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The wads in this theme directory are all related to what are called "Terry" wads in the community. They depict anal rape and are intended to shock and surprise the player because their descriptions do not explain that, and are generally written to get people to download the files. Until mid-April 2014, these wads were accepted into the archive, not realizing the situation with their contents. As of that time, many were purged from the archives, not because of the content, but because in addition to the levels and graphics, the authors had padded the files with sometimes thousands of fake lumps of repeated text and graphics. This made for some files that although already rather large, would expand to multiple gigabytes once unzipped. As these are adult-themed wads, they have been put in this special directory to keep them out of the regular directory structure. You will, if you choose to download these, have to read the text files to determine if Doom "ports" are needed to run them. Regardless of that or the single player vs. deathmatch style of the wad, they will all be put here together. One might ask why, if they are adult themed, they aren't just put into the x-rated directories. The reason is that those are specially handled so as not to show up in the indexes or "newstuff" and that would complicate matters. Most of the files in here will have been rejected in the past due to the padding mentioned above, and have been reuploaded without that padding. As I now look through every file that gets uploaded, I will have no problem identifying the "terrywads" and moving them here. =-Ty Halderman, archive maintainer, 6 May 2014

157 files

  1. Lavender

    Lavender weapon facilities are under attack! Weapon sprites, weapon sounds and music were made by me.


       (7 reviews)


  2. Shrek in Doom

    The UAC built a base in a swamp. What they did not realize, was that this swamp, was home to one of the most terrifying monsters ever. Shrek. And remember, if he kills you, it will be all ogre.


       (9 reviews)


  3. Save The Road

    Save the road, pretty much a strait forward road, with nothing else but road...

    Except a hint of imagination...


       (11 reviews)


  4. Silos of Doom

    The UAC have gone corrupt, and are threatening to nuke the Earth from orbit from a remote space station unless the United Earth Government swears their sovreignty to the UAC's mysterious CEO.

    You have been sent as an agent to infiltrate the space station, and have jumped aboard in the cargo room. Now you must find and blast all nukes into the sun and then kill the CEO of the UAC.


       (7 reviews)


  5. Temple of Death

    The worst case scenario has happened, a temple with ancient ruins has been taken over by demons. Stop them before they escape and attack the rest of Earth.


       (6 reviews)


  6. UAC Military Nightmare (updated version)

    The UAC is once again, concocting more groundbreaking experiments on teleportation. They thought they were ready to handle everything that came their way. While traveling between dimensions, something unexpected happened. An unknown enemy force appeared out of nowhere. An evil, much more sinister than the last, single-handedly wiped out the first UAC Marine squadron, and is gradually killing off the remaining Marines. Everyone who has seen this evil, has been annihilated. Except, for one. You. You must take on this evil all alone. As you watch the rest of you're comrades get slaughtered by this unworldly evil, you must make your way to the sinister mastermind behind all of this destruction. Can you repel the evil before you? Load up you're weapons.


       (166 reviews)


  7. The Nuclear Base

    I decided that for my first wad, I should do a good job on it. So here it is! ntbmishp!


       (4 reviews)


  8. Days of Xornox - Days of GZDoom - Prologue

    After a year in development, the GZDoom remake for the critically panned "Days of Xornox" series is finally finished. A collaboration project between Ogre and Matthew Jury, this project has complex ACS scripts, detailed environments, epic story, and heaps of fun!

    This is the prologue in the epic trilogy, Part 1 coming soon!

    We hope you enjoy this feature modification for GZDoom!

    Story: The story is set 200 years after the forces of hell surrendered before Flynn Taggart, the savior of humanity. Despite humanity's deceicive victory over hell, over the cource of the 200 years that have passed, a new leader had arisen in hell, Xornox, and has taken control over the elements themselves, now having an army of demons composed over every element known to the universe, he has set off a crusade across the universe.

    His first conquest, Sol. You must gear up with your fellow elites and drive back this new evil. It will not be easy, with the power of the elements of the universe, Xornox will use all measures to defeat you.


       (5 reviews)


  9. Tales of the UAC

    Just 2 maps of scripted vanilla goodness!

    I spent quite some time making these maps checking for bugs, detailing, etc. So it should be good for most people.


       (7 reviews)


  10. The Horrible Plane Ride

    Taking a plane to a military base may not seem like a big hassle. But this flight, had something very amiss. Demons snuck onto the plane and have killed all of your mates. You have to kill all the demons, find a way to the cockpit, and help land the plane.


       (15 reviews)


  11. Temple of Baphomet

    A hell/marble themed map. Has a couple of sounds from Heretic and a song from Unreal to give the map some ambiance. It doesn't have the best detail but I hope you enjoy it.


       (18 reviews)


  12. The Illusion War

    The illusion has suck'd you into big battle of humankind. Your mission is to destroy all demons that support evil system of radioactive wasteland.


       (15 reviews)


  13. The Awful Apocalypse

    Earth has been hit by a meteor possibly as strong as the one that killed off the dinosaurs. This impact made a huge hole that went into the depths of the Earth, causing demons to come to the surface and cause more havoc than the meteor. You must kill off all the demons and find a way to seal the hole that let the demons up here.


       (20 reviews)


  14. Hell Attack

    All hell has broke loose at a Mars Research Facility. Demons have crossed into the dimension that we live in. You are the sole survivor of this ambush. You must find a way to stop the outbreak and the beasts from crossing into this realm for good.


       (11 reviews)


  15. No hopes

    You woke up in a strange and mysterious laboratory. No memories, no knowledge of your past. Now it's up to you! Could you find a way out and discover what's being this story?


       (43 reviews)


  16. Drew Pickles Doom!

    That's right, your favourite homosexual faggot is here, in Doom! Fight his gay powers and destroy Carnland!


       (25 reviews)


  17. Earthquake

    You, the marine, was sent to destroy the cpu held at the enemies stronghold. It won't be easy, but it will be some adventure...


       (8 reviews)


  18. Frozen Wastes

    The disaster struck in the cold and unforgiving mountains. You are the lone survivor, a marine. Now you have to fight the horrors which await and survive through the cold for your bare survival.


       (21 reviews)


  19. jero.wad

    This is my first wad so tell me if theres some problems, i will fix them if is... evil try's to attack to your home base so you have to stop it, you drop to enemies save wich come's to be a nightmare...


       (18 reviews)


  20. Valletta's Doom Nightmare

    One day someone named Valletta was playing horror games all the time, 3 hours later, he was tired to play all these games, so he went to bed, sleeping on his comfortable bed, during at 1:50 PM, he started dreaming, a really strange, weirdest, crappiest, heckiest and shitty dream, all it had started as weird people walking around the streets, then several weird creatures appear and start fuckin up the world, the everything got bizzarre, aswell this ain't very good, Valletta has to try escaping the dream, but where he will end his dream?


       (16 reviews)


  21. DoomCraft (Minecraft Doom)

    You are in minecraft, and need to fight your way back to your house. There are dangerous cave routes in your path.


       (53 reviews)


  22. Spooky Caves

    This is a single player map. It takes place at night, and i reccomend playing with opengl. It looks crappy in software mode. I also recommend using the automap. You'll never find your way out without it.

    I tried to release this on Halloween, but unfortunately, it just wasn't finished. It is now done.

    ------------------------- --------SO ENJOY--------- -------------------------


       (24 reviews)


  23. Raid on UAC

    A 9-level long wad that replaces E1 of Doom.

    Has vanilla-style gameplay but with a few GZDoom effects added to it. This was at first intended to be a co-op wad but I changed my mind because I got stuck on the scripting.

    I hope you enjoy this wad!



       (11 reviews)


  24. The Lost Realm

    You awake, uncomfortable and confused. You do not know where you are. You see a purple light shining at the end of the cave. As you near the light, you feel a terrifying heat on your shoulders...

    The Lost Realm is a single map that is set in the "void" setting, rather than your traditional hellscape. This map pushes GZDoom to its limits and uses the power of ambience to produce a horrifying atmosphere similar to the likes of Doom 64. This isn't a petty attempt at the "jump scare" tactic, like most tryhard horror wads want to be. This is real.


       (43 reviews)


  25. Stuck in Hell

    You're a Doom Marine. You're stuck in a tricky place of Hell. This map is something I started as a learning ground for making some new scripts. It ended up having some challenging puzzles and I thought it could be shared to you folks.


       (18 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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