54 files
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics
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DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife.
Its primary purpose is to use the included templates to generate output suitable for Doom Wiki (http://doomwiki.org/) map pages, or sections thereof. Statistics displayed include the map's dimensions, structure counts, and a list of secret sectors. It can also collect thing appearance statistics for one or multiple IWADs.12 downloads
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics
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DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife.
Its primary purpose is to use the included templates to generate output suitable for Doom Wiki (http://doomwiki.org/) map pages, or sections thereof. Statistics displayed include the map's dimensions, structure counts, and a list of secret sectors. It can also collect thing appearance statistics for one or multiple IWADs.19 downloads
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics
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DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife.
Its primary purpose is to use the included templates to generate output suitable for Doom Wiki (http://doomwiki.org/) map pages, or sections thereof. Statistics displayed include the map's dimensions, structure counts, and a list of secret sectors. It can also collect thing appearance statistics for one or multiple IWADs.16 downloads
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics
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DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife.
Its primary purpose is to use the included templates to generate output suitable for Doom Wiki (http://doomwiki.org/) map pages, or sections thereof. Statistics displayed include the map's dimensions, structure counts, and a list of secret sectors. It can also collect thing appearance statistics for one or multiple IWADs.8 downloads
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics
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DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife.
Its primary purpose is to use the included templates to generate output suitable for Doom Wiki (http://doomwiki.org/) map pages, or sections thereof. Statistics displayed include the map's dimensions, structure counts, and a list of secret sectors. It can also collect thing appearance statistics for one or multiple IWADs.7 downloads
DMMPST: DooM MaP StaTistics
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DMMPST is a command-line utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate statistics of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Heretic, Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders, Hexen, Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and Strife.
Its primary purpose is to use the included templates to generate output suitable for Doom Wiki (http://doomwiki.org/) map pages, or sections thereof. Statistics displayed include the map's dimensions, structure counts, and a list of secret sectors. It can also collect thing appearance statistics for one or multiple IWADs.17 downloads
By Guest
A tool for combining all official id release WADs into a single PK3 file playable with ZDoom and its derivatives. Drop your WADs into the source_wads\ subfolder, then run wadsmoosh.exe. A new IWAD file called "doom_complete.pk3" will be generated. Linux and macOS users can run from included source with "python wadsmoosh.py". Program logs to wadsmoosh.log as it runs, any errors it encounters will show up there.240 downloads
WadSpy v1.1
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WadSpy is a tool to view .WAD statistics and estimate a level's difficulty. This version (1.1) has been modified to work on 64 bit operating systems too.39 downloads
DM1toHT1.EXE v1.0 32-bit (a Multi-Level DOOM I & II to HERETIC Converter)
By Guest
Multi-Level DOOM I&II to Heretic Converter Converts Single/Multi-Level 'DOOM' PWADs and changes all MAPs, MUSIC, WALL Textures, and Graphic PATCHES quickly to 'HERETIC'. (* Requires HERETIC Registered *)
[Note by the uploader:] This program does not run on Win32. But DosBox works fine. You might need to do some additinal editig with a level editor, to make the conversion result work properly. Customizing DM1TOHT1.DAT is most definitely a good idea. Another very good idea is to read and understand dm1toht1.doc completely.8 downloads
DM1toDM2.EXE v1.0á (Multi-Level Doom I to Doom II Converter)
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(Multi-Level Doom I to Doom II Converter) Converts Single/Multi-Level 'DOOM I' PWADs and changes all MAPs, MUSIC, WALL Textures, and Graphic PATCHES quickly to 'DOOM II'. (Req. DOOM II Reg. to use converted PWADs)
Now that DOOM II is out and you've finished that last level, where's a vast universe of DOOM I PWADs to explore (after all DOOM I's got a year lead), to tantalize your imagination, and generally enhance your enjoyment of DOOM II.
With the use of this program you can convert these files in minutes into DOOM II PWADs, and back again with the -R switch without any knowledge of DOOM I and DOOM II differents.
[Note by the uploader:] I haven't tested this much, but...: To get a quick and rather good result, it seems to be best, to place the stuff from this zip together with the to be converted WAD in a doom2 -folder, then type 'dm1todm2', and then tell the program the name of the wad, that you want to convert. I write this, because typing 'dm1todm2 castle.wad' directly at the command prompt, resulted for me with a doom2-wad, that missed some textures. Also keep in mind: Reading DM1TODM2.DOC and understanding it completely is most definetely a good idea! (My problem is usually, that i'm not as patient, as i should be.) You might need to do some additinal editig with a level editor, to make the conversion result work properly. Customizing DM1TODM2.DAT is also worthy to recommend it.11 downloads
CleanWAD V1.54
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I just took the source code of CleanWAD that was released way back by Serge Smirnov and updated the program for today's DOOMing standards. No longer do you have to remind yourself to "never run a WAD cleaner on anything with GL_* entries, BEHAVIOR resources or BOOM colormaps, etc."!42 downloads
SW-Wad level finder Windows Version
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SW Plus is an extension of SW which works also with DooM, DooM2, Heretic and HeXen.2 downloads
WADHEX 32Bits - Hexadecimal Visualizator.
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Principal Functions The program permits to view a WAD file of any type (textures, sounds, constructions), opening it to visualize in hexadecimal format. Also this program is useful to view any class of file (really any type!) and it can also help you to find "virus strings" or strange information in your data. However, the principal idea of its development was to view WAD files. This program will not alter of damage your files anyway :)7 downloads
SW-Wad level finder
By Guest
SW Plus is an extension of SW which works also with DooM, DooM2, Heretic and HeXen.1 download
WADHEX - Hexadecimal Visualizator.
By Guest
Principal Functions The program permits to view a WAD file of any type (textures, sounds, constructions), opening it to visualize in hexadecimal format. Also this program is useful to view any class of file (really any type!) and it can also help you to find "virus strings" or strange information in your data. However, the principal idea of its development was to view WAD files. This program will not alter of damage your files anyway :)4 downloads
MOOD: DOOM behind the Looking Glass
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This nice little utility lets you see any DOOM level with the eyes of Alice during her journey in the World behind the Looking Glass.
Explore the familiar DOOM levels that have changed in a queer way: in this new world, left is right, and right is left. Wherever you used to take a left turn, you would have to take a right turn. Very queer. It's sort of hard, too, to always keep in mind that what's used to be at your left will appear at your right, and the other way round. Try it. It's fun. :)
Now, if you are getting *curiouser and curiouser*, here's how MOOD works. It changes the level data in the DOOM.WAD file or any other .WAD file you specify so that all the walls in a map are flipped over the X-axis. Well, the actual algorithm is a bit more complex; you can check out the source code if you like, it's pretty straightforward and well-commented (in Russian ;-)10 downloads
map2wad v0.85
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Converts duke3d .map files to doom .wad files Read readme.txt for more information.15 downloads
Winwad version 2.0 source code
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I am releasing it here because I am moving off to join the military and DoomNation is (permanently?) down. There are no binaries, only source code released under the GPL (license text included.)3 downloads
By Guest
This program is a DOOM and DOOM II utility that randomly changes most items in any WAD file to Sergeants, Chaingunners, or Wolfenstein SS troops. It was made with my own personal tastes in mind and due the lack of such a program for DOOM II as far as I know. I prefer a rough game on Ultra-Violence that is as realistic as possible and I do not find demons or aliens to be very realistic. You will now have neat effects such as bad guys in the secret rooms where there weren't any before. Acts as a "WAD-extender" in that you will have 30+(DOOM II) possible enemy compositions for your favorite WADs.3 downloads
Ctexture V1.72
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Ctexture, DOOM texture changer allows you to change the DOOM wall and/or floor textures names in the DOOM levels. This little app will be especially useful when creating custom DOOM levels with user- defined textures.
Current version runs on a Win32 platform, i.e. Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.0/5.0 and perhaps Windows 3.11 with Win32 extensions. It is written in pure MS Visual Basic 6.0.5 downloads
By Guest
Have you ever downloaded a WAD file and wondered which maps it replaced? Have you ever wondered if the map you're about to start contains 10 cyberdemons? And how much ammo can you afford to waste in the map, anyway?
If you've had any of these questions, then WADWHAT is for you. WADWHAT provides simple, easy-to-read numbers on the contents of any WAD file.7 downloads
By Guest
When I first got into hacking around with doom, I had a friend who liked Doom much more than he liked heretic. So he asked me if it were possible to pull the maps out of His heretic and play them in the Doom engine. What you have here is the resulting answer.
This little batch file, and the utilities packed with it (none of which are mine), extract the map info from Heretic, run them through a converter, and recompile them into a single wad. A fair warning, not all of the textures work quite right and sometimes things look a little strange, and some of the monster replacement will shock you (at least it did me), but this is for fun, so Hey.
As a copyright note, no ID or Raven coprighted material is included in this package. You need Heretic Wad to extract from and Doom to play.7 downloads
Doom Things Analyzer version 1.03
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The Doom Things Analyzer, or DMTHA in short, is a tool to quickly analyze any Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II or Final Doom level including external ones from a THINGS point of view.
DMTHA reads all of the things in any level in any wad file and generates a report in one of five selectable detail levels about the level, how much health and armor it has in total, how much ammo of every kind and total strength of the ammo, how many monsters of every kind etc..20 downloads