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183 files

  1. Warehouse 18

    My first official wad to be released, it follows a classic map style with some advance zdoom features.


       (9 reviews)


  2. Waste Processing Station

    Waste Processing Station is a base-themed map that's made in the ZDoom (UDMF) mapping format. The map only uses stock resources provided with Doom 2 so no new things or textures are included.

    This wad looks best in OpenGL mode, so GZDoom or Zandronum are recommended to play this map. ZDoom can run it but there are problems with the software renderer which prevents me from recommending it.


       (4 reviews)


  3. Explanada

    A map with a classic vibe, inspired by STRAIN MAP17, Vile Flesh MAP06 and others.


       (12 reviews)


  4. Vel ficta: Tantibus.

    After a stressful week, you decide to give a rest of your gruelling scientific work as archeologist.

    You begin to have nightmares about a place. A temple.

    Whose discovery will offer you the recognition you want. Or maybe not ...


       (11 reviews)


  5. Vanilla Sky

    Winner map of the "12th Cabro's Map Tournament" of Arcades3d.com. The rules of this tournament were:

    Only doom classic format, but could exceed the limits of vanilla. Texture / Flat mix also permitted No new textures, can only change the SKY texture New music allowed, but only on MIDI / MUS format

    It is a large size map in which I try to recreate a city that is being invaded and the mission is to escape alive.

    The difficulty is high and requires concentration and skill, although there is much ammo and medikits scattered around the map

    The map is designed for vanilla Doom 2 but due to the large number of sectors (11718) and linedefs (65522) must be played on a source port. I recommend using ZDoom, GZDoom, Zandronum as they are not giving any problem with rendering. Other ports such as Eternity, Legacy, PrBoom (plus) or Doomsday Engine does not work well or do not load the map.

    This is not the tournament version, in this wad I have fixed a few graphic bugs found during the ratings of the tournament.

    Finally I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it.


       (25 reviews)


  6. Water Treatment Plant

    This is an old building somewhere in a derelict town, but that's not important, the truth is its a front for a teleport station... sneaky UAC...

    this is my first vanilla map, I am quite proud of what it is now, its not all polished or detailed fully, but the gameplay is exactly how I wanted it to be, easy is tailored to how I play, medium is about average and hard is me challenging myself! this map is also a surprisingly fun bot deathmatch map!

    This map has been tested fully in multiple ports, these ports are: prboom, prboom+, zdoom, zandronum, skulltag, gzdoom and chocolate doom.


       (13 reviews)


  7. World of Winter


    "World of Winter" is a single-player map originally disguised as a "wow.wad" joke. The goal was to trick the player into assuming that this wad/map was a regularly playing map until they fall into a HOM pit with a cyberdemon.

    Special thanks to: "Ed the Bat", "THE ULTRA ATOMIC!", "Enjay", "mouldy", "Memfis", "Obsidian" and a few others for playing through this wad.


       (13 reviews)


  8. wastes

    this began as an idea: find red key but do explore, jumping and crouching required! you escaped the town, are the spider death squads still there? you need firepower as your arsenal only consists of your trusty hunting shotgun and your sidearm (/rifle in BD). the guards outside went silent, looks like they are here! you need the red key but where did the science team leave it? get the key, get up the hill, escape, sounds easy right?.. (brutal doom recommended but normal ZDoom supported)


       (7 reviews)


  9. Kheiramire

    A map made for Speed of Doom's second birthday. It replaces map 01 of Speed of Doom, and is supposed to resemble both map 01 and 04 from this megawad.

    [Update - 2nd of March, 2013] I've finally taken some time to update the map ( a Rocket Launcher has been added, thanks to Memfis' suggestion ) and to upload it on the archive.


       (12 reviews)


  10. Vile Advance

    A fairly hard single techbase map. Requires a modern boom compatable port.

    Brief story: A company of Arch Viles have lead an assault on a UAC base! Wipe them out before they summon something worse!


       (7 reviews)


  11. WhoDunIt: The Art of Deception

    Lies. Deception. Murder.

    "Who is the murderer? Some never find out, if he is cunning enough to elude them for long enough. He is normal just like the rest of us, if not a little bit too normal. He is you, and he is me. He is inside the walls, and he is waiting.

    Even more interesting is this: If the "murderer" simply blends in and waits, keeping his knife hidden and watching as the innocents off each other one by one, is he still the monster? Sometimes the "innocents" kill more than the "murderer" does. So who is sane?

    Don't think about it too long, or you'll become distracted enough for him (or me, or that other guy) to sneak up behind you. Good luck." -WhiteRabbit on "WhoDunIt"

    WhoDunIt is a custom gamemode for Zandronum that rewards the observant, and punishes the clumsy.

    The game starts with all the players spawning in various locales, armed with little but their fists and an array of melee weapons scattered around the levels. After a short while, one player is chosen as the Murderer. The Murderer's goal is simple: Murder everyone. His preferred method to deliver death? A sliver of metal between the vertebrae.

    The Murderer has to be cautious, though! For while the knife is the most efficient and satisfying method of taking out others, drawing it is very loud and visually obvious; Marking him as the largest threat in the room, usually ending with him in a corner getting his skull bashed in by 'The Innocents'.

    To make matters worse, all these deaths have left the Murderer with a constantly draining sanity, eventually losing it and committing suicide when unable to watch something squirm and die.

    Fortunately, the trademarked knife he carries isn't the only weapon at his disposal; Poisonous chlorine gas, remote cameras, smoke bombs, poisoned first-aid kits, and even Automated trip-wire shotguns allow The Murderer to manipulate and destroy his prey.

    But what happens when The Murderer blends in a little too well? What happens if somebody loses it and kills someone completely innocent? Two mistakes. That's all you get before you are removed from the game instantly. After an Innocent kills one Innocent, he is marked with a Yellow Aura, enabling other players to beat him to within an inch of his life before being allowed to venture with the others. Another mistake? You won't be heard from again...

    Worse still, The Murderer has a penchant for being able to find the careless, regardless of their location.


       (25 reviews)


  12. Doom Chronicles: Zodiac Base

    After you escaped with the chopper from the Base 63, You got home, alive and well. They have a another mission for you, this time it is the Zodiac Base, this base was runned by a before fallen company called Texxus Zodiac Ltd, But now it is been used by the Army, What we know is that Zodiac Base is overrun by demons, how did it happen? Well when the Base 63 experiment gone wrong, the experiment created some teleporters where demons are coming from, now the whole country is overrun by demons. now we have to clear the whole country. But first: The Zodiac Base.


       (9 reviews)


  13. Weightlifter12 Showdown

    This is one of best and favorite levels I have ever made. Experience the legendary showdown against Weightlifter12 with the same great challenge that I have represented in Doomguy's Warzone Gold Edition.

    Now he is one of the greatest characters in Warzone history because when people see Weightlifter12 they always make a big deal about him and his great shark like strength.

    Now this level has been somewhat improved so if he's too hard on Ultra-Violence you can try it on lower difficulty settings.

    Of course to enhance the legendary showdown experience you can team up with 1 additional friend to help aid you in taking down Weightlifter12.


       (46 reviews)


  14. The Blood Of Virgins

    It's a fairly non-linear level which is based on the song "A Sorceror's Pledge" by Candlemass. I may release a multi-level version which will explore the other tracks on the disk.


       (17 reviews)


  15. Vertigo

    4 brand new singleplayer levels, simple scripted


       (14 reviews)


  16. Christmas Tree

    You have to kill all the monsters on the Xmas tree in order to end the level.


       (7 reviews)


  17. Wonderland

    You are a space marine. You are stuck in a nightmare. You must escape from this nightmare. Yes, this is somewhat inspired by Alice and Wonderland. So what. The point is its a a 6 level mapset that tries to be dreamlike and mysterious, so I hope you like it!


       (21 reviews)


  18. VooDoo Guns

    Two levels for 'advanced' MBF compatible ports.


    You need a MBF compatible OpenGL port with support of hi-res textures in wads, MUSINFO lump, tall patches, and music in OGG format.

    Currently there are only two ports which can handle this wad correctly: GLBoom-Plus and GZDoom SVN build rev. 1266 (http://svn.drdteam.org) or higher.

    Risen3D will probably be able to handle this wad starting from the next release (2.2.13 or higher).

    Command line: glboom-plus vg.wad -complevel 11.

    Textures and sprites: Outlaws, NOLF2, Hexen2, Blood, Pain Killer, Realm667, Doom64, SNtex, Duke3D, American McGee's Alice, Urban Terror, DM-RealManor UT map by Angelheart.

    Sky on map02 has been taken from the "The Eiger Sanction" film.

    Horse sprites have been made from free 3D model by animella.

    Sound: Blood, Doom3.

    Music: American McGee's Alice, Johnny Cash.

    Most of the borrowed textures have been reworked, many have been taken from the net & some are self made.


       (33 reviews)


  19. DooM Vacation

    This is a conversion of the Duke Nukem 3D add-on "Duke Caribbean - Life's a Beach" by Wizard Works that is no longer being sold.

    The Win-Duke3Ds have no client/server support and I always wanted to play this online. So I made a conversion of it for Zdaemon and such. Also the Duke Vacation addon was not very coop friendly - with some levels that you couldn't continue on if you got killed. In some of the levels you could even get stuck in single player if you were not careful.


       (77 reviews)


  20. Vanguard

    12 Boom format levels for PrBoom+, ZDoom, or Eternity. A bonus 13th level is included for laughs. Inspired by Speed of Doom, Scythe 2, Alien Vendetta, and Plutonia.

    Originally Vanguard was intended to be a 32-level speedmapped megawad inspired by Speed of Doom's development cycle and Scythe 2's episodic structure.


       (153 reviews)


  21. zfactory

    Speed Mapped Doom 2 level


       (8 reviews)


  22. Zyq

    Another speed map, this time taking place in an infected base.

    This one is also a map that mains with the chaingun and rocket launcher. There's a secret super shotgun, making the only secret in this map, but without it you can't just gun wildly.


       (6 reviews)


  23. Zero Day (MP3 edition)

    *This version of Zero Day includes an optimised, MP3 soundtrack with custom instruments. If you'd like the vanilla MUS-file edition, its in zeroday.zip, which you should find in the same location.

    This was developed as a companion piece to a novel I'm currently marketing - Zero Day. I chose to develop it in Doom because I wanted something I could distribute freely and easily, as a whole package. Zero Day, the Doom addon, sees you travelling across a fictionalised west coast of the U.S.A., fighting demons, allegedly in search of the lead protagonist from the novel.

    The novel begins in the midst of political turmoil as reluctant political figurehead, poster boy and rockstar, Jeremy Government, vanishes from the public eye. There's nothing left of the Earth but desert, in most places, and cities are ruled by board meetings, ideals towards serving "the common good," and a concise anti-capitalist regime. Citizens are suffering, and rebel forces plot against it in the darkness. Jeremy surfaces amidst them, and, learning a few hard truths, he joins their campaign. They plant a bomb in a government building, while Jeremy makes a short public appearance, albeit, in the ensuing chaos, Jeremy is shot live on television, sparking a revolution.


       (5 reviews)


  24. Zero Day (MP3 edition)

    *Zero Day includes an original soundtrack. If you'd like the optimised mp3 version with realistic instruments, check out zerodaymp3.zip, which should be in the same place that you located this file.

    This was developed as a companion piece to a novel I'm currently marketing - Zero Day. I chose to develop it in Doom because I wanted something I could distribute freely and easily, as a whole package. Zero Day, the Doom addon, sees you travelling across a fictionalised west coast of the U.S.A., fighting demons, allegedly in search of the lead protagonist from the novel.

    The novel begins in the midst of political turmoil as reluctant political figurehead, poster boy and rockstar, Jeremy Government, vanishes from the public eye. There's nothing left of the Earth but desert, in most places, and cities are ruled by board meetings, ideals towards serving "the common good," and a concise anti-capitalist regime. Citizens are suffering, and rebel forces plot against it in the darkness. Jeremy surfaces amidst them, and, learning a few hard truths, he joins their campaign. They plant a bomb in a government building, while Jeremy makes a short public appearance, albeit, in the ensuing chaos, Jeremy is shot live on television, sparking a revolution.


       (6 reviews)


  25. Void Terra Firma

    A medium sized tech base zdoom map (in udmf format). It has the most detail of any of my maps (so far). (rustpoint map02 might be close though)


       (10 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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