3 files
The Mort
By Guest
The Mort is a map pack that contains 4 maps, designed for Doom64EX. It can't run on any port but Doom64Ex.
To Run: 1- Open the launcher. 2- Write "-file the_mort.wad" (without quotations) at the bottom. 3- Launch.14 downloads
Teleporter Station
By Guest
An old teleport test station is still active despite its lack of UAC personel. Explore its compound to see if anything survived.11 downloads
64 Test Map
By Guest
This is a map that is exclusive to Doom 64 EX (it can be only played with 64 EX). Made by the Doom Builder 64 (2 originally). It is a test map, but I figured about publishing it.
READ THIS TO RUN THE MAP: 1- Put it in your Doom 64EX folder. 2- Open the launcher and type at the bottom: -file 64ways.wad18 downloads