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185 files

  1. GrayDOOM

    The Graytest DOOM missions EVER! Try them, there are NONE LIKE THEM ANYWHERE! Even the WIZARDS OF id themselves will be amazed!

    [Please check out the text file GRAYDOOM.MAN, that comes within the zip, for a detailed description of all the levels.]


       (6 reviews)


  2. Hell Run - Another release from Run Like Hell!

    * Full replacement for Doom Epesode Two * Support for all 5 skill levels * Great for DEATHMATCH * Can be completed with out cheating * The Architecture, Monster placement, Story line and professional touch of these levels will blow you away!


       (5 reviews)


  3. Hell Blok

    I had first set out to create a prison Hell Block, but, the level didn't quite end up that way. Hope you enjoy the end results. There are a few ideas I've implemented into this WAD that I haven't seen in any other WADs to date. Enjoy!!

    P.S. Beware the Nukage Tunnels.


       (4 reviews)



    An atmospheric level. One new enemy. ----- This level is not complete. Some graphics, sound, and parts of the level have been removed to make it smaller for downloading. The Full version comes with the other levels when you register.

    This is level 7 of the Laura Beyer Add on level package.


       (11 reviews)


  5. Geronimo.WAD

    Big, hard, not impossible, great for 4-player deathmatch, requires 486/33 or better, keep cool :-) A lot of ideas have been realized in this wad. Have a look, you might find something new. Watch out for the mega-elevator, it will become your worst nightmare.


       (7 reviews)



    Welcome to the botanical gardens of Deimos. My concept here was aesthetics. I wanted to create an indoor/outdoor scenario that would challenge experienced players and showcase Doom's graphics. Many of the rooms are difficult until you figure out a trick for dealing with them, but the whole level is far from impossible (unless played on skill level 4 or 5, it gets pretty tough that way). The level's big and tricky.


       (2 reviews)


  7. Happy Valentine's Day!

    The big bad spiderdemon is trying to shatter the Valentine's Day, and you must stop the spiderdemon. Don't forget to check the automap ;)


       (14 reviews)


  8. Hangar41

    Opening scene on Phobos; your left standing guard at the hangar door. After what seemed like an eternity of listening to the screams of your buddies over the radio, and the sounds of combat in the distance, your radio goes silent.

    [BBS-description:] This is a doom add-on adventure set in an abandon military base. Nicely done.


       (2 reviews)


  9. The all singing, all dancing God-disco road show.

    # The Story so Far # There you were, just sitting in the living room when suddenly an inter-dimensional gateway opens out from the screen of your TV. Your excitement at the thought that you may be about to come face-to-face with Cilla Black is replaced by horror, fear and, shortly thereafter, a foul smell coming from within your underwear as you hear hideous grunts and groans accompanied by the piercing screams of some of TV's top variety performers. Clutching a plastic pistol in front of you with both hands, you edge towards the TV screen as the frightening realisation hits you - only you can save Jimmy Tarbuck! Hang on. Does anyone know what the hell I'm talking about? Thought not. Pah! Stories so far ... who needs 'em? # E1M1 - The cloak-rooms of hell # In this episode you play a disgruntled lavatory attendant trying to win back the affections of a mass of hideously evil, yet at the same time cute and loveable, cholera viruses (virii?). No, I lie (again). I consider this level to be the 'main' part of this little escapade, in that it's fairly playable and has a nice smattering of variety. [...] # E1M2 - Fiddler on the roof # After you've escaped from the cloak-rooms of hell, what do you do next? You climb on the roof to have a fiddle of course. This is another one of those pointless monster overkill levels, derived from the previous level but very different in terms of both the scenery and the playing. It's not very complex, as by this time I was getting a little tired of continual level-editing, but it's far from being easy, mainly because you can soon find yourself fighting almost every monster on the level simultaneously. [...] [Note from the uploader: Please read the included textfile in the zip for complete detailed description]


       (4 reviews)


  10. The Ican Anomaly

    After killing yet another Spider Demon, you begin to wonder how all these demons are getting to this universe, you already cleared the two anomaly on Phobos and Deimos so where are they coming from? You decide to dismiss this thought for now. When all of a sudden you open the door and see a Marine on the living marine on the ground! You look at the patch on his remains on the sleeve and see the symbol of your squad! He gasps when he sees you, he says your name, and gives a scroll showing the exact location of the nine great anomalys, he says you must destroy them, it is the only way to stop this madness! His breathing becomes very shallow and he lays back and dies, he must of been the last remaining person from your sqad that is normal, except for you of course. You decide to look at the scroll a little closer and read that all the anomalys are connected by a series of transporters that go from one to another. You must destroy these anomalys you must do it for the yourself and for the world.


       (3 reviews)


  11. Hurt me 1

    Lots of FUN and Surprises, Hidden doors transporters, 2 way walls. Very Hard and fun on Hurt-me-plenty.


       (1 review)


  12. GET1.WAD - previously released as JAD.WAD (weak). This one has stronger nodes, better play, and a he

    Few stairs, many lifts, some doors...Secrets are the 'key' to making it outa this one... The Shores have been quite calm since you blasted your way through... But now a challenge awaits even the most experienced Marine - TAKE BACK THE SHORES!!


       (2 reviews)



    Fairly big level with a lot of rooms, very different atmospheres and some nice tricks. Watch out for the 'zoo' and the 'sewer'.


       (1 review)


  14. hell of a hotel

    Have you ever? See you by the pool


       (4 reviews)



    This has a total of 4 levels. They are made for all 3 modes. You and your friends after a tough battle through hell get back to earth. Then after a few more days you are called to go back and clear out the last 4 forts so they can be used again. This is suppose to be your last battle. All you have to do is teleport back and kill all things that are in the base. As you teleport through you wonder what you will find. E-mail and tell me what you thought of the levels and any other stuff.


       (1 review)


  16. Harborside in hell

    Lots of large panoramic scenes. Not a kiddie wad, many hours of professional work went into this!


       (2 reviews)


  17. Hanger Episode 1 Level 1

    Hanger Episode 1 Level 1

    Should be pretty easy.

    If you like this WAD, send me a letter; I appreciate your feedback.

    [Snail mail adress in HANGR.TXT iside the zip]


       (1 review)


  18. Goomba

    A Doom new level map for E1M1


       (15 reviews)



    This is my first wad and still my favorite. You need all three keys to finish, and you will have to do some backtracking. There is a Cyberdemon in one of the secret areas in the most difficult setting.


       (7 reviews)


  20. Gloom of DOOM

    Really... Its all in the title: Gloom! Not a large PWAD, but see if you can survive long enough, and solve without cheating!


       (5 reviews)


  21. HellBlok 2

    This WAD file is the sequel to my first WAD file, HellBlok.wad. There are a few new texture mapped walls in this episode - nothing too fancy. If you enjoy HellBlok 2, check-out the first HellBlok.

    You start out the game with you and your buddies confined to a containment area. Player one has just blown away a Trooper and has aquired the Blue Keycard. For those of you playing HellBlok 2 in Cooperative Mode, whoever starts the game off as Player 1 must open the cells containing the other Players. If not, then they'll just rot there, and that's no fun - or is it?

    There are 2 Exits out of HellBlok 2. At the Demon Convention, jump through the fast blinking Gate for an additional Blood-Slaughtering episode.

    Peace in Hell - Sean.


       (1 review)


  22. Gluckauf

    Started out with no real plan since this is my first level, ended up quite cohesive though. BTW I like secrets .


       (4 reviews)


  23. Imp's Challenge 1

    This is a DOOM level created using DoomEd - The Real Thing by Geoff Allan. It is a SINGLE player level. This is one of the toughest levels that I have created. It is the first in a series of Imp's challenges. It took myself and the Beta testers quite a few hours to complete this level. Now, we can complete the level in about six minutes. Comments on this level are welcome and I can be reached via Compuserve at address 73131,1037. I hope you enjoy this one. It is a real challenge.


       (3 reviews)



    I did not build this level with a lot of tricks and traps in mind, though there are a few of them, but instead as a good old shotgun crawl. You will have a variety of weapons to choose from but you will have to use your resources wisely. I tried to construct this level so that it can be completed if you use your head as well as your trigger finger. Running around blasting wildly at anything that moves may get you to the end of the level, but it may leave you a little short- handed to deal with what might be lurking there. I hope you enjoy this level. It took me a long time to finish it (I am constantly refining and touching up). I originally designed it for single or cooperative, but I have included several deathmatch starts and with the level's connectivity I think that it could work fairly well in deathmatch. Your responses are welcome and encouraged. Enjoy!!


       (5 reviews)


  25. GJ_E1M2.WAD

    Just another WAD file. Included with this WAD is a complete map of all areas in postscript format (LEVEL.MAP) generated with Renegade Graphics Doom Edit.


       (4 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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