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This directory is dedicated to tools directly modifying the executable, such as DeHackEd and D2 and patches for it, thus changing the way objects and monsters behave. *** Please note that this is against id's will, *** *** due to copyright laws. *** If in doubt please contact idgmaint AT gamers.org with 'DOOM-FTP' in the subject line.

32 files

  1. DMINFO: DooM INFO.c processors

    DMINFO is a set of four command-line utilities on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate information about objects in the executables of DOOM/DOOM ][, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife.

    DMINFO, HTINFO, HXINFO and SFINFO are C programs built together with the respective games' INFO.c (and as many original .c/.h files as needed to make it compile) to directly extract information from the mobjinfo, state, sprite and sound tables for any thing and mobj. The info is ready to be used in thing Data tables on DoomWiki.org.

    Additionally, they can generate weapon-specific information, the pain chance table, and a table of monsters with their pain chance and hit points. New in v2.0 are the wikified tables of thing types (options +n & +c), a completely restructed codebase that centralizes common code, support for Strife: Veteran Edition, and many improvements and bug fixes.

    This is not a full-fledged package like my previous tools: there is no README or manual page, nor much in the way of comments in my utilities' source code (*info.c, print.[ch], maps.c, stub.c, common/*.c). Several other files (things.[ch], levels.[ch], wads.c, wstructs.h) are adapted from DMMPST. All other included source files are taken / adapted from the games' original code bases.


       (0 reviews)


  2. DMINFO: DooM INFO.c processors

    DMINFO is a set of four command-line utilities on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate information about objects in the executables of DOOM/DOOM ][, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife.

    DMINFO, HTINFO, HXINFO and SFINFO are C programs built together with the respective games' INFO.c (and as many original .c/.h files as needed to make it compile) to directly extract information from the mobjinfo, state, sprite and sound tables for any thing and mobj. The info is ready to be used in thing Data tables on DoomWiki.org.

    Additionally, they can generate weapon-specific information, the pain chance table, and a table of monsters with their pain chance and hit points.

    This is not a full-fledged package like my previous tools: there is no README or manual page, nor much in the way of comments in my utilities' source code (*info.[ch], dmunix.h, print.c, maps.c, stub.c). All other included source files are taken / adapted from the games' original code bases.


       (0 reviews)


  3. DEHACKED Revenants

    Three small, vanilla-compatible, not-entirely-serious DEHACKED mods I've made.

    Revivant: Archvile resurrects everything as Revenants. (including other Archviles, Cyberdemons, Spiderdemons, Nazis and Keens) In addition, Pain Elemental spits Revenants. In addition, Revenants are slightly more aggressive. Side effect: Revenants leap towards you while being resurrected, and they may infight if they bump into each other in that moment. Another side effect: Revenants appear translucent in source ports than allow translucency (technically, they replace Lost Souls).

    Skel_op: Makes Revenants overpowered, but still reasonable to be seriously (?) used in maps: Double health, double aggressivity, quadruple speed, instant melee attack, shoots 5 missiles in a row, shorter pain animation.

    Op_reviv: Anybody wanted to use the abovementioned 2 patches together? Sorry, they're not compatible if you simply load them together. But this patch was specially made to act just like that. Revenants have all of the traits from both Revivant and Skel_op.


       (12 reviews)


  4. Hexen 1.1 to 1.0 binary patch

    This patch will downgrade Hexen from version 1.1 to version 1.0.

    There has not been any other downgrade patches made available before, but Hexen 1.0 contains plenty of resources accidentally left in by Raven before release, which makes it quite interesting.


       (0 reviews)


  5. Doom 2 1.7a to 1.7 binary patch

    This patch will downgrade Doom II version 1.7a to version 1.7, which cannot be obtained otherwise through official patches.

    There is a previous downgrade patch of this nature, d217a17.zip, which only works on Windows 2000 and higher. I found this annoying when the game itself is for DOS, so that's all this patch requires; DOS. It should work on real MS-DOS, DOSBox, and 32-bit x86 Windows (other versions do not have the NTVDM and lack DOS support entirely).


       (6 reviews)


  6. Doom 2 downgrade patch from V1.7A to V1.7

    This patch will downgrade any legal and unmodified copy of DOOM II V1.7a to DOOM II V1.7. There are various DOOM2 upgrade patches from iD Software and a downgrade patch by FunDuke from V1.9 to V1.666; however, there is as yet no way to get plain V1.7 using these; this patch fixes that problem.



       (7 reviews)


  7. DeHackEd version 3.0a source code

    This is the full source code for DeHackEd version 3.0a, the penultimate release of dehacked that Greg Lewis made (the last one, 3.1, was a special version for final doom).

    Amazingly this isn't already in the archive. It was downloaded from <http://www.yossman.net/~tree/_doom.html> but in the interest of preservation, uploaded to /idgames.


       (10 reviews)


  8. Sniper Scope

    Doom with a sniper scope! I attatched it to the shotgun, so when you have the shotgun equipped, press z to actiate sniper mode, and press x or change to another weapon to deactivate it.

    NOTE: This will only work properly in OpenGL mode. The Field-of-View change does not work in software mode, so you will not get the cool zoom-in effect.

    NOTE 2: If you exit a level, shut the game off, start a new game, load a game, etc. while in sniper mode, you will not be able to see your weapons. If you do that, Don't Panic! Just turn sniper mode on and off. They'll be back.


       (5 reviews)


  9. Doom-plus and Doom v1.91 hacks

    The patch in PLUS incorporate's e6y's hacks to raise Doom's limits so that it can load large or complex levels, the one in LONGTICS loads the changes discovered by cph to enable v1.91 demos. Visit the Doom-plus and v1.91 sites for more info:

    e6y (http://www.geocities.com/e6y/doom.html) v1.91 (http://www.doom2.net/doom2/doomp191/)

    To install a hack place PATCH.COM and DOOM.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory and read text file contained therein.

    Note that these patches are cumulative (you can apply them both to a single copy of Doom), and may in turn be combined with DeHackEd patches.


       (10 reviews)


  10. DeHackEd - old versions: v. 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v3.0

    DeHackEd is a tool, that changes the way, how the DooM executable works, that means, how the game DooM behaves. This package contains all the outdated versions of the tool. The latest version of DeHackEd by Greg Lewis, that is v3.0a, can be found in the /idgames -ftp -archives (see current list of mirrors at the end of this file) here: utils/exe_edit/dhe30a.zip DeHackEd v3.1 is able to work with Final DOOM. That update has been done by John A. Kaczmarski Jr. (74017.3225@compuserve.com or jkacz@en.com). It is avaiable in the /idgames-archives here: utils/exe_edit/dhe31.zip Although the newer versions have good downwards compatibility to older deh-patches, there are still sometimes one or two problems, when you try to use very old dehacked-patches with the latest versions of Dehacked (3.0a/3.1) and DooM(I and II v. 1.9). Because of that, you should import any antique deh-patch into the doom.exe-version, for that it has been created. Use for this action the dehacked version, that has been used to create the deh-patch. Then export the changes from the modified DooM.exe by using a newer version of DeHackEd, that is able to create patches, that are compatible with newer versions of DooM and Dehacked. It is important to know, that only dehacked 2.3 and 2.4 support DooM versions from 1.2 to 1.9. Since DeHackEd v.3.0, only DooM versions from 1.666 upwards are supported. Old deh-patches require often older versions of the doom(2).exe, to work properly. Start with downgrading DooM with /utils/exe_edit/downgrd.zip from Ultimate Doom v1.9 to Doom v1.1 And doom2.exe with /utils/exe_edit/dm2dwngr.zip from 1.9 to 1.666. (The file locations are from the /idgames archives, see list of current mirrors below). Upgrade from those low versions to the required version by using the official patches.


       (8 reviews)


  11. Helpfile for DeHackEd

    This txt-file is made for use with the editor DeHackEd. I did it for me when I started more projects then I ever could finished, to be honest I never finished one of them. Anyway if someone still works with this editor, this might perheps help you a bit.


       (2 reviews)


  12. WhackEd2

    A Dehacked clone for Windows operating systems. Also supports editing BEX files.


       (33 reviews)


  13. DooM II - downgrade from v. 1.9 to v. 1.666

    This patch downgrades a Doom II -version 1.9, down to v. 1.666. That version can then be upgraded to v. 1.7a by using the official upgrade patch. The doom2- version, that has been used as a base for this downgrade, had the timestamp 29. August 1994 ( 8-29-94 ), so you have to use the upgrade for that 'sub-version'. What you win by using this patch is the ability to use demo-lmps and dehacked-patches, that have been made for pre-1.9-versions of doom2. To install just extract the content of the zip-file into your doom2-folder and run the batch-file '19to1666.bat'. Wait patiently until the process is done. Ignore the 'batch-file-not -found'-message. Run setup.exe and play the game. The upgrade from 1.666 to 1.7 can be found here: ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/idstuff/doom2/doom2p.zip ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/idstuff/doom2/doom2p.txt (You have to run PATCHA.BAT) If ftp.sunet.se disappears from the online world, replace the part: 'ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames/' in the above URL with any mirror of archives.3dgamers.com. You can find a list of current mirrors at the end of this file. By the way: This patch is for the DOS-version of DooM II, not DooM95. The installation of the DOS- version is started with INSTALL.BAT, somewhere on your DooM2-CD.


       (16 reviews)


  14. HERETIC downgrade patch v. 1.3 --> 1.0

    This patch downgrades HERETIC v. 1.3 (HERETIC, SHADOW OF THE SERPENT RIDERS) to v. 1.0 of HERETIC. That's helpful for exe-hackers, users of heretic-deh-patches, created with older versions, fans of demo-lmps, recorded with older versions, and because of nostalgia.


       (6 reviews)


  15. DOOM Text Edit

    DTEDIT is a EXE editor for DOOM, DOOM II, and the ULTIMATE DOOM.. It allows you to make changes to text data in the game such as those exit messages, gameplay status messages, story text, and also cheat codes.


       (3 reviews)


  16. patch.zip

    The files in this archive were written by me because HEX, written by Sune Marcher, does not patch the exe on the command line. You have to load it up and do it (Hex is also larger). Can you say tedious?

    I wanted something that can do it from a batch file, so people could include an exe patch with their wad levels.

    Patch can work with any program you want, just as long as you know where the things are inside it that you want to change.


       (0 reviews)


  17. HEX

    The hexen hack editor. Lets you mess hexen up almost as good as DeHackEd let you mess up doom. Familiar interface.


       (2 reviews)


  18. Ultimate Doom v1.9 to Doom v1.1 Downgrade

    This is a program written by Lee Killough (killough@rsn.hp.com) to downgrade Ultimate Doom 1.9 to Doom v1.1. The purpose was to enable anyone wishing to experiment with the network packet drivers contained in v1.1 to do so by "downgrading" their registered version of Ultimate Doom v1.9.


       (27 reviews)


  19. DeHackEd v3.1

    DeHackEd v3.1, the best Doom exe editor available! Improvements over v2.4 include Ultimate Doom support, along with cheat code, code pointer and other misc data editing, along with numerous other improvements. Load the included patch for an incredible arsenal of super weapons! Includes mouse support and works with all versions of Doom from 1.666 to Final DOOM (DOS).


       (81 reviews)


  20. HEXEN HACK EDITOR, version 0.53p

    A VERY DeHackEd-like editor for hexen. In fact, the ONLY hack editor for hexen. ...It even works! (kinda...;-)


       (1 review)


  21. COMPAT v1.1 - Patch Combiner

    This is a nice little utility to combine D2 patches together into 1 patch. It is pretty simple. Just supply the two filenames and the output filename and it'll do it.


       (2 reviews)


  22. D2 v4.2

    Edit Thing, Ammo, Weapon and Frame tables and create new evil monsters or modify old ones. Cyber demons that look like players, super-fast rockets, invisible troopers, rapid-fire weapons, Infinite Ammo, and more! A bunch of cool patches are included.


       (2 reviews)


  23. DeHackEd Manager v1.0

    Can't stand constantly changing the DEHACKED.INI file between DOOM and DOOM2? Now you don't have to! This program does it for you!


       (1 review)


  24. DeHackEd v3.0a

    DeHackEd is capable of heavily restructuring the way Doom works. It allows you to modify a number of data tables from the Doom exe file. Make fireballs invisible, make missiles do 2000 points of damage, make demons float! Give your struggling Marine with more ammo, change the cheats on your friends, or edit the Frame data to create new looking items or extra- fast shooting weapons. Save your changes in patch files to distribute to your friends, or to the world. Create new types of deathmatches, with plasma "mines" and super-fast wimpy rockets. Wad developers can modify monster types to distribute with their levels... great possibilities!


       (4 reviews)


  25. HHE v1.1

    HHE, the Heretic Hack Editor, is capable of heavily restructuring the way Heretic works. It is based on the popular program DeHackEd (v2.3) for Doom, and has almost the same editing abilities, with a few enhance- ments. Peruse the various data tables in the Heretic exe file, and modify them at will. Ever kill a Gargoyle and suddenly see it turn into a Lich? Ever see an evil floating Maulotaur with a hundred thousand hitpoints? Such things are possible, and are limited only by your imagination!


       (2 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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