38 files
Hero's Quest
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In Hero's Quest, you are a hero who has no memory of his past. You wake up in the jail cell in some unknown castle. You have to fight your way out.9 downloads
Ice Prison (v1.0)
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I created this level for the Zauberer project. Ice Prison is a small Hexen level set in a prison placed in a icy region. I would be the ideal beginning for an Hexen hub, if one day I will make one. The intention was to have it Vanilla Hexen compatible. I tested it using the Chocolate Hexen Source Port.32 downloads
Hexen DeathMatch V 1.1
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First DeathMatch dedicated Hexen wad in history! Re-organised weapons, new maps, new stuff.5 downloads
Garden of Delight
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A small Hexen adventure. The Serpent Riders have been banished, yet chaos still corrupts this land. It's up to you to investigate.26 downloads
The Salt Mines
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Two levels intended for DeathMatch, Single or Coop. Loads of fun to play. After being dragged back to base, to be punished for insolence, you kill your guard and prepare to fight your way back to the Bitter valley to release your family from their enslavement.28 downloads
By Guest
Only one level where I have wanted to show the biggest number of functions that it can be carried out with the scripts.13 downloads
By Guest
s H#969.WAD is a Hexen conversion from #969.WAD [MAIN .WAD and NHOUSE.WAD as well], the Ultimate DOOM version. This first wad (level) was drawn and reconstructed to match the house I've lived most of my life... BEWARE.....10 downloads
Shooting Gallery for Hexen
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Gallery.wad is a shooting gallery. Spawn monsters by hitting the targets, then shoot them before they shoot you. This is a great place to practice your Hexen skills.
You get unlimited ammo. Go to the back of the gallery to get supplies. There are four barriers that you can erect to modify the play area, three smaller barriers and one large one to protect the rear supply area. The switches are at the back. They can be used repeatedly to increase the height. Experiment to get it the way you like.(You can't lower the barriers except by starting a new game.) The two moon switches can be used repeatedly to spawn ammo and healing.7 downloads
Hexcity for Hexen
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Hexcity is a modern, medieval walled city. If you get past the gate, you can go to the theatre or the art gallery. Enjoy the restaurant, which is supplied by the butcher shop next door, which is supplied by the graveyard next door.The city has been conquered by fiends and demons who are eating the previous inhabitants. You may plunder the shops, rob the bank, go to the library, disrupt a church service, fall into the sewer, go to jail...and more. There's a whole city to explore.54 downloads
HexQuak3 for HEXEN Final 1.0 "The last night"
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Quand la nuit tombe, il se passe des choses etranges.8 downloads
The BF Wad
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My latest Wad for HEXEN, complete w/scripts, This is a complete five level hub. (Plus a secret 6th level) I am kinda proud of the lighting effects and the work I did with the shadows. Believe it or not this started off as one level but got too slow, this forced me to turn it into a hub, and learn the scripting language. (AHHHHH! I still haven't figured it all out).
It was developed on a 486DX-40 (running at 50) with a Trident 1 meg video card (ISA). And 20 meg of ram The sound card was a Sound Blaster 2.0. It runs great on my AM5x86-133 w/ a Diamond Stealth 64 2meg vram, AWE32, and 20 meg of ram.
It still may run a little slow on slower machines. At least until you kill off the geeks. IMHO, this wad kicks ass. I still don't consider it to be done, but realise that I could twiddle with it forever.14 downloads
HeXen: The Dark Tower ver. 1.1
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Nothing in the levels has changed. the only thing that has changed is the zip file. it was corrupt and gave a shit load of error messages. thats all that's been changes.37 downloads
Lair of Thieves
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After capturing the chaos sphere from Korax, you returned to Earth and soon, with the aid of the sphere's power, you became the ruler of a powerful kingdom. Soon followers flocked to you and among them you found your most trusted aid, the wizard Ferrater. However, two days ago, upon returning from a quest, you discovered that Ferrater, along with your four most trusted warriors: Luegner, Rueckensticher, Betruegner, and Tsveioberflaeche had disappeared along with the chaos sphere. Two hours ago one of your scouts reported that he had located the five traitors hold up in a fortress not far from your castle. Now, with vengence on your mind, you approach this fortress, its dark silhoutte the only thing visible on the horizon...15 downloads
level 1: Depths of Hatred level 2: Blood of the Innocent level 3: City of the Demons
By Guest
Finally, a user created hub for Hexen, that lets you play the game the way it was meant to be.
ADDENDUM: I spent over 100 hrs. on this project editing and testing on my P-100, only to find that the third level does not run worth a fuck on my friends' 486DX2-66, but it does play very well on mine and other's Pentiums'. So I'm releasing the first and only Pentium specific wad! Before you flame me though, I am working on a 486 version right now. I just couldn't bear to let all this work go to waste!!!!18 downloads
Indiana Jones
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This is a new HeXeN level based on the popular movie "Raiders Of the Lost Ark." It is based on the opening scene of the movie, and is as closse to the real thing as I could get it. The only thing I could not make was the rolling boulder, but I added another puzzle in its place. Try this out, it will blow you away.
I included all the scripts for the level, in original form, and fully (overly) commented. I payed very close attention to every detail, which definitely pays off.8 downloads
Hexen Again Wad
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My Second attempt at a wad, hope it doesn't suck too mightily, if you don't like it so what. Conversion from Heretic to Hexen9 downloads
Hexen Un_wad
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My First attempt at a wad, hope it doesn't suck too mightily, if you don't like it so what11 downloads