in normal view. Switch to automap and use the IDDT cheat to view them. "elflood.wad" only has incab elevator controls.


       (6 reviews)


  25. 11 Years Of Doom

    A level designed around and within the words 11 YEARS OF DOOM.


       (29 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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