352 files
Doom Classic 10b: Mercurius Pools without the cyberdemon
By Guest
A level in the classic Doom style. Theme = Base55 downloads
The Classic Episode
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An episode in the classic Doom style. The goal is to recreate as accurate as possible the atmosphere of the original id levels. This is a collection of the previous classic releases (classic1 - classic7) plus two new levels. All maps support coop play and maps E2M1, E2M2, E2M6, E2M8, and E2M9 are recommended for deathmatch modes.151 downloads
crusades.wad, Issue 1.
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You need a registered version of Ultimate DooM to play this. 2.2 Mb when unzipped.
This is a full, nine map DooM 1 episode incorporating the 5 previously released 'Spooky' maps plus 4 spanking brand new, neverseenbefore ones. If you've already played the spookies, then sorry but I have decided to release this wad purely for my own benefit. I wanted to sign off from DooM with some kind of accomplishment i.e. a complete episode for Doom 1....and this is it!!
The new maps are e4m1, e4m7, e4m8 & e4m9 in case you don't want to play the spookies again. Each map is designed to be played from scratch.
This wad will run with v1.9 and is not exclusive to any port.
+++ SPECIAL NOTE FOR ZDOOM USERS +++ You must use the extension "-noflathack" in the command line, otherwise this wad will crash.370 downloads
By Guest
Episode 2 themed techbase level, following the same difficulty curve as it's predecessor Abyssus. Centrum stands for "Center" or "Central area" in Latin.88 downloads
Cathedral of Doom B1.0
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Something odd has happened at the old abandoned church at the top of the hill. It's close to midnight and you mount the hill to investigate the strage lights that have appeared around the abandoned bell-towers. You step into the graveyard, and you've just noticed the new gallows, when at the stroke of midnight an iron gate slams (almost) into place behind you. You have no choice now, you have to rid the cathedral of its demonic infestation, or die trying.
This is for everyone who wished the Unholy Cathedral level looked more like a _cathedral_, with nave, altar, clerestory and so on. (I threw in the graveyard and catacombs for free:)38 downloads
Doom Classic 10: Mercurius Pools
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A level in the classic Doom style. Theme = Base49 downloads
Base Ganymede: Episode 2
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Another 8 vanilla compatible levels set on the moon Ganymede. For your average skill level Doomer (you all hit UV anyway), but speedrunners have certainly been catered for as well!
Note that while I haven't disabled jump or crouch in a mapinfo lump (I prefer to let the player do whatever they choose), it's possible they'll break the maps. I've tried to prevent this where possible, but some areas would require too much work for it. And remember to choose Episode 2, not 1, when playing...96 downloads
By Guest
Vanilla E3 replacement for doom.wad on marble/wood/caves/hell themes. No custom textures but custom music on each map. The first half takes place underground, after that you'll finally get to see the sky. The difficulty is maybe a bit higher than in original "Inferno". The project was organised by Memfis and he asked a couple of mappers to change some stuff here and there to make the episode more consistent but he tried to not limit the creativity too much so his influence shouldn't be very noticeable.129 downloads
Back to Basics
By Espi
After making a large map with slopes, scripts, all new resources and whatnot, I felt like making something very basic.
Also used this opportunity to get some maps that were gathering dust finished and released; a very old episode 2 project (although I have released e2m1 of that project before as e2m1er.wad), and a project for EDGE that got to 1½ levels (Rust). The maps were converted to use vanilla resources only (except for the sky).
E2M5-E2M9 however are brand new levels for this release. The wad is tested to be vanilla compatible, though during mapping it has mainly been tested with ZDoom for convenience's sake. Also found to work with Eternity. But as it is vanilla compatible, any port should work.192 downloads
By Guest
This is CROSSING ACHERON for DOOM v. 1.666. I have updated some textures, added new monsters, and completely revamped and added whole new areas. This is the level as I originally intended it, and I hope that you enjoy it.
As in my first level -- DANTE'S GATE -- I have tried in CROSSING ACHERON to achieve a gaming atmosphere that is not only fast-paced (once the fur starts to fly), but just plain creepy. Once again, I went for the aesthetics (you know: The Look); but this time, I also tried to keep the game from being too easy. I think the level is just as enjoyable (if I do say so myself) in DEATHMATCH as in Single-player and Coöperative modes.
CROSSING ACHERON (pronounced 'ak eron) is part of a series that began with DANTE'S GATE. For any of the two or three of you out there who have read Dante Alighieri's THE DIVINE COMEDY -- or even only "Inferno" -- I'm sure you've been able to appreciate the many allusions to this work in DOOM. I have tried to take a tack of my own along the same lines. (I do this not only because I think the idea is neat, but so that people will think that I'm very clever.) I'm not so naïve as to expect everyone to rush out and get a copy of "Inferno" (I mean, it IS pretty tedious stuff, at times), but it's well worth the read -- and a little patience is a virtue that is often well-rewarded.
(By the way: Acheron is a river in Hell (basically). But don't look for any rivers in here: I tried it several different ways and just wasn't convinced.)
Thanks. Hope you like it.49 downloads
By Guest
Your on Mars ... the enemy's stronghold! You just escaped from inside the prison level of the fortress. Unfortunately you landed right in the caverns underneath the enemy stronghold. Your mission is to recover the new weapon from the enemy boss and somehow escape back to earth. The weapon was stolen from a military research and development facility back on earth right when it was perfected. Retrieve it and escape. All u were told about the new weapon is that it is one BIG F@#$%& GUN! Good Luck!!33 downloads
Birthing Pools
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A simple remake/re-imagining of the Spawning Vats level from Episode 2 in Doom.87 downloads
Auxiliary Base (E1M2)
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This is an early style "tech base" map for DOOM 1, made in 2015. It was meticulously detailed and should be aesthetically pleasing to those who are not sick of the tech base theme. Think of it as a nostalgic ode to the early DOOM experience.
A little history: I was 13 when I first played DOOM. The level of engagement (and fear) that I felt when I first played it on a 386 with a PC speaker is something I have not felt since those days in any modern game. I guess our imagination was more developed back then. I was absolutely blown away by the detail and realism I saw when walking through the creepy halls of the various military bases.
When I first heard that people were creating their own maps in 1994, I was intrigued and fascinated by what I thought was an impossibly complicated process. I experimented with mapping back then using Doom Editor - The Real Thing by Geoff Allan, in Windows 3.1. It crashed all the time. I also found it difficult to convert my ideas into an actual map. I gave up after loosing my progress a few too many times.
Fast-forward 20 years to 2013, and I stumbled across a website for Doom Builder 2. I was shocked to find out that there was a map editor for Doom, and that it was developed in the 2000s. Since I was not a gamer and rarely played video games at all (except for a short stint of obsession with GTA4), I thought Doom modding died a long time ago. I downloaded the map editor and started to experiment. I was amazed at how rock solid Doom Builder was. (To this day, it has not crashed a single time, nor have I ever noticed a single bug.)
It was on. I started to map out a few ideas and quickly became obsessed. It was so easy to draw out exactly what I was thinking, and the 3D mode was blowing my mind. I started to work on an E1 episode like I had always wanted to since the 90s.
This level is the 2nd map of the episode. It is also the 2nd map I make (ever). The first is complete, and the 3rd is half done. I liked how this one turned out. Halfway through the development of this map, I discovered the PWAD archive and the Doom World forum. I had NO IDEA there was still a huge community of Doom playing and modding. I started to download some maps. When I saw how far mapping has come, I was reluctant to release this. My map comes from someone who last played doom in the 90s so it really was styled to what I thought was the ultimate style. But I still really like the tech base style and figured some people might enjoy it.
Keep in mind that this is the 2nd map I have ever made.95 downloads
By Guest
A HUGE one-player level set in a cathedral. Several puzzles and tons of mayhem. For use with original DOOM, v1.666+. Includes lots of original graphics and a Bach instrumental score. See below for important play info.55 downloads
Undergound Military Bunker
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Trapped in the enemy bunker, your only goal is to get out alive. Such a simple plan, such an impossible feat.55 downloads
Back To Hell
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A complete replacement of Episode 3 with some new graphics and demos. Fight your way out or let Hell have vengeance upon you.66 downloads
By Guest
As in my first level -- DANTE'S GATE -- I have tried in CROSSING ACHERON to achieve a gaming atmosphere that is not only fast-paced (once the fur starts to fly), but just plain creepy. Once again, I went for the aesthetics (you know: The Look); but this time, I also tried to keep the game from being too easy. I think once you get inside, you'll find that CROSSING ACHERON has been fully optimized for DEATHMATCH. But it's just as enjoyable (if I do say so myself) in Single-player and Coöperative modes.
CROSSING ACHERON (pronounced 'ak eron) is a sequel to DANTE'S GATE -- thematically, anyway. (It's an E1M3 only because I thought the music was more appropriate than M2.) For any of the two or three of you out there who have read Dante Alighieri's THE DIVINE COMEDY -- or even only "Inferno" -- I'm sure you've been able to appreciate the many allusions to this work in DOOM. I have tried to take a tack of my own along the same lines. (I do this not only because I think the idea is neat, but so that people will think that I'm very clever.) I'm not so naïve as to expect everyone to rush out and get a copy of "Inferno" (I mean, it IS pretty tedious stuff, at times), but it's well worth the read -- and a little patience is a virtue that is often well-rewarded.
(By the way: Acheron is a river in Hell (basically). But don't look for any rivers in here: I tried it several different ways and just wasn't convinced.)
I thank those of you who sent me mail on my previous effort, and I hope to hear from more of you about this one. (Just a line would do: "It's great!" or "It sucks!" or "Now I know what John Cormack MEANT to do in "Unholy Cathedral.")
Thanks. Hope you like it.153 downloads
By Guest
Castle of Evil. (previously released in beta form as ss27bet2.wad)
First of all let me say... This is bloody *HUGE* 8) I've been working on this for a long time since most of the earlier editors couldn't handle a large level like this one.
Made for sp, coop or dm (I aim to please.)
It's pretty open with only a few doors requiring keycards. Other doors may require a switch. There are peep holes and ambush spots almost everywhere for happy deathmatch. But open spaces are also provided for those all out battles.
Most heavy firepower is heavily guarded by monsters or hidden. The only easy weapon to get in single player mode is the shotgun. All the weapons are present.
This level is mostly hack, slash, ambush + puzzle type.
For more information consult the other .txt files in this archive.
There now go kill something... Send me some hate mail.75 downloads