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  1. Whisper In Time

    One simple "strange" map.


       (12 reviews)


  2. Whitemare

    Megawad, based on "winter" theme from Russian Doom Community. The demons have decided to ruin the winter's fun of Christmas and New Year's celebrations to people, so your task is prove those stupid bastards wrong. The base of this megawad are 12 improved maps (map 01 - map 06, map 08-map 11, map 14, map 16) from speedmapping contests ¹5, which took place on 19.12.2010 on iddqd.ru forum. The rest levels were added some time later, some maps were seriously reworked, and others have been put in wad almost without any changes at all. Have a good game.


       (58 reviews)


  3. Year 23 -The Belly of the Beast-

    Good God! After that struggle in the canyon, it feels like a year's gone by! You stand over the corpses of five zombies, drenched in the blood and guts of all who opposed you. In that tiny, cavernous room, the only other opening you see is a tunnel that stretches off into darkness. Taking a deep breath, you descend the craggy passage, the torches blazing within the walls your only guide. After a short while, you can feel the air getting hotter -- and not just from the torches. When you see light again, the rock has become suspiciously red and black. You press on, feeling as if your skin was on the verge of combusting, until--

    Well, wouldn't you know it? You've ended up in Hell!

    You could say this was just the inside of a volcano, but that doesn't explain the coloration of the rocks. Or the brown stalagmites up there. Or, for that matter, the fact that you haven't burst into flame from convection already. You turn around and try to head back, but as luck would have it, a wall shoots out of the ground and blocks you. You shrug, turn back to the stream of lava on the other end, and sit down. Just when you've started to think of fun things to do with demon intestines, stepping stones rise out of the lava. You pick yourself up, and proceed to jump from step to step, trying to see where the passage leads.

    The sad part? When you get back from all this, /no one/ is going to believe you.

    * * *

    The newest entry in the Year series, this is the sequel to Year 22 -A Rock and a Hard Place-. Consequently, it runs on MAP03. This time, I gave myself a development period of one week starting from my birthday, which was far more reasonable -- in theory, anyway. Unfortunately, mapper's block, coupled with life and other Doom projects, conspired to make this take most of the year to finish... /again./ Thankfully, I was able to get this done before the end of the year. Either way, I apologize for the wait. You'll also have to play this on something like PrBoom+ or Eternity this time; there are too many SEGS in this level for Boom to load it without crashing. Oh, well. Also, if you're using ZDoom (or any variant thereof) to play this, you can't use the jump or crouch buttons. Sorry, but you're not supposed to do those in this level.

    Anyway, it's a big level compared to the last one, and a rather tough one, at that -- at least on Ultra-Violence. I really mean it this time, too; there are /many/ devious traps, and if you begin the level from a pistol start, you'll have to get the berserk pack at the beginning. Trust me. In fact, if you're playing this for the first time and you're not skilled at Doom, I recommend you play it on Hurt Me Plenty instead. It might be a bit hard, but it's not as mean as it'll be on UV. Don't even /think/ of trying this on -fast or Nightmare if you value your sanity!

    Regardless, enjoy the level!


       (14 reviews)


  4. Val

    I wanted to make Doom fun and adorable! <3 2 short levels with lots of barrels!


       (21 reviews)


  5. VILE FURY 2

    This awe-inspiring WAD features more slopes, bridges, unique environments, unprecedented surprises, action, blood, violence, intelligent monster placement and DECORATE features than any WAD ever before! Come walk through windswept valleys, clear out underground demon cages, kill a whole new group of boss monsters lurking in the waterfalls with your marine buddies, clear out a boatload of hellspawn (literally) before coming across a new "blood stadium" under construction. Finally, storm through an infected base and touch the magic door, pass out and awaken to find the base in ruins around you. After an epic war, aided by your marine buddies, you'll jump into the magic gate and awaken in the ABODE OF THE DEAD (a.k.a Hell, but I guess that sounds cooler) and try to take down the most relentless, evil and unforgiving boss monster EVER imagined.


       (10 reviews)


  6. Vordakk's Keep


    First off, ZDoom/GZDoom is REQUIRED to play this level. The wad contains features that currently are only supported by ZDoom/GZDoom. Also, this level was NOT designed for jumping, crouching, or freelook. Using these features will ruin the flow and feel of the level, so please don't use them.

    This wad is a replacement for Map 01 of DOOM2, and is my attempt at a Plutonia-style level. Expect a very challenging adventure with some nasty battles and rather unfair ambushes, all in the spirit of The Plutonia Experiment. By far the hardest level I've created.


       (15 reviews)



    gggmork posted a drawing in this thread:

    and I made a map based on the drawing. No offence intended, honest!


       (21 reviews)


  8. Those crates are full of staplers

    sucking cock while mapping I guess.


       (28 reviews)



    Six EXCELLENT maps for Doom 2, ranging from Romero-esque E1MX levels to very unique hellish levels, ending in an exhilarating and intense battle with a new boss monster, created by me in DECORATE. A sure contender for best WAD of the year.


       (17 reviews)


  10. Happy Birthday Zap610

    zappy birfdaay


       (17 reviews)


  11. Z-Dione Attack

    This is Dione Attack's do-over remake with new levels full of hellspawn. If you played the original Dione Attack, play this to see the amazing difference between the two. PS: To beat level 7, just kill the mancubi and arachnotrons, the cyberdemon is just there to amp up the difficulty in killing them.


       (21 reviews)


  12. Year 22 -A Rock and a Hard Place-

    No wonder that warp facility was abandoned; it was overrun by the dead and the damned! With your fists, armor and helmet covered in demonic blood, you spy the structure in the center of the base. The description of the base by your superiors included many details, more than you ever needed to know; a white pad with four pentagrams on it was not one of them. Sighing, you approach the pad, and give it a gentle tap with your foot. After all, if nothing seems to be powering it, nothing's going to happen, right?


    In the blink of an eye, you find yourself in what can charitably be called a canyon. In front of you, you see a rusted, metal tower, carrying a keycard which glistens in the light, nearby of which are the remains of an unlucky soldier. Behind you, you hear the sound of rushing water. You quickly notice two things that are a bit off. One, the rocks supporting the teleport pad are identical to the ones in that base. The other is that while you've only aged a few seconds, it feels like a whole year has passed. With a tight grip on your guns, you step down, and then up to find that the pad no longer works. With a sigh, you decide to head past the tower to investigate.

    If you ever find a way back home, you're gonna have a /lot/ of explaining to do.

    * * *

    This is the sequel to 2008's Year 21 -The Vanishing Point-. The WAD is built such that if you load it after YEAR_21.WAD on the command line, you can play this and the previous level in order. Thus, it's on MAP02. There's even a level name graphic for the previous level in case you do this. Anyway, this rocky region is /much/ more difficult than the previous level, with fiendish mobs that battle you in tight quarters. Skill levels are implemented, so if you're having trouble taking the hellspawn down, just play the level on Hurt Me Plenty or lower. Nevertheless, it can be completed whether or not you start from scratch, or get here from Year 21. A little hint: It's best to leave the first group of monsters alone till you get a better weapon.

    In case you're wondering, this was meant to be a 24-hour speedmap on my 22nd birthday, similar to the previous level, but numerous interruptions (apart from my family's celebration) conspired to make the attempt a failure. Namely, the tendency for the original Doom Builder to crash when entering 3D Mode. A lot. In spite of all this, I promised myself to finish it before the end of the year. Then, on July 27, the original version was obliterated by an unexpected wipe of the hard drive it was stored on. Soon, I set about recreating this level from memory, this time using Doom Builder 2, and in less than 24 hours, I finished doing so. And then, in September, the computer itself got messed up, but fortunately, I was able to save that version of the level. In late December, I finally finished it. So there you have it.

    Anyway, enjoy the level!


       (17 reviews)


  13. No Rockets For You

    My first attempt at a map, using a few Boom features and a few experiments in detailing. Gameplay is simple mow-em-down, I suppose you could call it a slaughter map because I don't throw a lot of big monsters at you. And, true to my word, there is NO rocket launcher in this map. Not that you'll need one.


       (15 reviews)


  14. Awash in Blood

    Lots of blood... But you may have already gotten that. The story behind this wad (and all the others I mentioned earlier) is this: the foundations of these wads date back to 1996 (the levels will reflect that, I'm sure). That was the year a friend and I started modding and building our own levels. Thirteen years later, after seeing that an active community for Doom still exists, and coming across the wonderfully versatile Doombuilder, I decided to polish off my creations and release them into the world and see how they'd fare. Isn't that what art really implies?


       (8 reviews)


  15. Valafar's Fortress

    I'm gonna keep this brief. This is my first map. I went for a wooden theme to it, until it gets to the hellish area. I also went for a modern approach, like if this happened today. So, you will not find any rocket launchers (never seen a rocket launcher that looked like a tube or barrel), plasma rifles, of BFG9000s. You will find everything else in terms of weapons. However, there is no berserker packs, radiation suits, Computer Area Maps, or armor. You will also not find any monsters with cyber attachments, so you can rest well this is 100% cyberdemon or spiderdemon free. There is also no keys, so it should be pretty straight forward. It is also very linear, but it is also very big. I made it with Singleplayer in mind, but Multiplayer has deathmatch spawn points and Co-op start points. I made it mostly in doom builder 2, but I started in doom builder 1. I'd like to thank chubzdoomer on youtube for his tutorials, without them this wad would not exist. Included is a .pk3 for jdoom, which I sort of made this for. I recommend downloading this version of jdoom for minimum bugs: http://rapidshare.com/files/18887528...sday_1.8.6.exe Once downloading, I reccommend you go to Doomsday/Data/jdoom and find some user interface pack thingy. Delete it. Then go to Doomsday/Defs/jdoom/auto (or maybe not in auto) and remove the jdui thingy there too. Then, download the ui pack from the main page. The jdtp is also reccommended. I also suggest the enviornment pack which comes with it, then, once loading, type fog off in the console. Then you get a full 3d skybox. These are all reccommendations, and are not at all required to run this wad. Also, I changed music, so don't use custom music with this.


       (10 reviews)


  16. Voodoo Veyor - Scrapped Portion

    A scrapped portion I made to test out an idea for another currently in-progress WAD of mine. Here, you are placed into a 4-way conveyor belt intersection pit with no escape. Enemies, items, and other tricks and traps will appear on each of the conveyors. You must survive this onslaught until it is over.

    Note that this is pretty ugly in its current form and that after the last monster (the Baron), no exit is available. This is basically just a proof of concept map, really. I might polish it more later, if change my mind and decide to use it.

    IMPORTANT: You will need the Community Chest 4 texture wad to play this:


       (2 reviews)


  17. ZCyberSweeper 2

    It's like minesweeper for doom! Idea borrowed from eternal doom. use a crate to open it, shoot it to flag it. secondary fire switches between minimap, fullscreen, and none.


       (13 reviews)


  18. Virtual 33

    A virtual world. As you guess, is my level #33. I didn't pretend to make a masterpiece, is just a fun level I wanted to do.

    Story (short version): A computer virus is trying to destroy internet. You are send to the virtual world to fight it in its world.


       (10 reviews)


  19. Testae Virtus

    Original idea was to create a 4-level megawad containing levels of absolutely different styles (medieval, hi-tech, hell, etc.). For numerous reasons I failed to create it. Testae Virtus (The Castle of Skull) is one level in medieval style. Mostly it was impressed by Shadowman's great Cheogsh and Hexen. It is a big castle, mostly skull-themed (which is original, as usually we see various hell castles), filled with mostly new monsters (and some old ones too). I didn't change weapons, though, to preserve original gameplay.

    You are invulnerable during the cuscenes while the camera is changed, so don't worry. Also, most of them usually can't be triggered while you're fighting someone.

    The wad features no finishing statistics, hidden places aren't marked as secrets. The falling damage is forced, both for player and for monsters. In this aspect gameplay is more Hexen-ish than Doom-ish.

    Also this is some kind o rebirth of my very old and one of the very first levels I created. It was called "Kyragem" and represented the final episodes of an old adventure Legend of Kyrandia. Now I'm much more skilled in Doom modding and mapping, so Testae Virtus is something with Kyragem atmosphere, but much more detailed. Don't misunderstand me, Testae Virtus is not a representation of Legend of Kyrandia. However, I used three midi tracks from LoK. Kyragem.wad was released only among Russian Doom Community and it isn't an interesting work.

    Maybe once I'll be able to compile the levels and finally release that project, or maybe I'll be releasing what I can do when I can one by one. Who knows.


       (16 reviews)


  20. Worm Digestion

    A single player wad for Doom 2. Medium-sized difficulty. Multiplayer is supported. I have done a better job in this wad of aligning every texture and eliminating the HOM effects. The color selection is better as well. Hope you like it!


       (11 reviews)


  21. Yuggot

    A techno-style WAD - UAC base on a far planet Yuggot. This WAD was made for First-Demo Contest ¹ 5 which was going on August, 9th, 2008, on iddqd.ru. An essence of that contest was that the unfamiliar map is given to participants and by the command of the organizer they simultaneously begin recording first demos. The winner is that participant who will complete the level first, taking into account all respawns (record interruption wasn`t allowed). So, this WAD was made mostly for recording first-try demos.


       (30 reviews)


  22. Escape from UAC

    You must escape from UAC. Simple.


       (19 reviews)


  23. ZPortal (ZDoom Portal Gun)

    ZPortal is the extension of the ZDoom Portal Gun WAD.


       (96 reviews)


  24. Xenus 2: The new Nightmare

    A project that could'nt be realised through many concepts (It went through three concepts already, they all failed from 2006 to 2007), however this time it suceeded by using most simple, most fastest concept in a form of CLASSIC BOOM WAD


       (27 reviews)


  25. Wart 04: Den of Evil

    A large single player level.


       (35 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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