185 files
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream (1 & 2 of 9)
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The demons from Hell have taken over the earth, and the remaining human population has left the planet in a starship, searching for a new planet. But it seems that we've taken the horror with us...21 downloads
Hells Half Acre
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I like wads with a kinda theme, not just haphazard stuff thrown together. Ones that sorta make sense; as much as critters from hell can make sense, that is. This one is kinda hell-based, but not actually in hell itself. It's some kind of an outdoor type area on Earth or one of the moons of Mars (you decide...) Anyhow, it's been overrun and slowly being converted by hellspawn, which of course you must utterly and irrevocably slay, being the fearless Space Marine. (all rights reserved, etc. etc.) No rest for the wicked...
Pretty basic formula: Find the switches to throw to allow you access to the keys you need to proceed though the level. Takes awhile to even see the first (yellow) key, so don't get discouraged.
All the stuff you need to do the level is provided. Just look for it. (i.e. the radiation suits)
No cyber-anythings or BFG's here. I like the more low-tech slugfest weaponry. Thank God for shotguns.
Pittsburgh sports fans will like one of the secret areas. And if you don't, well, get bent. =)18 downloads
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The UAC base has been over run by hellspawn.Left for dead in the guard tower overlooking the communaction staion you drag yourself over to a medical kit hung on the near by wall.Finding the stimpack you enject yourself with aderline shots and slowly regain your strengh.Fully recovered you look around for a weapon.Sunk in the holster of a dead soilder laying on the floor next to you is fully loaded 9mm..Its now time to blast your way trough this maze.The Iconoclast wads replace levels 1-5 in ID Software's Original Doom.By the way there is a puzzle in E1M2 in the Icon file that somtimes proves to tough to tame,so I'll give you a hint.In the level there is a plasma gun and mega armour within a cage.To retrive them somewhere in the same room is a switch that must be activated by being shot.And the only way to hit the switch is to find a hidden elevator in the same room.Enuff said25 downloads
By Guest
The year is... - well, take your favorite year from the future. You are a student at Ganymede University of Technology, experimenting with time travel. By mistake you travel about 50 years into the future. You had learned earlier from a history book which had been brought back from the future that at that time Ganymede will be taken over by a military regime, using your University as headquarters. Fight your way through Ganymede Tech and find the time port that will bring you back to your time...26 downloads
Space Hulk DOOM
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Based on the Original "Space Hulk" game. You're mission is to clense varios "hulks" of infesting genestealers. Genestealers are not strong....but the bight...and you'll sure know it when they do. They fall like flies and but they run Damn Fast....If you're as quick as they are, you'll have no problems defeating Them, But if you relax for a second....you're as good as dead.45 downloads
By Guest
6 Levels I made during the Epoch of Lawlessness, 1995. {(c) S.A. 1987}
These have been designed for single player mode, but Deathmatch and Multiple Player games are possible, they just aren't optimised for them. Feel free to do this yourself.
I could have made an incredibly large single level instead of doing 6 separates, but Doom isn't meant to be played in twenty second bursts while your hard disk desperately tries to catch up on your killings. Also, attention spans waver when you are forced to trek across an immense landscape with your blue key to where you think you saw a blue door. No thanks.
Any comments welcome. The fact that these were all designed and tested on a 16MHz 386sx should make you appreciate them more. I hope. I've tried them on a DX2, and they were fine, if a little easier. {Thanks to Jason Roycroft for use of his little gem of a PC!}
When I first started E1M3, I was actually basing the level on the second floor of the Regional Technical College in Tallaght, Dublin. But it was when I had the mezzanine, the foyer, stairs and labs done that I realised my college wouldn't make for a decent Doom level. So everything after that is my imagination. Now there you go.
There is a hidden swimming pool on E1M4, and credits for the original concept go to the author of Swimpool.wad and to Jens Hykkelbjerg, who keeps a good web page on Doom special effects. Dont try and fix any problems with sectors 108 - 110 because they only work by being inconsistent.
I've recently added some sounds to the wad, and they replace a few death sounds and others. They are all sampled from audio CD's, so you may recognise a bit of Big Black, The Jesus Lizard, Helmet, Front 242 and Nine Inch Nails.
Also contained in the zip is a DeHackEd patch... just something to try to add to the whole Git thing. Edit it freely, because it was made from a lot of other DeHackEd patches. I included it simply because its my favourite one.
Copy them, distribute them...blah...etc...If I chance upon these levels on a bbs or ftp site someplace and this file isnt with them there'll be Hell On Earth. A game which I have never played at home, due to the fact that I dont own a real machine yet.
------------------------------------- To run the levels, unzip to your doom directory and enter: GIT -------------------------------------
I was told that E1M2 is tough to complete without taking a look at the map in DEU. To help you all out, I recorded an .lmp of yours truly finishing the level. To see it in action, make sure all of the Git files are in your Doom directory and then enter: GITHELP This will play the demo for you.
To create the DeHackEd version, move Git.deh to your DeHackEd directory, then run DeHackEd and press (in this order): Z (zaps changes) L (then, when prompted:) GIT W (writes changes). Then go and play DOOMHACK with the Git levels.21 downloads
The Hellsley Suites
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It's a bright, sunny day and you feel like a million bucks. You're strolling down the street whistling some John Denver tune when a travel brochure materializes in you hand(!). It says:
"...you've got eternity on your hands so what are you going to do after a season of sitting on hot coals, firebombing your buddies, and chewing your friends? Where can you go when it's time to relax - to get away from it all - in short, what's Leona gonna do when she gets here? Come to the Hellsley suites: Hell's finest hotel and resort with tropical beach, swimming pool, TV in your room (permanently set to the Discovery channel) - even a recreation area with lava floors and floating caged barons to play with. Come join the fun..."
The brochure suddenly bursts into flames and you're blinded by a green flash and burning fingers. You find yourself in a stone walled room, a shotgun at your feet. Hey - and there's a rocket launcher! Thinking that maybe it was a Barry Manilow number and this is what you're gonna get for airing it, you cautiously open a nearby door. Hmmm..., this seems to be an hotel lobby.
"Excuse me, sir... yes, you with the shotgun. Can you tell me where I am?"...23 downloads
Hospital (Krankes Haus)
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O.K., this Level is meant to resemble a hospital. Thats why I included a lot of selfmade graphics. Imagine your were kidnapped by some sort of Mad Doctor, who intends to do some nasty experiments with you. When they took you away, they gave You a shot so you were unconscious. Finally you wake up in some sort of a prisoncell. For some reason (I don't know myself) You have a gun in Your hand. For some other reason, all the doctors and nurses turned into weird monsters (probably they all fell victim to the Mad Doctor). Well, escape.27 downloads
By Guest
An interwoven 2 key level; kind of interwoven like the original Doom levels. The action is pretty intense.. for a first level at least.19 downloads
The Graveyard and Beyond
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Its night, you're in a dark graveyard, you're surrounded by imps, and all you've got for defence is your pistol.... Things don't look good, but perhaps that light in the distance offers sanctuary...
Thus begins GRAVEYD.WAD, 3 new levels for DOOM I, designed for single player, with lots of attention to theme, detail, and architecture, and runable on low end systems!29 downloads
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This set of 8 levels has been made with the word quality in mind. It's Mind here, not Muscles! We have tried to find a good mixture of action, architecture and adrenaline. Some of the levels may be a breeze, others may be a real pain in the *ss. But remember one thing: YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THE CHEATS!!! There are a few very though places, but they can be done. When it seems you can't get around them without using the cheats, you may be doing it the wrong way and/or you may have missed something(s). Hidden entrances to rooms can always be recognized in some way (different texture, different light-level, etc.).146 downloads
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This level replace Episode 1, Map 1. It is a stand-alone level and is not meant to blend in with the standard DOOM levels. It is modeled after the grocery store that we work in...hence the name hellmart. We tried to duplicate the store as closely as possible. We even included a cardboard baler and meat cooler. The wad plays well in a deathmatch. You never know what aisle your opponent is hiding in.23 downloads
Illusions Of Home
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A whole new doom game to play Has both cooperative and deathmatch ability. Both are fun to play with31 downloads
Gum wad.
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It's a pretty simple thing, really. It just puts you in a huge room with like a billion enemies and18 downloads
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Hack and slack quicky... in an E1M1, E1M2 and E1M3 levels replacement. Mainly a single player pwad. ....more to come!20 downloads