59 files
Hexen Keep
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A small castle, all powerups/weapons available, plenty of mana, just the right amount of monsters(2 lame centaurs, 2 firebolt centaurs)23 downloads
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HEXEN DEATHMATCH WAD. Mirrored after my famous Bartman4 Heretic wad. With new and exciting areas.13 downloads
Hexen Pig Arena
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An arena with 4 sections, 1 per class and 1 containing a few goodies and a few badies. This wad only works with the Registered Version of Hexen. If you wonder why this is called the Pig Arena, then play for an hour and then watch the floor you will understand.10 downloads
Hexen Graveyard
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A graveyard, and the undertakers house.. Has doors, a teleporter and some other stuff I hex edited in. This wad only works with the Registered Version of Hexen.9 downloads
Hexen Deathmatch Arena
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A very simple deathmatch level. Has all weapons, many items, no Icons of Defender. An eight-sided arena with a room on each wall. The only healing is in the middle of the arena.9 downloads
Batman Forever
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Batman lives forever in Hexen. Awesome deathmatch level with a Batman theme. This wad has it all! New batman music, all weapons and artifacts are available all over. Transporters will take you into either the Batcave or the Wayne Manor. Watch out for the bats in the Batcave though. Oh, and feel free to break all the windows in the Wayne Manor and smash all his Knights too.8 downloads
By Guest
Courtyard and tower on the edge of a very large chasm with some satanic undertones (couldn't help it).
This is my first official Hexen PWAD. I've gotten positive feedback from fellow Hexen'ers, so I'm releasing this with text file to general public. :)8 downloads
Hexhell.wad('Hell' stands for HELL if I know what to name this!)
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This is my first released HeXen wad. Strictly for Deathmatch! Takes place in a creepy fog covered forest controled by a evil, sadistic Bloodlusting ruler(me!) Lots of scripts, lots of weapons, lots of action, and lots of fun.8 downloads
HexQuake for Hexen, DeathMatch Only
By Guest
This is a Hexen version of map 2 of Quake. Taking full advantage of scripts and poly-objects to be as true to Quake map test 2. There are no monsters and the things will only appear in DeathMatch play. This version is set up for only 4 players.7 downloads
The Keep (for Hexen) "FunHouse might be more correct!"
By Guest
A Hexen PWAD that makes use of EVERYTHING Hexen has to offer including polyobjects and scripts. It was just a quick make, I didn't bother aligning the textures, but this level is still COOL. Just remember the asprin... You'll see why, too. What I'm trying to say is, you haven't seen Hexen at it's full potential until you play this level. OK, mabe you have, but I think it's pretty damn cool. Oh, ya I included the scripts source if you want it, ain't nothin' special, though... Mabe I'll touch all this up some and rerelease it? Enough talking, download it!5 downloads
The Bar (for Hexen)
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You're tired after a hard day's adventuring, so you decided to pop into a bar to have a nice sloshing. Suddenly, an Ettin from a table across from you perks his drunken head up from his mead and says "Gruffnlggg." You take it as a drunken slobber, but across the bar the Ettin is overheard by a Wendigo who is deeply offended, because, in his language, "Gruffnlggg" means "I spit on your tax returns and call your mother `just another vehicle for butter.'" Instantly, the Wendigo throws a beer mug across the pub. It misses it's intended target and instead hits an Afrit who is deeply offended because, in his culture, hitting someone with a beer mug means "will you marry me." The Afrit, inscenced, shoots a trail of fire at the Wendigo as a stern sign that he is not ready for marriage but, "would like to still be friends." Unfortunately, the trail of fire misses the Wendigo, and instead hits a Slaughter in the face, who, in his reasoning, takes a trail of fire in the face as a sign to start killing things. Instantly, chaos ensues. And you thought you were going to have a nice rest...5 downloads
Ledges in the Swamp
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It's the all-time classic: LEDGES, except this time, it's in the swamp. Not only did I make the conversion to the swamp, but I also slightly improved the way the level looks.3 downloads
By Guest
Hexen deathmatch from scratch. Conversion of havoc.wad for Doom 2 over to Hexen.3 downloads
Hexen: The Mentally Declined Level
By Guest
Do you want a level that is easy to play and fun for deathmatch? Well, you've got your wish: <<<<>>>> Two wads are included: HX0_TMDL.WAD - for Hexen v1.0 HX1_TMDL.WAD - for Hexen v1.1
I'll leave it to you to figure out all of the secrets of the map...
Soon to come: An entire HUB! of mentally declined levels! This will include the original TMDL. The new levels' current working titles are: TMDL ][: The Dumb Body (head included) TMDL ]I[: The Missing Brain (enlarged 512x) TMDL IV: The Idiot Friend TMDL V: The Moronic Neighbor
They are under construction at the time, and may not be out for a while, due to homework.3 downloads
Hexen Minotaur
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It's a Hexen DeathMatch level, great 2 way, goes better 3 or 4. Sort of the same style as map one...but it wasn't based on MAP01, it just feels a bit like it :). It's more fun than the levels in Hexen, since Hexen's levels lack some of that DM feel (except map 1) and so on. Just try it...! :)3 downloads
Hexen Cave
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Ever play MajorMud? Well, heres a make of the forest cave in it... into a Hexen wad!?2 downloads
By Guest
A small level for Hexen that has a room with a bunch of pillars in it.. You gotta stay up on these pillars to stay alive..While trying to kill the other guy(s)..2 downloads
Hexen Is Cool.. <G> Hey.. you try to think up one for this one..
By Guest
A small level for Hexen that's just plain cool.. heh.. I tried to make it look like it says iD.. cuz Id helped Raven with this awesome game..2 downloads
Pit of Freedom
By Guest
Hexen deathmatch from scratch. This was originally my Pit of Freedom for Heretic. I revamped it a little for Hexen and added some extra steps This makes a good Single Player and a good DeathMatch. No, it's not just a little pit to play in. Matter of fact, this level is not small, But no too large so that you get lost in a DeathMatch level2 downloads