183 files
The Revenant Problem
By Revenant100
There is a runaway Revenant barreling down the teleporter track. Ahead, at the main teleporter's destination, there are five Imps trapped by explosive barrels and unable to move. The Revenant is headed straight for them. You are standing inside the nearby STARTAN2 viewing chamber next to a switch. If you press this switch, the Revenant will change to a different teleporter. However, you notice that there is one Imp trapped within explosive barrels at this side teleporter's destination. You have two options:
1. Do nothing, and the Revenant fires a rocket which explodes the barrels, killing the five Imps at the main teleporter.
2. Push the switch, diverting the Revenant onto the side teleporter where it will kill one Imp.
Which is the most ethical choice?20094 downloads
By Deadwing
Moonblood is a megawad (32 levels) for Doom 2. The Project has started with remastering the levels from my first wad, Eclipse, but the changes became quite big and I decided to turn it into Moonblood (it was initially called Revclipse, then after Reclipse). The levels were most inspired by early Scythe 1 levels, Jenesis, Mano Laikas and DTWID series.8313 downloads
By Z86
32 map megawad with collections of maps made from different periods of my doom mapping hobby, along with new ones. All old maps are re-polished to make them consistent in look with the newer ones. Maps are "progressively" chained together (so the previous map's end is more or less linked to the next one's start). Difficulty is medium, sometimes hard, but not insane. Experienced players can do it in UV without any problem.
HBFM29.wad: the full version of MAP29. Load this if you think your port/computer can handle the awesomeness (or laggyness) of it. Barely any gameplay difference, though.5850 downloads
Exomoon Megawad
By Guest
Exomoon (aka Moonblood X) is a megawad for Doom 2. The levels are a mix of the original Moonblood with early BTSX levels. It has the ruins/temple theme with some exotic natural landscapes. Scythe and Mano Laikas also are a strong influence. It has been tested on ZDoom 2.8 and PrBoom+ downloads
Super MAYhem 17 (v1.0)
By Guest
Super Mayhem 17 is a 28 map set based on using assets from the various classic mario games. Maps were designed in one month with time after for making fixes and quality assurance.4635 downloads
Slaughterfest 3
By Guest
A long-awaited third entry in the series, this is another compilation of 35 slaughter maps designed to be played from pistol start.4602 downloads
Scythe 2. Version 2
By Erik
This is the sequel to my old megawad "Scythe". Expect better looking and bigger levels. unfortunately, the last 3 levels are missing, because I am so lazy and I haven't been satisfied with my attempts at making map28. I _might_ release the last 3 maps some time in the future, but do not count on it. (Update: the last 3 maps are now completed!)2615 downloads
Doom 2 Redux
By Guest
Doom 2 Redux is a community project aimed at re-creating, modernizing, and re-imagining the vanilla Doom 2 levels. With each level having a continuous flow, and a new but old look.2435 downloads
Ancient Aliens
By skillsaw
Ancient Aliens is a megawad featuring 32 colorful, action-packed maps for Boom compatible ports.
Go on a journey to discover the truth about the enigmatic origins of human civilization...
I'm not saying it was aliens, but... the truth is out there.2257 downloads
Going Down
By mouldy
Something sinister is lurking in UAC headquarters. Grab your gun, head to the roof and shoot your way down through the building to get to the bottom of the mystery.
This is a 32 map Doom 2 megawad - boom format, complevel 9. Each map is a floor, each floor has a lift, each lift needs a key. You'll work it out I'm sure, just keep going down.
These are small, fairly hard maps with high body-counts, and gameplay I would describe as 'chaotic-evil'. The music tracks are my own compositions which you may use with appropriate credits, here is a track list:
map 01, 29 - 'Somebody set up us the bomb'
map 02, 30, 31 - 'Zombie goes shopping'
map 03 - 'The haunted supermarket'
map 04, 15 - 'Running from the jazz robots'
map 05, 13, 23 - 'The haunted aquarium'
map 06, 22 - 'Lost in zombie cyberspace'
map 07, 20 - 'Mega robo-clown boss battle'
map 08, 14 - 'The haunted waiting room'
map 09, 17 - 'The haunted skeleton factory'
map 10, 27, 32 - 'Robo-zombie mecha-brain boss battle'
map 11, 21 - 'Zombie maggots in the flesh cathedral'
map 12, 24 - 'Chased by dancing skeletons'
map 16, 28 - 'Wedding march for the princess of death'
map 18, 25 - 'Hiding from the robo-zombies'
map 19, 26 - 'Attack of the spider-clowns'
title screen - 'Going Down'
lift muzak - 'Descent of Death'2100 downloads
Valiant: Vaccinated Edition
By skillsaw
This edition of Valiant strips out all of the MBF DeHackEd work from the original release, which means this version is compatible with gameplay mods!
If you really disliked the additional monsters and weapons in Valiant, you could also play this version as an alternative, since none of that content is present. Have fun! It's probably going to be a bit easy, though.1979 downloads
Dark Encounters
By Guest
"I knew they would come back some day...The leaders and generals of the world were content with their victory...heh. Never been much for parades, so I slipped back into my role as a good-ole space marine. I argued for a time about the potential for another invasion. Like before, they said their "new" technology would handle any threat. Yeah...sure it will... I...knew...they...would...come...back..." ***Please see text file for gameplay information.***
In This Wad... No jumping, mouse-look encouraged. Gameplay is in the style of the original Doom 2. Difficulty is slightly harder than Doom2 with encounters of varying difficulty thrown in through-out the maps. Survival will require accuracy, agility, ammo management, spacial awareness, and the following...
****On Hurt Me Plenty**** Employ at least ONE of these approaches to avoid running out of ammo, or use them all to have ammo-a-plenty. 1.Find the secrets (most are not hard to find)...or 2.Explore the entire map...or 3.Use the berserk/chainsaw on targets of opportunity (my personal favorite). ****On Ultra Violence**** Employ at least TWO of the above approaches to avoid running out of ammo, or use them all to have ammo-a-plenty. ****On Pistol Start**** Employ ALL THREE of the above approaches to avoid running out of ammo.
For best effect use dynamic lights, but sector lighting is implemented for better performance.1426 downloads
By Guest
Sunlust is a set of 32 boom-compatible maps for Doom II, designed to be played from pistol start. The maps meander through a range of themes, from traditional bases and temples to abstract hellish, void, and tech aesthetics. UV is designed primarily for ubermensch doom-gods, thus we encourage most players to start off on HMP or lower.1392 downloads
By skillsaw
Valiant is a MBF megawad for Doom II featuring 32 new maps spanning 5 themed episodes. Each map is designed to be played from a pistol start, but some effort has been made to support continuous play as well.
Additionally, Valiant includes a number of new monsters and weapons implemented through an extensive MBF format DeHackEd patch. As a result, Valiant is not compatible with gameplay mods, and can only be played in ports with full MBF DeHackEd support. At present, these include ZDoom, GZDoom, PrBoom-plus (complevel 11), and Eternity. Zandronum is also supported through DECORATE.1341 downloads
Good Morining Phobos
By sincity2100
Good Morning Phobos is a brand new megawad that captures some of the old school and new school levels,created mostly by me,hope you enjoy this exciting experience1260 downloads
Japanese Community Project
By Guest
Japanese Community Project is a 32 level megawad made by Japanese Doomers.
Doom is a minor game in Japan, so Doom community in Japan is very small. The community having been weakening year by year, we started this project for strengthening our solidarity, improving mapping skill, and so on. We aimed a low-threshold project which anyone could participate. Some doomers were inexperience mappers or beginners, so Tatsurd-Cacocaco, a project leader, supported map's detail and port compatibility. We finally managed to complete 32 maps which are the same quality as modern maps.
Japanese status HUD is included .If you load JPCP_HUD.wad with this wad, status bar in "Katakana" and "Kanji" can be used.
We hope that you have a good time.1127 downloads
Plutonia 4 - Back to your hole
By Guest
When the doom marine surfaced from hell, he forgot to turn off the oven, so he goes back but demons don't want him, so they try to stop him.1112 downloads
The DOOM Tribute Project
By Guest
This is a re-interpretation of the original DOOM & DOOM II levels. It pretty much is a retelling of the DOOM story in a more up-to-date format. This wad contains 34 levels and it is an attempt to recreate the original DOOM maps while still keeping the classic DOOM experience.This wad includes cut-scenes (that are skipable), smooth DOOM weapon animations, a couple of new weapons including the railgun with sniper scope, and a second pistol you can pick up and go Lara Croft on some demon scum. For the most part, it's a tribute to DOOM. Jumping and Crouching may be required. Any addons will be available on within the DOOM Tribute thread under the Project portion of the ZDoom forums.1038 downloads
Whispers of Satan
By pcorf
Whispers of Satan is a 30 level add-on for id software's game Doom 2: Hell on Earth requiring a Boom compatible source port.1033 downloads
Slaughterfest 2012
By Guest
Another compilation of slaughter maps, 35 to be precise. Designed to be played from pistol start.1014 downloads
Confinement 256
By Guest
This originally started out as my (Xyzzy01) set of 20 or so maps for ZDoom, but later turned into a full-fledged community project!
The area of each map the player has access to can only as big as a 256x256 map unit square, similar to the rules of mapping for Congestion 1024, Claustrophobia 1024 (and its sequel), Confinement 512, Congestion 384, Congestion 192 and numerous 2048 wads.
I just thought 256 fit in as the perfect combination of 64's simplistic, minimal design and 1024's more serious, detailed design.
The Doom community's 39 map submissions are bundled with my original 22 map campaign.998 downloads
MAYhem 2018 - Purple Edition!
By Guest
20 maps made in the month of May, with an epilogue bolted on to stop the player going into the stock maps. The theme of this year's MAYhem was a slew of new enemies introduced into the roster for mappers to use.972 downloads