71 files
Heretic: The Mysteries of Underville
By Guest
With D'Sparil slain and his bodyguard Maulotaurs defeated you step into a portal not knowing if it sends you home or to another twisted world. You are not scared of what you will find as you have witnessed horrors far beyond your wildest imagination. Will you have to fight for the rest of your life? So be it. At least you will die proud of yourself, of what have you achieved. The light around you fades out and you crouch into a fighting position with your wand pointed forward, ready to dispose of yet another bloodthirsty demon. But there is no foul beast in sight. All you can see is a familiar mountain range you have passed through countless times in the past when travelling with your Sidhe brothers and sisters. There's no mistaking it - this is your world, Parthoris. You are back. You're starting to get overwhelmed with joy when you suddenly realize that the only way to overcome those mountains is getting through Underville, an ancient underground village formerly inhabited by a powerful clan of Ogle miners. When the Serpent Riders arrived and began plundering the world the village of Underville was one of their first targets. As an important strategic point in war, it was swarmed by D'Sparil's minions and conquered soon afterwards. Nobody was left alive. Beaten in battle or executed with no mercy all miners were quickly disposed of and the village was turned into a bastion of evil. After that there was no one who could tell what they did to the place. Even coming near the entrance meant swift and ruthless death. There is no way around it. You have to fight again. D'Sparil's curse is following you like a shadow seemingly never to leave you alone. You embrace your destiny, whatever it is, and determined to end it once and for all you make your steps forward.1928 downloads
By Guest
Sosuria is a proud, peaceful village on the island of Khshayarsha, full of life and hospitality. That is, until one day an evil sorcerer ransacked the land with his army, taking most of the goods and resources for himself and turning the island into an uninhabitable volcanic landscape. Legend has it that a mythical being of wonder dwells in Sosuria's largest and most prominent building, the Temple of the Ancients. It is said that this creature has the ability to turn back time and undo the evil that was dealt to the village. There is only one way to find out if this is true...
This is a map I made for SOSU's birthday, which was on the 12th. Limit-removing, 312 monsters on all skill levels, although some do change as well as the locations of many items. This is my first Heretic map.32 downloads
Heretic Speedmapping 2
By Guest
A set of 4 Heretic speedmaps made during an 8 hour session that occured on 2/23/2018
Theme: A Crypt Restriction: 25% of the map must be optional areas72 downloads
Heretic Speedmapping 1
By Guest
A set of 4 Heretic speedmaps made during an 8 hour session that occured on 1/19/2018
Theme: A Canyon Village Restriction: The highest playable area & the lowest playable area must be a height difference of at least 50035 downloads
Heretic Upstart Mapping Project (HUMP)
By Guest
The Heretic Upstart Mapping project was made to get people into mapping for heretic. It includes many maps by people who had never mapped for heretic before, and some older maps that authors had never published.
NOTE: All maps are designed to be wand-started. They have been arranged roughly in order of difficulty, so continuous play will also work. To wand start: When you enter a map, type "engageXY" where X is the episode number and Y is the map number given below (So type engage11 for E1M1). This will restart the level with only your wand, staff and no items. Jumping and Crouching have been disabled in this wad. You will not be needing them.
Maps Included (17):
Map: E1M1 Name: Sidhatraz Author: Skeletonpatch Music: Heretic MUS_E1M4, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E1M2 Name: Castle Gardens Author: SOSU Music: Demon Crest Stage 1, By Toshihiko Horiyama
Map: E1M3 Name: Parthoris Tunnels Author: Riderr3 Music: Ambient 10.mid from Dune 2, by Frank Klepacki and Dwight Okahara
Map: E1M4 Name: Mines of Mystery Author: Walter Confetti Music: Heretic MUS_E2M8, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E1M5 Name: Aedin's Castle Author: Pillar of Salt Music: The Enchanted Cathedral - MIDI version (From Hexen II), by Kevin Schilder
Map: E1M6 Name: Bird Cage Author: Jonathan Dowland Music: Twenty Four Hours, by Joy Division
Map: E1M7 Name: Courtyard of Elements Author: Fraggle Music: Heretic MUS_E1M7, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E1M8 Name: Persepolis Author: HexenMapper Music: Heretic MUS_E1M3, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E2M1 Name: Sunken Serpentorium Author: Zergeant Music: Heretic MUS_E2M1, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E2M2 Name: The Bungalow of Dr. Chaos Author: Impie Music: The Music of Dr. Chaos, by HexenMapper
Map: E2M3 Name: Cacowad's Funhouse of Artitraps Author: Cacowad Music: Blasphemer MUS_E1M7, by Jute
Map: E2M4 Name: Otkachka Author: BeeWen Music: Heretic MUS_E1M7, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E2M5 Name: Chaos in Bloom Author: ETTiNGRiNDER Music: Heretic MUS_E3M2, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E2M6 Name: Trial of the Maulotaur Author: Philnemba Music: Dracula's theme (Super Castlevania 4), by Masanori Adachi and Taro Kudo
Map: E2M7 Name: Keep of Despair Author: danielhday Music: Heretic MUS_E1M2, by Kevin Schilder
Map: E2M8 Name: During the Ceremony Author: Beewen Music: ALhoRRo_GisheRamayReR_2.mid, by Augen auf [XG]
Map: E3M1 Name: Ophidian Temple Autor: Rolo Music: Heretic MUS_E3M1, by Kevin Schilder
Story: The servants of Korax, D'Sparil and Eidolon swept through Parthoris, wracking your homeland and murdering your kin. You fought valiantly, but as your city was overrun you were captured and imprisoned with many others, to be turned to golems or executed if the flesh was not willing. Waiting in your cell you saw the foul methods that were used on your brethren. Surely it would be your turn soon... The day all but yourself had perished or turned to the dark wills, a portal opened briefly in your prison cell. A small wand and staff dropped out, the portal immediately closing behind. To your astonishment, the means of escape lay at your feet. You praised who or whatever had sent help, tucking the wand into your belt and grasping the staff, you prepared yourself for what lay ahead...
Title slate and Title music: HexenMapper
Note that E1M5, E1M6 and E2M2 may not be finishable in Doomsday as they require boss actions to lower floors. Currently we haven't been able to work out the current boss action definitions for Doomsday. Any help would be appreciated. Likewise if anyone knows how to get heretic to display par times in the intermission we would also love to hear from you. You can email me at: thespidersrepublic@hotmail.com55 downloads
Templum Dormiens Dei
By Guest
A single level for Heretic, which requires ZDoom 2.8.1 or later. This map is meant to follow the events of Dark Deity's Bastion, and serve as an ending to the storyline which began with that level. If you are having trouble reading text, enable the "scale text in high res" option.363 downloads
By Guest
FIVE new levels for Heretic built in the Hpack mindset: a bit of custom content, custom monsters, and new powerups! Drag 'Despair.PK3' and 'DespairMaps.WAD' both into your GZdoom shortcut to run properly.55 downloads
The Realm of Parthoris - 2015
By Guest
Welcome to The Realm of Parthoris, the fantasy world in which Heretic takes place. This project aims to create a community based Heretic episode by the end of 2015. A texture pack of 500 textures and flats has been carefully compiled to compliment and expand upon Heretic’s fantasy setting.631 downloads
Alfa 4
By Guest
Industrial themed wad for heretic. The map gets better the closer you are to the end, specially after green and blue doors.23 downloads
Max Saga: The Doom Dragon
By Guest
Cursed by a petty god for your insolence, you are doomed to wander space and time, battling supernatural evils for the god's amusement. In ancient Scandinavia, the Ravendark Cult has assembled in their cavernous keep: there they shall awaken the legendary Midgard Serpent and command it to do their bidding, with the help of a forbidden tome that is locked away in the festering heart of the stronghold. A clever adventurer would make clever use of the cult's trove of stolen artifacts, in order to relieve them of their precious summoning book.41 downloads
The reign of d'sparil
By Guest
My first wad. Entire first episode of hexen. Start in a cemetery and end up battling d'sparil in a spaceship.31 downloads
HYMN: A Heretic Community Project
By Guest
HYMN is a Doomworld community project for Heretic. It is a 9 level episode that features custom textures. HYMN should be compatible with most modern Boom and ZDoom related ports, as well as Doomsday, but has an emphasis on 'vanilla' style mapping.1168 downloads
Monastery of the damned
By Guest
A level I created during the summer. I tried to create a detailed level with plenty of challenge, whilst keeping that heretic feel31 downloads
Hall Of The Saint
By Guest
You came into this place and then there were these monsters and you grabbed some weapons and bombs and you also read some magic books and throwed some eggs and killed the monsters with the stuff and magic and then you found the exit and went on your way.20 downloads
Refuge of the Marshlord
By Guest
This was originally designed as a part of the Second Heretic Speedmapping session, but after I finished the map I realised they demanded Deathmatch-maps, so this map did not fit into the project. Years later, I found it on my harddrive again and after playing it I thought it was not that bad and worth a release. Of course it is a speedmap and a just a very small level, but I think it is still fun. But just try it ;) A Mapinfo file is included, other than that, the Map does not use any ZDoom features. I recommend playing this with GZDoom, the fog effect just looks cooler then.17 downloads
The Day The Gargoyles Attacked Us All
By Guest
They are coming! Gargoyles are invading Earth! Save us from those awful red beasts!23 downloads
Masters of Chaos v 1.1 for Heretic
By Guest
Three totally new episodes for Heretic - 31 levels, including new graphics, sounds and music. Five new weapons - 13 in all. New deadly enemies, new tricks and traps and much more.653 downloads
Heretic - Dark Deity's Bastion
By Guest
This map replaces E1M1 of HERETIC. It has been tested to be beatable in all difficulty levels. I even tested it myself on "Black Plague" and can confirm that it can be finished (albeit with a LOT of save/loads).
I have disabled crouching and jumping, because their use can and will break the level. Also, I recommend going to options > display options > message options, and setting "scale text in hi res" to on, because there will be messages that you need to read in order to finish the level. If you have trouble with the puzzles, even after viewing the messages, scroll down to the bottom of this text file for the solutions.88 downloads
Old memories 2
By Guest
That's a fortress ambiented map for heretic. The design gives you freedom movements arround the scenary, and the construccion of the wad is quite classic. If you enjoyed with Old memories, you shoudn't miss this one.30 downloads
Where Serpents ever Dwell
By Guest
Story: After the lifeless bodies of D'sparils body guards crumble and fall to the ground, for the first time in ages you feel a sense a sense of relief... as you enter the portal that finally takes you... home?
This is a challenging map for Heretic, and your gonna need to keep moving as well as taking full advantage of artifacts if you want to survive.
I decided to touch up on an old map, add a few areas and release so that it didn't just gather dust on my hard drive. I might release another bigger, and more epic Heretic map in the future to go alongside this one, but we'll see how things go. :)68 downloads
Alfa 3
By Guest
In alfa 3 you'll fight in a natural place with trees like the lost temple24 downloads