82 files
Juno from Jet Force Gemini
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Anyone remember Jet Force Gemini for the N64? This is a player skin of Juno, one of the three main characters in the game. I decided to make his armor color green so you could edit his appearance under player setup.481 downloads
Contra 3 Skins
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For lovers of both Contra and Doom - now you can play as the old commandos from Contra III - Bill Rizer and Lance Bean.688 downloads
Ray Poward
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It's Ray Poward from Contra: Legacy of War. Bit of a rough translation from the PS1 game into Doom so hopefully it plays well enough to work.137 downloads
Lunar from Mischief Makers
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Behold, something nobody asked for - it's Lunar from Mischief Makers for the N64. Was inspired to make this when playing it recently - should work under any skin-supporting source ports.189 downloads
Shadow Marine
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Simple player skin that replaces the regular Doom Marine with a mysterious shadow version; inspired from characters such as Shadow Jago from Killer Instinct Gold and Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat and other silhouette-type characters.696 downloads
Slamma Jamma Skin
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This is a skin that Zero and I made in about 4 hours of actual effort but it came out really well. The skin is of an imp dressed up in a basketball outfit bouncing a basketball when you move. Nightmare Zero did the sprites and I did the sounds and other junk. It has many taunts that were pulled from the announcer on NBA Jam. Really good for deathmatch. Feel free to include this in a skin pack, just give credit if you would please. ENJOY!71 downloads
QuakeGuy Skin
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Ranger is back after killing shub-niggurath and armagon and the dragon, Ranger gets teleported to the arena eternal and etc, After fragging since 1999 Vadrigar sends Ranger back to his home, But something is wrong looks like monsters have invaded again.
***Ending*** Ranger kills the monsters but he is then invited to Quake Champions by Tim. Take a look at Quake Champions if u have the guts! and of course the required requiremens (I have bad notebook)
I did this skin because the others quakeguy skins don't have his sounds, Feel free to use! check S_SKINQG in the wad for correct credits.1181 downloads
Wolf O'Donnell
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It's Wolf as he appears in Smash Bros. now as a playable character in Doom.389 downloads
Chip The Wolf
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It's Chip the Wolf the Cookie Crisp cereal mascot. I did this as sort of an in-joke between a friend and I. Should be funny for co-op/deathmatch fun.258 downloads
For Jihad Skins
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Skins of most monsters from For Jihad Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from imperial infidel forces (a.k.a. counter terrorism forces). You can be either a Mechanic, Dual M-1911 Pistol Unit, M-16 Rifle Unit, M-9A1 Super Bazooka Unit, and Stoner 63 Rifle Unit. Troll it up, troll it down, troll with the sound. Now go have fun and fuck around, you bitch.315 downloads
Custom Marathon Skins
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Skins of most monsters from Custom Marathon Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from cultist forces. You can be either a Cultist A Rifle, Cultist Torcher, and Mjolnir Soldier. Troll it up, troll it down, troll with the sound. Now go have fun and fuck around, you bitch.350 downloads
Blood of Bin Laden Skins
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Skins of most monsters from Blood of Bin Laden Monsters project. Skins include most monsters from al-Qaeda, Taliban, and counter terrorism forces. You can be either a U.S. marine, a security guard, a Mujahid w/ various attires, and even the one and only Osama bin Laden!!! Troll it up, troll it down, troll with the sound. Now go have fun and fuck around, you bitch.327 downloads
Charmander Skins!
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15 charmander skins, including various weapon, gender and outfit options.612 downloads
Hunter Skins
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A skin pack that adds two new high quality skins, the WitchHunter by Captain Toenail and the Demon Hunter by IcyTux. They are dark, sinister individuals, dedicated to seeking out evil in all forms and banishing it from this world "eat leaden death, demon!"228 downloads
skin athena (KOF 2002-2003) by LUISDooMER
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es 2 skins de un personaje del kof 2002-2003877 downloads
skins solomons key y fire-n-ice (A.K.A solomons key 2)
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skins solomons key 1-2 de la mitica consola NES23 downloads
skin another kula (KOF 2002) by LUISDooMER
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es el skin de mi personaje favorito del kof 2002110 downloads
skin rugal (KOF 2002) by LUISDooMER
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es el skin de mi otro personaje favorito del kof 2002118 downloads
skin NES BOMBERMAN y bomber-coin (un enemigo si no lo sabias)
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skin de bomberman de la mitica consola NES106 downloads
skin del juego challenger (juego de NES no lo sabias)
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skin de bchallenger de la mitica consola NES25 downloads
skin alejo by LUISDooMER
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es el skin de alejo de la serie de alejo y valentina de MTV130 downloads
skin carlitox by LUISDooMER
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es el skin de carlitox de la serie de alejo y valentina de MTV117 downloads
Skin roll para doom doom2
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skin de roll (hermana o algo asi de megaman) del juego Marvel Vs Capcom128 downloads
Doom Guitarist
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This is a simple skin of a guitar wielding marine, which uses the strife player as a base. There are two versions. The one called GuitarST.wad is for Skulltag, it includes a taunt and a botfile. The version called GuitarZD is for use in Zdoom and its other branches.268 downloads