218 files
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Everything is bright even in total pitch black dark areas! Includes, but not limited, Monsters, your gun that holding, decorations.2 downloads
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This is my dehacked 3.0 patch that give you and your monsters new arms. You must have DOOM II (It doesn't matter which version is) and Dehacked 3.01 download
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bullet puffs explode, after they go through all the bullet puff frames, so fire at a wall and a few seconds later.... boom! blood splats explode after all the blood splat frames, get shot and you still have a few seconds to exscape the explosion! every weapon you have is now like the rocket launcher where you shouldnt fire up close even the enemy fire is explosive, projectiles explode74 downloads
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*this is a kewl patch.* it makes most of the badies hop and moan once theyve been killed. its a lot more bloody too. ultra gore. if you have a slow computer, you may want to avoid rooms with lots of twitching bodies. if you cause a bloodbath with the chaingun, some monsters may vanish from sight, i wish i could say this was a wanted effect.5 downloads
Ultimate Super Turbo Champion Edition Hyper Fighting DOOM
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Everyone has a super fast guns patch out. Yea? So why cant i?! Ha. I know its such a slaughter, i mean, i made them shoot as fast as i could get them to, so i tried to even it out. I dont quite think its evened out completely. :) The monsters run faster, some are stronger, some may even shoot back faster. Dropped the idea of infinite ammo to even it out a little. i dunno what all i added.3 downloads
Napalm Weapons
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This patch is what I came up with when I saw that all of the other flamethrower patches sucked and didn't have kickback or anything that made them realistic. I have tried to make this realistic by adding flame kickback and limited range to the flame- thrower. I have also included the NPC-9000 which stands for Napalm Projection Cannon 9000 which hurls huge chunks of napalm at the enemy and does massive damage. The flame from this stays afterwards for ages. The flames in this are incredibly hot and will kill you if you go near them so stay away! The bullets in this have napalm in them and the burst into flame when they hit a non-organic substance. Well anyway, enough of that... have fun!4 downloads
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As you walk through the familiar halls once again you are caught off gaurd. Somehow, all of the old demons and such have become something even worse, marines! Just like the ones you work(ed) with. They even use your weapons! This is insane! You just can't figure it out. You lunge from a corner and snap the neck of a passer-by. Now you have a pistol, and a body. You lift the helmet and see... a normal face, dead, and familiar. Just then the body disapears. To discover the plot behind these evil clones, you will have to proceed.25 downloads
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Doomed is basically a patch I wrote to just make doom a lot harder. I'm not one of those guys that thinks I need a real challenge and decided to make one of those impossible patches. As a matter of fact I'm probably far from it. I can just barely beat e1m1 on nightmare. I just thought this would be a cool project to work on. This text was written a few days after I finished DOOMED, so I can't remember all the stuff. DOOM I patch only!4 downloads
Enemy Weapons DeHackEd Patch
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This is my first good atempt at making a dhe patch. This will give you what it says.2 downloads
Total Conversion for Doom II in a Dehacked patch
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The story goes... Years after you've defeated the horrid armies of hell, strange things are happening5 downloads
Da Bomb Patch
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You start out with 100 bullets, 500% health (max. health=999%!!). When monsters (or you) are shot a puddle of blood drops and all blood glows in the dark. Some new cheat codes and barrels full of blood!1 download
Space Deathmatch Wad
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This is a very unusual way of playing deathmatch: in zero-G. First, each player has a choise of one and only one weapon, and some ammo for that weapon (I finally got all the weapon selection areas working!) Then, it's just like normal deathmatch, except for the fact that you go flying out of control each time you step over the edge or get hit. I just made this level for the EXE, so feel free to make your own levels for use with it. (Just tell me about them!)9 downloads
Plasma Warfare
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I have modified all the weapons to use plasma and shoot fast but I couldn't change the damage of the shotgun chaingun etc. If any one would modify this one and send it to me I would be greatful.1 download
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Makes DOOM or DOOM II extremely rough. Now you don't have to collect ammo anymore. But all projectiles can be extremely painful. You can now have up to 2000 hit points and 2000 armor points.
Ludicrous!!! 8)1 download
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You have had a friend that you have always wanted dead, and now is your chance! If you think that deathmatches end too quickly, or that even you could survive having more lead in your chest than the Doom marine, then this is the one for you!2 downloads
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info. There are three description sections. If you want to know the facts now, read the rest of the document! If you want a brief summery, read "short". If you want the story of your last few minutes before the game starts, read "medium". If you want the full story, read "long".1 download
ID4 Destroyer Weapon Gun
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This is a Dehacked patch for Doom which turns the BFG into a powerful new weapon. The BFG now fires a Mancubus fireball that blasts into multiple, unending columns of deadly explosions on impact. The columns kinda look like the "Main Weapon" on the destroyers in Independance Day(the beam that shoots down and sends out a wall of explosions to eradicate the cities), and are about as lethal. Remember, the columns are just as deadly to you, and will pretty much kill you if you get too close. This patch doesn't use any new graphics or sounds. Note that this patch WILL work with Doom 2, but the Mancubi will be all screwed up.8 downloads
Mealstrom Gun
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Mealstrom is a great big whirlpool, German, I think. Anyway, what the patch does is give you infinite ammo so you don't run out, alot of life for those of you who don't use codes (which is dumb with this patch) speed up the shotgun so it's fun and, BEST OF ALL, the thing that earned it its name, it turns the puffs of bullets as they hit the wall into barrels which explode in a giant cloud of fire when you use the shotgun!!! It'll kill a Cyberdemon in a second and a half!!3 downloads
Evilness Unleashed
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This is a collection of things I made and found on the internet. You have a grenade launcher, and monsters are, uh, surprising. Don't antagonize the Cacodemons, they have enough trouble with turning into lamps, and they will retalliate. Also, you've recently started taking a drug that makes you poisonous to demons. There was recently a nuclear meltdown in a nearby power plant so everyone's blood glows in the dark now. The shotgun doesn't take QUITE as long to reload.1 download
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Monsters and players bleed like other similar patches (e.g. MKBLOOD). However, the bleeding in this patch has a twist -- the pools of blood burst into flames about two seconds later, frying anyone nearby to a crisp.2 downloads
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Included are a variety of Dehacked patches and TINYSHOT.ZIP. The patches included are: the ARSENAL series, which beefs up all the weapons (Arsenals 2-4 change the plasma gun to a different weapon.); BLUD, which causes enemies and players to bleed pools of blood like other, similar patches; CRANKED, which speeds up the monsters or gives them extra abilities; and LIFETAKE, which changes the BFG to a "smart bomb" type weapon that produces health potions.
The various ARSENAL patches cannot combine with each other without causing side effects. All other patches can be combined without any problems. You can combine one ARSENAL patch with one or more non-ARSENAL patches.
TINYSHOT.ZIP contains a wad with rocket and plasma sprites. More information is contained in that file.
Now you're ready for some REAL action :)1 download
Arch-Vile Assault v1.0
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Arch-Vile Assault is a replacement for the Rocket Launcher in Doom2. It lets you attack demons as though you were an Arch-Vile.11 downloads
Grab That Throat!
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If you can't find anyone to DM with, then this is for you. Now you don't need a modem or network to play DeathMatch!1 download
QUAD Shotgun
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Here is a DEHACKED 3.0a replacement for the double-shotgun in DOOM 2.
It makes the shotgun fire 4 shells at a time.
* Blow away 20 soldiers standing behind each other
* Kill an imp at 100 meters (1 shot)
* Kill a cyberdemon with 18 shots (direct hits)
* Inflict SERIOUS pain on your deathmatch mates
* Archvile at 30 meters = no problem
* Cacodemos fall from the sky
* You still have the normal shotgun
* If you miss with this gun, you have SERIOUS problems
* "Hey! What happened to all my SHELLS I had a minute ago?"79 downloads
New chunkgun
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This replaces the plasma bullet with nasty, nasty chunks. You shoot the plasma rifle and bloody chunks of bodies shoot out. The shooting distance is limited, because dead bodies are awful heavy to launch........3 downloads