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97 files

  1. DOOM Control Center v3.3

    DOOM Control Center is a utility program that greatly simplifies running serial/modem/network games. DCC replaces and enhances all of the functionality of DOOM's SETUP.EXE with the exception of the hardware configuration portion.


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    It is a front-end program that allows the user to easily launch his/her patch files for DOOM, DOOM 2 & HERETIC.
    The patch files are the enormous amount of files whith a ".WAD" extension that you can find on many BBSs, on specialized ftp sites (INTERNET) and also on shareware compact disks.
    These files contain all the information needed about one or several levels of DOOM, DOOM 2 or HERETIC including sound, music, pictures, demos, new monsters, ...
    You can use them "manually" to replace (without changing the original game) these levels by typing (for example) "doom -file patchfile.wad" but it is much easier to use a front-end program like DLAUNCH to kind of manage them.


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    WOD is a program designed to speed up the loading of DOOM deathmatch levels by automatically transferring wadfiles and command line information from the person starting the game to the other players. I don't know about anyone else, but we used to spend an inordinate amount of time mucking about making sure everyone had the same wadfile and restarting games because people didn't type in the right parameters etc, etc, when they started up DOOM. WOD attempts to solve this hideous and criminal waste of DOOM players' time.


       (1 review)


  4. D! Upgrade to version 1.5

    OOPS.. I screwed up the 1.4 upgrade patch in a major way, so this should fix it.. I'm sorry to all of you who downloaded 1.4.

    This patch fixes the problem when converting DOOM pwads to run under DOOM 2 (DOH I included a corrupt conversion script) and also rehooks the D! Terminal.

    This program will upgrade all registered versions of D! to version 1.5. This new version contains several bug fixes, and improves the support for running DOOM 2 off of CDROM (previous version had much trouble here).

    The 1.5 Patch also adds support for converting DOOM 2 pwads so that they will run under DOOM 1.666 or above.

    1 download

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    This program will upgrade the registered version of DOOM-IT to version 6.7. Version 6.7 can load several thousand WAD files from disk or CD-ROM. There are also a few other features for better WAD management. If you are not a registered user of DOOM-IT download the shareware version which is also available as DOOMIT59.ZIP.


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  6. WadManager v1.11a

    Hello DOOMers, here is a small utility I have created that allows you to easily choose and load all those extra levels that have been uploaded to the DOOM sites. WadManager works with DOOM 1.2 only.


       (1 review)


  7. Doom Network Menu System

    DooMenu will allow IPX network, modem, and null-modem play, or stand alone play quickly and easily thru a menu which is far better than the one packaged with Doom and Doom ][ and Heretic. DooMenu allows you to choose coorperative, or deathmatch with respawn or no monsters on or off, it can load a save game, or use an external WAD file. It will ask you for the skill, episode, episode map, number to dial, and weather to disable call waiting. It can store up to 9 different default friends for speed dialing. DooMenu now supports DEH files to be used with DeHacked. DooMenu supports -altdeath, -timer, -nomonsters, -fast, a wad rating system, -turbo, and much more. The Doom setup does not support most of these commands. DooMenu will also search thru WAD files for the correct map/episode for easy play! It will even load multi-pwads!


       (3 reviews)


  8. WAD VERSION 1.0

    Here it is the ultimate Doom ][ shell for deathmatch games! and at this time the only one!! That I now of!! Well, one day I was sitting down with waded the most powerful Doom ][ level editior, and was makeing a map for Doom ][ and I finished it when I asked one of my many friends to help me try it out over deathmatch (modem of course) and well let's just say that this person is not as literite to computer as I am. And that is how I thought to make this program. I thought that many people can use a program that can do deathmatch games and load extra pwads into Doom ][ AND AT A SMALL PRICE!!!

    1 download

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  9. WADGOD 3.1

    WADGOD is a front end for id Software's DOOM/DOOM II. It allows you to launch WAD files automatically, specifying loaded games, warping, demos and other features.


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  10. DFE v3.10 DOOM Front End

    Allows for MANY configurations of game play. Supports ALL game types.

    1 download

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  11. WAD-LOADER2 V1.0

    This program is a loader, to use easyer your user-build WAD files in the DOOM II. This helps you to choose, which WAD would you want to play with. In the second menu you can choose the skill too.

    1 download

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  12. D! Demo

    Doom and Doom II shell. Formerly Doom/Master v2.10. This demo of D! is fully functional except for saving players in the player database, it only allows you to save two.

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  13. DOOMLoad v4.0 Beta 02 for DOOM I

    My users have called this the most "intuitive" DOOM Shell they have ever used. I've "shopped" around to see what some of the other shells feature, and I still think DOOMLoad is the easiest shell to use.

    There is NO ZIP SUPPORT! I got burned using DOOMLoader v(godknowswhat) in such a way that it corrupted half my ZIPs and I don't want users of my program to get burned like I did. Get a large hard-drive or a network drive somewhere (Besides, DOOMLoad was written specifically for networks)

    1 download

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  14. DOOM LoadeR 3.0

    This frontend program for DOOM 1.666 will replace SETUP.EXE with a more powerful, faster, smaller launcher for serial and solo games. DLR takes only 80 bytes away from your DOOM sessions and is completely 1.666 ready. DLR now uses response files so it is no longer compatible with DOOM v1.2, but v1.666 is out so who cares!


       (3 reviews)



    Wadsort will lighten efford made when applying Pwad files to DOOM. It supports up to 1024 Pwad entries, up to 27 tag entries and serial/network drivers. Further, Wadsort was planned to work with some of those extra parameters of DOOM 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. With Wadsort v1.00 accompanying utility - Wad Archiver and a proper file compression program, you can compress and store Pwad files at a smaller size when they are not in use. To put them back to service, simply load wsort, tag your desired archive and wsort will take care of the rest for you !

    1 download

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  16. dmload.com

    dmload.com is designed to make loading external .WAD files easier.


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  17. DoomRun v2.1 Shareware

    DoomRun is a utility for Doom v1.6+ that will automatically add all the necessary command line parameters to Doom after you answer a few questions. DoomRun Supports External Wad Files, Warping, Respawn, Nomonsters, Deathmatch Mode On or Off, Modem Compatibility And Much More! This version is available to anyone but the modem compatibility is a secret YOU must descover! Only the registered version will have modem AND network support, without the secret modem code. Due To expanding interest and growing compatibility, the registration fee is $10, to cover the disk and shipping + handling.

    1 download

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  18. DOOM/MASTER 3.0

    Doom/Master (DM) is the most complete shell for loading and configuring DOOM from id Software. DM has been designed and coded by an avid DOOM player, with input coming from many other DOOM players as to functionality and features.

    DM 3.0 is the newest in the line, and I think you will agree, is by far the best ever. When I started to upgrade DM 2.1, I decided to start over from scratch. Many of the bugs inside 2.1 were the product of trying to patch together code that was never designed to be used by anyone other than the 3 people it was originally written for. The result is a lean, mean, frag'n machine.

    DM 3.0 is really made up of 3 separate programs that work together. The first is DOOM/MASTER itself (DM.EXE). This is the main shell and where you will be spending most of your time. Second is DMSERDRV. Originally a quick fix that would allow DOOM to play via modem at speeds of 14.4 and above, it has grown in to an integral part of DOOM/MASTER. Finally, there is DMSERCFG, a program that helps take the bite out of moDOOMing. An easy to use, modem quick configuration program that will not only setup DMSERDRV, but SERSETUP from id software. It takes what can be quite a trying process and makes it easy as pie.

    So, sit back and get ready for the ride of your life...


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  19. DFE 3.11 Patch

    This is a patch for DFE 3.1

    I accidentally compiled the DFE loader (DFE.EXE) with the Force Far Calls switch on. This causes the SWAP unit to crash when loading DOOM. This patch is simply a DFE.EXE replacement so that you can launch DOOM.

    The rest of the DFE system is functioning correctly.


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  20. WadManager v1.50

    Hello DOOMers, here is a small utility I have created that allows you to easily choose and load all those extra levels that have been uploaded to the DOOM sites. WadManager works with DOOM 1.2 only.


       (1 review)


  21. DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c

    DOOM WAD Manager is a manager that allows you to organize and work with all these PWAD DOOM Levels tons of people are developing. DWM lets you do the following:

    - Catalog your PWADs and give them descriptions (subdirs supported)
    - Change the levels PWAD Modify (Maps and Music)
    - Flag PWADs for whatever you want
    - Run DOOM with a combination of PWADs to try them out
    - Configure how you want it to work and appear
    - and generally make living with 2000 .WADs much easier :)

    DWM is also a user-supported program. This program is completly free, and I usually consider any reasonable request for a program addition.


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  22. OS/2 Doom launcher 1.1

    If there's a command line/setup option supported by Doom, this program does it. Serial, modem, saved games, network saved games, respawning, no monsters, alternate WAD files, whatever. Documentation included in .INF format. Obviously, you need to be running OS/2 to use it.


       (0 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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