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429 files

  1. Elysion

    This is a sort of speedmap I made to combat mapper's block. It had no time limit, but I kept moving a fairly quick pace.


       (30 reviews)


  2. We´re All Dead Here

    These maps are all playable from pistol start and have non linear gameplay. ZDoom compatible.


       (57 reviews)


  3. Disturbia

    This is a very wierd map I made to sate my creative urges... The internal dehacked work changes the chaingun into the Super Chaingun. The amount of bullets the player can hold is also doubled. This map has no shotgun, shotgunners, or SSG, so I made this new weapon, a chaingun with a 50% faster rate of fire.


       (25 reviews)


  4. Nightmare!

    A Huge map for Doom2 using the scythe2 textures. Totally fun to play.

    This is a new release with a couple of bugfixes.


       (11 reviews)


  5. The Facility.

    Requires Doom2

    This wad is a huge nukage base.

    you must clean it out, kill the monsters,

    you know the rest...


       (10 reviews)


  6. Hell Entrance

    A Hellish version of the Entryway for Doom2. A entrance into hell.


       (12 reviews)


  7. Deus Vult Zero: The Shadowrunner Edition

    Act 1.

    So your name is MooMoo the JooJoo, and you're a marine on Mars, while making a sausage you're cock got stuck in a meatgrinder, and you don't know how to take it out without bleeding to death.

    Calling 9-11 is not an option because you'll die of embarrassment, plus that cute nurse you're dating won't look at you the same way ever again.

    Anyways, so after a few hours of panicking and deciding between dieing of blood loss or loss of face, you passed out on the floor, which means you're going to die and be embarassed as well.

    Act 2.

    In a strange twist of fate, you woke up and the meatgrinder magically dissapeard, and saw a wizened wizard masturbating behind a pipe organ (or into the pipe organ to be accurate) in a druid's cloak.

    You tap him on the shoulder wondering where you are, in return he got mad at you for "interrupting" his daily routine, so he turned around, instead of wielding his wizard wand, pulled out his wizard cock, yells, "dU = Q - W!" and POOF you're awake in a base with 4700 demons GL HF

    FOR FULL STORY DETAILS VISIT: http://www.stripcreator.com/comics/DaftPunkRailroad/472900

    FOR SEQUAL TO STORY VISIT: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2652/3883164588_4cde81a1f4_o.jpg

    FOR ALL THINGS RELATED TO MOOMOO THE JOOJOO VISIT: http://mappingandtrolling.blogspot.com/


       (59 reviews)


  8. Fiskmaps I Descend

    [Incoming message to Corporal Adrian "Wolf" Polonsky / Marine Force Recon Charlie-9 Squad / Outside AXIR Laboratory Complex]

    It's been over a week since the rest of your squad was separated from you on the mountain pass, which is now closed off due to the toxic rain moving in from the direction you came. The chances of you making it to the AXIR airfield to complete your mission are slim to none, but it's down to you. If you're going to make a move, you have to make it now... You don't know what's going to be launched, but you have to stop it.


       (13 reviews)


  9. Demontia

    Story: The UAC was performing routine geological tests on some of Earth's subterranean caverns when they uncovered the remains of a temple complex of a long lost civilization. A few initial probes by recon teams showed no signs of life...until the accident. While chiseling away some rock from one of the main chambers of the temple, an archaeologist slipped and cracked his head upon the altar, spilling blood upon the sacrificial slab and sparking an aeon-dead ritual that awoke something wicked. Within moments the base was flooded with demons and the forces of Hell overpowered the marine defense. All that is standing between Earth and certain peril is you. Shoot your way down into Hell, knocking out each summoning gate and slaying its demon avatar before it's too late!

    Information: (Original Release Date: 09/24/09) I have been working on this WAD for nearly two years. Essentially, this is a thirteen level replacement WAD for Doom 2. There are nine regular levels, a finale, a transitional level, and two secret levels accessible through the campaign.

    Technical: *Added additional gore to the Former Human, Former Sergeant, and Imp sprites. *Replaced the music for several levels when appropriate, other times the default music fit perfectly. *Replaced the level title graphics as well as the opening scene graphic. *Replaced Boss Demon on-sight sound file. *Replaced Boss Demon sprite. *Added an additional texture. *Changed intermission text to perpetuate the story.

    Version 1.1 Notes: (Original Release Date: 05/19/12) *Updated for play with ZDoom 2.5.0. *Fixed minor texture errors. *Added weapons to MAP10. *Added platform to MAP10 to make targeting the final boss easier.

    Version 1.2 Notes: *Updated for play with ZDoom 2.7.1. *Added weapons to make every map playable from pistol start.


       (7 reviews)


  10. Demons of Problematique 2

    An obvious sequel to Demons of Problematique. No cutscenes (aside from the ending), no new weapons, no new monsters, just Doom. With some fancy effects.

    Be sure to turn up the music volume to above the SFX volume. Music is used sparingly but serves a purpose other than just background noise. There are plenty of ambient sounds to provide atmosphere during regular play.

    If you are masochistic enough to want to subject yourself to the Nightmare! difficulty level, you can do so by entering the Hard level teleporter from the backside.

    Requires GZDoom using it's OpenGL renderer, using the software renderer will not work. Looks best with dynamic lights enabled, shader options turned on and fog enabled. It was designed specifically for these settings, so the appearance of levels may not be the same if some of these one of these settings are disabled.


       (39 reviews)


  11. Redemption Denied

    The Redemption Denied expansion for the Doom64 TC, which also comes with the Outcast levels. This is the standalone zip file version.


       (5 reviews)


  12. Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #21

    After a rather large break since dwspd020 in Jan 2002, this is a compilation of the WADs entered in Doomworld's twenty-first speedmapping exercise. Participants were given 100 minutes to create a Doom 2 level of their own design, the only rule being Boom-compatibility.


       (9 reviews)


  13. The Fireworks Factory

    It was just like last year's Fourth of July celebration. You were tagging along with your friends and fellow Americans, watching the fireworks go off in the distance, and downing enough bottles of beer to drown out your own blood. Suddenly, however, the sparks started to look... different. They glowed a dark red, and began falling to the Earth instead of dissipating. People began to panic as the sparks landed upon them and set them fully ablaze in an instant. You, however, stayed resolute. You knew who was responsible for this: The Legions of Hell! With your trusty pistol at your side, you make your way to the nearest fireworks factory -- where your keen senses tell you the demons reside.

    You will not let a bunch of hellspawn ruin the Fourth of July.

    * * * * * *

    This is a level I designed in less than 24 hours on the Fourth of July, 2009. After playing Qingshuo Wang's Rocketeer (ROKETEER.WAD), I was inspired to make a rockets-only level, and felt that it would be appropriate to do so on this particular day. The level uses mainly red, white, and blue textures, and I even turned the yellow keys into white keys! I implemented skill levels on this map, so if you find Ultra-Violence too hard -- and you just might -- try Hurt Me Plenty or lower. Your patriotic carnage is set to the tune of "The Star-Spangled Banner," and when you win the level, you are treated to Emanuel Leutze's famous painting, "Washington Crossing the Delaware." You can even find it in the level itself if you're eagle-eyed enough. All in all, I hope you have fun on this level, and if you're from the United States, have a happy Fourth of July!

    Oh, yeah, and the level does not realistically or accurately represent an actual fireworks factory. The title is just something I felt was appropriate given the idea behind this level.


       (20 reviews)


  14. Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #19

    This is a compilation of the WADs entered in Doomworld's nineteenth speedmapping exercise. Participants were given 100 minutes to create a Doom 2 level on a certain theme. This week's theme was complete/tweak a previous speedmap by the author.


       (7 reviews)


  15. The Slipgate Experiment

    The UAC is up to no good again, except this time on earth. You must fight threw Area 420, and find the secret location of the slipgate.


       (17 reviews)


  16. Evil Eye

    This is a puzzley map. Keep that in mind.


       (11 reviews)


  17. Exol Base

    My first map <3 I know it's quite far-fetched for a first map, but once I found out about Hexen scripting I


       (8 reviews)


  18. Downhell

    Map 28 has been replaced by one challenging map. Also, I have placed an uv-max demo, made by Heretic, in the archive. Do you have any time when Hell goes down? Could you fight against Hellspawn?


       (12 reviews)


  19. Doomdream

    This is my last wad, i enjoyed and suffered making it. i think the best one that ive done. i reccomend use latest versions of zdoom i only used doom format, not hexen.


       (52 reviews)


  20. elpaseomortal

    a map for doom 2. zdoom engine needed


       (12 reviews)


  21. Fallen - The Rising

    A Tech/Earth based 11 Map WAD using many of the features of ZDoom. Such as,


       (6 reviews)


  22. Da Will

    A first wad from B0S (Best Of Survivors) clan. The B0S clan has sent you on the task to find out what happened to "Object 33", with which the contact has been lost. It is located in remote district of the Central America so be prepared for a tough way.


       (62 reviews)


  23. Deatch Incarnate

    An abandoned base hidden in a cave. Abandoned? What's that, hiding in the gloom...?


       (25 reviews)


  24. DOOM 2: EVOLVED (Version 1.2 Doomworld Release)

    A remake of the first 3 levels of Doom 2: Hell on Earth, designed for GZDoom 1.1.6+. Features up to 10 times the detailing of the original levels plus Quake lighting, reflective floors, ACS scripting etc etc.

    Although it is a remake (from scratch, I might add), there are parts of the levels which radically differ from that of the original design.

    Incorporates textures by Nick Baker, skybox art by Mighty Pete and the title screen was done (poorly) by me.

    Version 1.2 Includes the following fixes:

    -Stealth monsters replaced -Texture alignment fixes -Deathmatch player position bug fixes -Linedef impassible flag bug fixes -Internal DOOMDEFS lump added (No need for external lights.wad)


       (35 reviews)


  25. Darkness Falls

    a long, 3 map mod for Gzdoom, with hard battles, new bosses and difficult chalanges.


       (27 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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