67 files
Bunker Storm
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This level is best for a three or four player deathmatch game. One player defends the bunker, the other players have to cooperate in attacking the bunker. All players start in the same room, but the first player into the teleport ends up inside the bunker ready to defend against the others.
The defender has lots of health and ammo inside the bunker, but only one life (once dead, you start back outside the bunker again). The attackers have as many lifes as they need, but only limited weapons and health. To 'break' into the bunker and kill the defender you have to get past several rooms and time locked doors.
Once the bunker is cracked and the deffender is killed, spread the word and start fragging everything in sight.
To see how to defend and attack, watch the demo bunka.lmp, using 'F12' to spy through the defender and attackers helmets.
Play the game with deathmatch 2 rules (Using -altdeath) no monsters and on skill level 1 or 2. If you think you're really good at storming the bunker, play on skill level 3, then two defenders can teleport inside the bunker!
Skill level 4 (Ultraviolence) is for single player mode only. To play this you must use dehacked Vr 2.0 and the bunka.deh patch file which turns red pillars into machine gunners.10 downloads
By Guest
Cool deathmatch level in an arena with 2 main areas in the middle and walkways going round the outsides. Best deathmatch level ever!4 downloads
abanware.wad (abandoned warehouse)
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yet another warehouse in the middle of nowhere. you and your buddies meet here for a few hours fragging to pass the time. it's a shame they always die so fast ;)6 downloads
AYRTON_2.WAD (new version - delete old ayrton)
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This is a DEATHMATCH 2.0 pwad. Please play this wad with the -altdeath rules only (Doom 1.666). Old deathmatch is no fun with this pwad - you need respawning items !
Ayrton is the second part of my deathmatch 2.0 trilogy: 1. peace_20 2. ayrton_2 3. coming soon !
* This new version of ayrton.wad has larger * rooms so you have more space to fight. * I included difficulty levels that change * the type of weapons available:
1 and 2 Rocket Launcher 3 Rocket Launcher + Plasma 4 and 5 Rocket Launcher + Plasma + BFG
(Shotgun, chaingun, chainsaw and Berserker at every level.)
-> I recommend to play skill level 4. The BFG is not easy to use in this level - the best weapon for ayrton is the plasma gun.
Monsters: one Trooper :) !! try to keep the Trooper alive while !! playing deathmatch5 downloads
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Deathmatch heaven. Basically it's a large central arena with various sub areas scattered arround the edge for good measure. There are a few monsters in there to provide a source of ammo and to create some traps *grin*. I The level _designed_ to be played with respawn, it will be lame without it.6 downloads
Circle 1b
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Bug fix for original Circle.wad, including SKY1.GIF in one PWAD. Walking under rightmost crushing ceiling doesn't cause the entire level to crap up.5 downloads
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This was supposed to be a small wad but somehow it got to be 180k for one level. This is a great deathmatch & multiplayer level, but it is also possible to win solo. All weapons can be found on this level + extra health etc. The Cyberdemon also exists on this level, but only comes out if you push a certain marked button.13 downloads
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A Deathmatch level, but fully implemented for the weak or cooperative. It has 2 ways to exit, one of them being cooperative. The other one is blocked off during multi-player games. (Just try and get by those candles!) Good stalking and good sniper points.
If anyone wants to make a stab at some Batman "BAM!!!!!" sounds or some graphics, go right ahead. (Just let me know when you do!)12 downloads
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This PWAD is for E1M1. It was designed primarily for deathmatch, which is apparent in the design.6 downloads
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I designed this level specifically for deathmatch. It is small enough so that won't have trouble finding your opponent, but it is complex enough to provide some variety. There are no easy suicides, and the weapons are spread around so a player can't monopolize them. I had a blast playtesting this one. There's nowhere to hide, so get ready to run!5 downloads
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corr2 is a very small deathmatch level. being smaller makes it run much smoother via modem connections. it still works very well for two player deathmatch5 downloads
corridor 81
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corridor 81. made for 3 or 4 player games. small so level should run quickly. probably best for 2 v.s 2 games6 downloads
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Somebody requested a deathmatch arena of huge proportions with a catwalk. Well this is a close as I could get. This is huge!
Each player starts (deathmatch or cooperative) in a hall at each of the four corners. Every weapon is present and a ton of monsters. Since this was designed specifically to be a deathmatch game, there is no exit.10 downloads