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532 files

  1. Suspended in Dusk

    A set of four levels, which all push the limits of the good ol' vanilla Doom.

    If your computer refuses to cooperate with doom2.exe, I recommend Chocolate Doom: http://chocolate-doom.sourceforge.net/

    Has also been tested and found functional on ZDoom. Other ports may or may not break some effects. I really don't recommend playing this on a 3D-accelerated port.


       (248 reviews)


  2. TNT: Resistance

    TNT: Resistance is an 8-map vanilla episode for Final Doom's TNT IWAD, featuring maps from various authors. All the maps were tested with Chocolate Doom/chocorenderlimits and should be playable in all source ports (well, almost all). The episode of course takes inspiration from the original TNT IWAD with plenty of new ideas thrown into the mix while only using the original stock textures of TNT.


       (4 reviews)


  3. TNT: Renascence (episode 1)

    TNT: Renascence (episode 1) is a remake of the first episode (11 levels) of TeamTNT's original TNT: Evolution.

    All levels are designed for 'vanilla' Doom2 or Final Doom executables and "compatible" with their limits. TNT.WAD must be used as IWAD, "-complevel 4" for PrBoom/+.


       (49 reviews)


  4. THE TROOPERS' PLAYGROUND (repackaged edition)

    This is a reupload of the legendary 1996 Doom II episode, The Troopers' Playground v1.03, to repackage it in a manner suitable for modern users. The original version uploaded to /idgames on March 29, 1996 was meant to be installed with a packaged WAD editor, New WAD Tool (NWT), which works by directly replacing already-existing lumps in DOOM2.WAD with identically-named lumps included in the PWAD, unlike the competing tool DeuTex / DeuSF. Unfortunately, this means no modern source ports can read the packaged WADs correctly unless they were specifically designed to do so, as the WADs do not follow the expected, organized format established by DOOM2.WAD. Not only that, but NWT is a DOS application, which means it cannot run on modern operating systems without emulation.

    Thus, this repackaged edition restructures both of the affected files, TTP.WAD and TTPDEATH.WAD, to use the same directory format as the Doom II IWAD, and thus allow modern source ports to load them properly. Now you can simply load the appropriate files (i.e. TTP.DEH and TTP.WAD, or TTPDEATH.WAD) just by dragging and dropping them onto your source port of choice. All three included WADs play 100% identically to their original versions, which remain available separately on the archive for historical interest in ttp103.zip. In addition, for users who wish to play the WAD on a DOS machine or a DOS emulator, you can use DeHackEd and DeuSF to install it as normal, and the batch file installers (TTP.BAT and TTPDEATH.BAT) have been updated to match.

    This repackaged edition was uploaded with written permission from Matthias Worch, the original author, who went on to become a veteran game developer and whose modern website can be found at worch.com.


       (15 reviews)


  5. The Talosian Incident - A Requiem For Doom

    A fond farewell to Doom from the Black Star Coven before we move on to working with Quake... 20 new levels, new music, some new sprites...


       (55 reviews)


  6. Terry Sux

    So I got bored, took the non-shitty parts of Terry's maps and made a whole map out of them. As you might expect it's rather short. Was it worth it? Probably not. But you might as well get some enjoyment out of it. Runs in Vanilla Doom 2.

    Permission was granted to reuse maps in the text files included:

    demonr.txt SOH.txt UnholyD.txt RTHell.txt tmoc.txt


       (81 reviews)


  7. Templo en el Planeta Rojo / Red Planet's Temple

    Small temple-like map for Doom 2. A new sky with red clouds, gray stone, green marble, red carpets and bricks. A lot of outdoor views. Made for the original game. Maybe a little hard: be cautious.


       (11 reviews)



    Play Doom outside in a forest,complete with angry trees,groovy mushrooms,exploding toads and a real DRAGON!


       (31 reviews)


  9. Space Inferno

    Story: You work for a special marine unit that guards the galaxy from any threats. It is a boring job most of the time, but there are a few times when there is heavy action. One weekend afternoon, you were relaxing on your sofa, drinking beer and watching TV, when all of a sudden you get a call from the team captain. The captain orders you to return to the base of operations immediately and teleport to a research facility, many light year away, so that you can eliminate any possible threats. Once you arrive, you find some of your squad members killed. You then swear to take revenge and kill everything in that location. Afterwards, you have to make the security measures go offline and escape.

    This is my first wad. It consists of 1 level and it is pretty short, although it has its fair share of encounters and traps.


       (4 reviews)


  10. TeleKill

    You start in hell. Too be more specific, a room flooded with barrels. You have to shoot the barrels with a pistol to manuever the barrels so you can walk out but once you shoot everyone is pissed off and you have limited time to escape to a safe spot before the whole level is exploding with barrels. THATS ultra violence. On the other skill levels you get ONE god sphere (to survive the blast). But even if you survive that you still have hell to look forward too. YOU WILL DIE. Yes, life sucks but it is possible. If you do it the right way it is possible. NO YOU MORON. IDDQD IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY. Don't you dare cheat on my sacred level. Or you'll wake up in TELEKILL.


       (5 reviews)



    10 levels for DOOMII! These are high quality levels, not just a bunch of boxy rooms with mismatched and unaligned textures. The levels include new sounds, new graphics, and all - new music! The final level puts you up against the most hideous monster you've ever seen: a hundred foot high picture of my face! For more info on what you'll find before you play, check out the "additional notes" section at the end of this text file. Enjoy! :


       (15 reviews)


  12. The Lost WAD #6 (12\97)

    The Original Lost WAD floppy disc was dusty. It had inches of dust on it. So, I decided to re-vamp the original, and make it up to date. Well, nevertheless, this is NOT The Lost WAD #1! This level's is based on the first. This is about three times bigger with better traps. I'd ask anyone who plays this to download the original and check out the two side by side.


       (4 reviews)


  13. This SUXX!

    In the midst of all the awesome, creative wads appearing in the Action Games Forum and on the Internet, comes "The WORST 32 Level Wad E V E R C R E A T E D for Doom II". Built, designed, and playtested by Team SUXX. Don't say we didn't warn ya!


       (26 reviews)


  14. Shovelware Adventure!

    Welcome to Shovelware Adventure! This is a 100% vanilla compatible wad & dehacked file for DOOM II. This map is full of bloody battle arenas and slimy passageways! There are many secrets to discover and several paths to reach the exit. This map was designed with a high quality but oldschool 90's style in mind, the little gems with quirky graphic edits that you find on those old discs among 1000 random wadfiles - hence the name Shovelware Adventure. It's meant to feel like a mini-episode despite being just one lone map. The objective is to pump rockets into the core and blow the place up! Difficulty settings have been thoroughly implemented, so if it's too hard on Ultra Violence, switch it to HMP or HNTR :)

    If you are playing in a ZDoom based port, there is no need to load the included .deh file - It is there for older/classic ports such as Chocolate Doom.

    Have fun!


       (9 reviews)


  15. Sinister Seven - Vanilla Maps by Doomkid

    7 sp/coop maps, vanilla compatible (besides map07), with some fresh sprites - I added the extra marine and zombieman rotation angles (Thanks Mr. Romero!). Some of these maps are from submissions to communtiy projects. Special thanks to The_Miano, MrCrispy, Scifista42, TimeOfDeath, pcorf, Buckshot, and everyone else out there who helped or inspired me in some way to make these maps :) STORY: (Continues from the end of 'UAC Rebellion') "The UAC recovered from the destruction left in the rebel's wake. He had taken out most of the head men with brute force and even managed to close the gate to hell they had opened. Most of the survivors thought he was crazy, but some said he was a twisted hero who saw the bigger picture. The fact is, his attempt to stop the UAC failed - He was killed shortly after his return to Earth by a group of hostiles who had survived his rampage. They immediately began rebuilding the destroyed facilities. They rewrote history, erasing the evidence that the UAC had ever experimented on humans, painted the rebel as nothing more than a "cold hearted lunatic", gained support and funding from Earth's remaining population and used it to continue their interdimensional research. I knew the rebel personally. I was with the group of supporters who he let go. I knew the UAC were corrupt bastards as soon as people started going missing. I heard they killed the rebel and were rebuilding, so I prepared myself. Today, it happened - The sky turned a bright red. Two massive portals opened above us. The demonic aliens swept through our base and took out or possessed almost everyone.. Those evil UAC bastards had done it again, only worse. Their plan to brainwash the masses worked, and now destruction incarnate is pouring in from the sky. I can't explain why they want to see the world burn - but here I am, presumably the only survivor in a military base full of hellspawn. It's time to put my training to the test. I know of a spot where I can escape to sea and ride this invasion out on the water. I wonder if anyone else has survived.." I hope you all have fun with these. Difficulty levels are very thoroughly implemented, so if you're finding it too hard, just turn it down a notch! These should also be perfect for survival mode (one of my favorite gamemodes!)


       (30 reviews)


  16. Control Your Destiny

    Shoot the romero head to control where you teleport.


       (10 reviews)


  17. UAC Earth Base

    The first map I have ever finished and released so expect some problems. Finished making on 8/8/18 and decided to upload it here on 8/26/18. Large feedback would be highly appreciated.

    Hint on finding on one of the secrets: One of the walls outside has a hidden path.


       (3 reviews)


  18. Start

    A fun map for DOOM2.wad


       (8 reviews)


  19. The Devilz Work

    Hello fellow Doomers! Here are 7 SP/coop maps designed for DOS Doom2. I put a lot of calculation into these regarding ammo and health balance. Difficulty levels are present, but only in terms of power-ups rather than monster count. They go in order from easiest to hardest, with map01 having about 50 monsters, and map07 having over 400. Every map has secrets to hunt for, and I've attempted to make them look "detailed" within DOS mapping limitations. I found no visplane overflows when playing through these, so if you do, please notify me! :) Naturally, jumping and crouching should be disabled when playing these, since they're intended for vanilla play. Have fun!!


       (29 reviews)


  20. Medieval Castle

    One day, after playing alot of levels that thought that quantity was better than quality, I though why not make huge a level? So I started and from a few months work spawned this monstrosity. Exploration is cool. If you know what to do then you can finish this level in about 10mins otherwise, get compfy. My computer teacher was astonished of its size, although Im sure theres bigger. This level does slow my 486DX2 66 (8mb) when on the harder difficulty settings but supposedly runs a dream on a pentium. So stop reading and get immersed.


       (11 reviews)


  21. Uncertain Doom

    First completed map for 2010. Generic techbase map with some surprises.


       (21 reviews)


       (13 reviews)


  22. TheEscape

    You have esacped from hell and now you have to make your way back to home which is in the city. You must go though the biggest bookstore which holds evry book ever written and you have to fight your way passed the demon base were an evil demon army lies waiting.


       (32 reviews)


  23. SlayeR.wad, Issue 2.

    11 SP & 4 DM maps for DooM2. 2.4 Mb when unzipped. Issue2 contains a few bug fixes.

    You need a registered version of DooM2 or Final Doom to play this. This wad is not exclusive to any source port and will run with v1.9.

    These maps are mainly small but 'ultra-violent' - you won't find many 'former humans' here!! Very challenging - be warned!

    The DM maps were never playtested so if they are crap, sorry!

    Map 31 is an unfished map by Malcolm Sailor which I have modified.



       (53 reviews)



    New Episode for DooM II, featuring 9 Levels, a new enemy, new flats & textures


       (29 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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