451 files
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This set of 8 levels has been made with the word quality in mind. It's Mind here, not Muscles! We have tried to find a good mixture of action, architecture and adrenaline. Some of the levels may be a breeze, others may be a real pain in the *ss. But remember one thing: YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THE CHEATS!!! There are a few very though places, but they can be done. When it seems you can't get around them without using the cheats, you may be doing it the wrong way and/or you may have missed one or more (valuable!) hidden rooms (which contain power-ups, weapons and/or ammo). Hidden rooms, as said before, can always be recognized in some way (different texture, different light-level, etc.).148 downloads
The Beginning of the End (part 1)
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You have just stumbled on to a great set of DOOM wads! These puppies took me forever to create, and I assure you you'll like 'em. They're better than most. If you still have Doom on your hard drive, grab these wads! If not, get it back! You'll want to play these levels! I made most of these levels a long, long time ago so some of 'em might have that old-school DOOM feel but they still rock!133 downloads
Favillesco Alpha Episode: Apostasy on Amalthea
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Alpha Doom themed episode, it runs on E4 due to special tag availabilities, not being the original E4 episode planned for the favillesco series though. This episode takes place on the moon Amalthea, the biggest moon of jupiter after the 4 galilean moons, keeping the favillesco Jupiter's moons rule as well ;) and the original name was going to be "roots of evil" reflecting the alpha connection but I desided to keep the moon name where the apisode is set in the episode title, I had to turn "Apostasy on Amalthea" into "Amalthea's Apostasy due to graphic constrains.
After working with some alpha-doom texutes on reticula episode 1 I felt the need of making an episode themed on the alpha doom, giving some chance to those textures and playing with them. I used circa 95% of the textures because some of them looked really crappy and in addition I edited some of them using some original patches contained in the alphas which wheren't used at all or "missused" like the tech ones which in the available textures are cut at some point. About 2/3 of these textures are used in Doom and Doom2 as well, some with minor modifications so the levels will look like E1 and E2 melted, with emphasis on the alpha look but not being extremely poor. I didn't rely on teleport ambushes this time, just as original Doom was, but monster closets are numerous, keeping the gameplay fluid. Dedication was put on the layouts as always do because I hate levels with only square rooms in Doom and I tried to use more lighting features than in my previous releases, so you might notice that this mapset is very far from most of modern releases regarding to feel and atmosphere because I constantly try to recreate that 90's aspect in Doom.
PD: This wad was made in Buenos Aires, Argentina during summer, in a room with 35°C everyday XD112 downloads
Deimos Base #666
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Oh no! UAC just called in reporting another Cyberdemon in a previously unknown Deimos base. Your job is as usual: Clear the base, eliminate the Cyberdemon, and leave! Good luck!108 downloads
Danne's E1
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Episode 1 replacement for Doom1. Nothing fancy, just shoot stuff and make sure you record a demo when you're doing it. I started working on this in 2009 but lost interest in these kind of maps when I played SoD and Sunder. I really don't like Doom1 and the pwads for it, so please don't compare this to doom the way id did because it's nothing like it (the only thing they have in common is that they're both boring shitfests). I only made the maps as learning progress and in the end, I just mapped to get the wad done so I could release it.105 downloads
Favillesco - Episode 1: Genuflected on Io V1.2
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this is the first episode of what is intended to94 downloads
RED.WAD - RED for Deathmatch!
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Explore this small but potent array of terror with your opponent(s) until you've seen all the RED you want to see!
RED for Deathmatch!
I personally would like to Welcome you to my second in a slew of customized PWAD files created for use with the Registered Version of ID's virtual reality game DOOM. In RED after you shake off the highly disorienting effect of the entry tunnel, you'll have plenty to do to finish off the utter nightmare of RED, then you'll have only a moment to breathe as you begin counting up your frags. This small but very deadly mirror image map will insure visions of RED! This map (E1L1) is recommended for use in Deathmatch only, even though it can be accomplished solo, it's not very challenging.
Have Fun,
Vance Andrew Blevins92 downloads
Doom: Awesome, Episode 1
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Remember episode 1, the original? Remember how simple it is? Simple architecture, simple detail, simple puzzles. That's what made all of the original episodes KICK ASS. For years people took this single episode, a monument to the perfection of gameplay, and tried to replicate it. For a while it was enough. Not anymore. Nowadays, the only acceptable type of Doom wad is the kind that feels as little like Doom as possible. But when it gets to that point... who the hell cares about Doom? Why mod for a game which people still play for its simplicity if what you're going to try to accomplish is make it seem as modern as possible? Why mod for Doom, of all games? Well, whatever. I can't do anything about it. But I can make something. Here is a set of nine simple, but fun levels. Hopefully they will hold some feeling of nostalgia, as well as serve as a reminder of why we love Doom.89 downloads
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You're on leave from your military base. You return to your one stop light town, in Texas. The enviro shell has been raised protecting the town from the dust-storms. As you get to your apartment across from the helo-jet pad. you fall asleap. The next morning, you awake go to the bathroom and move near the window. Something's wrong! You grab your standard issue E-1146 plasma rifle and the spare energy cell, strap on you armor, and prepare. You know your friend the Mayor has has a access key for your uncle Otis's two stores. (The General store, The Gun store) The Mayor's condo is on the other street, as you go out into the hall some disgusting "former" soldiers begin firing at you. You burn a hole clean through one, and give the wall a red coat with the other. "God Damn what the hell was that? I better make it to the Police station to get some help. I wonder how my mother is on the other half of the town?86 downloads
Deimos Deja Vu
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Updated version, now fully vanilla compatible. Some major and minor changes in most levels, most noticeable in E2M2. First released 7/10/10, DDVU is a nine-level replacement for Ultimate Doom's episode two. This wad set aims to keep the spirit and style of the old Shores of Hell similar, while keeping things fresh with new places, ideas and increased difficulty. Coop and deathmatch are supported with spawns and multiplayer weapons, but DM is untested.
If you encounter any bugs or wish to send me feedback directly, feel free to send me an email or a PM via Doomworld.80 downloads
dodead.wad (Dawn of the dead - beta 2)
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Replacement for episode 1. Mainly military/ tech style. Still under construction!79 downloads
Special Operation Force
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You are Sgt. Kebo Ludo. Member of the elite Special Operation Force left alone in a strange world.
You have to solve how to get to end without being killed. Not only by defending yourself against all the lovely monsters who want you visit them at HELL. Solve the problem of the Bounty, or the Atztec pryramid & the Phanton of the Opera.
I rely on the Shotgun, I think its the best all around weapon, besides Sgt. Ludo is too macho to carry a Rocket Launcher or a BFG. Those are girly-weapons. Besides solving how to get to the end of each level is sometimes not as easy.
Do NOT attempt to get 100% kills in all levels, if you do it means you cheated!!! If you like it, ket me know. This my second one, and do not know if I am doing ok.67 downloads
By Guest
The ZEUS Level is a showpiece for what can be achieved with a colour scanner and a little (ha!) patience. Not a technically stunning level design-wise, but a good taster of things-to-come when other people pick up the idea of new textures seriously. Music score not composed by anyone, Graphics and original idea by yours truly, and WAV sound effects by Nic Dyde at the Post Cafe, rue de Bern, Geneva.65 downloads
Flashback: demo
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Here it is; the demo of the Flashback megawad. Designed in the spirit of the original levels, with doom.exe compatibility. Hope you'll enjoy playing the levels as much as we enjoyed making them.
There are six maps; one from E1, two from E2 and E3 and one from E4:
E2M1 By Espi. E2M2 Torn & Espi. E2M3 Torn & Espi. E2M4 By Espi. E2M5 By Espi. E2M6 By Erik Alm.64 downloads
Theatre of Doom
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All your buddies have gone to the movies and they've taken all the heavy weaponry with them! This level is designed as your average modern day movie theater, with a few twists. Run through your local cinema blasting all those annoying patrons in your way, demanding that they decrease the popcorn prices. Your buddies are in there, dead or alive. Can you find them and the weapons they brought with them? Good luck!64 downloads
Evil Unleashed II
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A sequel to Evil Unleashed. An even better designed map than the first one. Great layout, lots of areas where bad guys are attacking you from. Cool secrets to find. I'd say its a slightly harder map than the first one. You start out in the usual tech areas, but you soon find yourself descending into a hellish environement. Players who loved the first one might like this one even bettter. It will run on everything, even Doom95 can handle this map without problems. All in all a very classic Doom map, good for 10/15 minutes of old school gameplay. I love Doom.62 downloads
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This is a tiny level with huge amount of details, designed to look like an interior of alien spacecraft.56 downloads
Favillesco Alpha Episode 2: Desecration on Thebe
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Another alpha episode for the favillesco series this one is set on Thebe, another moon of Jupiter and runs on E3. This one uses the same texture resources as Amalthea's Apostasy except for a different sky. Several flats are repeated because 2 different alpha doom versions were employed as the source of the pack used, I didn't want to clean that up because I didn't want to have problems with the patches and the textures so I renamed all the textures while keeping the patches names the same and because some patches are the same graphic but have different name the extensive work just to save 2 mb would be annoying.
As usual, you will find emphasis on the layouts. Intrincate levels, curvy sectors but with harmonious shapes, non linearity and the interconnectiveness of levels to be feel as a whole are among the main goals and it goes the same with the nostalgia feeling, apealing of doom1 like structures and the alpha texturing as a special feature.
As usual too I was disputed on gameplay, but I've tried to be balanced in terms of health, armor and weaponry the same way as in Amalthea's episode. Some traps will increase the difficulty on some poits but I've provided the necessary items to survive them. Not relying on doom2 monsters, avoiding teleport ambushes and the interconnected and open nature of my own layouts themselves are somehow main constrains when trying to provide some varied and chanllenging gameplay. Sorry for begging off too much but I'm a bit fed up about people talking about dull monster placement and afterwards they complain about hitscanners, crossfire and crappy autoaim. This layouts are not the ones of Plutonia where you can predict almost mathematically the gameplay due to the straight angles and the symmetrical architecture.
Map01, map02, map05 and map09 are intended to be perceived as daylight with bright outside areas and dark interior ones. map03, map04, map06, map07 and map08 viceversa, dark outside and more light inside, although map06 and specifically map07 are mostly dark and map08 is a bit halfway in terms of light.
I tried to give more priority to alpha textures not so used in amalthea's episode too.
Order of map creation: December 2014: map07, map05, map02. January 2015: map04, map06, map03, map08. February 2015: map01, map09.54 downloads
Ultimate Doom 2 : Dead Anomaly
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I was bored, so I made Doom 2's Dead Simple in Doom 1. Instead of Mancubai there's Barons (duh). Map11 in E2M2 is next.54 downloads