This directory contains files that are small objects to be used in creating
new levels. They should all be documented using the example file
in this directory. Note that only certain editors can cut and paste parts
of levels.
35 files
Replication Station
By Guest
This prefab is a replication station. When you flip the switch, an item replicates inside the station and moves toward you to stop on the holding pad. This would be a great deathmatch structure to distribute weapons.27 downloads
Lights 1
By Guest
This has various floor and ceiling lights. The floor lights illuminate the floor only and the ceiling lights illuminate the ceiling only. These prefabs have small sectors that don't have upper or lower textures. This is by design so that the light texture will shine at the proper brightness without casting light on the dark floor or ceiling. Do not ass the upper or lower textures or the effect wil be ruined.21 downloads
Telebooth 2
By Guest
This is another switchable teleport booth. This uses the ceiling and floor lighting effects as well as scrolling textures.20 downloads
Column 3
By Guest
This is a simple column with the torch and brick textures, however they are aligned correctly on a 16 sided column, so the torches look correct.12 downloads
Teleport Booth 1
By Guest
This is a teleport booth. It will teleport the player to the specified teleport dest.10 downloads