37 files
Heretic Chicken
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I derrived this wad from the excellent Chicken.wad from Doom...the text file was not anywhere to be found for it, so I guess I have permission..its simply a long bridge with lots of weapons and items, and a pit full of monsters omn either side.5 downloads
Heretic Arena
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Basically one of your arena wads.... except for the numerous sub-areas around the place, waiting for you to teleport in!3 downloads
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A port of KewL for DooM ][. I heard a lot of people actually liked it (wow!) So i did this.3 downloads
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IN YO FACE for HERETIC is a deathmatch only level. It's stricktly move fast and kick ass from begining to end. The level consists of a windy lake-arena in the center with an upper level all around the rectangular perimeter. The players start in one of four rooms at each corner of the upper level. They will each find Weapons, Armor or Health according to the Skill level they choose (the higher the Skill level, the nastier the weapons). An attempt has been made to be fair to all parties. There are Teleporters in each of bottom corners so that you can travel between levels. Each side of a Teleporter will transport you to the upper level directly facing you. You can also jump accross the Teleporter from the upper level in order to get to the upper level directly accross from you. This level is great in DEATHMATCH 2.0 as well as regular Deathmatch. Although there are no hidden rooms there is plenty of opportunity for ambush.4 downloads
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Update to HT_FRAG.WAD adds more weapons :fixes the chicken in a hole bug.4 downloads
HCLRDANG.WAD Requires registered HERETIC
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This is a conversion of CLERDANG.WAD for DOOM II. Excellent Deathmatch wad for HERETIC! Very percise and to the point with nonstop action and excellent sniper spots! All the weapons and items are scattered about.
*Requires registered HERETIC from id Software/Raven6 downloads
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Since there is no cool heretic deathmatch levels I made my own! And It Kicks Butt! (I Hope) Small lots of Weapons and little health Detailed very good! Well I think so if you think level 7 of DoomII is great fun DM you will like this. Fun Teleporter spot! It's kinda square though. But fun for the kids!5 downloads
Pro-Data DeathMatch Wad For Heretic #1
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A Big, fast-action Heretic Deathmatch Wad. Good ambush spots, but don't stay in one spot too long. This is a frag-a-second style wad. With 4 players, someone will always be getting fragged.
Check out the MAP!!!!!!5 downloads
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This wad is unique in some ways. It's definately a kill fest, and wad designed as so. It's basically a very large room with an outer circle. Teleports abound, monsters abound. Try it as a deathmatch. When the monsters run thin, go get some more. There's a teleport in a dark area where there's a mess 'o monsters, which you can easily summon. Just don't get killed. Playing by yourself is also possible, the intent being only, to kill everything, and to feel good about it. Coop will work as well, with the idea being, help each other kill the monsters! then go up to your partner, and shoot him in the back!4 downloads
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Deathmatch Wad for multiplayer Doom II Similar to Doom II Lazerstorm. Extra rooms you can only get to by flying. I also added an exit to the WAD.3 downloads
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Deathmatch Wad for Heretic E1M1 Watch out for the traps.6 downloads