6 files
Hell Revealed II
By Guest
The long-awaited sequel to Yonatan Donner & Haggay Niv's "Hell Revealed".529 downloads
Hell Revealed UV lmp set version 2.0
By Guest
This is the new lmp set for Hell Revealed. All lmps were recorded on skill 4 (Ultra-Violence), killing every monster and finding every secret, as quickly as possible. The time improvement over the first set is huge! (Many of the lmps are twice as fast as the original ones, and even more!)
All of the demos are new! Even the ones we thought were already unbeatable, we managed to beat!8 downloads
Hell Revealed UV lmp collection
By Guest
This is a collection of recorded demos (lmps) for all 32 levels of Hell Revealed. All lmps were recorded on skill 4 (Ultra-Violence), ending with at least 100% kills and 100% secrets.3 downloads
Hell Revealed infopack
By Guest
This is the infopack of Hell Revealed, containing detailed information about the project, levels and screenshots.
Requires Windows to run!
The first time you'll run hrinfo.exe, it might give you an error and quit.
(It seems to do that on win95 and not do that on Windows 3.11)
If it happens, just run it again and it's supposed to work. I have no idea why it happens.
Note: the infopack looks best at 640x480, 16-bit color or more, full screen.61 downloads
Hell Revealed help demos
By Guest
These are 32 -nomonsters demos showing how to finish all levels of Hell Revealed with 100% secrets. Level 7 is impossible to finish with -nomonsters, so I recorded it on skill 1. I tried to do the demos as fast as possible.2 downloads
Hell Revealed
By Guest
Hell Revealed is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II, created by Yonatan Donner and Haggay Niv.
In Hell Revealed, you will find: 32 new high-quality very detailed levels, many new graphics including textures, flats, skies, status bars and others, full skill-level support and additional attention to coop-players, and extreme challenge.
Hell Revealed supports single player, cooperative (with additional weapons and enemies) and several maps have special DM parts (maps 1 and 2 are especially good for deathmatch).1179 downloads